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Complete Works of Homer

Page 387

by Homer

  Smooth as the polish of the mirror rise

  The slippery sides, and shoot into the skies.

  Full in the centre of this rock display'd,

  A yawning cavern casts a dreadful shade:

  Nor the fleet arrow from the twanging bow,

  Sent with full force, could reach the depth below.

  Wide to the west the horrid gulf extends,

  And the dire passage down to hell descends.

  O fly the dreadful sight! expand thy sails,

  Ply the strong oar, and catch the nimble gales;

  Here Scylla bellows from the dire abodes,

  Tremendous pest, abhorr'd by man and gods!

  Hideous her voice, and with less terrors roar

  The whelps of lions in the midnight hour.

  Twelve feet, deform'd and foul, the fiend dispreads;

  Six horrid necks she rears, and six terrific heads;

  Her jaws grin dreadful with three rows of teeth;

  Jaggy they stand, the gaping den of death;

  Her parts obscene the raging billows hide;

  Her bosom terribly o'erlooks the tide.

  When stung with hunger she embroils the flood,

  The sea-dog and the dolphin are her food;

  She makes the huge leviathan her prey,

  And all the monsters of the watery way;

  The swiftest racer of the azure plain

  Here fills her sails, and spreads her oars in vain;

  Fell Scylla rises, in her fury roars,

  At once six mouths expands, at once six men devours.

  "'Close by, a rock of less enormous height

  Breaks the wild waves, and forms a dangerous strait;

  Full on its crown a fig's green branches rise,

  And shoot a leafy forest to the skies;

  Beneath, Charybdis holds her boisterous reign

  'Midst roaring whirlpools, and absorbs the main;

  Thrice in her gulfs the boiling seas subside,

  Thrice in dire thunders she refunds the tide.

  Oh, if thy vessel plough the direful waves,

  When seas retreating roar within her caves,

  Ye perish all! though he who rules the main

  Lends his strong aid, his aid he lends in vain.

  Ah, shun the horrid gulf! by Scylla fly.

  'Tis better six to lose, than all to die.'

  "I then: 'O nymph propitious to my prayer,

  Goddess divine, my guardian power, declare,

  Is the foul fiend from human vengeance freed?

  Or, if I rise in arms, can Scylla bleed?'

  "Then she: 'O worn by toils, O broke in fight,

  Still are new toils and war thy dire delight?

  Will martial flames for ever fire thy mind,

  And never, never be to Heaven resign'd?

  How vain thy efforts to avenge the wrong!

  Deathless the pest! impenetrably strong!

  Furious and fell, tremendous to behold!

  E'en with a look she withers all the bold!

  She mocks the weak attempts of human might;

  Oh, fly her rage! thy conquest is thy flight.

  If but to seize thy arms thou make delay,

  Again thy fury vindicates her prey;

  Her six mouths yawn, and six are snatch'd away.

  From her foul wound Crataeis gave to air

  This dreadful pest! To her direct thy prayer,

  To curb the monster in her dire abodes,

  And guard thee through the tumult of the floods.

  Thence to Trinacria's shore you bend your way,

  Where graze thy herds, illustrious source of day!

  Seven herds, seven flocks enrich the sacred plains,

  Each herd, each flock full fifty heads contains;

  The wondrous kind a length of age survey,

  By breed increase not, nor by death decay.

  Two sister goddesses possess the plain,

  The constant guardian of the woolly train;

  Lampetie fair, and Phaethusa young,

  From Phoebus and the bright Neaea sprung;

  Here, watchful o'er the flocks, in shady bowers

  And flowery meads, they waste the joyous hours.

  Rob not the gods! and so propitious gales

  Attend thy voyage, and impel thy sails;

  But if thy impious hands the flocks destroy,

  The gods, the gods avenge it, and ye die!

  'Tis thine alone (thy friends and navy lost)

  Through tedious toils to view thy native coast.'

  She ceased: and now arose the morning ray;

  Swift to her dome the goddess held her way.

  Then to my mates I measured back the plain,

  Climb'd the tall bark, and rush'd into the main;

  Then, bending to the stroke, their oars they drew

  To their broad breasts, and swift the galley flew.

  Up sprung a brisker breeze; with freshening gales

  The friendly goddess stretch'd the swelling sails;

  We drop our oars; at ease the pilot guides;

  The vessel light along the level glides.

  When, rising sad and slow, with pensive look,

  Thus to the melancholy train I spoke:

  "'O friends, oh ever partners of my woes,

  Attend while I what Heaven foredooms disclose.

  Hear all! Fate hangs o'er all; on you it lies

  To live or perish! to be safe, be wise!

  "'In flowery meads the sportive Sirens play,

  Touch the soft lyre, and tune the vocal lay;

  Me, me alone, with fetters firmly bound,

  The gods allow to hear the dangerous sound.

  Hear and obey; if freedom I demand,

  Be every fetter strain'd, be added band to band.'

  "While yet I speak the winged galley flies,

  And lo! the Siren shores like mists arise.

  Sunk were at once the winds; the air above,

  And waves below, at once forgot to move;

  Some demon calm'd the air and smooth'd the deep,

  Hush'd the loud winds, and charm'd the waves to sleep.

  Now every sail we furl, each oar we ply;

  Lash'd by the stroke, the frothy waters fly.

  The ductile wax with busy hands I mould,

  And cleft in fragments, and the fragments roll'd;

  The aerial region now grew warm with day,

  The wax dissolved beneath the burning ray;

  Then every ear I barr'd against the strain,

  And from access of frenzy lock'd the brain.

  Now round the masts my mates the fetters roll'd,

  And bound me limb by limb with fold on fold.

  Then bending to the stroke, the active train

  Plunge all at once their oars, and cleave the main.

  "While to the shore the rapid vessel flies,

  Our swift approach the Siren choir descries;

  Celestial music warbles from their tongue,

  And thus the sweet deluders tune the song:

  "'Oh stay, O pride of Greece! Ulysses, stay!

  Oh cease thy course, and listen to our lay!

  Blest is the man ordain'd our voice to hear,

  The song instructs the soul, and charms the ear.

  Approach! thy soul shall into raptures rise!

  Approach! and learn new wisdom from the wise!

  We know whate'er the kings of mighty name

  Achieved at Ilion in the field of fame;

  Whate'er beneath the sun's bright journey lies.

  Oh stay, and learn new wisdom from the wise!'

  "Thus the sweet charmers warbled o'er the main;

  My soul takes wing to meet the heavenly strain;

  I give the sign, and struggle to be free;

  Swift row my mates, and shoot along the sea;

  New chains they add, and rapid urge the way,

  Till, dying off, the distant sounds decay;

  Then scuddin
g swiftly from the dangerous ground,

  The deafen'd ear unlock'd, the chains unbound.

  "Now all at once tremendous scenes unfold;

  Thunder'd the deeps, the smoky billows roll'd!

  Tumultuous waves embroil the bellowing flood,

  All trembling, deafen'd, and aghast we stood!

  No more the vessel plough'd the dreadful wave,

  Fear seized the mighty, and unnerved the brave;

  Each dropp'd his oar; but swift from man to man

  With looks serene I turn'd, and thus began:

  'O friends! O often tried in adverse storms!

  With ills familiar in more dreadful forms!

  Deep in the dire Cyclopean den you lay,

  Yet safe return'd — Ulysses led the way.

  Learn courage hence, and in my care confide;

  Lo! still the same Ulysses is your guide.

  Attend my words! your oars incessant ply;

  Strain every nerve, and bid the vessel fly.

  If from yon jostling rocks and wavy war

  Jove safety grants, he grants it to your care.

  And thou, whose guiding hand directs our way,

  Pilot, attentive listen and obey!

  Bear wide thy course, nor plough those angry waves

  Where rolls yon smoke, yon tumbling ocean raves;

  Steer by the higher rock; lest whirl'd around

  We sink, beneath the circling eddy drown'd.'

  While yet I speak, at once their oars they seize,

  Stretch to the stroke, and brush the working seas.

  Cautious the name of Scylla I suppress'd;

  That dreadful sound had chill'd the boldest breast.

  "Meantime, forgetful of the voice divine,

  All dreadful bright my limbs in armour shine;

  High on the deck I take my dangerous stand,

  Two glittering javelins lighten in my hand;

  Prepared to whirl the whizzing spear I stay,

  Till the fell fiend arise to seize her prey.

  Around the dungeon, studious to behold

  The hideous pest, my labouring eyes I roll'd;

  In vain! the dismal dungeon, dark as night,

  Veils the dire monster, and confounds the sight.

  "Now through the rocks, appall'd with deep dismay,

  We bend our course, and stem the desperate way;

  Dire Scylla there a scene of horror forms,

  And here Charybdis fills the deep with storms.

  When the tide rushes from her rumbling caves,

  The rough rock roars, tumultuous boil the waves;

  They toss, they foam, a wild confusion raise,

  Like waters bubbling o'er the fiery blaze;

  Eternal mists obscure the aerial plain,

  And high above the rock she spouts the main;

  When in her gulfs the rushing sea subsides,

  She drains the ocean with the refluent tides;

  The rock re-bellows with a thundering sound;

  Deep, wondrous deep, below appears the ground.

  "Struck with despair, with trembling hearts we view'd

  The yawning dungeon, and the tumbling flood;

  When lo! fierce Scylla stoop'd to seize her prey,

  Stretch'd her dire jaws, and swept six men away.

  Chiefs of renown! loud-echoing shrieks arise;

  I turn, and view them quivering in the skies;

  They call, and aid with outstretch'd arms implore;

  In vain they call! those arms are stretch'd no more.

  As from some rock that overhangs the flood

  The silent fisher casts the insidious food,

  With fraudful care he waits the finny prize,

  And sudden lifts it quivering to the skies:

  So the foul monster lifts her prey on high,

  So pant the wretches struggling in the sky;

  In the wide dungeon she devours her food,

  And the flesh trembles while she churns the blood.

  Worn as I am with griefs, with care decay'd,

  Never, I never scene so dire survey'd!

  My shivering blood, congeal'd, forgot to flow;

  Aghast I stood, a monument of woe!

  "Now from the rocks the rapid vessel flies,

  And the hoarse din like distant thunder dies;

  To Sol's bright isle our voyage we pursue,

  And now the glittering mountains rise to view.

  There, sacred to the radiant god of day,

  Graze the fair herds, the flocks promiscuous stray:

  Then suddenly was heard along the main

  To low the ox, to blest the woolly train.

  Straight to my anxious thoughts the sound convey'd

  The words of Circe and the Theban shade;

  Warn'd by their awful voice these shores to shun,

  With cautious fears oppress'd I thus begun:

  "'O friends! O ever exorcised in care!

  Hear Heaven's commands, and reverence what ye hear!

  To fly these shores the prescient Theban shade

  And Circe warn! Oh be their voice obey'd

  Some mighty woe relentless Heaven forebodes:

  Fly these dire regions, and revere the gods!'

  "While yet I spoke, a sudden sorrow ran

  Through every breast, and spread from man to man,

  Till wrathful thus Eurylochus began:

  "'O cruel thou! some Fury sure has steel'd

  That stubborn soul, by toil untaught to yield!

  From sleep debarr'd, we sink from woes to woes:

  And cruel' enviest thou a short repose?

  Still must we restless rove, new seas explore,

  The sun descending, and so near the shore?

  And lo! the night begins her groomy reign,

  And doubles all the terrors of the main:

  Oft in the dead of night loud winds rise,

  Lash the wild surge, and bluster in the skies.

  Oh, should the fierce south-west his rage display,

  And toss with rising storms the watery way,

  Though gods descend from heaven's aerial plain

  To lend us aid, the gods descend in vain.

  Then while the night displays her awful shade,

  Sweet time of slumber! be the night obey'

  Haste ye to land! and when the morning ray

  Sheds her bright beam, pursue the destined way.'

  A sudden joy in every bosom rose:

  So will'd some demon, minister of woes!

  "To whom with grief: 'O swift to be undone!

  Constrain'd I act what wisdom bids me shun.

  But yonder herbs and yonder flocks forbear;

  Attest the heavens, and call the gods to hear:

  Content, an innocent repast display,

  By Circe given, and fly the dangerous prey.'

  'Thus I: and while to shore the vessel flies,

  With hands uplifted they attest the skies:

  Then, where a fountain's gurgling waters play,

  They rush to land, and end in feasts the day:

  They feed; they quaff; and now (their hunger fled)

  Sigh for their friends devour'd, and mourn the dead;

  Nor cease the tears' till each in slumber shares

  A sweet forgetfulness of human cares.

  Now far the night advanced her gloomy reign,

  And setting stars roll'd down the azure plain:

  When at the voice of Jove wild whirlwinds rise,

  And clouds and double darkness veil the skies;

  The moon, the stars, the bright ethereal host

  Seem as extinct, and all their splendours lost:

  The furious tempest roars with dreadful sound:

  Air thunders, rolls the ocean, groans the ground.

  All night it raged: when morning rose to land

  We haul'd our bark, and moor'd it on the strand,

  Where in a beauteous grotto's cool recess

  Dance the green Nerolds
of the neighbouring seas.

  "There while the wild winds whistled o'er the main,

  Thus careful I address'd the listening train:

  "'O friends, be wise! nor dare the flocks destroy

  Of these fair pastures: if ye touch, ye die.

  Warn'd by the high command of Heaven, be awed:

  Holy the flocks, and dreadful is the god!

  That god who spreads the radiant beams of light,

  And views wide earth and heaven's unmeasured height.'

  "And now the moon had run her monthly round,

  The south-east blustering with a dreadful sound:

  Unhurt the beeves, untouch'd the woolly train,

  Low through the grove, or touch the flowery plain:

  Then fail'd our food: then fish we make our prey,

  Or fowl that screaming haunt the watery way.

  Till now from sea or flood no succour found,

  Famine and meagre want besieged us round.

  Pensive and pale from grove to grove I stray'd,

  From the loud storms to find a sylvan shade;

  There o'er my hands the living wave I pour;

  And Heaven and Heaven's immortal thrones implore,

  To calm the roarings of the stormy main,

  And guide me peaceful to my realms again.

  Then o'er my eyes the gods soft slumbers shed,

  While thus Eurylochus arising said:

  "'O friends, a thousand ways frail mortals lead

  To the cold tomb, and dreadful all to tread;

  But dreadful most, when by a slow decay

  Pale hunger wastes the manly strength away.

  Why cease ye then to implore the powers above,

  And offer hecatombs to thundering Jove?

  Why seize ye not yon beeves, and fleecy prey?

  Arise unanimous; arise and slay!

  And if the gods ordain a safe return,

  To Phoebus shrines shall rise, and altars burn.

  But should the powers that o'er mankind preside

  Decree to plunge us in the whelming tide,

  Better to rush at once to shades below

  Than linger life away, and nourish woe.'

  "Thus he: the beeves around securely stray,

  When swift to ruin they invade the prey;

  They seize, they kill! — but for the rite divine.

  The barley fail'd, and for libations wine.

  Swift from the oak they strip the shady pride;

  And verdant leaves the flowery cake supplied.

  "With prayer they now address the ethereal train,

  Slay the selected beeves, and flay the slain;

  The thighs, with fat involved, divide with art,

  Strew'd o'er with morsels cut from every part.

  Water, instead of wine, is brought in urns,

  And pour'd profanely as the victim burns.

  The thighs thus offer'd, and the entrails dress'd,


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