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Claiming Alexis (Ace Security Book 2)

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by Susan Stoker

  Chapter Eighteen Alexis lay in bed with Blake at his house and sighed. “You’re being ridiculous.” “Lex, a week and a half ago you were in the hospital. We have the rest of our lives. There’s no need to rush.” “But you’re driving me crazy, Blake. I can’t stand it anymore.” “You’re not the only one suffering. But I won’t hurt you. Not for anything. We can wait another week until you’re not in any pain.” “If you think I’m waiting another week to have an orgasm, you’re insane,” Alexis stated bluntly. “I feel fine. Yeah, I still look like a poster child for an abused woman, but the bruises barely even hurt anymore. All I can think of is you. I need you, Blake. I need to know you still want me. That what I did and what I told those assholes hasn’t changed anything about our relationship.” Blake immediately rolled until she was under him. He caged her body with his and held her head in his hands. The intense look in his eyes said more than he ever could with words. “I love you, Alexis. Nothin

  Acknowledgments Thank you to my readers. Without you, without your trust, there would be no stories. I appreciate your willingness to follow me into every new book with characters old and new. Amy, you are the embodiment of the word strong. I admire you for your generosity, smarts, compassion, and stubbornness. I want to be you when I grow up. Beth, thank you for reading my really rough drafts and telling me they’re great, even when I know they need a lot of polishing. Melody, thank you for taking my words and making my stories better. No writer gets where she is without an awesome editor standing behind her. And to Maria and Anh, thank you for taking a chance on me. There are thousands of authors out there who would love a chance to write for Montlake, and you choosing me is humbling.

  About the Author Photo © 2015 A&C Photography New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Susan Stoker debuted her first series in 2014, following shortly thereafter with her SEAL of Protection series. These tales of romantic suspense solidified her love of writing and of creating new stories for her readers to explore. She has a heart as big as her current home state of Texas, but this all-American girl has also lived in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Indiana. She’s married to a retired army man who now gets to follow her around the country. Visit her at



  Ace Security Series

  Claiming Grace

  Claiming Alexis

  Claiming Bailey (TBA)

  Delta Force Heroes Series

  Rescuing Rayne

  Assisting Aimee (novella) loosely tied to DF

  Rescuing Emily

  Rescuing Harley

  Marrying Emily

  Rescuing Kassie

  Rescuing Bryn (Oct. 2017)

  Rescuing Casey (TBA)

  Rescuing Wendy (TBA)

  Rescuing Mary (TBA)

  Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series

  Justice for Mackenzie

  Justice for Mickie

  Justice for Corrie

  Justice for Laine (novella)

  Shelter for Elizabeth

  Justice for Boone

  Shelter for Adeline

  Shelter for Sophie (Aug. 2017)

  Justice for Erin (Nov. 2017)

  Justice for Milena (TBA)

  Shelter for Blythe (TBA)

  Justice for Hope (TBA)

  Shelter for Quinn (TBA)

  Shelter for Koren (TBA)

  Shelter for Penelope (TBA)

  SEAL of Protection Series

  Protecting Caroline

  Protecting Alabama

  Protecting Fiona

  Marrying Caroline (novella)

  Protecting Summer

  Protecting Cheyenne

  Protecting Jessyka

  Protecting Julie (novella)

  Protecting Melody

  Protecting the Future

  Protecting Alabama’s Kids (novella)

  Protecting Kiera (novella; June 2017)

  Protecting Dakota (Sept. 2017)

  Beyond Reality Series

  Outback Hearts

  Flaming Hearts

  Frozen Hearts

  Stand-Alone Novels

  The Guardian Mist

  Writing as Annie George

  Stepbrother Virgin (erotic novella)

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Text copyright © 2017 Susan Stoker

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, or by photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Montlake Romance, Seattle

  Amazon, the Amazon logo, and Montlake Romance are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates.

  ISBN-13: 9781477848630

  ISBN-10: 1477848630

  Cover design by Eileen Carey


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  About the Author

  Connect with Susan Online

  Chapter One

  “So, what’s your deal?”

  Alexis Grant looked straight ahead into the darkness broken only by the bright headlights of the black Mustang as she and Blake barreled down the interstate toward Colorado Springs. They were going to the El Paso County Courthouse to provide security for a woman who was going through a nasty divorce and was scared of what her husband might to do her. Alexis brought the still-steaming cup of coffee up to her face, inhaling the sweet ambrosia, then sipped, buying herself some time before trying to answer the question.

  “I mean, you’ve been working for Ace Security for almost three months, and I can’t figure you out.”

  “What’s there to figure out?” Alexis mumbled, closing her eyes and leaning back against the headrest.

  “Can I be blunt?”

  At the question, Alexis opened her eyes and turned to look at Blake Anderson, who was one of three brothers who ran Ace Security. She’d met him earlier that year when her brother, Bradford, had somehow found himself in the middle of an insane blackmail plot that involved two prominent members of the community, Walter and Margaret Mason, and some local gangbangers. Luckily, the plot had failed, and the Masons were now behind bars. Their daughter, Grace, had married the eldest Anderson brother, Logan, and was now pregnant with twins.

  The triplets, Logan, Blake, and Nathan, had come back to Castle Rock to start a security company that specialized in helping victims of abuse. Alexis had volunteered to work with them to help find information that could be used against the Masons so their blackmail plot would fail and her family would be safe.

  She never would’ve thought in a million years that she’d take one look at a man and fall head over heels in love with him, but that’s exactly what happened the first time she laid her eyes on Blake. He was similar in looks to his brothers, but for her, at least, he stood head and shoulders above them.

  He was deeply tanned, and the veins in his arms were well defined. Not bulging like they were going to burst forth
from his skin, but they showcased the definition of his muscles and tendons. His arms in motion were the most amazing things she’d ever seen. Once he had helped Grace stand from her chair, causing the muscles in his arms to contract, and Alexis had nearly swooned. The man could’ve had a beer belly and a huge ass and she wouldn’t have cared . . . his arms more than made up for any other flaw he might have. But so far she hadn’t really seen any flaws that couldn’t be overlooked.

  He was a bit over six feet tall, with sandy-brown hair that he kept cut short and a strong jawline. His broad shoulders tapered down to a thin waist and well-developed thighs, making his body sleek and sexy like an Olympic swimmer’s. Alexis had hoped what “they” said about the size of a man’s feet was true, because Blake had really large . . . shoes.

  She’d tried to tell herself there was no way she was in love with the man, but it was no use. The more time she spent around Blake, the harder she fell. Not only was he extremely attractive; he was a good brother, compassionate to the men and women they helped, and so excited to be an uncle that Alexis’s ovaries almost exploded whenever she imagined him holding an infant against his shoulder. She definitely had it bad.

  Her attraction to, and love for, Blake Anderson was completely inappropriate, irrational, and insane, given her background with men, but it was what it was.

  And he had no idea. Not even an inkling, and it killed.


  Blake cleared his throat. “Lex?”

  God. She loved the nickname he’d given her. She’d never had one before . . . other than “the rich chick,” which was totally not the same thing at all, so it didn’t count. “Yeah?” she mumbled distractedly, still thinking about Blake’s arm flexing as if holding a baby, and what his arm muscles might look like if he was propped up next to her in bed.

  He smiled, his teeth flashing white in the light from the dashboard. “It takes you forever to wake up.”

  Alexis tried to pretend she wasn’t drooling over him. “It’s four thirty in the morning, Blake. No normal person is up this early. Not to mention, you only gave me ten minutes of silence before you started yammering at me.”

  His grin widened, and his right hand punched her lightly in the shoulder in a “you’re a good buddy” kind of gesture, which totally made her want to cry.

  “If you’re serious about doing this kind of thing for a living, you’d better get used to early mornings and late nights,” Blake told her, smiling as if she’d said something hilarious rather than stating what most normal people would agree with wholeheartedly.

  “Whatever.” Alexis buried her head into the travel mug once again, inhaling the scent of vanilla. Blake had graciously had the drink waiting for her when he’d picked her up that morning. It was one more thing that killed her: that out of all the people in her life, he was the only one, other than the barista at the coffee bar down the street from her apartment, who could make her coffee exactly the way she liked it.

  “So, can I?”

  “Can you what?” Alexis asked, lost.

  “Be blunt.”

  Oh yeah. He had asked that. “Sure. Knock yourself out.” She should’ve braced, but she hadn’t had enough caffeine yet and was still half-asleep.

  “You’re what . . . twenty-four?”

  “Five,” she corrected.

  “Right. You’re twenty-five, and from what you’ve said, you’ve had at least six jobs since you graduated. You’re a hard worker. I haven’t had to ask you to do anything twice since you’ve been working with Ace Security. You don’t bitch about the work, even when it’s boring, and you’ve had some really good ideas about advertising that Grace has already begun to implement on the website. You’re old enough to have figured out what you want to do as a career and stop flitting from one job to another. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have you working for Ace Security, but I’m concerned that one day you’re going to decide you don’t want to do this job either, and you’ll leave.”

  Ouch. She had no idea what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. Most everyone she knew had that figured out by the time they graduated from college. But not her. The disappointment that coursed through her was almost paralyzing. The fact that Blake thought she was bumming around, not starting on a career as most other people her age had, and was just killing time working for his company was as painful as if he’d told her she was hideously ugly and a loser.

  Alexis took a deep breath and blinked back the tears that had sprung to her eyes. Glad for the darkness, she turned her head to look out her window. Unfortunately, all she saw was her reflection, as it was too dark to see the passing countryside.

  She cleared her throat before she spoke, making sure that there would be no evidence of her tears in her voice. “Thanks for the first part. As for the jobs . . .” She paused to shrug. “I just haven’t found anything to keep me interested for more than six months. But I promise not to just up and leave. I’ll give you plenty of notice, if it comes to that.”

  “What’d you major in?”

  “General studies.”

  At Blake’s snort, Alexis turned to look at him. She could do so now that she’d gotten her stupid tears under control. “What?”

  “General studies? What the hell kind of degree is that?”

  Now she was pissed. “The kind that took me five and a half years to get because I kept changing my major. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do, and a counselor suggested general studies because otherwise I was going to be in school for another two years.”

  Alexis took another sip of her coffee and mumbled into it, “It doesn’t matter anyway. All of the jobs I’ve had have only required a degree . . . not a specific major.” She turned and asked Blake, “What’s your degree in?”

  “Got an associate’s in computer science. Used tuition assistance from the army to get it while I was in.”

  “Have you ever wanted to get your four-year degree?”

  Blake shrugged, shook his head, and kept his eyes on the road. “Not really. I learned the basics of programming, software design, systems, data management, and artificial intelligence in community college, and anything else I’ve needed since then I’ve learned from YouTube and other more nefarious sources on the net.”

  “Nefarious sources?” Alexis asked, leaning forward in her seat eagerly. She loved the sound of that.

  He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Yup. And no, I’m not going to share. Were the jobs you had boring? Is that why they didn’t work out?”

  Alexis reached over and put her travel mug in the cup holder. She ticked off each job on her fingers as she tried to explain. “My first job was the front desk receptionist at my parents’ company. That got old really fast. I didn’t report to them, but they still knew everything that I did. I love them, but that was a bit too much family time for me. I went from there to working as a waitress in a chain restaurant. I guess I didn’t realize just how many assholes go out to eat.”

  She ignored Blake’s choked laugh and went on. “I didn’t mind being on my feet all day. I was friendly, and fast, but most of the time I only got, like, a ten percent tip. It was ridiculous. I quit the day I had a table with twenty people. We were down a waitress that day, and the asshole in charge of the group asked to see the manager and proceeded to bitch about the mandatory twenty percent tip that had been added to the bill. The manager, who, by the way, I’d refused to sleep with, was pissed at me, took off the tip, and let the guy put his own in. Do you know how much he gave me? And keep in mind there were three kids in the group, and they’d been there for three hours, and their bill came to over two hundred dollars.”


  Alexis didn’t give Blake time to guess before going on with her story. “Ten measly bucks. Ten. That’s it. Oh, and he had the nerve to leave his phone number on the bill with the words ‘Call me, baby’ scribbled next to it. The guy was there with his wife and three kids. I’d had enough, so I quit.”

  “Can’t blame you,” Blake noted dryl
y. “That’s taking asshole to a new level.”

  “Right? Anyway, after that I tried factory work. Wasn’t for me. Then I thought maybe I could work in sales. So I became a pharmaceutical rep. The doctors I had to deal with were almost as bad as my boss at the restaurant . . . hitting on me, patting me on the head, and basically telling me they’d buy my drugs if I went out with them. Gross.”

  “Jesus, Lex,” Blake bit out.

  Alexis tried to ignore the shivers that raced up her spine from his tone. She liked his commiserating with her a bit too much. He almost sounded protective and pissed off for her. She hurried to finish up her sad employment history. “Then when I met you guys, I was working at the post office near my apartment.”

  “Working for the government is good,” Blake noted. “I should know. You get benefits and the work is steady. Most people end up retiring from those kinds of jobs.”

  Alexis picked up her coffee again and took a long swallow. “Yeah. But it was boring.”

  “It was boring,” Blake said in a tone Alexis couldn’t interpret.

  “Yeah, Blake, boring. Maybe if I got to deliver mail, it wouldn’t have been so bad. I’d have been outside and seen people. But I had to sit in the back of the building, where there weren’t any windows, and run the sorting machines. Then I had to distribute the mail into the boxes. It was horrible. Seriously. I was bored out of my skull. There’s no way I could do that for the rest of my life.”

  “I guess I could see how it wouldn’t be the most exciting job in the world. But it’s a job, Lex. It’s more than a lot of people have. Although I guess your family isn’t exactly hurting for money. You can afford to try different things out to see what you want to do.”

  “Don’t judge me,” Alexis said harshly, glaring at him. She’d been half waiting for this subject to come up since she’d started working for Ace Security. “And don’t you ever throw my family’s money in my face again. You have no right to judge me. None. Yeah, I drive a Mercedes and have a kick-ass apartment, but you have no idea what it’s like to be looked at as a money sign instead of a person with feelings, goals, and desires. From the moment my parents made their first multi-million-dollar deal, people have looked at and treated me differently. I hate that. I’m the same person I was before they made their money, but no one seems to see that, or care. Besides, it’s not my money, it’s my parents’.”


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