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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

Page 11


  “Why do you need—” I halted as he turned to the other side, showing me what seemed to be a hickey on his neck.

  “And before you ask, no, Reese didn’t give me this.” He joked. “But he did tell me you’d know how to cover it.”

  I stopped short of my first bite of the burger. “You told him. I mean, about us. About last night.”

  “I had to tell him something. He saw it before I did, so it was kind of last minute to make something up. I didn’t think you’d mind. It was Reese, after all.”

  “How did he take it?”

  “Better than expected. Although, he did threaten to harm me if I broke your heart or caused you distress of any kind.”

  I put my burger down. “And will you?” I asked.

  “Which part,” he teased.


  “No. It’s not on my agenda to regret what’s happened between us. To be truly frank, I need to tell you I’ve been seeing a woman for some time now. I plan to break it off,” he stated nonchalantly.

  “I don’t know how to respond. I certainly don’t want to be the reason you broke up.”

  He stopped eating and stood, walking over to sit next to me on the sofa. “The situation I had with her was one of convenience. We had sex, which was the full extent of our association. There was never anything more than the physical between us.”

  What did I expect? I was already educated in the ways of Jasper going through women. I was stupid to think what happened between us meant more than just a fuck.

  “I should go,” I said, standing.

  He grabbed my hand. “Wait. Don’t be mad at me because I told you the truth. What I feel for you surpasses the physical. I didn’t want you hearing gossip, which I’m sure you’re privy to already. I felt coming clean was my best course of action. There’ll be no lies between us. I need you to guide me, because I’ve never cared about anyone. Rumour doesn’t count because she’s family. I have feelings for you. What they are I don’t know. What I do know is that I want to pursue these emotions.” He kissed me, then pressed his body into mine. I could feel his cock between us, and I ground into it. “You’re going to get yourself in trouble if you keep doing that. I’ll bend you over the desk and take what I want,” he whispered into my ear.

  “Maybe I want trouble,” I said, walking over to the door and locking it. “Why don’t you get rid of those pants?”

  He growled as he kicked off his shoes, then shed his pants. He sat in his desk chair to remove his briefs. Glory be, he was a gorgeous man. His shaft tipped upward, its crown wet with anticipation.

  “Stay seated,” I said as I bit my lip. I walked toward him, kicking my shoes off before I got to his chair. I hiked up my skirt as I went to my knees, placing my head between his legs.

  “Jesus, you’re going to make me come just because of the gesture.”

  “I’m sure you’ve had lots of these. I realize I’ve not given you this, and I wanted to.”

  “You gave me plenty, and though I’ve had a lot of oral sex, I haven’t had it by you.”

  “So you want me to suck your dick?”

  Jasper groaned. “Yes, please quit teasing me, or I will take charge and fuck you on the desk, the floor, and the sofa.”

  I suckled the tip as I ran three fingernails up one thigh. His legs widened, and I placed small kisses along his entire length. Jasper shifted, turning my licking into stroking him with pre-cum. I fondled his balls and sack as I readied myself to suck him into my mouth. I tongued the rim and his slit before I wrapped my hand around his shaft and inhaled him.

  His ramblings were incoherent at that point, with only moans between words. His hands swept through my hair as his cock skirted the roof of my mouth, the mere size of him causing me to choke. I felt pressure as he forced my head down, thrusting deeper. I took one hand and fed his dick from side to side. I hollowed my cheeks as his flesh swelled and stiffened. He was close to coming.

  I closed my eyes, hoping I could do this. I had never swallowed. Even my husband’s orgasm was spit out because it tasted so foul. I relaxed my throat muscles as he began to release. I gulped what seemed to be never-ending spurts of semen. Some drops dripped down my chin and onto my blouse. He finally stopped, and I looked up to see a hooded gaze of blue eyes staring back at me.

  He sat back in the leather chair as I stood. I padded to the bathroom and rinsed out my mouth and wiped my top with a wet paper towel.

  “Should I be thanking you for the one-of-a-kind side dish?” he asked, pulling up his pants and buckling his belt.

  “Only if you want to,” I replied, stuffing fries into my mouth. “I’ve never swallowed before. And I don’t have a clue why I just told you that.”

  He chuckled. “Honesty above all. So how was it? Remember to tell the truth.”

  “Salty and thick. Be glad I kind of like you, or that would be the one and only time I ever do that.”

  “Well, that was some commentary. I don’t believe it’s supposed to be a taste treat, but we could add some whipping cream next time… I mean, since you kind of like me. And just so you know, I kind of like you, too.”

  “So you were saying something about your desk?” I implied, walking to where Jasper sat.

  “You are a little minx, aren’t you? And though I truly would love bending you over my desk right now, I have a meeting with advertising in thirty minutes. I don’t wish to be on the clock when I’m inside you, so rain check for tonight.”

  “I didn’t know you did advertising, too. You’re a man of many talents.”

  “True on the latter, but the advertising team has an idea for possible billboards since I am the face of VIP.”

  “Something about you I didn’t know. Yes, I do like this face,” I said as I caressed the dark stubble on his chin. “But if you did a mass promotion showing your body, you’d get more female clientele.”

  “As much as I enjoy removing my clothing, I don’t relish seeing it thirty feet tall.”

  “I would, and I could brag about how I’m having sex with that sexual beast.”

  “Please go before you make me late. I’ll see you at home,” Jasper commented as he pulled me into an embrace to place a kiss on my lips.

  I reached into my purse and tossed him my concealer. Then, grabbing both bags, I strolled out the door and back to my office. I wasn’t supposed to be this giddy. The fear of Maynard finding me was replaced with the feelings I had for Jasper. I knew I was setting myself up to be hurt. A man like him wouldn’t want to stay with someone like me. I was just somebody he’d never been with before. Sexually inadequate but willing to learn.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen. Harriet Wellington hadn’t hired me to get involved with one of the partners. But I couldn’t help it. The moment Jasper looked at me with his penetrating blue eyes and said I had a fine ass in that accent of his, I was lost.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Just as I feared, the public relations department desired a fucking billboard of not only my face, but my physique. I squawked at the idea. Having ads in magazines and on American television was already pushing it. But displaying me half naked on a huge billboard sounded seedy and not in tune with what Kai, Reese, and I envisioned for this company. I sat quietly as I jotted down notes. I planned to get Kai and Reese onboard for a conference call to Harriet within the next two days. These people had lost their minds.

  Over two hours later and on the verge of a mental breakdown, I headed back to the office. I stopped briefly at Daisy’s closed door, willing myself not to knock. We’d only been apart for a couple hours, yet I felt the desire to see her, to be together. I heard country cursing and the typing of keys. She was busy working, and I dared not disturb her. I would be with her tonight.

  I whistled as I unlocked my own door and turned on the lights. Then I sat down and began to shuffle papers that needed to be filed.

  There was a knock.

  “Come in.”

  “I was wondering if I c
ould have a few moments,” Fady asked upon entering.

  “I actually was planning to call you in. I need all of this filed by day’s end,” I stated, handing her the paperwork.

  “Yes, I can do that,” she said, stopping with a pause. “You and I are over.”

  It was rather a statement of fact than a question.

  “I think so. I hope there will be no animosity between us. I do think we both knew this would end eventually.”

  “Is there someone else?”

  Her question caught me completely off guard. I hated lying. But I needed to protect Daisy.

  “Not yet. Why do you ask?”

  Fady flipped the paperwork back and forth before she sat on the sofa. The legs I’d admired so often crossed. The face that I deemed beautiful pinched in anger. “You’re a goddamn liar. You claim to be the virtue of truth, but you sit here and lie straight to my face. Jasper, you forgot to turn off the intercom—again.”

  Fuck. I’d done it countless times. I knew one day it would seal my fate, and here it was. She’d heard my conversation with Reese and witnessed my lunchtime blowjob.

  “I’m sorry. I owed you the truth, and the fact is I didn’t wish to hurt you.”

  “Oh, bullshite. You just didn’t want me to find out it was Ms. Jones. Of all the people I could see you with, you’re dumping me for that country trash. Seriously? She’s rather old, and do you know she’s married? She’s, what, staying at your house, and you passed on last night to fuck that cretin? If you were tossing me to the side for someone of higher caliber, I wouldn’t be so incensed. But for God’s sake, Jasper, how long do you think that country crone can hold your interest? Because at some point, you’ll want a younger woman to fuck.”

  “Enough,” I bellowed. “I understand you’re upset, but be mad with me, not her. She didn’t even know about you, so desist with the name-calling. If you eavesdropped, you already know my mind is made up, and being a cunt—which is why I didn’t dare tell you in the first place—will never win me back. You want truth? I stayed with you longer than anybody. I might have pondered us as being more, but then I met Daisy and she changed my needs.”

  “I’m just finding it hard to believe that woman is what you want. Monogamy is not your style. You’ll never be able to do it,” Fady said as she padded to me and sat on the corner of the desk. “I heard her wind you up with her pitiful excuse for oral. I’m here if you need to take the edge off. We were so good together. She’ll never take it up the arse, not like I have.”

  Never say never.

  “Fady, please go back to your office. Why the hell are you being so difficult? I never promised you anything.”

  “If it was any other woman… But she is beneath me and you. It’s not like you to go trolling in the gutter.”

  “That’s enough!” I roared, slamming my fist on the desk, then standing. “Go, now! I had hoped this to be a civil conclusion, but now you’ve made it personal.”

  “You’re right about it being personal. Do you think I just sleep with any man? It has to serve a purpose, and I always have a backup plan. Oh, Jasper, you’re just a man hiding behind eight-thousand-dollar suits, pretending to be something you’re not. I know all about you, and it seems for all your honesty, you’ve omitted quite a bit.” Her tone sounded bitter.

  “You know only what I’ve allowed you to know,” I countered with a dark glare.

  “I know you’re worth quite a bit more than ten million. You have many offshore accounts. And I know what happened—”

  Fady was rattling a cage I’d locked years ago. “If you value your miserable tongue, you’ll stop there. If you’re truly aware of my past, you should be afraid, not taunting me.”

  “I’ve figured out why you’re such a freak about anal. So you don’t have to look into their faces. You’re just a frightened little boy who doesn’t want anyone to see the true monster behind the mask. I read the transcript.”

  Fuck, there is no way. “Look who’s calling me a liar. Those records were sealed twelve years ago.”

  “It pays to know hackers. Nothing is private. You can find anything if you know where to look, and cash is always a good motivator.”

  I sighed, weary. “What is it you want?”

  Fady shrugged. “Money. It’s always about money, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t do well with extortion. How much?”

  “Quite a lot, actually. Five million. You certainly don’t want your past getting out to Kai, Reese, and Harriet. I’d say it would be very bad for business, not to mention if your latest trollop found out. I’ll send you transaction details. Of course, I’ll be terminating my employment here. Let payroll know you’ll need another assistant in two days’ time will you? Just remember you brought this on yourself by dissolving our relationship. I never had plans to actually do this, but you forced my hand when you decided to end things.”

  “We had no relationship. Get out,” I shouted, pointing to the door.

  The woman was as delusional as she was greedy. I’d always known my day of reckoning would come. But somehow I hadn’t figured it would be a disgruntled lover. I suppose what they say about a woman’s scorn holds truth, but she typically isn’t asking for millions along with that demeanor.

  I collapsed in my desk chair, then found my mobile. I needed counsel from someone older and far wiser than myself.

  “What is it, brother? It’s not like you to call but for holidays and possibly my birthday.”

  “Have you left that wretch of a husband yet? Or do I have to come back to London and throw the loser out?” In truth, I hadn’t been home in six years. I’d left after the birth of my niece.

  Rumour snorted. “No, Bentley and I are attempting to work it out.”

  “Just pay him off to fucking go away, the wanker,” I said with annoyance. Their marriage had been over for years because Bentley had a heavy hand.

  “I will when the time comes, but currently, Annis needs her father.”

  My voice softened. “And how is my niece?”

  “A very precocious six-year-old. I’m going to turn gray by the time she’s ten, I swear. Anytime you want her, she could vacation with you.”

  I laughed. “As much as I love Annis and appreciate the gesture, I’m no good with kids. You know that.”

  “Yes, but I still believe there’s hope for you yet. Will there ever be any chance of fatherhood in your future?”

  I scoffed. “Ah, that would be never. I don’t think I’d handle the position very well, considering I lacked one myself.”

  “I didn’t mean to dredge up the past, Jasper. What happened wasn’t your fault. My wish is that you let it go and make room for something else. And by something else, I mean a woman. Not the harpies you have sex with, but someone you have real affection for.”

  “How will I know?” I asked.

  “Brother, you are twenty-nine years old. You’ll know.” She paused for a moment. “Wait. Why are you asking? Are you with someone you care for? Please tell me it’s not that boorish Fady. I didn’t care for her when we spoke last.”

  “Fady and I have parted ways. I handled it quite carelessly, and now I found out she has dredged up my past and wants money to keep quiet. It seems I might have gotten older, but not smarter. I wasn’t expecting this from her. She’s gotten me quite disconcerted. I could lose everything, including the new woman. She’s older and from a completely different background. But I find myself attracted to her, and I don’t wish for it to end.”

  “How much older? Are we talking grandmotherly?” she teased.

  I chuckled. “She’s forty-three and has a husband much like yours.”

  “She’s married?” Rumour gasped. “Oh, Jasper.”

  “They’re separated. She arrived here under the protection of the FBI. She’s our new accountant.”

  “Still screwing the help, I see.”

  “Fucking would be a more literal term.”

  “Oh bloody hell, stop. You’re making my ear bleed. Speaking of
sex, how long until she gave it up? This is how I rate all your paramours.” She giggled.

  “Almost three months. But does oral count? Because I ate her within the first week.” I grinned and then laughed because I knew my sister was cringing.

  “I am surprised. She must have been out of your reach, or you must have been engaged elsewhere not to seal the deal sooner. I know you, brother.”

  “True, I was with Fady, but Daisy—that’s her name—has been living under my roof since I found out her husband threatened to take her life if he found her. I couldn’t let that slide.”

  “I’m worried about you.” She exhaled a deep breath, clearly audible on the line. “You can’t get involved. It’s not in your best interest, especially now that Fady has unearthed your past. You only escaped the last time because you were a minor. Now you’re a man, and you will be charged.

  “Does this Daisy know about your history? I’d almost bet if she did, she wouldn’t ask you for safety. You can’t be responsible for everyone. It will suffocate you. You’re not the only one who lost people. The worst is that I lost you, yet you still lived. Jasper, you became a shell of who you were meant to be. I cannot go through that again.”

  “What am I to do if I love her? I can’t sit idly by and see her murdered. You forget I found them, and I’m telling you if anything happened to her, I wouldn’t survive it.”

  Rumour made a small sound of concern. “I wish I could be with you right now. I sense you need me.”

  “I have her. She’s what I need right now.”

  “Then I’m glad for you. Just swear you won’t lose your mind if things go south. At least promise me if she is the one, you’ll confide in her. Do not let her find out through that whore. It will be much worse.”

  “I want to tell her, but later. What we have is too new to bring up shite so evil. She’s the type of person who would walk away from me, knowing it would be bad if she stayed.”

  “Then I like her already.”

  * * *

  Before leaving the office, I slipped on my jacket, then combed my hair. Daisy had left before me, I assumed, since her office was quiet. I was mentally exhausted from the conflict with Fady and talking to my sister. The prospect that I might love Daisy perplexed me further. When and how did that happen? I’d spent years cultivating a vile personality and a lifeless heart.


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