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Kinky Boots (Mischief Books)

Page 9

by Grace, KD

  Jill was more than a little surprised by the glances of appreciation she drew from several men at the bar. She figured that was Eleanor’s doing, since the last time she was in the Bluu Bar she had been all but invisible to the opposite sex. She forced her attention back to Vivie, who was studying her like she was the menu at a five-star restaurant. One of those written in French. ‘What?’ she said.

  Vivie leaned an elbow on the table and smiled at her friend. ‘It’s just, well, wow! You seem so different, so confident. You shag a sex god in a shoe shop on a Friday night. On Saturday morning you tell your boss to fuck himself, then quit your job. And on Sunday I show up to discover you’ve just been going at it with said sex god on the floor of your lounge. And all in one weekend. Still waters run deep.’ Vivie lifted her glass in a toast.

  She didn’t know the half of it, Jill thought. They sipped their wine, and Vivie continued to study her in the afternoon sunlight streaming through the window. Jill pretended not to notice. ‘I just can’t get over how different you seem,’ Vivie said. ‘Stunning, actually.’

  Inside whatever place demons hole up when they possess someone, Eleanor offered a smug ‘I told you so’.

  Jill couldn’t remember a time when Vivie hadn’t tried to change her into a darker, taller, more rounded version of her own model-perfect self. She had cajoled and browbeaten her into having free make-overs at every cosmetic counter in every department store in the Greater London area. For Jill’s last birthday, she had even given her a session with a wardrobe consultant, but to no avail. And now here they sat with Vivie looking on in admiration. What a difference a demon makes.

  ‘I love the boots by the way,’ Vivie said.

  Jill had had another shower and was dressed in tight black jeans and a revealing vest just a few shades darker than the boots, a vest she only wore in the privacy of her flat. Until now. ‘I still haven’t paid for them,’ she said with a quirk of a smile.

  ‘You minx.’ Vivie giggled. ‘I just can’t imagine you doing the nasty with Finn in his shoe store. That’s so not you, Jilly.’

  She had no idea, Jill thought.

  Inside her head, Eleanor refused to take all the credit. After all, she reminded Jill, she hadn’t actually been in residence for any of the foreplay in Kinky Boots.

  They were on their second glass of wine, sitting on the high chairs at a chunky wooden table across from the bar. Vivie leaned closer. ‘I’m not the only one totally awed by your very sexy self,’ she said. ‘You seem to be drawing the attention of that bloke in the corner.’ Vivie gave a not-so-discreet sideways glance. ‘The big one that looks like he could crush a lorry with one hand.’ She gave him the once-over. ‘Very nice. I like big men, I but definitely wouldn’t want him on top.’

  Jill felt her shoulders tighten. She didn’t even have to look. Inside her head, Eleanor said. ‘It’s Meinrad all right. It must be his turn to keep an eye on us.’

  Meinrad was making no effort to be stealthy. He was in his usual uniform of low-rider jeans and a black T-shirt that looked like it had been painted across his muscular chest. She thought about her dream, about Finn and Eleanor and the possibility of the big man ploughing her. ‘On top’s not the only way.’ The words slipped out before she could stop them, and Vivie nearly sprayed her mouthful of wine across the table.

  ‘Jill Hart, you naughty, naughty girl.’ She leaned in conspiratorially close. ‘Do you know him?’

  ‘We’ve met, yes. He also works at Kinky Boots.’

  ‘Fucking hell,’ Vivie whispered, ‘I’m shopping at the wrong shoe store.’ She scooted her chair closer to Jill’s, then shot Meinrad a very blatant stare. ‘What do you reckon? Is he … you know … big all over?’

  ‘Oh, he’s big all right.’ Jill wondered if Eleanor had suddenly turned off the internal editor. But in her mind’s eye Eleanor raised innocent hands, refusing to take the blame.

  Before Vivie could interrogate her further, Jill motioned Meinrad over. The look of embarrassment at being caught in the act was fleeting, or maybe only imagined. Meinrad wasn’t known for great displays of emotion. But it still gave Jill a tingle of satisfaction forcing him to come clean. Before he could sit down, she said, ‘Finn sent you.’ It wasn’t a question.

  He nodded and, without so much as a greeting, took the chair next to her, but not before she had the chance to notice he was at half-mast. The little gasp that escaped Vivie’s lips told her she had noticed too. Jill wondered if he was always at half-mast and rising. ‘You were talking about me,’ he said, setting his lime and soda on the table.

  ‘Vivie couldn’t help noticing you staring at me, and the conversation went from there.’ Jill said. ‘She wondered if your cock was proportional. I said that it was.’ Vivie blushed hard and mumbled something to her that she suspected wasn’t very nice. Jill’s intention had been to put Meinrad in his place, but she wondered if her wicked sense of satisfaction at turning the tables and embarrassing her friend as well was hers or Eleanor’s.

  Vivie forced a smile in Meinrad’s direction.

  Meinrad gave a peripheral glance at his lap and shrugged. For all his reaction she might have just told him that she liked his shirt.

  ‘So,’ Vivie said, trying to put the conversation back on track. ‘You know Jill through Kinky Boots.’

  ‘You could say that, I suppose,’ Meinrad said, playing with the straw in his drink. ‘I tied her up over there last night.’

  Jill kicked him under the table, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  Vivie giggled nervously. ‘For what? Stealing the boots?’

  ‘Oh, no, she can have the boots. They’re perfect for her. I tied her up so Finn could fuck her.’

  This time he did flinch when Jill kicked him. But only a little.

  Whatever was next on the polite conversation agenda died on Vivie’s pursed lips. For a second she looked from one of them to the other, then she offered a low chuckle. ‘Oh, I get it, and that’s how she knows about your …’ She gave a little nod down to his lap.

  ‘No. She knows about my cock because she saw me wa–’

  ‘Jesus, Meinrad, shut up!’ Jill kicked him hard this time and he still offered her nothing more than a cool gaze.

  ‘You started it,’ he said. ‘I just assumed it was honesty time. By the way, Finn told me what you want us to do.’

  Vivie practically buzzed with anticipation, leaning in for the latest. ‘What do you want them to do, Jilly?’ she said. ‘Tell me.’

  Before Jill could respond, Meinrad continued. ‘I’m OK with it, of course.’ He held her in a meaningful gaze. ‘Finn and I both agreed that you’re calling the shots, just like the other night, so of course we’ll do whatever you want.’

  Inside her head, Eleanor giggled, and Jill mentally flipped her the finger.

  ‘Come on, Jilly, what shots are you calling? I’m dying to hear. I need details.’ Vivie could barely remain in her seat. ‘What the hell’s going on? And how did I miss out?’

  Thankfully, Vivie’s Alex saved the day, showing up just in time to drag Vivie away to a jazz concert at some pub in Soho, but not before Vivie swore that, when she got back, she’d rack Jill and torture the details out of her if she didn’t come clean.

  ‘I believe she’d do it too,’ Meinrad said, watching the couple leave. ‘Though I doubt she could rack you as well as I could.’ Jill wasn’t sure Meinrad was coming on to her, or if he was just having a serious hard-on at the thought of getting to rack someone. He gave no indication one way or the other.

  ‘You did that on purpose,’ she hissed at him, nodding to where Vivie and Alex had just disappeared out the door.

  ‘I did, yes. You deserved it.’

  ‘I’m not the one who was spying,’ Jill said.

  ‘I’m not spying,’ he replied. ‘You knew I was there and you know why. Now finish your wine and I’ll take you home.’

  It was early evening when Meinrad walked Jill back to her flat. Inside, the big man settled on the sofa and took
up the TV remote. ‘You’re tired,’ he said. ‘Get some rest. Finn will be back in a while.’

  She was about to protest that he was being bossy to her in her own home, but then she realised he was right. She really was tired.

  Before she headed off to her room, she turned to him. ‘Thanks for last night. I didn’t get a chance to tell you. What you did was amazing. The whole experience was amazing.’

  The grunt of a response could have meant “you’re welcome” or it could have meant “fuck off”. With Meinrad it was always hard to tell.

  As she headed for her room, Eleanor spoke quietly in her ear. ‘Not surprising at all that you’re tired after the past two days, sweetie. And you have no idea what a pleasure sleep and rest are after all these years without any. It all gets so boring. You just rest now. I’m sure Finn will wake you up when he gets in.’ Her voice felt like a kiss against Jill’s ear. ‘If he doesn’t I will.’

  * * *

  Jill didn’t actually remember falling asleep, nor could she be certain what woke her up. Her first reminder of Eleanor’s constant presence was a warm, slightly full feeling inside her abdomen, followed almost immediately by a growing tightness beneath the hood of her clit. If this was Eleanor’s version of a wake-up call, she thought she could probably get used to it. But before she could manage to get a hand between her legs to answer that call, she heard shuffling followed by a grunt coming from the living room. Just as she was about to call out Finn’s name, Eleanor mentally shushed her. ‘Don’t talk. Just go have a peek.’

  There was another grunt, followed by what sounded like soft, slightly nervous male laughter, and Jill’s pulse somersaulted in her throat. She had stripped completely to nap, something totally out of character for her, but she was getting used to being out of character. She fumbled in the dark for the nearest clothing, the flip skirt and the silk blouse. It was dark outside, but the moon was still close enough to full that the ambient light made it easy to see where she was going. Amber-coloured fallout from the lamplight in the lounge spilled into the hall. The tension in her belly, and below, and the exquisite tightening in her nipples made her suspect that some of her anticipation was Eleanor’s. She tiptoed to the end of the hall, holding her breath. There she froze, as though she had been turned to stone.

  On the sofa, Finn was just settling an open-mouthed kiss onto Meinrad’s responsive lips. The sight was enough to make Jill’s knees weak. Finn pulled away to tug the T-shirt off over the big man’s massive shoulders, and his chest heaved into view. His heavily muscled pecs were topped with tight pink nipples, nipples that Finn ran his tongue around before he nipped and kissed his way down to Meinrad’s navel, which peeked above the low ride of his jeans.

  The view made every part of Jill’s body buzz with excitement. She suspected that Eleanor had revved up the tension in some crazy demonic way. She had never felt so turned on. As Finn opened Meinrad’s jeans and the man lifted his bum to allow them and his black boxers to be slid down over his thighs, Jill wriggled fingers up under her skirt.

  ‘Don’t do that,’ Eleanor whispered. ‘Keep your hands away from yourself and just hold the feeling. You’ll be amazed at how good it’ll be if you wait. Just watch. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To watch, and let Meinrad and Finn do the work.’

  Jill tried to relax and breathe quietly, but Meinrad and Finn certainly weren’t breathing quietly. They weren’t being quiet at all. Finn ran a fisted hand up and down the length of Meinrad’s expanding erection, and Meinrad cupped his balls and squirmed on the sofa. ‘God, I’m full,’ Meinrad said with a hard grunt and a thrust upward into Finn’s fist. ‘I’ve been hard ever since last night. You owe me, Finn. You owe me big time for not letting me shag Jill after all my efforts.’

  ‘I’m paying you back now, mate,’ Finn said, rising to kiss Meinrad’s mouth like he’d eat his face off. From where she was Jill could see Finn’s white-knuckle grip around the girth of the monster cock, and Jesus, it looked like a missile ready to go off at any minute. A quiver ran through Jill’s sex and suddenly she felt as though Eleanor’s face was pressed to her pout, close to her arousal, as though she were a lab experiment, and Eleanor the professor in charge. In her mind’s eye she could almost picture the demon opening her with feminine fingers, examining her, testing her wetness, tasting her, smelling her. ‘Don’t come,’ Eleanor whispered against the swell of her clit. ‘Wait. Hold it. Delight in it.’

  The pressure of Jill’s thighs against each other made her feel heavier, tighter. She opened her legs for relief and took shallow breaths, struggling to hold back. On the sofa, the two men were now vying for position. Finn had lost his T-shirt and Meinrad was shoving at his jeans. There was the sound of shoes dropping onto the wood floor and another scramble of hard male bodies, cocks and clenching bottoms beautifully displayed against the backdrop of her turquoise sofa. It felt like Eleanor was stretching her now, rubbing and scissoring up inside her, and the feeling would have been painful if she hadn’t already been so deliciously open, so incredibly responsive to the sight of Meinrad’s enormous erection.

  There was another mad shuffle on the sofa. Finn stood briefly and rearranged himself so that he straddled Meinrad with his bottom over the man’s face. Then he shifted his hips and manoeuvred until Meinrad was able to take his erection into his mouth. Deep into his mouth. Finn made no tempt to hide the grunt of pleasure, nor did he hold back the curse that slipped between his parted lips as Meinrad reached to caress his balls. The exquisite sound of aroused male flesh made Jill slick and needy, which delighted Eleanor until it felt like she vibrated with excitement just below Jill’s skin.

  Once Finn had settled into position with his penis deep in Meinrad’s throat, he lowered himself down over the man’s belly and wriggled and shifted until he was able to take the jut of Meinrad’s erection into his mouth, and Jill was stunned at just how much of it he was able to take. She could see the muscles of Meinrad’s belly tense and bulge and tense again as Finn slid the O of his open lips down the shaft and back up again, his cheeks pulling tight in his efforts.

  Almost without realising it, Jill unbuttoned her blouse and stood with her legs open, slit clenching like it had a mind of its own. She caressed her breasts, shifting from foot to foot, struggling to keep her hands away from her crotch as she watched the fascinating scene unfolding on the sofa.

  Once again the two rearranged themselves, and Meinrad bent over the couch with his legs apart, his backside griping and relaxing, gripping and relaxing. With his penis leading the way, Finn moved behind him, kissing and nipping down the big man’s spine and onto his butt cheeks, which he kneaded and licked and separated in strong hands. His tongue and lips trailed their way to the deep crevice in between to place a kiss and a stroke upon Meinrad’s dark hole before Finn began to press and circle, press and circle with his tongue.

  ‘Fuck,’ Meinrad hissed between his teeth, grabbing onto the bounce of his penis with a tight fist as though he were about to downshift.

  As Finn replaced his tongue with the probe and scissor of two fingers, Meinrad groaned. ‘I want her, Finn. Let me have her.’

  ‘Shut up, Meinrad.’ Finn shoved wriggling fingers in hard and then Meinrad grunted and pushed back against him.

  ‘You owe me,’ he breathed.

  ‘I don’t owe you anything,’ Finn said. Then he spat on his hand, lubed his cock with his saliva and thrust it in hard. Meinrad bucked and roared loud enough to rattle the windows.

  The violence of the act caught Jill by surprise and she let out a sharp little yelp before she managed to cover her mouth with her hand. But it was too late. There was no taking it back.

  Finn’s spine stiffened, and Jill could see his buttocks tense from where he stood. Her heart raced at the sight of him buried to the hilt in another man’s butt. It was something she’d never seen before, something so raw and sexual that she felt as though her own insides were being abraded in empathy. Finn gave a hard thrust, then cursed. ‘Goddamn it, Jill, co
me here.’

  Her heart felt like it was suddenly in free-fall as she stumbled forward into view, waiting for reassurance from Eleanor that didn’t come.

  ‘Here.’ He motioned her to his side, next to where he stood, deep inside Meinrad. ‘Right here.’

  On unsteady legs she moved to stand by Finn, so close she could hear his breath with each thrust, so close she could smell the scent of his arousal and the way his scent blended with the sharper, more piquant smell of Meinrad’s heat.

  ‘I want you to suck Meinrad,’ he said.

  Meinrad pushed back hard against Finn and dislodged him. ‘Bloody hell, Finn, I don’t want her to suck me off. I want her to fuck me.’

  The little whimper that escaped Jill’s throat was involuntary, and she sat down hard on the couch. Both men stood facing each other, completely naked, sweat-sheened chests heaving, cocks raised like swords, breathing like they were already fighting a duel.

  ‘You stupid bastard, you’ll hurt her, can’t you see that?’ The words tumbled out of Finn’s mouth and swirled around Jill, making her dizzy. Inside her, she thought she could feel Eleanor positively trembling with anticipation.

  ‘No.’ Jill forced the word up her tight throat. ‘No, it’s all right. I don’t mind.’ She held Finn’s gaze. ‘If you don’t.’

  ‘But that’s the problem, love,’ Meinrad breathed. ‘Can’t you tell? He does mind.’

  Finn surprised her by pulling her to her feet into a desperate kiss, pressing himself against the fabric of her flip skirt. Then he held her gaze, his eyes like fire. ‘It’s not Eleanor, is it? It’s not her pushing you to shag Meinrad?’

  She shook her head and for some reason, some reason she couldn’t quite figure, she said, ‘Finn, I’ll do what you want me to. Whatever you ask.’ This time Eleanor was positively purring.

  ‘I don’t want him to hurt you.’

  ‘Fuck, Finn, I can control myself,’ Meinrad said. ‘You know I can. I would never hurt her. Not unless she wanted me to.’

  ‘Finn, tell me what to do,’ Jill said. Inside, it felt almost like Eleanor was shivering with delight.


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