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Claiming Alexis (Ace Security Book 2)

Page 7

by Susan Stoker

  He saw Lex close her eyes and felt the heat of her embarrassment rise up her neck under his palms, until it bloomed on her face. For several seconds neither of them said a word. Finally, Blake said softly, “Fuck, you taste good, Lex.”

  “Um . . . thanks?”

  He smiled. Damn she was cute. He pulled his head back but didn’t remove his hands from both sides of her neck.

  Her eyes finally opened, and he almost lost control again at the desire and suspicion he saw in her eyes. He hated that she doubted him, whatever she doubted him for, for one second.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now,” he told her honestly.

  “Do what?”

  “Kiss you.”


  He liked this befuddled Alexis.

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked, shyly.

  “Because I wasn’t sure you wanted me to.”

  “But you are now?” She sounded completely confused.

  “I wasn’t one hundred percent sure before I actually kissed you, no.”

  “Then why did you? Because you were happy with what happened with Kelly?”

  “Hell no. Because you walked toward me in those heels, looking like you did, smiling. Happy because your plan worked out. I heard you breathing through the mic in my ear, and I decided I was done fighting my attraction to you anymore. I wanted to hear you out of breath, panting in my ear for real.”

  “Did you shut off the tape?”

  Blake nodded. “As soon as Kelly left the store. Anything we do together stays between the two of us. You don’t have to worry about that. Ever. In case you haven’t noticed, Lex . . . I like you.”

  “Oh. Wow. Um, well, I’m glad. I . . . like you too.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve wasted a lot of time. Time we could’ve had together.”

  “Well . . . because. You seemed to be the kind of guy who likes to do the chasing. And we work together. And you’re . . . you.” She waved her hand then, as if she were encompassing everything he was with the gesture.

  “What does that mean?” Blake was honestly confused.

  “Women throw themselves at you. Beautiful women. And you haven’t shown one lick of interest. I figured if they didn’t interest you, there was no way I would.”

  “First of all, you’re beautiful, Lex.” At her obvious look of disbelief, he hurried on. “I’m not saying you’ll ever be a model . . . you’re too short, for one thing.” He smiled at her to let her know he was teasing before continuing. “I could list all the things that make you attractive, but I don’t think you’d believe me. I’ll show you exactly what it is about you that makes you beautiful in my eyes. I haven’t even noticed any other women in months. Not since I finally saw what was right in front of my eyes . . . you.

  “And Lex, you’re right. I like making the first move. But from here on out, all you have to do is ask, and I’ll give you anything you want. Yeah?”

  Blake expected her to look coy and say something like “Anything?” but all she did was blush again, and nod. Her eyes looked over his shoulder, then down at the front of his shirt . . . anywhere but at him.

  He kinda liked this uncertain Lex. He’d gotten so used to her saying whatever she thought that the fact that she was shy and not sure how to act in his arms made him realize how much of her personality was bravado. Her shyness communicated that she wasn’t all that experienced, and he liked that. A fuck of a lot.

  Her thumbs were softly brushing back and forth over the skin on the inside of his arm. He didn’t think she had any idea she was doing that. Wishing he could take her fully into his arms, Blake reluctantly let her go, sitting back into the driver’s seat and unabashedly adjusting his rock-hard cock as he did, showing her without words how much she turned him on.

  She sat back as well, blushing anew when she saw him squirming uncomfortably in his seat and touching himself. She licked her lips, then bit the bottom one nervously. “So . . . that seemed to go well,” Alexis commented, obviously trying to put things back on a professional level.

  Blake nodded and reached for the key in the ignition. “It did. You were wonderful. You had her eating out of your hand almost from the second she laid eyes on you. You did good, Lex. Although, if you ever speak to me in that high-pitched, rich-bitch tone, I’ll have to fire you.” He smiled as he said it, so she knew he was kidding.

  She laughed, as he meant for her to. A real laugh, not the fake one she’d been using with Kelly. The sexual tension from earlier broken, and Alexis obviously feeling more like her old self, she said, “I thought I might have a chance to get to her if I kinda cornered her in line. If I approached her in the store somewhere, she could’ve stormed off. But she was stuck once she had all her stuff on the conveyer belt. And can I say . . . the thought of why she needed to be buying three boxes of condoms, two bottles of lube, a carton of cigarettes, and a twenty-four pack of beer . . . skeeves me out. But anyway, I figured she probably hadn’t changed much, and if I could remind her how she used to get me to pay for everything when we were kids, she might try again.”

  “And of course you bragging about your apartment didn’t hurt.”

  “Nope. She really did look kinda skanky . . . don’t you think?” Alexis tilted her head as she asked the question.

  Blake didn’t know if Lex was fishing for compliments or not. He didn’t think so—it wasn’t really her style to do something like that—but he had no problems reassuring her nevertheless. “Yeah. You outclass her by a mile.”

  Lex wrinkled her nose. “I wasn’t comparing myself to her, Blake. I would hope even at my worst, sitting at home in my sweats and T-shirt, I wouldn’t look like her.”

  “I’m sure you don’t.”

  “I definitely don’t. Shit, I’m surprised she didn’t get propositioned right there in the store. But I swear someone should tell her that smoking really is gonna kill her someday.”

  “I think smoking is probably the least of her worries with the kind of life she’s leading,” Blake said with a small head shake as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed for Lex’s apartment.

  “I guess you’re right. But man, I’m thinking she did me a favor back then by deciding not to be my friend anymore.”

  “Yeah, Lex. She totally did. Although I doubt you would’ve put up with her mooching off you throughout high school.”

  “Maybe.” But she didn’t sound very sure of herself at all. “I wasn’t very strong back then.”

  Blake rested his arm on the console, palm up. “Give me your hand, Lex.”

  She did, without a word. Lacing her fingers with his and letting the weight of her arm lie against his. It felt good. Really good.

  They held hands the rest of the way to her apartment complex in downtown Denver. Blake pulled up in front of the valet station and waved the man off who came up to take care of the car.

  He walked around to the passenger side, happy, for once, that Lex let him open her door and help her out. He didn’t back away when she stood up, keeping her trapped with the door next to her, and him in front of her.

  Looking down, Blake thought again how well they fit together. He put his arms around her, happy when Lex laid her head on his chest and snuggled into the hug. He kept it short and pulled back, holding on to her biceps.

  “I’ll have Logan and Nathan listen to the tape tonight. We’ll figure out how to cover you when Kelly invites you out.”

  “You really think she will?”

  “Lex, she was on her phone the second she cleared the store. She’s gonna want to take as much advantage of you as she can. I think she and her friends will be on their best behavior for as long as they can use you. That’s the only reason I’m even considering letting you meet up with her.” He was glad she didn’t take offense to his somewhat controlling comment.

  “Yeah, that’s what I think too. If I’m being honest, it’s the only reason I’m considering meeting up with her. Because I figure she wants to keep the gravy train going.
She won’t want to scare me away.”

  “You know today changes things between us,” Blake told her, leaning in a bit to make his point. “I’m not content being only your friend anymore.”

  Alexis smirked and said somewhat snarkily, “Really? I hadn’t noticed. All my bosses kiss the stuffing out of me when we’re on a job. It’s a good thing that I want to be more than friends too.”

  “You wanna go on a date with me, Alexis Grant?”

  She grinned. “Yes. Please.”

  “You gonna let me pay without giving me the third degree over it?” he asked playfully, running his index finger down the tip of her nose.

  Her lips curled up, but she said semiseriously, “On our first official date, yes, you can pay. I’m kinda old-fashioned in that it seems like the right thing to do. But if we go on another, all bets are off. I’m not the kind of woman who expects the man to always pony up the cash.”

  “I’m well aware of that, Lex. And I’ll tell you right now, there will be more dates after the first. Count on it.”

  “You might not like me in that way once you really get to know me,” Alexis warned. “I tend to say what I’m thinking and don’t really get into the normal date stuff.”

  “What do you consider normal date stuff?” Blake asked, genuinely curious.

  “Oh, you know . . . eating out, watching movies, walks in the park . . . that sort of thing.”

  “Good to know. What kind of dates do you like?”

  The confidence that she’d been showing in their banter disappeared from her eyes, but she gamely tried to continue anyway. She shrugged. “Whatever you like.”

  “Don’t. You haven’t been afraid to speak your mind to me in the past. Don’t start now,” Blake told her, raising a hand and smoothing a lock of hair behind her ear, using his fingertips to caress the side of her neck when he was done.

  She shivered in his grasp and said, “I like hiking. And finding cool antique stores. I love to window-shop. I don’t buy a lot, but it’s fun to look. And eating. There are some awesome food trucks downtown.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.”




  Blake grinned then. Huge. He liked making her happy. “How about a kiss to seal the deal?”

  Instead of answering verbally, Alexis stood up on her tiptoes and leaned into him, trusting him to keep her from falling over in her heels, and lifted her chin.

  Taking what she offered, Blake covered her mouth with his own, loving how she immediately opened for him to take what he wanted. She wasn’t an experienced kisser, but she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm.

  When he finally pulled away, she murmured, “I hate being short.”

  “I like it.”

  “What? Why?”

  Blake ran his hand through her hair, feeling the shiver that ran through her from his actions. He put his lips next to her ear and whispered, “Because all I can think about is how much I’m gonna like turning you this way and that in my bed . . . when we get there.”

  She gasped and blushed, then protested, “Blake. I can’t believe you said that.”

  He chuckled and stepped back, giving her room to sidestep away from the car so he could shut the door. “Believe it, Lex. I’ve been on my best behavior, but honestly? I am one hundred percent sure you’ll be worth the wait. Everything you do, you do with enthusiasm. I can’t wait to see that energy and passion in my bed. Call me if you hear from Kelly tonight, yeah?”

  “I will. You’ll . . .” She paused as if unsure.

  “What? Remember what I told you earlier? Say whatever you want.”

  “You’ll text me to let me know you got home all right?”

  She constantly surprised him. “I’ll get home all right,” he told her in a soft but firm voice.

  “But you’ll let me know?” she pressed.

  It felt good to be worried about. It had been a long time since he’d been in a relationship where a woman worried about him, rather than expecting him to only worry about her. “Yeah, Lex. I’ll let you know.”

  She smiled then and backed up, almost tripping over the curb because of the unfamiliar heels on her feet. She held out a hand to fend him off when he made a move toward her to catch her. “Ha, sorry. I’m good. Just clumsy. The longer you hang around me, the more you’ll get used to it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Good job today, Lex. I mean it.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

  “Later, Lex.”

  Blake waited until she happily greeted the doorman, Osman, then disappeared through the revolving door. When he couldn’t see her through the glass anymore, he climbed back into his Mustang and headed back toward the interstate, smiling all the way home.

  Chapter Five

  Alexis swallowed hard before pushing open the door to Ace Security the next day. The meeting with Kelly couldn’t have gone better, but what happened later with Blake had her tossing and turning all night.

  She’d been in love with the man for what seemed like forever, and it seemed unreal that he returned her interest. But she had no illusions about them having a long-term relationship—she was a novelty—and after spending almost every day together for the last few months, he probably just wanted to get her into bed, to have what had been in front of his face for so long. In her experience that was how men were wired.

  After Blake screwed her, he’d most likely move on to someone else. She didn’t have what it took to keep his attention long-term. Especially when he found out exactly how inexperienced she was. Being a twenty-five-year-old virgin was embarrassing. The best she could hope for was a few weeks or months of good sex. She’d have to be content with that, even if it would break her heart when Blake tired of her. And she had no doubt he would.

  “Hey, Alexis,” Nathan said distractedly as she entered the office. The Ace Security building had a front reception area that included a door that led into the back office area. There were several desks, one for each brother as well as herself, and in the rear of the office space there were a couple of smaller desks and a large table they used for meetings. There were windows on one side that let in some natural light.

  “Good morning, Nathan,” Alexis returned as she made her way to her desk. It was sitting perpendicular to Blake’s, and most days she forced herself to ignore his presence for her own sanity, but today wasn’t one of those days.

  “Hey, Blake.” He was looking right at her. She’d seen him the second she’d entered, and his eyes had been intense as they followed her across the room. She was wearing her normal attire today—jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt from the University of Denver—not the sex kitten outfit she’d had on yesterday, but the look in his eyes was amazingly the same as it had been the day before.

  She tried to walk normally, to not put more sway into her hips than usual, but it was tough with the way he was devouring her with his eyes and how much she enjoyed the look on his face.


  Even the one word oozed testosterone. It was all she could do not to melt into a puddle right there at her desk.

  “Sleep well?” he asked.

  If sleeping well meant she’d tossed and turned and had finally had to get herself off with her trusty vibrator before falling into a fitful sleep where she’d dreamed about him all night . . . then yes, she’d slept well. “Yeah. You?”

  He smiled as if he could read her mind. “Not really.”

  His answer surprised her, as they’d had this conversation many times over the last few months, and every time his answer had been a simple affirmative.

  “Really? Everything all right?”

  Blake’s voice dropped but was still conversational in volume. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  Alexis blushed furiously and glanced over at the other two men in the room. Nathan seemed oblivious, typing away at his keyboard, but Logan was smirking as he looked down at the paper he was reading in h
is hands. Deciding she needed to change the topic before she self-combusted with embarrassment, Alexis asked loudly, “Did everyone listen to the tape yet?”

  Logan answered, “Yeah, we did that first thing this morning. You did a good job, Alexis. You didn’t beat around the bush, got right to it, and she fell right into your trap.”

  Hearing Logan praise her felt good. But then he continued, letting the other shoe drop.

  “I’m not sure it’s exactly smart to jump right into the lion’s den, though. Meeting Kelly on Inca Boyz territory isn’t the best idea. We had discussed someplace neutral. The bar they hang out in isn’t exactly neutral territory. If something happened, we might not be able to get to you in time. They could haul you off, or hurt you, before Blake, or any of us, could step in. Has Kelly contacted you yet?”

  If Alexis was being honest with herself, she wasn’t exactly keen on going by herself to any of the seedy bars on the northeast side of the city either. Not when simply driving through the area made her uneasy. It didn’t matter that Blake would be outside listening. She shook her head in response to Logan’s question. “No, nothing yet.”

  “What if you tried to do what you originally thought?” Blake spoke up. “When she contacts you, see if she wants to go to lunch. If we can think of somewhere upscale, that would be expensive for you, but where she wouldn’t feel so out of place, it might be a good icebreaker.”

  “Yeah, that would make me feel better,” Alexis agreed. “I’m not saying I’m not willing to go to a bar, but only if it’s a last resort.”

  Blake nodded approvingly, which made goose bumps rise on her arms. Jeez, she had it bad if a simple nod turned her on.

  “It’s a moot point until she calls or texts,” Nathan observed from his desk. Even though it looked like the man wasn’t paying attention, he never had any issues keeping up with conversations.

  “True,” Logan agreed. “She could contact you today or a week from now or not at all. All we can do is wait. In the meantime, Blake can bring you up to speed on our other upcoming cases.”


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