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Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1)

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by Yuri Futanari

  She sat it on her dresser and did not open it.

  “What am I going to do with money?” she asked herself fearfully, “Is it stolen? Was it from a bank robbery?” she worried, “Are they trying to put me in prison? Surely I can't rob a bank!”

  While she was thinking about all of this, however, she heard a loud stereo system blaring as it came down the street, but unlike most of them who were just out cruising, this one stopped.

  In fact, she could tell by the directions of the sound, it stopped in front of their house on the street.

  She lived in a neighborhood of well to do middle class income families where their house did not stick out, and although her parents could afford to live somewhere like Beverly Hills, they were more conservative and saved money for her future instead.

  But this was not the kind of neighborhood where young people blasted music out loud.

  Finally she heard Anna go outside.

  The music stopped.

  She heard them talk.

  “Are you lost Miss-?” Anna asked in her thick Russian accent.

  “Margaret Cooper -” came the reply, “Bleeding Cyanide.”

  “Why are you here in front of my house?” she asked.

  “You don't happen to have a child...?” Margret’s voice came through the window, over the balcony.

  “I have a six year old boy and four year old daughter.” she asked, “Why are you asking?”

  “Oh then I must have the wrong address.” she said, “My apolog-”

  Jacqueline's curiosity had gotten the best of her and she had stepped out onto the balcony, still dressed in her Japanese school uniform, only minus the jacket.

  “There you are!” Marge shouted and waved.

  Anna suddenly had a very disgruntled expression.

  “You are looking for trouble I see.”

  “Me?” Margaret asked with an angelic expression of innocence as she sat upon her bubblegum hot pink colored convertible 2024 Corvette stingray with black accents in the interior, “I just wanted to see how a fellow classmate was holding out after I saved her from being attacked at school is all...”

  “YOU?” the woman asked, “You rescued her from the girls who beat her up?”

  “Somebody had to,” Margaret said coolly, “She's no Jackie Chan after all.”

  “Well this is true,” Anna said, “I tell you what.” she opened her hands in a welcoming gesture, “Since she has no friends we know of,” turning toward the house, “Why don't you come on in and say hello?”

  “Oh no...” Jacqueline realized, “She's going to come talk to me in my own house!” she was so nervous she had to hurry to the restroom.

  She heard Anna call up the stairwell, “Miss Shunokoi... I think perhaps you have a new friend from the school...!”

  She flushed the toilet and pulled her panties up under her skirt, and washed her hands before timidly coming out and slowly down the stairs to the living room where the strange red haired woman sat.

  Ep 1, Chapter 5

  “So you know each other from school?” Anna asked Jacqueline as she came in and sat nervously on the couch opposite her unexpected guest.

  “I recognize her,” the girl's voice came out in an unbelievably high pitched squeak.

  “So you don't actually know her then?” Anna asked.

  “I don't see people,” she pleaded with Anna, “You know I am blind!”

  “That's not what I meant,” Anna persisted, “Have you met her before or not?”

  Margaret was getting very nervous but kept a soft placid poker face smile all the same.

  “Like she said,” Jacqueline protested, “She saved me from those girls!”

  “So then that is truly how you met?”

  “Yes!” Jacqueline began to tear up, “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “I'm just looking out for your safety little one,” the Russian defense agent leaned over and embraced the plump little girl, “I don't know who people are unless I run full background checks on them.”

  “But...but....” the squeaky voice continued to protest, “Why is this even happening to me?”

  “There are bad people in this world.” Margaret stepped into the conversation, “I fully agree that you should not be involved with people who are not safe to be around.” and with that, she pulled out her driver's license and handed it to the housemaid, who without hesitation took it in one hand, rose and walked over to the kitchen where she slid it through a card reader she had set up on a computer.

  Apparently she had the kitchen set up to serve both as a place for feeding the family as well as an intelligence headquarters.

  “Hmmm...” she looked as a printer spat out a few pages of information, “Some minor traffic offenses, one juvenile assault charge, against ah...”

  Jacqueline's eyes would have been getting wider if she had the muscular ability to have done so.

  “You're a dangerous person!” she squeaked.

  “Its okay,” Anna said, “She's safe.” coming back in and handing Margaret her driver license back, “She had just cause, just the same as she had in your case.” then turning to Margaret, “A regular vigilante are you?”

  “I just help people when I see them in trouble,” she said coolly, “Nothing more, nothing less.”

  “And do you go and visit these poor helpless victims at their homes as well?” she challenged the redhead.

  “Well this case was pretty severe,” Margaret replied, and since I came from an abusive family, I figured this one warranted a little better look and as you might have guessed, a bit of followup.”

  “Actually sweetheart,” the woman got a dead eyed piercing stare, “That is not what I was figuring to be your motives.” she held out a copy of a signal analysis and triangulation report printed out in a 3 dimensional info graphic.

  Marge's face got pale as she realized that there was a radio telemetry surveillance system in this house or some place nearby which had pinpointed and documented both the beacon and the receiver in her car in a real time 3 dimensional motion graph.

  “Now...little lady...” she leaned forward with a very interested look, “Tell me again why you are here to see the heir of the Shunokoi Aerospace empire.”

  Ep 1, Chapter 6

  “W-well...” Marge said, “As I said before...” she tapered off under the steel steady stare of the incredibly well muscled Russian woman.

  “I will allow you to visit with Jacqueline,” she pointed a warning finger despite her soft spoken tone, “So long as it is here within this house and I am sure you have no weapons.”

  “Well,” Margaret began thinking this was a great time to be leaving, but for some unknown reason, she actually did the opposite, and pulled out her boot knife, “I'll get it back when I leave, right?”

  “If anything happens to Jacqueline,” she began and then silently ran her finger across her neck in a clear gesture that it would not end well for Margaret.

  “Oh I have no such intentions for your daugh-” she stopped, “I mean M-miss Shunokoi here!”

  Jacqueline had been silent for a while now, and looked for all the world to be either sleeping sitting up or in such a stupor as to be completely oblivious to what was going on around her, but she then asked, “Is something worrying you Miss Margaret?” even though her eyes seemed not to track anything and her head swiveled ever so slightly and very slowly as she sat there, making it seem as if she were not even aware of the words she spoke.

  Anna raised her fingers to her lips to indicate denial of the threat.

  “Oh, no!” Margaret responded suddenly more cheerful, “I just forgot that ummm-” she raised her hand in an asking gesture, toward Anna.

  “Anna.” she said calmly.

  “Y-yeah-” she tried again, “That Anna here was not your mother and only the housemaid!” which she finished with a nervous chuckle.

  Without the expression on her face changing, she shocked both of them by saying, “She's also my bodyguard and a trained killer
.” as she took another slow breath, her head swiveled some more in that almost unnerving manner, “But she won't hurt you,” the thirteen year old continued, “She likes you.” and she concluded with a sleepy looking smile, “I think I maybe like you too.”

  Episode 2

  “Age Differences”

  Jacqueline had never had friends, guests, sleepovers, study partners or the like, so she never imagined anybody would ever see her bedroom.

  The walls were covered with posters of j-pop idols, both individually and as groups, as well as pictures of horses and women riding horses in dressage competition.

  Margaret was mostly blown away by the 96” concave screen deep reach projection television.

  It had a setting where it could produce an almost holographic effect and the 3 dimensional view did not need glasses because the screen was literally a concave surface covered in microscopic ultra low wattage eye tracking projection lasers.

  It was invented by her parents, and was still in the research and development stage.

  It was the only television made which Jacqueline could watch.

  Because her eyes slowly shifted from left to right all the time, and due to her extreme nearsightedness, her ability to look or focus on anything was pretty much reduced to nothing but a shaky blur.

  The television was set up with precisely calibrated microlasers which produced just enough power to project the proper image without any risk to the retina of the viewers.

  And it could track up to twenty viewers simultaneously at different distances, although the image quality dropped as the number of viewers increased.

  Jacqueline actually recited off every one of its features, showed how it worked and even popped in one of her favorite videos.

  As Margaret watched transfixed, he first thought was, “I need one of these!” Followed by, “I need to be SEEN on one of these!”

  “Where do you buy one of these?” Margaret asked out loud, remaining transfixed to the images.

  “You can't,” Jacqueline replied casually in her squeaky voice, “This is the only one.”

  “I seriously need one of these!” she finally said out loud.

  “I'll ask my parents if they can make you one.” the chubby girl said casually, “If I see them.” a note of sadness could be heard in her tone.

  “They are gone a lot?” Margaret asked, turning to her hostess.

  “All the time.” Jacqueline replied sniffling, her huge wide eyes wiggling back and forth while her head slowly rotated, “They are going to work themselves to death, Anna says.”

  “That's terrible!” Margaret responded, more to the emotions than to the concept of not having parents, “I never knew my father.” she said, becoming slowly mesmerized with the eyes and motion of Jacqueline's face, “And my mother is a bad person.”

  “I wish it was like it was before.” Jacqueline said, tears coming out of the impossibly big eyes, “I miss them so much!”

  “Awwe,” Margaret couldn't help but reach out and embrace the adorable chubby girl with the bug sad eyes, “I can't be your parents,” she said in an offering tone, “But I can always be here for you.”

  “I would like that.” the squeaky voice said, “But why are you here?” she suddenly asked, shattering the mood.

  “Well,” Margaret replied, trying to be honest without saying anything too upsetting, “I just find you fascinating,” she began, “And reliable,” she wanted to say positive things but noting too extreme, “You're kind, intelligent -.”

  “I have a learning disability.” Jacqueline rebutted her, “I study hard each day to keep a C average.”

  “But that's not the only kind of smart there is!” Margaret protested, “I can see that you have many natural abilities that others don't!”

  “What are you talking about?” Jacqueline asked defensively.

  “I and a few other girls know you walk all through the school some days with your eyes completely shut.”

  “How do you know this?” she asked slightly fearful.

  “We have stood and watched you.” she said, “I and my band members often hang out in the gym between PE and lunch and we watch people.”

  “You're in a band!?” Jacqueline literally forgot the topic of discussion and got very excited.

  “Well,” Margaret replied nonplussed, “I have had a band since I came out here two years ago.”

  “That is so awesome!” Jacqueline was so excited she totally forgot she was trying to hide her natural abilities and was now immersed in a subject she dearly loved.

  “Some day I want to be a famous singer!”

  “Can you sing?” Margaret asked, dubious because Jacqueline's voice was so high.

  “Sure I can sing!” she replied, and immediately without hesitation began singing a famous j-pop song in perfect pitch and tempo a cappella in a voice so clear and clean it was as if an angel were singing it.

  “Wowwwwwwwww...” Margaret breathed in stunned awe at the extreme beauty of the voice.

  It was almost as if Jacqueline had been transmuted into an angel. Her strength...her control...her confidence...even her eye movements all came completely under control.

  When this child began to sing, she became a completely different person!

  She was adorable to look upon before, but now, she was heavenly!

  When Jacqueline stopped singing however, her eyes immediately resumed shaking and her head slowly resumed rotating.

  “That was fantastic!” Margaret exclaimed totally awestricken, “How have you never been discovered before?” she wondered in astonishment.

  “My parents don't really care for music,” she replied, “They still keep hoping they can find a way to make me smart like they are so I can continue doing all that boring research junk.” clearly, she was very despondent, “I don't even WANT to be that smart.” she declared, “Then I would be forced to live such a miserable existence because it would be pointless to marry and have children,” tears returned to her eyes, “They would suffer just like me!”

  Margaret again drew her near, “I promise,” she said quietly, “I'll do my damnedest to help make your dreams come true.”

  Ep 2, Chapter 2

  At school the following day, Margaret told her band mates what had happened the night before and they were dubious.

  “We'll have to SEE this!” Rachel Harris said, “Didn't you try once before and found out that the girl had severe stage fright?”

  “I have NO IDEA if she has stage fright okay?” Margaret said in defense of the situation, “And I had no idea that Tammy Roscoe had stage fright either.”

  “Well...” Rachel said, “Let get that little 'issue' out of the way before we worry if she can carry a tune in a bucket, shall we?” and give Lilly Hansen a high five slap.

  “You guys!” Margaret growled in frustration, “Look – I have to stand up there and belt out twelve frikkin songs per show, and I need a break every now and then!” she said in a bit more pleading tone, “You guys are NOT being very helpful here.”

  “We just don't like the idea of looking like fools on stage and ruining our reputation as a band miss wild thang,” their drummer Julie Ruso replied.

  “Look look look...okay” Margaret rubbed her forehead in desperation, “We'll get some people together we know and do a test run okay?”

  “Does she know our stuff?” Tammy asked.

  “Well,” Margaret shrugged, “How would I know? I just met her!”

  “By ASKING...” Julie said in a very smart-alec tone, “Duh...”

  “Well,” Margaret said, “That's not something you ask on your first -” she caught herself, “time meeting somebody!”

  “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Rachel said, “Dating the classic 'cute underclassmen' are we now?” hands on her hips walking around Margaret like she were inspecting her outfit. “Did you use a dental dam?”

  “Oh GAWD!” Margaret cried out shoving her back, “Get OFF it already!”

  “Haha pedobear,” Rachel shoved ba

  “Am NOT!” Margaret shoved back.

  “Ladies,” called out Mrs. Emerson who just happened to be coming up the hallway, “You know horseplay is not allowed in school.” waggling her finger at them.

  “Yes Mrs. Emerson,” Rachel said facing away from her as she roller her eyes and made a silly face.


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