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Complete Works of Homer

Page 40

by Homer

  To take the draught of chariots by any mortal's hand;

  The great grandchild of iEacus hath only their command,

  Whom an immortal mother bore. While thou attend'st on these,

  The young Atrides, in defence of Menoetiades,

  Hath slain Euphorbus." Thus the God took troop with men again,

  And Hector, heartily perplexed, looked round, and saw the slain

  Still shedding rivers from his wound; and then took envious view

  Of brave Atrides with his spoil, in way to whom he flew

  Like one of Yulcan's quenchless flames. Atrides heard the cry

  That ever ushered him, and sighed, and said: " O me, if I

  Should leave, these goodly arms and him that here lies dead for me,

  I fear I should offend the Greeks; if I should stay and be

  Alone with Hector and his men, I may be compassed in,

  Some sleight or other they may use, many may quickly win

  Their wills of one, and all Troy comes ever where Hector leads.

  But why, dear mind, dost thou thus talk? When men dare set their heads

  Against the Gods, as sure they do that fight with men they love,

  Straight one or other plague ensues. It cannot therefore move

  The grudge of any Greek that sees I yield to Hector, he

  Still fighting with a spirit from heaven. And yet if I could see

  Brave Ajax, he and I would stand, though 'gainst a God; and sure

  'Tis best I seek him, and then see if we two cau procure

  This corse's freedom through all these. A little then let rest

  The body, and my mind be still. Of two bads choose the best."

  In this discourse, the troops of Troy were in with him, and he

  Made such a lion-like retreat as when the herdsmen see

  The royal savage, and come on, with men, dogs, cries, and spears,

  To clear their horned stall, and then the kingly heart he bears

  (With all his high disdain) falls off; so from this odds of aid

  The golden-haired Atrides fled, and in his strength displayed

  Upon his left hand him he wished, extremely busied

  About encouraging his men, to whom an extreme dread

  Apollo had infused. The king reached Ajax instantly,

  And said : " Come, friend, let us two haste, and from the tyranny

  Of Hector free Patroclus' corse." He straight and gladly went;

  And then was Hector haling off the body, with intent

  To spoil the shoulders of the dead and give the dogs the rest,

  His arms he having prized before, when Ajax brought his breast

  To bar all further spoil. With that he had sure Hector thought

  'Twas best to satisfy his spleen; which temper Ajax wrought

  With his mere sight, and Hector fled. The arms he sent to Troy,

  To make his citizens admire, and pray Jove send him joy.

  Then Ajax gathered to the corse, and hid it with his targe,

  There setting down as sure a foot as, in the tender charge

  Of his loved whelps, a lion doth, two hundred hunters near

  To give him onset, their more force makes him the more austere,

  Drowns all their clamours in his roars, darts, dogs, doth all despise,

  And lets his rough brows down so low they cover all his eyes;

  So Ajax looked, and stood, and stayed for great Priamides.'

  When Glaucus Hippolochides saw Ajax thus depress

  The spirit of Hector, thus he chid : " O goodly man at arms,

  In fight a Paris, why should fame make thee fort 'gainst our harms,

  Being such a fugitive? Now mark how well thy boasts defend

  Thy city only with her own. Be sure it shall descend

  To that proof wholly. Not a man of any Lycian rank

  Shall strike one stroke more for thy town, for no man gets a thank

  Should he eternally fight here, nor any guard of thee.

  How wilt thou, worthless that thou art, keep off an enemy

  From our poor soldiers, when their prince, Sarpedon, guest and friend

  To thee, and most deservedly, thou flew'st from in his end,

  And left'st to all the lust of Greece? O Gods, a man that was

  In life so huge a good to Troy, and to thee such a grace,

  In death not kept by thee from dogs! If my friends will do well,

  We'll take our shoulders from your walls, and let all sink to hell;

  As all will, were our faces turned. Did such a spirit breathe

  In all you Trojans as becomes all men that fight beneath

  Their country's standard, you would see that such as prop your cause

  With like exposure of their lives have all the honoured laws

  Of such a dear confederacy kept to them to a thread,

  As now ye might reprise the arms Sarpedon forfeited

  By forfeit of your rights to him, would you but lend your hands

  And force Patroclus to your Troy. Ye know how dear he stands

  In his love that of all the Greeks is, for himself, far best,

  And leads the best near-fighting men, and therefore would at least

  Redeem Sarpedon's arms, nay him, whom you have likewise lost.

  This body drawn to Ilion would after draw and cost

  A greater ransom if you pleased; but Ajax startles you;

  'Tis his breast bars this right to us; his looks are darts enow

  To mix great Hector with his men. And not to blame ye are

  You choose foes underneath your strengths, Ajax exceeds ye far."

  Hector looked passing sour at this, and answered : " Why dar'st thou,

  So under, talk above me so? O friend, I thought till now

  Thy wisdom was superior to all th' inhabitants

  Of gleby Lycia; but now impute apparent wants

  To that discretion thy words show, to say I lost my ground

  For Ajax' greatness. Nor fear I the field in combats drowned,

  Nor force of chariots, but I fear a Power much better seen

  In right of all war than all we. That God, that holds between

  Our victory and us his shield, lets conquest come and go,

  At his free pleasure, and with fear converts her changes so

  Upon the strongest. Men must fight when his just spirit impels,

  Not their vain glories. But come on, make thy steps parallels

  To these of mine, and then be judge how deep the work will draw.

  If then I spend the day in shifts, or thou canst give such law

  To thy detractive speeches then, or if the Grecian host

  Holds any that in pride of strength holds up his spirit most,

  Whom, for the carriage of this prince that thou enforcest so,

  I make not stoop in his defence. You, friends, ye hear and know

  How much it fits ye to make good this Grecian I have slain,

  For ransom of Jove's son, our friend. Play then the worthy men,

  Till I endue Achilles' arms." This said, he left the fight,

  And called back those that bore the arms, not yet without his sight,

  In convoy of them towards Troy. For them he changed his own,

  Removed from where it rained* tears, and sent them back to town.

  Then put he on th' eternal arms that the Celestial States

  Gave Peleus; Peleus being old their use appropriates

  To his Achilles, that, like him, forsook them not for age.

  When he, whose empire is in clouds, saw Hector bent to wage

  War in divine Achilles' arms, he shook his head,.and said :

  “Poor wretch, thy thoughts are far from death, though he so near hath laid

  His ambush for thee. Thou putt'st on those arms, as braving him

  Whom others fear, hast slain his friend, and from his youthful limb

  Torn rudely off his heavenly arms, himself being gentle, k

  And valiant. Equal measure then thy life in youth must find.

  Yet since the justice is so strict, that, not Andromache,

  In thy denied return from fight, must ever take of thee

  Those arms, in glory of thy acts, thou shalt have that frail blaze

  Of excellence, that neighbours death; a strength even to amaze."

  To this his sable brows did bow; and he made fit his limb

  To those great arms, to fill which up the War-god entered him

  Austere and terrible, his joint" and every part extends

  With strength and fortitude; and thus to his admiring friends

  High Clamour brought him. He so shined, that all could think no less

  But he resembled every way great-souled Aeacides.

  Then every way he scoured the field, his captains calling on;

  Asteropseus, Eunomus that foresaw all things done,

  Glaucus, and Medon, Desinor, and strong Thersilocus,

  Phorcis, and Mesthles, Chromius, and great Hippothous;

  To all these, and their populous troops, these his excitements were :

  “Hear us, innumerable friends, near-bordering nations, hear :

  We have not called you from your towns to fill our idle eye

  With number of so many men (no such vain empery

  Did ever joy us) but to fight, and of our Trojan wives,

  With all their children, manfully to save the innocent lives,

  In whose cares we draw all our towns of aiding soldiers dry

  With gifts, guards, victual, all things fit, and hearten their supply

  With all like rights; and therefore now let all sides set down this,

  Or live, or perish; this of war the special secret is.

  In which most resolute design, who ever bears to town

  Patroclus, laid dead to his' hand, by winning the renown

  Of Ajax' slaughter, the half-spoil we wholly will impart

  To his free use, and to ourself the other half convert;

  And so the glory shall be shared, ourself will have no more

  Than he shall shine in." This drew all to bring abroad their store

  Before the body. Every man had hope it would be his,

  And forced from Ajax. Silly fools, Ajax prevented this

  By raising rampires to his friend with half their carcasses.

  And yet his humour was to roar, and fear, and now no less

  To startle Sparta's king, to whom he cried out: " O my friend!

  O Menelaus! Ne'er more hope to get off; here's the end

  Of all our labours. Not so much I fear to lose the corse

  (For that's sure gone, the fowls of Troy and dogs will quickly force

  That piece-meal) as I fear my head, and thine, O Atreus' son.

  Hector a cloud brings will hide all. Instant destruction,

  Grievous and heavy, comes. O call our peers to aid us; fly."

  He hasted, and used all his voice, sent far and near his cry :

  “O princes, chief lights of the Greeks, and you that publicly

  Eat with our General and me, all men of charge, O know

  Jove gives both grace and dignity to any that will show

  Good minds for only good itself, though presently the eye

  Of him that rules discern him not. 'Tis hard for me t' espy

  Through all this smoke of burning fight each captain in his place,

  And call assistance to our need. Be then each other's grace,

  And freely follow each his next. Disdain to let the joy

  Of great Aeacides be forced to feed the beasts of Troy."

  His voice was first heard and oheyed by swift Oi'liades;

  Idomeneus and his mate, renowned Meriones,

  Were seconds to Oileus' son; but, of the rest, whose mind

  Can lay upon his voice the names that after these comhined

  In setting up this fight on end? The Trojans first gave on.

  And as into the sea's vast mouth when mighty rivers run,

  Their hillows and the sea resound, and all the utter shore

  Rebellows in her angry shocks the sea's repulsive roar;

  With such sounds gave the Trojans charge, so was their charge repressed.

  One mind filled all Greeks, good brass shields close couched to every breast,

  And on their bright helms Jove poured down a mighty deal of night

  To hide Patroclus, whom alive, and when he was the knight

  Of that grandchild of ^Eacus, Saturnius did not hate,

  Nor dead would see him dealt to dogs, and so did instigate

  His fellows to his worthy guard. At first the Trojans drave

  The black-eyed Grecians from the corse, but not a blow they gave

  That came at death. A while they hung about the body's heels,

  The Greeks quite gone. But all that while did Ajax whet the steels

  Of all his forces, that cut back way to the corse again.

  Brave Ajax (that for form and fact passed all that did maintain

  The Grecian fame, next Thetis' son) now flew before the first.

  And as a sort of dogs and youths are by a boar disperst

  About a mountain; so fled these from mighty Ajax, all

  That stood in conflict for the corse, who thought no chance could fall

  Betwixt them and the prize at Troy, for bold Hippothous,

  Lethus, Pelasgus' famous son, was so adventurous

  That he would stand to bore the corse about the ankle-bone,

  Where all the nervy fihres meet and ligaments in one,

  That make the motion of those parts; through which he did convey

  The thong or hawdrick of his shield, and so was drawing away

  All thanks from Hector and his friends; but in their stead he drew.

  An ill that no man could avert, for Telamonius threw

  A lance that struck quite through his helm, his brain came leaping out;

  Down fell Letheides, and with him the body's hoisted foot.

  Far from Larissa's soil he fell; a little time allowed

  To his industrious spirits to quit the benefits bestowed

  By his kind parents. But his wreak Priamides assayed,

  And threw at Ajax; but his dart, discovered, passed, and stayed

  At Schedius, son of Iphitus, a man of ablest hand

  Of all the strong Phocensians, and lived with great command

  In Panopeus. The fell dart fell through his channel-bone,

  Pierced through his shoulder's upper part, and set his spirit gone.

  When after his another flew, the same hand giving wing

  To martial Phorcis' startled soul, that was the after spring

  Of Phoenops' seed. The javelin strook his curets through, and tore

  The bowels from the belly's midst. His fall made those before

  Give back a little, Hector's self enforced to turn his face.

  And then the Greeks bestowed their shouts, took vantage of the chace,

  Drew off, and spoiled Hippothous and Phorcis of their arms.

  And then ascended Ilion had shaken with alarms,

  Discovering th' impotence of Troy, even past the will of Jove,

  And by the proper force of Greece, had Phoebus failed to move

  JEneas in similitude of Periphas (the son

  Of grave Epytes) king at arms, and had good service done

  To old Anchises, being wise, and even with him in years.

  But, like this man, the far-seen God to Venus' son appears,

  And asked him how he would maintain steep Ilion in her height

  In spite of Gods, as he presumed, when men approved so slight

  All his presumptions, and all theirs that puffed him with that pride,

  Believing in their proper strengths, and generally supplied

  With such unfrighted multitudes? But he well knew that Jove,

  Besides their self-conceits, sustained their forces with more love
  Than theirs of Greece, and yet all that lacked power to hearten them.

  .ZEneas knew the God, and said : " It was a shame extreme,

  That those of Greece should beat them so, and by their cowardice,

  Not want of man's aid nor the Gods'; and this before his eyes

  A Deity stood even now and vouched, affirming Jove their aid;

  And so bade Hector and the rest, to whom all this he said,

  Turn head, and not in that quick ease part with the corse to Greece."

  This said, before them all he flew, and all as of a piece

  Against the Greeks flew. Venus' son Leocritus did end,

  Son of Arisbas, and had place of Lycomedes' friend,

  Whose fall he friendly pitied, and, in revenge, bestowed

  A lance that Apisaon struck so sore that straight he strowed

  The dusty centre, and did stick in that congealed blood

  That forms the liver. Second man he was to all that stood

  In name for arms amongst the troop that from Pseonia came,

  Asteropaeus being the first, -who was in ruth the same

  That Lycomedes was; like whom, he put forth for- the wreak

  Of his slain friend, but wrought it not, because he could not break

  The bulwark made of Grecian shields and bristled wood of spears

  Combined about the body slain. Amongst whom Ajax bears

  The greatest labour, every way exhorting to abide,

  And no man fly the corse a foot, nor break their ranks in pride

  Of any foremost daring spirit, but each foot hold his stand,

  And use the closest fight they could. And this was the command

  Of mighty Ajax; which observed, they steeped the earth in blood.

  The Trojans and their friends fell thick. Nor all the Grecians stood

  (Though far the fewer suffered fate) for ever they had care

  To shun confusion, and the toil that still oppresseth there.

  So set they all the field on fire; with which you would have thought

  The sun and moon had been put out, in such a smoke they fought

  About the person of the prince. But all the field beside

  Fought underneath a lightsome heaven; the sun was in his pride,

  And such expansure of his beams he thrust out of his throne,

  That not a vapour durst appear in all that region,

  No, not upon the highest hill. There fought they still and breathed,

  Shunned danger, cast their darts aloof, and not a sword unsheathed.

  The other plied it, and the war and night plied them as well,

  The cruel steel afflicting all; the strongest did not dwell


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