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Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1)

Page 6

by Yuri Futanari

  Then they went upstairs and studied. Although Anna did not know it, Jacqueline did not come out of the bath in her fat suit tonight, but wore her normal pajamas, since she figured out when she awoke the other day two things: one, Margaret had already seen her in her underwear, and two, she loved Margaret, even if it was more of an adult type love than a childlike love. At this point, however, she did not feel it appropriate to use that word with Margaret, so it was unknown to the rock star at this point.

  “You don't mind all this attention?” Marge asked.

  “Its better now than before.” Jacqueline replied in her logical manner as she studied, “Before I had nobody.”

  “But -” she began and then she realized there was nothing to protest. Then she asked, “Bunny,”

  “Yes?” she asked while reading.

  “What do you think of me?” she asked furtively.

  “I think you're wonderful.” she replied, “I just wish I could see you.” as she leaned over into her book and carefully gazed until she could make out the words, then again went back to her paper where she painstakingly wrote those words to make them legible.

  “Hmmm...” Marge pondered, trying to sound cool about it while at the same time her heart was pounding.

  “Why are you nervous?” Jacqueline asked.

  “I'm not nervous,” the red haired girl lied.

  “Your pulse rate is up, your breathing is shaky, I can smell a change in your scent, and the air is getting more humid.” the squeaky voice responded as if it were a medical analysis from a computer.

  “Uhhh-uhhh-uhhh....” she stumbled verbally in astonishment, “How do you know all of that?”

  “I sense it.” Bunny replied continuing to work between her book and her paper.

  “How?” Marge was truly curious now, although even more nervous than before because she knew how a polygraph machine worked.

  “I hear your pulse and respiration, smell your odor, sense the humidity from your perspiration in my nose.”

  “Wow you are astonishing!” Marge was floored, “Why are you not a spy or a detective or something?”

  “I don't want to be,” she replied calmly, “I want to be a singer.”

  “It seems a waste to not use your abilities.” Marge protested.

  “It would be,” she replied, “but I use them all the time to survive,” she pointed out, “so they go to good use.”

  “But that day I first met yo -,” Marge began.

  “I was already cornered.” Jacqueline replied, “I had no way to escape or I would have fled immediately.”

  “You are so smart,” the older girl mused, “And yet you struggle to get good grades.”

  “My grandparents say there are more kinds of smarts than book learning in this world,” she replied, “Its just that my parents fail to see that fact,” she sighed and looked up, “so I'm in this school in the hopes some day I'll magically become a brainiac like them and follow in their footsteps.”

  “But you're not really interested?” said more of a statement than a question.

  “No,” she shrugged, “I was not born into this world to solve any of its problems,” she laid her pen down, “I was born into this world to make people happy.”

  “Wow...” she marveled, then her heart really began pounding and she said something she did not mean to say, but it just came out, “Well you've made ONE person VERY happy.”

  Jacqueline rolled over onto her hands and knees, crawled around the kotatsu, rose up on her knees, pulled Margaret close (which caused Margaret to drop her book and go slack jawed) and after a moment of staring her eye to eye at about three inches distance, pulled in and kissed her on the lips briefly and said, “I know.” before returning to her original seat with her books almost as if nothing happened.

  Margaret just sat there dazed.

  Ep 6, Chapter 5

  When Margaret got home that night, she pulled a beer from the fridge, pressed the play button on her answering machine and sat down on the couch.

  Various messages ran by, Julie wanting to drop by, but would call back later, Rachel, same thing, Tammy wanted to go out drinking, and Lily wanted to go to Catalina Island, some telemarketers who finally realized it was an answering machine...

  She had just picked up the remote and was about to turn on the television when their agent came on saying in a boastful tone that they were going to be booked at the Staples Arena so they better bring their A-game.

  She leapt up over the couch spraying beer and sending the remote flying as she dove for the phone to hit replay.

  As the message played, she pulled out her cell phone and pulled up her agent on speed dial.

  “Margie...! Good to hear from you so soon!” the woman purred loudly on the other end.

  “Is this some kind of JOKE?” Marge asked, heart pounding.

  “Nope babe,” she exclaimed proudly, “Its the real deal! I have you booked for April 9th opening for Slavemaker and Mayhem's Agent, and its expected to draw a full house, so you best be on top of your game.”

  “HOLY JESUS!” she cried out, “Have you told the others?” she asked, knees feeling weak and pulling up a dining table chair to sit on before she fell over.

  “Wanted to make certain you felt up to it before I called them all.” she said, “If you weren't -”

  “OH HELL yeah!” she shouted, “Lets ROCK this house!” she almost screamed.

  “Ouch, darlin, you know how loud your voice is?” Janice Whilhemen asked painfully.

  “Oh...sorry...but hell yeah! Lets do this!” she almost shouted as loud.

  “Okay,” the older woman replied, “Any special guests, passes, anything you want?”

  “Nuh – WAIT! Yeah!” she licked her lips, “Ummm...” looking around as if totally risking obliteration if she made the wrong move, “One VIP pass and a limousine pick up for one Jacqueline Shunokoi and my self from school, as well as a driver to take my 'vette to the show in case we want to slip out afterward.”

  “Oowwooowww....fancy!” Janice purred, “Didn't know you had a girlfriend.”

  “Well,” she replied un an unusually flustered and shy manner, “Eehhh...we'rrrrrre not EXACTLY...I-um-uh....yet.”

  The older woman chuckled softly, “Its okay babe, I totally understand, been there, done that. I'll hook you up right.”

  “Umm...” in a much softer, almost timid voice, “ a lot Janice, I owe ya for this one.”

  As she disconnected the call, she sat there for a long time just silent, looking stunned, before suddenly leaping up and hitting the ceiling with her fist and screaming “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” at the top of her lungs.

  The people in the apartment up above stomped on the floor telling her to pipe down.

  Ep 6, Chapter 6

  The next day, as Jacqueline rode with Margaret to school, she noticed the intense excitement and anticipation the older girl was trying to hide.

  “You're very excited about something.” Jacqueline said.

  “Well,” she pondered the idea of lying again and denying it but she new Bunny would know, “We just made the big time as a band.” she said, “and yes, I'm nervous, but at the same time, this is what I have always dreamed of.”

  “We have the same dream,” Jacqueline said, “But mine is a lot more distant it seems.”

  “Why do you say that?” Margaret asked.

  “Because I know my parents will never approve of me being a singer.” some sadness weighed on her usually calm and intrepid voice.

  “What if they never knew?” Margaret asked.

  “They'd find out through Anna.” she said softly, in as much of a grumble as her delicate high pitched voice could manage.

  “I have all the connections though!” Margaret protested, “Never give up on your dreams Bunny, you have me here to support you all the way!”

  The younger girl pulled a small black leather bound notebook out of her school satchel and held it in her hands as they drove into the driveway, sitting t
here in silence for a while.

  Finally, as Margaret shut off the softly rumbling engine of the pink sports car, Jacqueline said, “I wrote all of these.” and handed the small notebook, “I know them all by heart, and I made a digital version of the tunes on my computer at home.”

  Opening the notebook, Margaret read the lyrics and got chills, “YOU wrote these?” she was again stunned in awe.

  “Yes,” she replied humbly, “They're my best try.”

  “Wow Bunny!” she reached over, forgetting where they were and pulled the girl up into a firm, albeit brief kiss, “You're AMAZING!”

  Several students in the parking lot gasped, the tall blond seventh grader who was just leaving her father's Mercedes gasped and fainted.

  Episode 7

  “Devious Plans For Success: How To Get Bunny Out Of The House”

  “DAMN!” Rachel exclaimed, “First we get this rumor of a super new second vocalist, then we get 'the holy grail of LA music' dropped in our lap, then all these mega hot songs?” she flopped down in the chair stunned, “I'm feeling overwhelmed right now.”

  “This is some pretty good shit,” Julie admitted, “How did you get her to sing these anyhow?”

  “She recorded the music on her home computer and then just sang to it.” Marge replied, “I just managed the sound balance so that the tracks didn't overwhelm her voice.”

  “So the voice is a separate track from the music?” Tammy asked, looking at the small flash drive.

  “Yeah.” Margaret replied, “Here: lets plug it in.” In one dark corner of the room she had a top end machine which had six separate monitors and three custom keyboards, all of which performed different functions, the top one was a three octave piano style sampler board, it was the highest up but still easy to reach without interfering with the view of the lowest two monitors.

  “Here-” Tammy said and handed it to Rachel who was closer, and she tossed it to Margaret.

  She caught the small chip, and slipped it into her desktop port.

  Moments later four of these six screens came alive as different data popped up on each one.

  As the two tracks separated, the music track was broken down even further into seven sub tracks which had been played simultaneously and all shared a separate file.

  “See here,” Marge pointed out, “Even though all of this is done on a sampler, we can do these and these with a lot more flair and style,” highlighting areas and then playing them, “We'll be able to make a real killer track here.”

  “And with real instruments, the sound will be pure of course.” Rachel added.

  “Well ladies,” Margaret set the system on blue tooth single track mode, picked up her guitar, hit the power to the amps and asked, “Shall we?”

  Ep 7, Chapter 2

  “You girls recorded YOUR apartment, in two hours last night?” Janice asked incredulously over the phone, “Which one of you girls has a voice like this all of a sudden? It sounds like an angel is singing!”

  “Well,” Margaret replied, trying to keep her tone low enough people would not find out she was making a phone call in the school bathroom, “It was pretty much completed when we got it.”

  “Wait...” Janice said, “You went and HIRED somebody, or bought their song?” she was not only shocked she was angry, “No wonder I didn't recognize the voice!”

  “NOOOOOOOOOO!” she suddenly said out loud, then caught herself and whispered again, “No!”

  “What do you mean 'no'?” her agent demanded of her.

  “I want to add this girl to the band.” she continued whispering, “Everybody else is all in on it.”

  “Well, then,” Janice said, “What do you need ME for?” she asked.

  “Because...” she whispered, “her parents don't approve.”

  “Do any of your parents approve?” she asked nonplussed.

  “Its that girl Jacqueline!” she said in a harsh whisper, “She's only thirteen!”

  Ep 7, Chapter 3

  A tall, skinny, cross-eyed, long haired, pinch-nosed, bespectacled individual in subtle makeup and a black silk mufuku kimono answered the phone in a rather shrill, “Yes?” after a moment, “Yes this is Yan Shunokoi, who is calling?”

  “Wilhelmen?” they asked, “And you represent “Arista International?” slowly mulling it over, “And you are calling to get my permission to...” a pen clattered, a few buttons were pushed, “Yuiiiiiiiii!!!”

  Ep 7, Chapter 4

  “Damn!” Margaret kicked the sofa, as tears welled up in her eyes, “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!”

  “That really blows.” Julie said.

  “So we just fucking wasted everything.” Margaret grumbled, “Just...fucking...great.”

  “Ummm...” Rachel asked, “Would you like to be alone right now?” with a truly concerned tone, “Because umm...if you would, we can leave.”

  “Hell no.” she sniffled, “The LAST thing I need is to think about shit like this alone!” and she pulled up a beer from a case beside the couch and plunked down on it.

  “So,” Lily said, “Just like that, they got a restraining order against you?”

  “That is fucked UP!” Julie said, “Fuck.”

  “It is what it is,” Margaret choked out, tears running down her face, “What the fuck am I going to do?”

  “So then what?” Rachel challenged, “Are they going to kick us all out of school?”

  “They’ll probably take her out.” Margaret croaked, rubbing her eyes, “Maybe just have her tutored or something.” she swigged her beer, “They have the money to.”

  “Well, so what then?” Tammy asked, “Are you going to blow the gig too?”

  “Hell no,” she looked at Tammy like she were a complete moron, “God!” she threw her crimson red haired head back against the back of the couch, then turned her head to look at Tammy, “I'll play this gig and become a heavy metal goddess and then command them to give her back to me. With interest!”

  “You go girl!” Julie cheered and extended her beer bottle. They all leaned forward, even Margaret and clinked their bottles shouted “BLEEDING CYNAIDE!” then swigged them in unison.

  Ep 7, Chapter 5

  Jacqueline was stunned. In fact, she was so stunned, she stopped moving. Even her regular facial movements stopped. Her eyes were glazed and unmoving, her head was stationary, she seemed to even stop breathing.

  She sat on the living room couch for easily ten minutes saying nothing, as if she were utterly unaware of anything, while Yui and Yan sat across from her asking if she understood their decision.

  Finally tears welled up in her huge brown eyes and streamed down her face.

  She never made a sound, she just sat there motionless.

  After several more minutes, Anna, who was standing to the side patiently, who was also in trouble for allowing this strange wild woman into the safety of their home, scooped the motionless child up and carried her up the stairs.

  “What are you doing?!” Yui demanded angrily.

  “I'm putting her to bed Mrs. Shunokoi,” she said, some emotion showing in her voice “Then I'll pack my things and leave.”

  “LEAVE?!” Yui screamed, “What are you talking about?! You can't just up and leave! You haven't given me a two week's notice! I don't have anybody to replace you! What is going to happen to Jacqueline if you leave?”

  “You're wise and rich Mrs. Shunokoi,” she said stoically as she drew the door to the child's room shut, “I know you'll manage.”

  Yan got a sickly look on his face, “My family is disintegrating...” he said to himself in a soft almost childish tone.

  Ep 7, Chapter 6

  “You were right,” Rachel said, and for the first time anyone had ever seen her, she had a somber look on her face.

  Jacqueline did not come to school.

  “What did you do, get her knocked up?” came a nasty comment from the tall seventh grader.

  “You wanna get knocked out?” Marge started her direction.

  She fled making a worried sound as she ran.

  “Stupid little bitch.” Marge growled.

  “Yeah they sure are shallow.” Julie said, “We better get to class.”


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