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Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1)

Page 4

by Yuri Futanari

  “Why don't you have glasses?” Margaret asked.

  “Because they don't fit right, and they give me terrible headaches.” she started counting on her fingers.

  “What about contact lenses?”

  “They don't fit right and they never stay on.” she indicated with one of her baby sized fingers the gradual motion of an object from the middle of her eye to the corner of it.

  “Ahhh...I see.”

  “I can't see the world around me except with this television,” she said, “So its pointless for me to go anywhere.” she leaned down, looked at the numbers and once again counted, then wrote down the answer.

  “Well that's a total shame.” Margaret said, seeing her newly formed plan go down in flames.

  “I would love to see the world with my own eyes.” Jacqueline said, looking back at the book, “But until somebody knows how to make something I can see through,” she leaned back to the paper, “Its pointless to think about.”

  Margaret marveled at the calm, mature demeanor of the child who was so strongly coping with her disabilities.

  “You one amazing young woman Jacqueline,” Margaret marveled.

  With that, she opened up her own books and began studying.

  Ep 3, Chapter 5

  “Well,” Margaret said during PE, “I tried the simple 'Let's go to the park' tact,” she sighed, “But Bunny shot that one down herself.”

  “You have a pet name for her now, huh?” Rachel teased.

  “Oh shut up.” Margaret shot back.

  “Maybe that's the real reason she doesn't want to go to the zoo,” Lily offered deadpan while opening a beer.

  “Why is that?” Julie asked, knowing there was more to it than met the eye.

  “Because no animal wants to be caged,” she winked, “specially not with 'lions and tigers and bears, oh my!'” which she said in the same tone as it had been said in the movie.

  Everybody but Margaret laughed at that one.

  “My you have become such a stick in the mud since you met her,” Rachel complained, “I'm not too sure she's good for the band you know.”

  “I'm fine,” Margaret grumbled, “I just don't find insulting people funny...” she looked at the faces of four girls desperately fighting back hilarious laughter, “ this kind of case.”

  They still broke out into even more laughter.

  “You guys suck you know that?” Margaret got up and went out on the balcony of her 10th story apartment, flinging a beer cap out into space to see it sail off to some unknown place far below.

  Ep 3, Chapter 6

  Jacqueline lay awake that night, replaying what she had heard downstairs while she was in the bathtub.

  Since nobody knew she had super hearing, nobody knew she could hear everything people said most of the time, even through walls, around corners, at great distances, through intervening sounds like wind, rain and traffic, and even if she had her head under water.

  So there were not only students against her, but their parents and somebody in the faculty was behind a conspiracy of some kind for unknown purposes.

  It never occurred to her that they resented being punished for attacking her.

  Her mind simply did not think of things like guilt, culpability, evil intentions or anything of the like.

  She would often speak her mind without thinking and trust people without knowing them, and it had gotten her in a bad way in the past, but still, some times she hid her feelings by conditioned reflex rather than from common sense.

  In this case, she knew something was wrong, but had no idea how or why.

  The whole realm of politics and subterfuge were far beyond the capacity of her mind to comprehend.

  Try as she may, they were just illusive, ethereal, abstract ideas other people threw around like a toy they were teasing her with while denying her access to it.

  But her mind was so simple, she was not offended by this at all.

  She simply assumed it was best to not worry about that which she did not understand.

  Finally, after realizing that this too was outside her grasp, she let it all go and drifted off to sleep.

  Episode 4

  “Love, Under The Influence”

  “So what got you calling her 'bunny' anyhow?” Julie asked in first period math when the teacher stepped out.

  “I dunno,” she said, “I just saw that adorable little face with those huge front teeth, the cross-eyed thing and the way her face twitches,” she sighed, interlacing her fingers behind her head, “I guess she just looked like a pet rabbit I had as a kid.”

  “Well,” Julie pondered, :”Now that you mention it...” she shrugged, “I still think you got the hots for her you pe-oww!” she rubbed her behind where Margaret had kicked her through the opening in the back of her chair, “Stop that!”

  “As if..” Margaret retorted, reaching forward to further slap her on the back of her head, “Get a clue dumbass, we're in school.”

  “'re no fun!” Julie moaned in faux moe protest.

  “I'm shocked to learn of this.” Margaret declared in a flat tone with a deadpan and slightly vacant stare.

  The teacher came in the room backwards still talking to somebody outside the door, then she turned and looked into the class, pointed at Margaret and motioned with her finger for her to come to the door.

  “Uh-oh,” Julie said leaning over with a feigned sense of dread, “You went and done it now...”

  “At least I didn't do it with you like half of LA.”

  Biting her lower lip, Julie tried to jab Margaret in the rump as she passed, but Margret’s sharp eyes and quick reflexes swatted the pen away, “Too slow looser.” she mocked as she walked out of easy reach and out the door.

  Two men in matching black suits she had never seen before waited for her outside.

  Ep 4, Chapter 2

  At lunch time, Margaret was back, and had gotten passes to skip classes from the principal's office.

  “What the fuck was all that about?” Julie asked.

  “I don't want to talk about it.” Marge said, leaning her head on the heel of her palm looking both distant and disgusted at the same time, sipping on her soda straw, “Its not even worth talking about anyhow.”

  Jacqueline finally came in, and today she had her tray loaded down.

  “Whoa girl!” Tammy said, “You TRYING to get fatter?”

  “I stay the same weight no matter what I eat.” Jacqueline replied and began scooping up chopped spinach from her plate into a bowl of ramen noodles and stirring.

  “How do you pull that off?” Lily asked, “I eat two pieces of bread and gain ten pounds.”

  “I have a high metabolism.” Jacqueline replied.

  All of them except Margaret looked at each other as if to say, “She's as big around as she is tall and she is saying that?”

  “I heard you and those attorneys in the office,” Jacqueline piped up, “So your mother is dead now?” she bit off some corn bread, “That's sad.”

  Margaret was frozen. She felt totally betrayed by this one she had up until this moment so much respect and admiration for. She could not express how terrible she felt to have her personal business spoken about for all the world to hear.

  “I'm finished eating.” she suddenly announced and left the table.

  “Wow you sure hit a sore spot,” Julie said, “Nice going there bunny.”

  “Who's bunny?” Jacqueline looked up and around all of a sudden confused.

  Ep 4, Chapter 3

  Jacqueline went home with Anna again today because Margaret was already gone.

  She went home, took off her fat suit, bathed and studied, watched some videos and relaxed.

  Since there was nobody at home except Anna, she just slipped into panties and a bra and left it at that.

  Anna got a call from Jacqueline's mother asking to pick her up at the airport.

  She locked the doors, set the alarms and left.

  She was unaware that she would
be gone a long time and that the cat had not been let back in, and did not bother telling Jacqueline.

  Jacqueline went down to the refrigerator and searched for some juice.

  While she was there, she heard the cat and unlocked the door.

  Then she heard the alarm give its 30 second beep, and hurried to disarm it.

  Then she went back to looking in the refrigerator for juice.

  When she found none, she began to rifle through the cabinets.

  She found a large glass bottle that seemed full, and opened the lid.

  It smelled divine, so she took a sip.

  It was sweet, fruity, and made her feel warm inside.

  She poured herself a glass of it and found herself drinking it right down.

  She grabbed the large bottle and the glass and returned to her bedroom.

  As she watched music videos, she felt this overwhelming urge to sing along.

  Soon she was singing and dancing to every song on the play list.

  It was hot and she opened the door to her balcony to let in the cool night air.

  While she sang and danced, she felt euphoric and paid little attention to anything but the purity of the music and her feelings.

  She was so filled with emotions tears streamed from her eyes as she sang.

  Ep 4, Chapter 4

  Margaret had driven up some time in the furor of her emotions and she paid no attention to the distinctive note of the Corvette, but rather she sang and danced.

  Instead of parking in front of the house, though, she pulled past, and around the corner. She was not sure if she wanted to do this or not.

  She heard the j-pop music coming from around the corner and found herself feeling an overwhelming desire to see that lovely face singing with such heartfelt passion again.

  For a while Margaret sat outside thinking what to say to the innocent minded child, but the power of the music flowing down from upstairs drew her from her thoughts and out of her car.

  As if hearing an angel, she was mesmerized once again.

  This time, however, she felt that there was more. So very much more.

  As the siren voice beckoned, she suddenly found herself at the front door, which was locked, but being so drawn, she simply went to the side gate which was not locked, and walked around and through the kitchen door which was still part way open.

  Walking past the cabinet she noticed two doors were open, one to the glasses and one to a collection of wines which were clearly of Asian origins.

  A circular clean spot of notable size was exposed where dust had collected for quite some time in the cabinet, which showed that the wine was seldom if ever accessed, whereas the glasses shelf was immaculate.

  “Interesting that the wine cupboard is open,” she thought to herself, “But its also clear that nobody in this house is much of a drinker either.”

  Going upstairs, she was aware that Jacqueline's bedroom door was wide open and the music was naturally coming from her room.

  As she peeked in, she was stunned beyond imagination at what she saw.

  Jacqueline was dancing on her silk bikini briefs and bra, and her REAL body was STUNNING!

  She was not in the least bit what she appeared to be at school!

  Granted, the hips and the breasts were about as big, but there was this stunning narrow waistline and her figure was simply unbelievably gorgeous!

  As she danced, too, her H-cup breasts bounced and jiggled with all the demanding moves, totally mesmerizing Margaret.

  After a while though, something else finally became apparent.

  The front of her silk panties had a bulge in it!

  It was like she had a finger sticking up out...

  “Oh my god!” she breathed in disbelief, “You're a....” she whispered.

  Jacqueline finally noticed her and motioned her into the room.

  She continued to dance and sing totally without any sense of self-consciousness.

  Margaret, however, was feeling VERY self conscious.

  Between the face, the voice, the flowing hair, the breasts, the hips and thighs, and then that little jiggly bump poking up, she felt hot all over, from her face, to the back of her neck, to her back, and hands and thighs.

  Looking around she noticed the large bottle on the floor, now empty and the glass from the cupboard.

  Finally Jacqueline got tired of dancing and came down from the kotasu, and went to her bed and sat down.

  She was panting and reached for a tissue to wipe sweat from her face and arms, then from her breasts.

  Margaret was so stunned by everything she was seeing, she couldn't think of ANYTHING to say let alone what she had come here to say.

  “Why don't you come sit down?” Jacqueline squeaked out a warm invitation while patting the bed next to her.

  “uh-ummm....sure!” she said absently.

  They talked about what happened that day. Jacqueline apologized for blurting out Margret’s business, and Margaret apologized for getting up and leaving. Then she explained where the name 'Bunny' came from and that it was a term of endearment because she used to have a pet rabbit she named Bunny when she was little.

  That explanation warmed Jacqueline's heart and she smiled.

  After a while, however, Jacqueline became sleepy as the alcohol in her blood stream continued to march forward.

  “I'm sleepy,” she said rubbing her eyes and yawning with her thick lips and little pink tongue.

  “Well I better-” a car drove up in the driveway, “Oh shit!” she whispered.

  “The bathroom is right there across the hallway,” Jacqueline said half conscious.

  “T-that's not what I meant!” Margaret whispered nervously, “Somebody just drove up!”

  “Oh....yeah they did...” Jacqueline replied almost unconscious, then “Oh!” she rose up, “Go in my closet there!” she whispered back pointing behind the huge round television, “Just push it a little and it will move on wheels, and pull it behind you!”

  “Oh gawd!” Margaret groaned.

  “Wait!” Jacqueline said, reaching her arm out toward her.

  “What?” she came expecting Jacqueline to whisper something else.

  Instead the little girl pulled her in and clumsily kissed her halfway between her eye and the bridge of her nose, then said, “Go hide!”

  Episode 5

  “Midnight Escapades and the Rumor Mill Grinds!”

  As Anna and Yui came in the house, they immediately sensed something was out of place.

  First the alarm was off, next turning on the kitchen lights showed that the kitchen cabinets were open, and finally, the back door was unlocked.

  They both rushed upstairs to check on Jacqueline, only to find her asleep with her door open.

  Then they noticed the two liter wine bottle laying on the floor and an empty glass next to it, and the balcony window open.

  “When did she- how-?” Yui asked picking up the empty bottle.

  “Damn!” Anna growled, slapping her forehead forcefully in angst, “How did I let this happen?!”

  “Did you tell her she could drink wine?” Yui asked stunned and a bit confused.

  “No Mrs. Shunokoi!” she denied vehemently, “I have no idea what got into her to get into the wine cabinet!”

  Looking at the big cheerful golden plum image on the wine bottle, then sniffing its fragrance, “Did you get her juice like she asked today?” Yui checked from the obvious evidence.

  “Ahhhhh!” again she slapped her forehead, “That must be it!” she growled at herself for being negligent.

  “Apparently she groped around, found something that tasted fruity and sweet, and just drank it.” Yui looked down into the bottle as if checking for some additional message or information hidden there.

  As they went downstairs to look the situation over, they looked and found her fingerprints on the glass door to the back yard.

  “Well,” she shrugged, “apparently you didn't let the cat back in either.” Yui said, and lik
ely as not, she forgot to re-arm the alarm after she heard it give the warning beep.


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