Complete Works of Homer

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Complete Works of Homer Page 136

by Homer

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  The battle is continued. The Trojans being closely pursued, Hector by the advice of Helenus enters Troy, and recommends it to Hecuba to go in solemn procession to the temple of Minerva; she with the matrons goes accordingly. Hector takes the opportunity to find out Paris, and exhorts him to return to the field of battle. An interview succeeds between Hector and Andromache, and Paris, having armed himself in the mean time, comes up with Hector at the close of it, when they sally from the gate together.

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  Thus was the field forsaken by the Gods.

  And now success proved various; here the Greeks

  With their extended spears, the Trojans there

  Prevail'd alternate, on the champain spread

  The Xanthus and the Simoïs between.

  First Telamonian Ajax, bulwark firm

  Of the Achaians, broke the Trojan ranks,

  And kindled for the Greeks a gleam of hope,

  Slaying the bravest of the Thracian band,

  Huge Acamas, Eusorus' son; him first

  Full on the shaggy crest he smote, and urged

  The spear into his forehead; through his skull

  The bright point pass'd, and darkness veil'd his eyes.

  But Diomede, heroic Chief, the son

  Of Teuthras slew, Axylus. Rich was he,

  And in Arisba (where he dwelt beside

  The public road, and at his open door

  Made welcome all) respected and beloved.

  But of his numerous guests none interposed

  To avert his woful doom; nor him alone

  He slew, but with him also to the shades

  Calesius sent, his friend and charioteer.

  Opheltius fell and Dresus, by the hand

  Slain of Euryalus, who, next, his arms

  On Pedasus and on Æsepus turned

  Brethren and twins. Them Abarbarea bore,

  A Naiad, to Bucolion, son renown'd

  Of King Laomedon, his eldest born,

  But by his mother, at his birth, conceal'd.

  Bucolion pasturing his flocks, embraced

  The lovely nymph; she twins produced, both whom,

  Brave as they were and beautiful, thy son

  Mecisteus! slew, and from their shoulders tore

  Their armor. Dauntless Polypœtes slew

  Astyalus. Ulysses with his spear

  Transfixed Pydites, a Percosian Chief,

  And Teucer Aretaön; Nestor's pride

  Antilochus, with his bright lance, of life

  Bereft Ablerus, and the royal arm

  Of Agamemnon, Elatus; he dwelt

  Among the hills of lofty Pedasus,

  On Satnio's banks, smooth-sliding river pure

  Phylacus fled, whom Leïtus as swift

  Soon smote. Melanthius at the feet expired

  Of the renown'd Eurypylus, and, flush'd

  With martial ardor, Menelaus seized

  And took alive Adrastus. As it chanced

  A thicket his affrighted steeds detain'd

  Their feet entangling; they with restive force

  At its extremity snapp'd short the pole,

  And to the city, whither others fled,

  Fled also. From his chariot headlong hurl'd,

  Adrastus press'd the plain fast by his wheel.

  Flew Menelaus, and his quivering spear

  Shook over him; he, life imploring, clasp'd

  Importunate his knees, and thus exclaim'd.

  Oh, son of Atreus, let me live! accept

  Illustrious ransom! In my father's house

  Is wealth abundant, gold, and brass, and steel

  Of truest temper, which he will impart

  Till he have gratified thine utmost wish,

  Inform'd that I am captive in your fleet.

  He said, and Menelaus by his words

  Vanquish'd, him soon had to the fleet dismiss'd

  Given to his train in charge, but swift and stern

  Approaching, Agamemnon interposed.

  Now, brother, whence this milkiness of mind,

  These scruples about blood? Thy Trojan friends

  Have doubtless much obliged thee. Die the race!

  May none escape us! neither he who flies,

  Nor even the infant in his mother's womb

  Unconscious. Perish universal Troy

  Unpitied, till her place be found no more!

  So saying, his brother's mind the Hero turn'd,

  Advising him aright; he with his hand

  Thrust back Adrastus, and himself, the King,

  His bowels pierced. Supine Adrastus fell,

  And Agamemnon, with his foot the corse

  Impressing firm, pluck'd forth his ashen spear.

  Then Nestor, raising high his voice, exclaim'd.

  Friends, Heroes, Grecians, ministers of Mars!

  Let none, desirous of the spoil, his time

  Devote to plunder now; now slay your foes,

  And strip them when the field shall be your own.

  He said, and all took courage at his word.

  Then had the Trojans enter'd Troy again

  By the heroic Grecians foul repulsed,

  So was their spirit daunted, but the son

  Of Priam, Helenus, an augur far

  Excelling all, at Hector's side his speech

  To him and to Æneas thus address'd.

  Hector, and thou, Æneas, since on you

  The Lycians chiefly and ourselves depend,

  For that in difficult emprize ye show

  Most courage; give best counsel; stand yourselves,

  And, visiting all quarters, cause to stand

  Before the city-gates our scatter'd troops,

  Ere yet the fugitives within the arms

  Be slaughter'd of their wives, the scorn of Greece.

  When thus ye shall have rallied every band

  And roused their courage, weary though we be,

  Yet since necessity commands, even here

  Will we give battle to the host of Greece.

  But, Hector! to the city thou depart;

  There charge our mother, that she go direct,

  With the assembled matrons, to the fane

  Of Pallas in the citadel of Troy.

  Opening her chambers' sacred doors, of all

  Her treasured mantles there, let her select

  The widest, most magnificently wrought,

  And which she values most; that let her spread

  On Athenæan Pallas' lap divine.

  Twelve heifers of the year yet never touch'd

  With puncture of the goad, let her alike

  Devote to her, if she will pity Troy,

  Our wives and little ones, and will avert

  The son of Tydeus from these sacred towers,

  That dreadful Chief, terror of all our host,

  Bravest, in my account, of all the Greeks.

  For never yet Achilles hath himself

  So taught our people fear, although esteemed

  Son of a Goddess. But this warrior's rage

  Is boundless, and his strength past all compare.

  So Helenus; nor Hector not complied.

  Down from his chariot instant to the ground

  All arm'd he leap'd, and, shaking his sharp spears,

  Through every phalanx pass'd, rousing again

  Their courage, and rekindling horrid war.

  They, turning, faced the Greeks; the Greeks repulsed,

  Ceased from all carnage, nor supposed they less

  Than that some Deity, the starry skies

  Forsaken, help'd their foes, so firm they stood.

  But Hector to the Trojans call'd aloud.

  Ye dauntless Trojans and confederate powers

  Call'd from afar! now be ye men, my friends,

  Now summon all the fury of your might!

  I go to
charge our senators and wives

  That they address the Gods with prayers and vows

  For our success, and hecatombs devote.

  So saying the Hero went, and as he strode

  The sable hide that lined his bossy shield

  Smote on his neck and on his ancle-bone.

  And now into the middle space between

  Both hosts, the son of Tydeus and the son

  Moved of Hippolochus, intent alike

  On furious combat; face to face they stood,

  And thus heroic Diomede began.

  Most noble Champion! who of human kind

  Art thou, whom in the man-ennobling fight

  I now encounter first? Past all thy peers

  I must esteem thee valiant, who hast dared

  To meet my coming, and my spear defy.

  Ah! they are sons of miserable sires

  Who dare my might; but if a God from heaven

  Thou come, behold! I fight not with the Gods.

  That war Lycurgus son of Dryas waged,

  And saw not many years. The nurses he

  Of brain-disturbing Bacchus down the steep

  Pursued of sacred Nyssa; they their wands

  Vine-wreathed cast all away, with an ox-goad

  Chastised by fell Lycurgus. Bacchus plunged

  Meantime dismay'd into the deep, where him

  Trembling, and at the Hero's haughty threats

  Confounded, Thetis in her bosom hid.

  Thus by Lycurgus were the blessed powers

  Of heaven offended, and Saturnian Jove

  Of sight bereaved him, who not long that loss

  Survived, for he was curst by all above.

  I, therefore, wage no contest with the Gods;

  But if thou be of men, and feed on bread

  Of earthly growth, draw nigh, that with a stroke

  Well-aim'd, I may at once cut short thy days.

  To whom the illustrious Lycian Chief replied.

  Why asks brave Diomede of my descent?

  For, as the leaves, such is the race of man.

  The wind shakes down the leaves, the budding grove

  Soon teems with others, and in spring they grow.

  So pass mankind. One generation meets

  Its destined period, and a new succeeds.

  But since thou seem'st desirous to be taught

  My pedigree, whereof no few have heard,

  Know that in Argos, in the very lap

  Of Argos, for her steed-grazed meadows famed,

  Stands Ephyra; there Sisyphus abode,

  Shrewdest of human kind; Sisyphus, named

  Æolides. Himself a son begat,

  Glaucus, and he Bellerophon, to whom

  The Gods both manly force and beauty gave.

  Him Prœtus (for in Argos at that time

  Prœtus was sovereign, to whose sceptre Jove

  Had subjected the land) plotting his death,

  Contrived to banish from his native home.

  For fair Anteia, wife of Prœtus, mad

  Through love of young Bellerophon, him oft

  In secret to illicit joys enticed;

  But she prevail'd not o'er the virtuous mind

  Discrete of whom she wooed; therefore a lie

  Framing, she royal Prœtus thus bespake.

  Die thou, or slay Bellerophon, who sought

  Of late to force me to his lewd embrace.

  So saying, the anger of the King she roused.

  Slay him himself he would not, for his heart

  Forbad the deed; him therefore he dismiss'd

  To Lycia, charged with tales of dire import

  Written in tablets, which he bade him show,

  That he might perish, to Anteia's sire.

  To Lycia then, conducted by the Gods,

  He went, and on the shores of Xanthus found

  Free entertainment noble at the hands

  Of Lycia's potent King. Nine days complete

  He feasted him, and slew each day an ox.

  But when the tenth day's ruddy morn appear'd,

  He asked him then his errand, and to see

  Those written tablets from his son-in-law.

  The letters seen, he bade him, first, destroy

  Chimæra, deem'd invincible, divine

  In nature, alien from the race of man,

  Lion in front, but dragon all behind,

  And in the midst a she-goat breathing forth

  Profuse the violence of flaming fire.

  Her, confident in signs from heaven, he slew.

  Next, with the men of Solymæ he fought,

  Brave warriors far renown'd, with whom he waged,

  In his account, the fiercest of his wars.

  And lastly, when in battle he had slain

  The man-resisting Amazons, the king

  Another stratagem at his return

  Devised against him, placing close-conceal'd

  An ambush for him from the bravest chosen

  In Lycia; but they saw their homes no more;

  Bellerophon the valiant slew them all.

  The monarch hence collecting, at the last,

  His heavenly origin, him there detain'd,

  And gave him his own daughter, with the half

  Of all his royal dignity and power.

  The Lycians also, for his proper use,

  Large lot assigned him of their richest soil,

  Commodious for the vine, or for the plow.

  And now his consort fair three children bore

  To bold Bellerophon; Isandrus one,

  And one, Hippolochus; his youngest born

  Laodamia was for beauty such

  That she became a concubine of Jove.

  She bore Sarpedon of heroic note.

  But when Bellerophon, at last, himself

  Had anger'd all the Gods, feeding on grief

  He roam'd alone the Aleian field, exiled,

  By choice, from every cheerful haunt of man.

  Mars, thirsty still for blood, his son destroy'd

  Isandrus, warring with the host renown'd

  Of Solymæ; and in her wrath divine

  Diana from her chariot golden-rein'd

  Laodamia slew. Myself I boast

  Sprung from Hippolochus; he sent me forth

  To fight for Troy, charging me much and oft

  That I should outstrip always all mankind

  In worth and valor, nor the house disgrace

  Of my forefathers, heroes without peer

  In Ephyra, and in Lycia's wide domain.

  Such is my lineage; such the blood I boast.

  He ceased. Then valiant Diomede rejoiced.

  He pitch'd his spear, and to the Lycian Prince

  In terms of peace and amity replied.

  Thou art my own hereditary friend,

  Whose noble grandsire was the guest of mine.

  For Oeneus, on a time, full twenty days

  Regaled Bellerophon, and pledges fair

  Of hospitality they interchanged.

  Oeneus a belt radiant with purple gave

  To brave Bellerophon, who in return

  Gave him a golden goblet. Coming forth

  I left the kind memorial safe at home.

  A child was I when Tydeus went to Thebes,

  Where the Achaians perish'd, and of him

  Hold no remembrance; but henceforth, my friend,

  Thine host am I in Argos, and thou mine

  In Lycia, should I chance to sojourn there.

  We will not clash. Trojans or aids of Troy

  No few the Gods shall furnish to my spear,

  Whom I may slaughter; and no want of Greeks

  On whom to prove thy prowess, thou shalt find.

  But it were well that an exchange ensued

  Between us; take mine armor, give me thine,

  That all who notice us may understand

  Our patrimonial amity and love.

  So they, and each alighting, hand in hand

  Stood lock'd, faith promising and firm accord.

  Then Jove of sober judgment so bereft

  Infatuate Glaucus that with Tydeus' son

  He barter'd gold for brass, an hundred beeves

  In value, for the value small of nine.

  But Hector at the Scæan gate and beech

  Meantime arrived, to whose approach the wives

  And daughters flock'd of Troy, inquiring each

  The fate of husband, brother, son, or friend.

  He bade them all with solemn prayer the Gods

  Seek fervent, for that wo was on the wing.

  But when he enter'd Priam's palace, built

  With splendid porticoes, and which within

  Had fifty chambers lined with polish'd stone,

  Contiguous all, where Priam's sons reposed

  And his sons' wives, and where, on the other side.

  In twelve magnificent chambers also lined

  With polish'd marble and contiguous all,

  The sons-in-law of Priam lay beside

  His spotless daughters, there the mother queen

  Seeking the chamber of Laodice,

  Loveliest of all her children, as she went

  Met Hector. On his hand she hung and said:

  Why leavest thou, O my son! the dangerous field?

  I fear that the Achaians (hateful name!)

  Compass the walls so closely, that thou seek'st

  Urged by distress the citadel, to lift

  Thine hands in prayer to Jove? But pause awhile

  Till I shall bring thee wine, that having pour'd

  Libation rich to Jove and to the powers

  Immortal, thou may'st drink and be refresh'd.

  For wine is mighty to renew the strength

  Of weary man, and weary thou must be

  Thyself, thus long defending us and ours.

  To whom her son majestic thus replied.

  My mother, whom I reverence! cheering wine

  Bring none to me, lest I forget my might.

  I fear, beside, with unwash'd hands to pour

  Libation forth of sable wine to Jove,

  And dare on none account, thus blood-defiled,

  Approach the tempest-stirring God in prayer.

  Thou, therefore, gathering all our matrons, seek

  The fane of Pallas, huntress of the spoil,

  Bearing sweet incense; but from the attire

  Treasured within thy chamber, first select

  The amplest robe, most exquisitely wrought,

  And which thou prizest most — then spread the gift

  On Athenæan Pallas' lap divine.

  Twelve heifers also of the year, untouch'd

  With puncture of the goad, promise to slay

  In sacrifice, if she will pity Troy,

  Our wives and little ones, and will avert


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