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'Til Fear Do Us Part (A Grim Awakening Book 1)

Page 13

by Michelle Gross

  But it did.

  Then came the scarier part. More demons will come for me eventually when they find out of my existence. The Vessel was putting my life at stake. A power I still knew nothing about. It put everyone I loved in danger. Ghosts disappeared around me because Grim was close by but in return, demons were taking place. Something much worse.

  But I did have Killian. My protector.

  I gazed into the mirror and noticed him behind me. He met my eyes in the mirror. His shoulders were tense; I could feel the uneasy energy in the room coming from him. I simply looked at him. I had no idea where he fit into everything. I thought he hated me when we first met. Which I felt the same way... Now, his anger scared me. What was his anger directed toward? Did I dare to think that his anger was worry for my safety? Did he, perhaps... care what happened to me? Or was it because it was his job? I turned around to face him slowly. “How is staying home from school going to do me any good?”

  I trusted him now. Even when he was scary, deep down I knew I could count on him. I just hoped those feelings were to be trusted. His face was conflicted with so many emotions, as if he was thinking of all his problems one after another. He sighed. “He's gotten out of control over the centuries. This should have never happened.”

  I studied him. “You say that a lot.”

  “What?” He looked up.”

  “This should have never happened. This shouldn't be possible.” I answered, placing my hand on my hip. “But it has. And who is he?” I dropped my hands to my sides, the fear clawing at my chest that I fought to ignore. “Do you mean Fear? That is what you called him, I believe.”

  “Yeah. Before I was Grim, I was,” he hesitated, not sure he wanted to continue. “He was a friend, or at least I thought so. He wasn't like this before...”

  A shiver ran up my spine. “How can someone be friends with something so evil?” He held up his hands when he seen the hostile look in my eyes.

  “No, I didn't explain that right. Fear's an entity as well. I was friends with the demon he merged with. Not the entity himself. It was a long time ago, but my guess is that it's the reason I was sent here to keep you safe.”

  I remembered back to the day Fear attacked me in the classroom. I could remember the way I felt in his presence. It was like standing in front of pure evil. I couldn't see Killian ever being friends with something so evil. Killian wasn't at all human like me, but I knew he wasn't evil. Really scary, yes. A lot dangerous, oh yeah! He was amazingly powerful and I was beginning to wonder if there was anything he couldn't do. When I first met him, I thought he was bad. But I knew better now. He was nothing like Fear.

  “I never saw what attacked me that day,” I whispered, my mind going back to that dark time. Where my life went from happy and bright to dark and terrifying. “But what I felt,” I shook my head, clenching my hands together, “was a monster. It felt evil and wrong. It was as if everything deceitful and bad in this world was covered in flesh in that room with me. I can never forget that feeling.”

  “When he merged with Fear, he took all his traits. He became the monster himself.”

  “Are you somehow trying to defend him?” I accused.

  He shook his head, replying immediately. “Never. I'm only saying the demon he was before the merge isn't the monster he is today.”

  I took three steps, moving closer to him. “You keep saying merge, what do you mean?”

  “It's something that happens between a demon and entity. When a demon reaches a maturing age, an entity can choose a demon to merge with.”

  “I don't get it.”

  He sighed. “It's a bond. The demon chooses to share his body and mind with the entity. They become one being. For eternity.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “So, something like lovers?”

  He groaned, slapping his hand over his face. “You wouldn't understand. You're just a—”

  “No, go on,” I placed my index finger on my lips to let him know that I would shut up. “I'm really curious,” I added quietly.

  He smiled. “Demons are not very powerful on their own. Most are low ranking demons with little or no power. You've seen the wolf demons, other than brute strength alone and a big bite, they have no special powers.” I nodded and he arched his eyebrow. “Take incubus and succubus demons.” I opened my mouth to say something and his hand went over my mouth. I wanted to ask what those demons were. I frowned. “They are sex demons. In order to survive, they feed off of their sexual appetites.” He grinned and studied my reaction as if he only spoke of those sort of demons to tease me. I blushed and looked away. “Besides, the art of seduction and power of persuasion, they have no power.” He waited for another reaction. I gave him none.

  “My point,” he grabbed his chin. “So many demons are like that. Demons love power. They hate to feel weak. That is why so many try to merge with an entity.”

  “It happens a lot?” I wondered.

  He nodded. “Afraid so. They are many merges. Marcus merged with Fear the same day I did with Grim.” I was stunned for a moment, trying to understand what that meant. Then it all made sense. My mouth formed an O when I understood. He grinned.

  “So, that explains the way you change into him the way you do.” He nodded again. It was strange yet so fascinating. “What kind of demon was/are you?” I asked.

  He moved quickly, taking my hand and lifting it in the air above my head. He kept pressing my hand further up until I had to stand on my tiptoes. He moved my hand in the air in his direction causing me to tiptoe closer until my breasts were brushing against his chest. His grin turned cocky as his other hand moved behind me and pressed against the bottom of my back. My breath got lost somewhere in between as he pushed my hips into his. His finger slipped underneath my shirt and grazed my back. A new sensation rippled through my stomach in the direction of my thighs. His smell invaded my senses, dark and manly. It smelled sinful and naughty, making me think of chocolate and coffee. It was like I could taste the exotic smell of him with my mind. I completely lost myself in his embrace.

  He stole my lips with only a peck. A brief contact that ended too soon and released my hand that he held in the air. I crumbled to the floor at his feet, unable to catch myself. My heart thudded, ears burned, my whole body was on fire, and felt the ache of his missing touch. I stared at the carpet. I couldn't look up knowing his smile would be pure mischief.

  I wished on everything fierce for him to kiss me again. The craving grew inside of me for him, for everything he was. Everything he made me feel. But because of that, I stood up. I cooled my features, tampering down the need I felt for him. It wasn't the right time when I still wasn't sure what he was to me. He was becoming something to me, though... That both terrified and excited me.

  I hardened my features before I looked up to meet his smug face. His lips were tilted in to a half smile, smoldering look. “So, you're one of the sex demons?” I asked.

  “Incubus.” He nodded, pleased with himself.

  “You could have just said that.” I was embarrassed, but I couldn't stop looking at his lips. “You and your guessing games,” I muttered.

  “Why would I tell you and miss the opportunity to kiss you again?” he teased, grabbing a strand of my hair laying over my collarbone.

  “That wasn't a kiss,” I squeaked and quickly looked down after saying it.

  I looked up to see his teeth flash with his perfect smile. “Oh?”

  “Barely a peck,” I muttered.

  “Shall we do it again?”

  The house door opened downstairs and a second later I heard it click back shut. Mom was home from work. “Melanie, how are you feeling?” Mom called out, I heard her shoes climbing the stairs. Killian sighed, disappointment clear on his face.

  “Your mom has great timing; rain check?” His eyes twinkled with his smile. I knew he probably meant kissing. I hid my blush and he disappeared as Mom opened the door. I was getting use to his disappearing acts.

  She smiled as she peeked in the do
or. “It's just my stomach, but it's killing me. I'm just gonna lie back down.” I walked to my bed and laid down, placing the covers over me.

  “Yeah, probably best.” She nodded. “Do you want me to make you anything?”

  I shook my head. “No, thanks.”

  “Okay. I'm going to shower and head to the store before I lie down to get a couple hours of rest before work tonight.” I nodded as she closed my door.

  I waited until I heard her leave before climbing back out of bed. I messed around by my bookshelf waiting on Killian to reappear. He couldn't have gone anywhere far. Especially when it was becoming more dangerous for me to be alone. My cell phone rang on the nightstand, I picked it up. Ryan. I studied the phone, struggling with whether I should answer or not. I couldn't keep ignoring him. I slid the answer button across the phone and brought it to my ear. “Melanie.” His relieved voice drifted through the phone before I could even answer. It felt good to hear his voice. The thought of staying away from him bothered me even when I knew it was for the best.


  “I'm sorry,” he said immediately. I was the one who should be apologizing. “I got worried when I didn't see you at school.”

  “Killian didn't think it was a good idea for me to go to school today. He's thinks something bad is about to happen.”

  He went quiet before going off in my ear. “I don't trust him or any of this! I should be with you.”

  “Ryan, no,” I quickly replied. “I'm okay. Please, stay out of it. It's too dangerous.” He swore over the phone before letting out a long sigh.

  “I gotta go, second period already started.” He hung up before I could tell him goodbye.

  “Foolish human. How does he think to protect you when he is a human himself?” I hadn't realized Killian was in the room. I looked behind me and saw him standing next to the window, an unpleasant scowl plastered on his hardened features. I knew it was because of Ryan. He had that effect on him.

  “He cares about me.” I defended Ryan. As old as Killian claimed to be, he didn't seem very familiar with relationships. Friend or otherwise, people cared for one another. It made the world continue on despite the evil in the world. I guess demons weren't the same.

  “You should tell him how you feel. He's going nuts because of you. He might back off if he knows your feelings.” he growled, turning away from me and placing his hand against the wall as he looked outside. I simply looked at his back unsure that he said that. What was he thinking? Did he honestly tell me that? He was always unreadable except for his anger that he always showed in leaps and bounds. Did nothing phase him? Did he not care about what I felt for Ryan?

  I wished I knew what was going on in that head of his. I thought that we were finally making some sort of connection. I thought he might have felt something toward me. I was probably wrong. No, I misread his kiss for something more because it might have been something earth shattering for me; it meant nothing to him. Where were my thoughts even going?

  I was too far upset now to think about it, though. “Are you saying I should be with Ryan?” My voice dripped with anger.

  He turned back around, his eyes turning liquid black as he stalked toward me like I was his prey. I shivered with anticipation despite being mad. “Are you telling me you still want to be with him?” He slowly let the words out. I studied him, knowing my mistake and recognized his jealousy when it was boiling over in front of me. His words had confused me when meant the opposite of what he said. I had mistaken his anger for the wrong thing. He wanted to know my true feelings. As he drew closer, I moved back, falling atop the bed, nervous from what he planned to do. Once he was hovering over me, he grabbed me underneath my armpits and hauled me back to my feet. I eyed him warily as he glared down at me. The height difference was intimidating. “I think you are mistaking something, Melanie.”

  My heart flopped out of my chest when he said my name. A ripple of pleasure ran up my back. He really was jealous. I didn't know much about romance, but I recognized jealousy so easily. I had seen it enough in Tess's relationships. I tried not to think about how Ryan's jealousy had only annoyed me, but with Killian it was a happy feeling. Feminine power grew inside me, giving me enough courage to meet his deadly gaze. “What do you mean?” I replied haughtily.

  “You should tell him how you really feel, not what he wants to hear you say. The truth.”

  I was finally the one to wear the cocky grin as I arched an eyebrow up at him. “Oh? Maybe I should tell him then.” His eyes devoured me whole when I didn't give him the answer he was waiting for. I wouldn't admit my attraction to him. Nor would I admit my lingering feelings for Ryan. His nostrils flared, eyes going black again before his face began to relax and an appreciative smile came over him as he peered down at me.

  “By all means,” he agreed. His hand found my hair; tangling his fingers around my blonde strands. He lowered his head until we were eye level. I melted under his demanding gaze. How was I ever supposed to know how he felt when I was always turning into putty around him?

  He broke our eye contact. His eyes darted to the door, his body stiffened, shoulders tensed and alarmed as if he was waiting for something to happen. I tilted my head to look at the door, but he was running through the door as I did. He didn't even bother opening it, he just slipped straight through it like a ghost. I followed him, opening the door because I couldn't do things the weird way like Killian. He wasn't upstairs. I heard a crashing sound downstairs, like things being tore apart. I didn't have time to worry about what Mom would do if she found out whatever they were destroying. I hurried downstairs and came face to face with Molly once I reached the bottom. Killian had a demon—or could be a ghost—pinned down against the broken coffee table. Well, I knew where the sound came from. The demon/whatever smiled up at Killian as if he didn't care he was about to die. That caused Killian to snarl.

  I warily watched Molly, waiting on her to make her move. The little girl smiled bright, but it was an unpleasant one that made my skin crawl. “You're quite a nuisance,” she sneered.

  “You could just stop trying to kill me,” I offered.

  Her face lit up, she tilted her head back and laughed. “There is no need for that now the Vessel has awoken.” I gulped. Killian had been right. Fear already knew.

  “A lot of trouble to go through over this Vessel everyone speaks of. Are you sure it’s worth it?” I muttered. The man Killian held down slowly began to fade away after Killian crushed his neck. He got up from his knees, shooting daggers with his eyes at Molly as he strode toward her. She sensed his movement coming from behind and jumped to the second floor. She turned around quickly, meeting my eyes.

  “Dunno, Fear is the one that wants it, not me.” She shrugged her shoulders as if she were tired of this conversation. “Nonetheless, I just do his bidding,” she replied sharply, I got the sense she didn't care so much about the demon she worked for. “Which is why I am here. I came to deliver a message.” Killian moved in front of me, his hand shot out in front of me in a protective manner as he watched Molly. He pushed me behind him further.

  “He won't lay a hand on her. Tell him it's time to stop. I won't let him take her. Ever.” Killian sounded frightening even to me and his anger wasn't even directed toward me.

  If Molly was afraid, she hid it well. She started down the stairs slowly, taking her time. She looked to him then to me. Her eyes caught more than I realized, her eyes darted to the way I clung to his back, gripping his leather jacket and the way he safely tucked me behind him. Her eyes lifted in amusement. “How interesting,” she stated. Killian growled. “But that should be enough time for the job to be finished.”

  My eyes grew wide, unease filled my entire body. “What do you mean?” I yelled.

  “Don't you get it?” She smiled. “You were not the target. I came to deliver a message. The message is a warning. It's what will continue to happen if you keep refusing to come to Fear. He doesn't like to wait. Even more so...” She glanced at Killian. “He
doesn't like who is keeping you from him.”

  She tilted her head in mockery, placing a finger on her chin as if she were waiting. Killian grew tired of her games and grabbed her tiny body, swinging her into the wall causing pictures to fall and shatter once they hit the ground. “Enough games,” he drew in a breath, probably to keep himself calm.

  Molly hissed at him. She looked to me as he held her pinned against the wall by her shoulders. “He told me to tell you... 'Come to me or,” she laughed. “Whoops, I forgot.” She was stalling, playing games and my worry grew. Killian roared, but she disappeared under his hold.

  “What do you think she meant?” I whispered a few minutes after she disappeared. I feared something horrible and looked to Killian for an answer. He swore, ruffling his hair with his hand.

  “She was distracting us, I'm not sure why.” He prowled around the room, pacing and agitated. Somewhere in the process he began to fix the mess he had made, flicking his wrist around as if it were nothing.

  “Mom just left for the store...” My stomach bottomed out at the thought of something happening to her. He stopped in his tracks, disappearing a moment later.

  Time seemed to still in his absence as I waited for him to come back. I grabbed the phone off the kitchen counter and dialed Mom's cell. She picked up on the third ring. “Hello?”

  I sighed in relief. “Mom.”

  “What's wrong?” I recognized her worried mother voice and knew I had caused her alarm.

  “Nothing—” My cell phone was going off in my room upstairs. I hurried upstairs to answer it. “Let me call you back.” I hung up and grabbed my cell phone. It was Tess.

  “Hey, can I call you,” I cut myself off when I heard her sobbing over the phone. Awful, horrid crying that flared my panic back to life. My heart thudded with sickening fear. “What's wrong?”


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