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Trained With Pain

Page 8

by Mark Andrews

  Karl watched carefully, slowly raising the shocks to a crescendo, pulsing them at that level for a few seconds but then slowly lowering them to zero again. Wendy collapsed, her body now coated with a fine patina of sweat, her head dangling down loosely.

  Oh God, she thought. How much more can I stand…?

  She could stand a great deal more and now she decided to make this a sex trip, pretending she was a slave to a cruel Arab master who delighted in torturing his female slaves. Instantly, her juices started to flow and she was able to channel the pain into her libido.

  Watching her carefully, Karl saw the signs and smiled. He activated the electrodes again and this time, as he stared at her eyes, he saw how well she now thrived on the pain. He kept it up for some minutes though, anxious to see how long she could last but also aware of the potential damage he might do to her body and mind.

  He kept up the pain for five more minutes then shut down the electronic gizmo and returned to the room, this time winding back the pear and removing it then releasing her from the frame. As she sat up on the crosspiece and rubbed her wrists, he let the other three down from their suspension and led them upstairs to the classroom where he went into a recap of all that had happened downstairs.

  “Well, Wendy, what have you learned?

  She stared at her handsome tormentor and grinned. “That I should have turned my thoughts to sex straight away …”

  “Exactly. All four of you have masochistic tendencies. This means you can derive pleasure from pain. Use it! At first, Wendy, you were too busy wallowing in the shame and the pain of what I was doing to you to recognise how easily it would be to sublimate that pain and shame to pleasure. It took the electric shocks to achieve it. And you three, I don’t think one of you thought of doing the same, did you?”

  “No, Karl,” they said sheepishly.

  “For Heaven’s sake, think! While Wendy was being tortured, you should have wallowed in her pain — imagined it was you lying across that bar with the pear in your vagina or anus … if you had, the pain of your suspension would have largely disappeared.”

  Craig had a sudden thought. “But if we are able to hide our pain in that way, won’t our torturers soon be aware of it and make the pain worse?”

  Karl pounced. “I was wondering when one of you might hit on this so obvious point. Of course you are right, Craig, and so you are going to learn to act. By all means submerge the pain into a sexual fantasy but at the same time, you are going to have to show the proper reactions of a normal person to what is being done to you. Not too much and not too little. We will practice this in the months to come. I will torture you all more and more and during it you must do what Wendy learned today but at the same time, pretend to a real pain appropriate to the torture.”

  He paused for a moment or two, looking at them all speculatively. “Now, I think it’s time we talked about sex. I know your backgrounds of course and that none of you is a virgin. Sex will be constantly used against you if you are arrested and interrogated. Later on, I am going to teach you how to control it. Use it shamelessly, pretend to love, but always stay above the emotions. Right now, if you four wish to indulge, do so. I will not advise you one way or the other. You are all clean of course; we wouldn’t have taken you if you weren’t so you have no need to fear disease.

  “Later on, Alice and I will be teaching you the finer points of good sex and then training you how to enjoy it on the one hand, but how to stay above it, as it were, keep your inner selves aloof from what your body is doing…

  “Now off you go. You can have an hour to yourselves …”

  The two boys were also tortured.

  Karl was careful to separate these sessions. His four charges were still very young in terms of experience. Their minds could so easily become unbalanced by an overzealous programme. Accordingly, he spaced these early tortures out and discussed each, almost clinically, afterwards. And in between, the all but fanatical development of their bodies continued, as did their lessons in the theory and practice of their craft, and the continuous appraisal of world events.

  Over the weeks that followed, they became as fit as the most dedicated Olympic athlete, strong as a proverbial Mallee bull and with an endurance that could see them run a Marathon with ease.

  The girls were soon just as able to carry Karl or any of the two male trainees on their shoulders as their male counterparts toted them, tearing around the concrete surrounds of the house at full tilt or loping along, their breasts jiggling up and down, bellies writhing and thighs cording into hard strands of muscle.

  At first, running naked was hard for them, their breasts becoming very painful as they jerked up and down with each step, but using the same ploy, they learned to absorb this pain and turn it into sexual pleasure. At the same time, Karl saw to it that the muscles of their chests received a lot of attention and this helped to maintain them as firm, outstanding organs of great beauty and not fall into sagging parodies of their former loveliness.

  All four of them had been outstanding athletes when they left school. They were now assuming an even better standard. Possibly even better than crack SAS troops… There was not an ounce of fat between them on any of their bodies. Their muscles were no bigger than they had been before but they were rapidly becoming superbly toned and their definition, the clean separation of one from the other, had to be seen to be believed.

  They had been shaved from tip to toe upon their arrival as a test of their resolve and to underline to them that to venture out in the world until the hair began to re-grow would be embarrassing to say the least.

  But when they saw Karl, and later Alice, naked, they had stared for both their bodies were still nude of hair. Of course they had the hair on the top of their heads but everywhere else, they were as nude as the four new trainees.

  Wendy had asked why. Karl smiled at her. “In our cases, it’s because we like our bodies this way. The permanent treatment is a mite painful but it is at least permanent and I haven’t had to shave for years. It’s a chore I always hated. As for the rest of my body, well, I’ve never regretted it.”

  The four trainees stared some more and then, almost in one voice, asked for their bodies to be similarly treated. “You’re sure now?” Karl said. “You realise once done, it can’t be reversed.

  “We’re sure,” they said, again almost in one voice.

  As a result, Karl gave them the cream to smear over their formerly hairy parts: their sexual organs, pubes, armpits, legs, and in the case of the two boys, their beards as well. It was indeed painful but by now, pain was second nature to them and every time they had to suffer it, were learning more and more, to sublimate the pain into the masochistic sexual pleasure which Karl and Alice were now developing in them in leaps and bounds… As a result, a month after their arrival, the hair on the tops of their heads was already a fine new growth although their bodies were now permanently nude.

  Craig was tortured a week after Wendy. Karl had thought about each cadet agent’s first torture very carefully and in Craig’s case, had decided on a particularly shameful device he had built down in the cellars.

  The machine was comprised of a heavy wooden post fixed to the floor and about four feet high. This was very sturdy being some four inches deep and eight wide. There was a crosspiece let into its top and this extended out a foot either side of the upright.

  About a foot from the floor a slot had been cut into the upright and a steel bar had been passed through this, its fulcrum being another steel bar set transversely through the slot. At the back, the long iron bar had a pedal and at the front there was provision for items to be screwed onto the end.

  Poking out about a foot from both sides of the upright were two steel bars. At the twelve inch mark, these then bent forward ninety degrees, and were now shaped in the form of hooks — hooks whose upper surfaces were serrated like blunt saw teeth. />
  At the back of the upright, just above the slot, a pair of handcuffs dangled from a lug.

  Craig was led up to this implement and made to stand with his back to the upright. The others were not secured this time but stood around it, wondering, as was Craig himself, how he was going to be tortured in it.

  First, Karl had the boy raise his arms over the back of the crosspiece and he then secured his wrists in the cuffs. Craig could not now get free of the small cross but he looked at the two curved and serrated hooks either side of him with trepidation for he had an idea now what they were for. And as the thoughts crystallised, his cock, until then quite flaccid, now started to engorge. Karl noted the fact and applauded him.

  “Good, you have learned, boy. Of course, on a real mission, you would have to keep it slack for if you erected, your torturers would be instantly aware of the state of your libido and would react appropriately. It doesn’t matter today and in fact I’m glad for it allows us to monitor your progress. Later on, we will teach you how to sublimate the pain to pleasure and yet show no sign of it.

  Craig was right of course about the purpose of the hooks. Karl reached down and lifted first his right leg and then the other one over each and this had the effect of spreading his thighs wide apart: obscenely so but also most painfully for not only did the saw teeth dig painfully into the under side of his thighs, but they were now stretched wide apart, almost in a horizontal plane in fact, and thus opening his anus very widely.

  Craig couldn’t see much further than his chest but the others could and now watched in horror as Karl screwed a very large and very knobbly dildo onto the forward end of the rod that emerged out of the front of the slot down under his buttocks. This dildo was not only large and knobbly, it was also curved like a banana and at this moment sat with its rounded end about half an inch under the boy’s now widely gaping anal bud.

  Karl squatted down beside the boy and raised the dildo manually, introducing its head up to and then into his anus.

  Craig moaned as his virginal nether orifice was stretched wide open for the first time and then as the stretching became too painful, he screamed: “Aaagheeeaaaghooowwwghaaagh!” The others shivered as each imagined it was his or her anus being thus deflowered but Peter’s cock responded as he had been taught and the girls reacted similarly.

  Karl now fixed the stop below the rod so the dildo could not now retract out of the boy’s anus and then stood up and moved around to the back. He looked over Craig’s head at the others. “You are all anal virgins although not for much longer. Our research shows that foreign interrogators know of our distaste for the anus and use it all the time as a target for their tortures. Mental shame and humiliation is just as potent a weapon as pure pain. Remember it!

  “This kind of ritual torture, usually in front of a group of ‘students’ could quickly unnerve an unwary agent and so all of you will, in time, learn to accept it as commonplace.”

  And with that, he raised his right foot and stepped onto the pedal, pushing it down and forcing the curved dildo with its nasty little whorls and bumps and ridges, deep into Craig’s rectum. He screamed again. His anus felt as if an enormous salami sausage had been rammed into it, the ring of muscle now stretched wider than it ever had been in his young life. It wasn’t as wide as a salami of course but it was a couple of inches across and the ridges and bumps on it made it worse.

  Karl gave the pedal a few pumps then ordered each of the others to come around the post and repeat the action, each giving three motions with his or her foot.

  Karl returned and gave Craig another half dozen slow pokes but then knelt down and secured the dildo fully inside his rectum. “You can now hang there for the morning, Craig. Try and think only of sex. Keep your cock hard … Think how much you are enjoying the pain …”

  He left them then, returning to the control room to watch as the boy coped, somehow, with his agony and also noting how the other three responded.

  They had been told that they were not to assist a boy or girl under torture, either mentally or physically. They were not to talk to him or even to give him a little pat of encouragement. He had to learn to cope on his own. The purpose of having the other three present was to let them imagine themselves in his position, to know they were there and yet unable to help him, and to add to his shame in suffering while they watched.

  Torture is pain — but it is also psychology. The world’s best torturers do not mindlessly apply pain to their victims but temper it with terror.

  The inquisitors of mediaeval Spain for example, first questioned their victims in a normal room. Next they took them down to the torture chambers to watch (and hear) as other victims were ‘put to the question’. The next time, they were stripped naked, very forcibly and again forced to witness other victims being tortured. Only then, after these psychological tortures hadn’t worked, was the victim actually physically tortured himself (or herself, for females were just as liable to the inquisitors as males).

  In other cases, darkness — total stygian darkness or confinement in a tiny airless cell was applied for long periods … There were many such psychological tools available to the master torturer and when these were interspersed with actual physical torture, the end results were almost universally successful. This was why the Agency had come up with this training programme so that its agents would be equipped to handle such methods if they were caught.

  If Craig’s initiation into physical torture was almost mediaeval in its application, Peter’s was the opposite. The heavy timbers used in the implement used to impregnate his anus looked ancient, even if they were not, but in the room into which Karl was now leading the four of them, stood a very modern-looking arrangement of pipes and levers. It was all crafted of high-grade stainless steel and gleamed dully under the lights of the room.

  As with Craig’s device, there was a standard. This was four feet high and was made of four inch, heavy-duty stainless steel pipe. Affixed to this, up near its top, was a smaller diameter pipe that poked out horizontally from the upright. It was made of the same heavy-duty steel though and near the end of it yet another pipe of the same size poked up vertically.

  Also poking through the main upright, just above where the horizontal pipe was joined to it, was a threaded insert driven by a crank and on the other end of the threaded piece was attached a dildo very similar in appearance to that used on Craig.

  Peter was ordered to straddle the horizontal pipe and then lean forward towards the smaller upright that was at the position of his neck. This small upright split in two allowing him to insert his head in between the split which was then tightened, securing his neck right down near the horizontal pipe.

  At the very top of the vertical pipe into which his neck was now secured, there was a small winch with a thin but strong cord wound around it. Karl loosened the winch, drawing out the cord on the end of which was a pair of thumb cuffs. He first affixed Peter’s thumbs to these then bound his elbows together. As a result, when he began to turn the little winch, Peter’s arms were held straight and were drawn up painfully behind his back and up over his head.

  To further add to his discomfort, a nostril hook was fitted into his nose and then drawn up and tied to an eyelet at the top of the little upright and thus dragging his head up and back so he looked straight ahead rather than down.

  Karl then moved around to his rear and began turning the crank on the main upright, thus causing the dildo to approach his anus and then enter it, the little whorls, ridges and bumps teasing his anal muscles horribly, just as the pedal arrangement had with Craig a week previously.

  But still he wasn’t finished. Peter’s legs and feet were still free and so were his nipples. Crocodile clamps with weights on them were quickly attached to his nipples while his ankles were bound together and a ten pound weight attached to them.

  He was now ‘done’.

  He lay
along that pipe with a large and knobbly dildo up his ass; his nipples were on fire from the weighted crocodile clips, his arms were screwed up painfully behind him; his head was raised up and backwards… In short, he was very uncomfortable. And as the hours passed, that discomfort became nigh on unbearable.

  But to make matters worse, on the hour, Karl returned to turn the crank controlling the dildo in his arse back and forth a few times, an action he then made the other three repeat until Peter’s anus was really on fire and felt as if a rasp had been dragged in and out of it at least a dozen times.

  He moaned and screamed at times but as with Craig, his cock was rigid as he thought of how wonderful it was to be tortured so expertly … He did wonder at times how a non-masochist would cope with the tortures each of them had now experienced and grinned as he recognised it would not be good for them.

  Peter was left on this machine all morning, just as Craig had been left on the ancient-looking frame and when it was all over, he felt as wrung out as his friend, notwithstanding he had, like Craig, learned to divert the pain into his masochistic desires.

  All four of them had now experienced their first torture. Now it was time to prepare them for university.

  Chapter 6

  During the two months that preceded their entry into university, all four trainees were exercised hard, subjected to monumental intellectual effort and also to measured doses of pain and shame. It was hard, but as Karl told them, “once out in the field, you will find the effort of staying alert is absolutely essential and that you must be aware that all around you enemy agents are ready to pounce should you even once let your guard down.”


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