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Complete Works of Homer

Page 100

by Homer

  The maid, my black-eyed maid, he forced away,

  Due to the toils of many a well-fought day;

  Due to my conquest of her father's reign;

  Due to the votes of all the Grecian train.

  From me he forced her; me, the bold and brave,

  Disgraced, dishonour'd, like the meanest slave.

  But bear we this — the wrongs I grieve are past;

  'Tis time our fury should relent at last:

  I fix'd its date; the day I wish'd appears:

  How Hector to my ships his battle bears,

  The flames my eyes, the shouts invade my ears.

  Go then, Patroclus! court fair honour's charms

  In Troy's famed fields, and in Achilles' arms:

  Lead forth my martial Myrmidons to fight,

  Go save the fleets, and conquer in my right.

  See the thin relics of their baffled band

  At the last edge of yon deserted land!

  Behold all Ilion on their ships descends;

  How the cloud blackens, how the storm impends!

  It was not thus, when, at my sight amazed,

  Troy saw and trembled, as this helmet blazed:

  Had not the injurious king our friendship lost,

  Yon ample trench had buried half her host.

  No camps, no bulwarks now the Trojans fear,

  Those are not dreadful, no Achilles there;

  No longer flames the lance of Tydeus' son;

  No more your general calls his heroes on:

  Hector, alone, I hear; his dreadful breath

  Commands your slaughter, or proclaims your death.

  Yet now, Patroclus, issue to the plain:

  Now save the ships, the rising fires restrain,

  And give the Greeks to visit Greece again.

  But heed my words, and mark a friend's command,

  Who trusts his fame and honours in thy hand,

  And from thy deeds expects the Achaian host

  Shall render back the beauteous maid he lost:

  Rage uncontroll'd through all the hostile crew,

  But touch not Hector, Hector is my due.

  Though Jove in thunder should command the war,

  Be just, consult my glory, and forbear.

  The fleet once saved, desist from further chase,

  Nor lead to Ilion's walls the Grecian race;

  Some adverse god thy rashness may destroy;

  Some god, like Phoebus, ever kind to Troy.

  Let Greece, redeem'd from this destructive strait,

  Do her own work; and leave the rest to fate.

  O! would to all the immortal powers above,

  Apollo, Pallas, and almighty Jove!

  That not one Trojan might be left alive,

  And not a Greek of all the race survive:

  Might only we the vast destruction shun,

  And only we destroy the accursed town!"

  Such conference held the chiefs; while on the strand

  Great Jove with conquest crown'd the Trojan band.

  Ajax no more the sounding storm sustain'd,

  So thick the darts an iron tempest rain'd:

  On his tired arm the weighty buckler hung;

  His hollow helm with falling javelins rung;

  His breath, in quick short pantings, comes and goes;

  And painful sweat from all his members flows.

  Spent and o'erpower'd, he barely breathes at most;

  Yet scarce an army stirs him from his post;

  Dangers on dangers all around him glow,

  And toil to toil, and woe succeeds to woe.

  Say, Muses, throned above the starry frame,

  How first the navy blazed with Trojan flame?

  Stern Hector waved his sword, and standing near,

  Where furious Ajax plied his ashen spear,

  Full on the lance a stroke so justly sped,

  That the broad falchion lopp'd its brazen head;

  His pointless spear the warrior shakes in vain;

  The brazen head falls sounding on the plain.

  Great Ajax saw, and own'd the hand divine;

  Confessing Jove, and trembling at the sign,

  Warn'd he retreats. Then swift from all sides pour

  The hissing brands; thick streams the fiery shower;

  O'er the high stern the curling volumes rise,

  And sheets of rolling smoke involve the skies.

  Divine Achilles view'd the rising flames,

  And smote his thigh, and thus aloud exclaims:

  "Arm, arm, Patroclus! Lo, the blaze aspires!

  The glowing ocean reddens with the fires.

  Arm, ere our vessels catch the spreading flame;

  Arm, ere the Grecians be no more a name;

  I haste to bring the troops." — The hero said;

  The friend with ardour and with joy obey'd.

  He cased his limbs in brass; and first around

  His manly legs, with silver buckles bound

  The clasping greaves; then to his breast applies

  The flaming cuirass of a thousand dyes;

  Emblazed with studs of gold his falchion shone

  In the rich belt, as in a starry zone:

  Achilles' shield his ample shoulders spread,

  Achilles' helmet nodded o'er his head:

  Adorn'd in all his terrible array,

  He flash'd around intolerable day.

  Alone untouch'd, Pelides' javelin stands,

  Not to be poised but by Pelides' hands:

  From Pelion's shady brow the plant entire

  Old Chiron rent, and shaped it for his sire;

  Whose son's great arm alone the weapon wields,

  The death of heroes, and the dread of fields.


  The brave Automedon (an honour'd name,

  The second to his lord in love and fame,

  In peace his friend, and partner of the war)

  The winged coursers harness'd to the car;

  Xanthus and Balius, of immortal breed,

  Sprung from the wind, and like the wind in speed.

  Whom the wing'd harpy, swift Podarge, bore,

  By Zephyr pregnant on the breezy shore:

  Swift Pedasus was added to their side,

  (Once great Aetion's, now Achilles' pride)

  Who, like in strength, in swiftness, and in grace,

  A mortal courser match'd the immortal race.

  Achilles speeds from tent to tent, and warms

  His hardy Myrmidons to blood and arms.

  All breathing death, around the chief they stand,

  A grim, terrific, formidable band:

  Grim as voracious wolves, that seek the springs

  When scalding thirst their burning bowels wrings;

  When some tall stag, fresh-slaughtered in the wood,

  Has drench'd their wide insatiate throats with blood,

  To the black fount they rush, a hideous throng,

  With paunch distended, and with lolling tongue,

  Fire fills their eye, their black jaws belch the gore,

  And gorged with slaughter still they thirst for more.

  Like furious, rush'd the Myrmidonian crew,

  Such their dread strength, and such their deathful view.

  High in the midst the great Achilles stands,

  Directs their order, and the war commands.

  He, loved of Jove, had launch'd for Ilion's shores

  Full fifty vessels, mann'd with fifty oars:

  Five chosen leaders the fierce bands obey,

  Himself supreme in valour, as in sway.

  First march'd Menestheus, of celestial birth,

  Derived from thee, whose waters wash the earth,

  Divine Sperchius! Jove-descended flood!

  A mortal mother mixing with a god.

  Such was Menestheus, but miscall'd by fame

  The son of Borus, that espoused the dame.

  Eudorus next; whom Polymele the gay,

>   Famed in the graceful dance, produced to-day.

  Her, sly Cellenius loved: on her would gaze,

  As with swift step she form'd the running maze:

  To her high chamber from Diana's quire,

  The god pursued her, urged, and crown'd his fire.

  The son confess'd his father's heavenly race,

  And heir'd his mother's swiftness in the chase.

  Strong Echecleus, bless'd in all those charms

  That pleased a god, succeeded to her arms;

  Not conscious of those loves, long hid from fame,

  With gifts of price he sought and won the dame;

  Her secret offspring to her sire she bare;

  Her sire caress'd him with a parent's care.

  Pisander follow'd; matchless in his art

  To wing the spear, or aim the distant dart;

  No hand so sure of all the Emathian line,

  Or if a surer, great Patroclus! thine.

  The fourth by Phoenix' grave command was graced,

  Laerces' valiant offspring led the last.

  Soon as Achilles with superior care

  Had call'd the chiefs, and order'd all the war,

  This stern remembrance to his troops he gave:

  "Ye far-famed Myrmidons, ye fierce and brave!

  Think with what threats you dared the Trojan throng,

  Think what reproach these ears endured so long;

  'Stern son of Peleus, (thus ye used to say,

  While restless, raging, in your ships you lay)

  Oh nursed with gall, unknowing how to yield;

  Whose rage defrauds us of so famed a field:

  If that dire fury must for ever burn,

  What make we here? Return, ye chiefs, return!'

  Such were your words — Now, warriors! grieve no more,

  Lo there the Trojans; bathe your swords in gore!

  This day shall give you all your soul demands,

  Glut all your hearts, and weary all your hands!"


  Thus while he roused the fire in every breast,

  Close and more close the listening cohorts press'd;

  Ranks wedged in ranks; of arms a steely ring

  Still grows, and spreads, and thickens round the king.

  As when a circling wall the builder forms,

  Of strength defensive against wind and storms,

  Compacted stones the thickening work compose,

  And round him wide the rising structure grows:

  So helm to helm, and crest to crest they throng,

  Shield urged on shield, and man drove man along;

  Thick, undistinguish'd plumes, together join'd,

  Float in one sea, and wave before the wind.

  Far o'er the rest in glittering pomp appear,

  There bold Automedon, Patroclus here;

  Brothers in arms, with equal fury fired;

  Two friends, two bodies with one soul inspired.

  But mindful of the gods, Achilles went

  To the rich coffer in his shady tent;

  There lay on heaps his various garments roll'd,

  And costly furs, and carpets stiff with gold,

  (The presents of the silver-footed dame)

  From thence he took a bowl, of antique frame,

  Which never man had stained with ruddy wine,

  Nor raised in offerings to the power divine,

  But Peleus' son; and Peleus' son to none

  Had raised in offerings, but to Jove alone.

  This tinged with sulphur, sacred first to flame,

  He purged; and wash'd it in the running stream.

  Then cleansed his hands; and fixing for a space

  His eyes on heaven, his feet upon the place

  Of sacrifice, the purple draught he pour'd

  Forth in the midst; and thus the god implored:

  "O thou supreme! high-throned all height above!

  O great Pelasgic, Dodonaean Jove!

  Who 'midst surrounding frosts, and vapours chill,

  Presid'st on bleak Dodona's vocal hill:

  (Whose groves the Selli, race austere! surround,

  Their feet unwash'd, their slumbers on the ground;

  Who hear, from rustling oaks, thy dark decrees;

  And catch the fates, low-whispered in the breeze;)

  Hear, as of old! Thou gav'st, at Thetis' prayer,

  Glory to me, and to the Greeks despair.

  Lo, to the dangers of the fighting field

  The best, the dearest of my friends, I yield,

  Though still determined, to my ships confined;

  Patroclus gone, I stay but half behind.

  Oh! be his guard thy providential care,

  Confirm his heart, and string his arm to war:

  Press'd by his single force let Hector see

  His fame in arms not owing all to me.

  But when the fleets are saved from foes and fire,

  Let him with conquest and renown retire;

  Preserve his arms, preserve his social train,

  And safe return him to these eyes again!"

  Great Jove consents to half the chief's request,

  But heaven's eternal doom denies the rest;

  To free the fleet was granted to his prayer;

  His safe return, the winds dispersed in air.

  Back to his tent the stern Achilles flies,

  And waits the combat with impatient eyes.

  Meanwhile the troops beneath Patroclus' care,

  Invade the Trojans, and commence the war.

  As wasps, provoked by children in their play,

  Pour from their mansions by the broad highway,

  In swarms the guiltless traveller engage,

  Whet all their stings, and call forth all their rage:

  All rise in arms, and, with a general cry,

  Assert their waxen domes, and buzzing progeny.

  Thus from the tents the fervent legion swarms,

  So loud their clamours, and so keen their arms:

  Their rising rage Patroclus' breath inspires,

  Who thus inflames them with heroic fires:

  "O warriors, partners of Achilles' praise!

  Be mindful of your deeds in ancient days;

  Your godlike master let your acts proclaim,

  And add new glories to his mighty name.

  Think your Achilles sees you fight: be brave,

  And humble the proud monarch whom you save."

  Joyful they heard, and kindling as he spoke,

  Flew to the fleet, involved in fire and smoke.

  From shore to shore the doubling shouts resound,

  The hollow ships return a deeper sound.

  The war stood still, and all around them gazed,

  When great Achilles' shining armour blazed:

  Troy saw, and thought the dread Achilles nigh,

  At once they see, they tremble, and they fly.

  Then first thy spear, divine Patroclus! flew,

  Where the war raged, and where the tumult grew.

  Close to the stern of that famed ship which bore

  Unbless'd Protesilaus to Ilion's shore,

  The great Paeonian, bold Pyrechmes stood;

  (Who led his bands from Axius' winding flood;)

  His shoulder-blade receives the fatal wound;

  The groaning warrior pants upon the ground.

  His troops, that see their country's glory slain,

  Fly diverse, scatter'd o'er the distant plain.

  Patroclus' arm forbids the spreading fires,

  And from the half-burn'd ship proud Troy retires;

  Clear'd from the smoke the joyful navy lies;

  In heaps on heaps the foe tumultuous flies;

  Triumphant Greece her rescued decks ascends,

  And loud acclaim the starry region rends.

  So when thick clouds enwrap the mountain's head,

  O'er heaven's expanse like one black ceiling spread;

  Sudden the Thunderer
, with a flashing ray,

  Bursts through the darkness, and lets down the day:

  The hills shine out, the rocks in prospect rise,

  And streams, and vales, and forests, strike the eyes;

  The smiling scene wide opens to the sight,

  And all the unmeasured ether flames with light.

  But Troy repulsed, and scatter'd o'er the plains,

  Forced from the navy, yet the fight maintains.

  Now every Greek some hostile hero slew,

  But still the foremost, bold Patroclus flew:

  As Areilycus had turn'd him round,

  Sharp in his thigh he felt the piercing wound;

  The brazen-pointed spear, with vigour thrown,

  The thigh transfix'd, and broke the brittle bone:

  Headlong he fell. Next, Thoas was thy chance;

  Thy breast, unarm'd, received the Spartan lance.

  Phylides' dart (as Amphidus drew nigh)

  His blow prevented, and transpierced his thigh,

  Tore all the brawn, and rent the nerves away;

  In darkness, and in death, the warrior lay.

  In equal arms two sons of Nestor stand,

  And two bold brothers of the Lycian band:

  By great Antilochus, Atymnius dies,

  Pierced in the flank, lamented youth! he lies,

  Kind Maris, bleeding in his brother's wound,

  Defends the breathless carcase on the ground;

  Furious he flies, his murderer to engage:

  But godlike Thrasimed prevents his rage,

  Between his arm and shoulder aims a blow;

  His arm falls spouting on the dust below:

  He sinks, with endless darkness cover'd o'er:

  And vents his soul, effused with gushing gore.

  Slain by two brothers, thus two brothers bleed,

  Sarpedon's friends, Amisodarus' seed;

  Amisodarus, who, by Furies led,

  The bane of men, abhorr'd Chimaera bred;

  Skill'd in the dart in vain, his sons expire,

  And pay the forfeit of their guilty sire.

  Stopp'd in the tumult Cleobulus lies,

  Beneath Oileus' arm, a living prize;

  A living prize not long the Trojan stood;

  The thirsty falchion drank his reeking blood:

  Plunged in his throat the smoking weapon lies;

  Black death, and fate unpitying, seal his eyes.

  Amid the ranks, with mutual thirst of fame,

  Lycon the brave, and fierce Peneleus came;

  In vain their javelins at each other flew,

  Now, met in arms, their eager swords they drew.

  On the plumed crest of his Boeotian foe

  The daring Lycon aim'd a noble blow;

  The sword broke short; but his, Peneleus sped


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