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Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)

Page 14

by Charlotte Blackwell

  “I think that sounds perfect. I’d love for you to start by telling me more about when you felt like this before…if that’s okay?”

  “To be honest, I don’t talk about her much. It’s a pretty painful memory.”

  “I’m sorry. I understand.”

  “No, I don’t think you do. I feel like I can talk about it, about her, now. Here with you, I feel peace and strength. About thirty years ago, I fell in love with a mortal, Ashley. I never told her about my family’s immortality. One night, things went too far, and I fed from her. I’d never tasted anything so clean, pure and perfect before. That’s when everything changed. I drank too much—and Ashley was killed that night.”

  “Oh my god, Caspian. I’m so sorry. It must have been horrifying for you.” She pauses for a moment, looks at me and shakes her head.

  “What’s wrong? Does that concern you?”

  “No, not at all. It’s nothing really. It’s just not possible.”

  “Now, you’ve peaked my interest. What is it?”

  “I just got the most overwhelming déjà vu feeling.”

  “Really? That is a little odd. About what?”

  I’ve never known a vampire to get déjà vu: something about our increased senses and being more aware. It’s pretty unusual for a vampires mind to play such tricks.

  “It’s your story about Ashley. It’s impossible for me to have been there. I mean, my mortal life only began about thirty years ago. Maybe the effects of the silver have my mind playing tricks on me.”

  “You may be right. I think Constance or Isaac should check you out again, just to make sure there’s not going to be any lasting effects,” I suggest as I watch the beautiful, vibrant girl from the pool hall the other night appear weakened and fragile.

  “That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. I’m sorry this has taken away from your story. I still want to hear more, and learn more about you.”

  “Please don’t worry about that. Right now, my concern is you. I’ve been put in charge of ensuring that you heal with minimal complications. My only concern is that you’re alright.” With her soft, porcelain-like hand in mine, I raise it to my lips. Pressing my lips to her hand, I feel the excitement build between us. I look up at the beautiful woman beside me. Coy and shy, she looks to her lap. With a slight touch of my index finger to her chin, I lift her chin until our eyes meet. What starts out as a soft, gentle kiss, becomes more passionate then I’ve felt in years. I feel like we’ve known each other forever. The passion between us continues to grow every moment we spend together.

  After I lost Ashley, I never expected to feel this way again. I mean, she was my soul mate, and soul mates only come around once in a lifetime. After she was gone, I thought love had left me forever. Now, here with Siobhan, I’m starting to realize that I may be getting a second chance at love. I’m falling for this girl, and fast.

  “Okay Siobhan, let’s get you back to my room to rest. Then, I can go grab one of the docs.”

  “Yes sir,” she says with a small smile as she gets up from her seat.

  Getting her settled only takes a few minutes. I wait for her to change into her pajamas that I got from her dorm-mate earlier, then help her settle in to relax on the sofa. Grabbing her a blanket and the TV remote, I tuck her in and leave to find Isaac or Constance.

    

  Back at the main house, I find Isaac in the office, buried in paperwork .

  “Hey man, what you up too?” I ask in a nonchalant tone.

  “Just signing some paperwork for Elijah. What’s up?”

  “Hoping you have time to come take a peek at Siobhan.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “She’s still very weak. I gave her some blood, but I don’t think it’s helping much.”

  “I can come take a look, but I’m sure it’s just the silver poisoning. It will take a few days for Siobhan to feel herself again. The silver basically takes her to a human level of healing, so to speak. Is there something going on with you two? You’re so attentive and concerned about her. There has got to be more to you two.”

  “I’m not sure. I mean, I have feelings for her, and there’s definite chemistry between us. I just don’t know what to think. I lost my soul mate years ago. It feels the same, but I guess this can’t be anything more than lust.”

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say. It’s not like you can’t fall in love with someone who’s not your soul mate; you can. You just have a special connection with a soul mate that no other can share. I bet there’s even soul mates that don’t love one another. I think a relationship with Siobhan may be worth exploring. Everyone needs a little love in their life.”

  In Greek Mythology it is believed that humans originally had four arms and legs and two faces on one head. The God Zeus was scared of the power these humans had and split them in half, resulting in two humans. He condemned humans to walk the earth searching for their other half to complete them. This is referred to as soul mates. Through reincarnation some soul mates may spend many lifetimes either searching for one another or together.

  “I do enjoy her company, and the way I feel with her, I just hope I can accept the fact that nothing will ever feel like it did with Ashley.”

  “You never know, you just might like the company, and have a little fun while you’re at it,” Isaac jokes while grabbing his medical bag to go check on Siobhan.

  Chapter 28

  Ebony’s Heartache

  Sophia gave me some of her scrapbooking supplies, so today, I decide to do up a special book for Elyn, all about her amazing daddy. It breaks my heart not knowing when my little girl’s daddy will come back to her; I don’t even know if he will. Eliza and I have never met our guardian; we’ve never met any guardian. I can’t help but wonder if they even exist. If these great ones are supposed to be some wonderful higher power, why would they take Matt away from us? Looking through the few pictures of Matt and Elyn, I begin to tear up. I miss him so much, and wish more than anything that he was here to watch her grow. I am starting to think I need to release this feeling inside of me, the feeling of loss and hurt. I knew he would leave me at some point; I knew I would be on my own.

  Wiping the tears from my cheek and closing the scrapbook, I get up from the desk, ready to walk out of the room to check on the others. I hear a soft rap at my door. As my hand touches the doorknob, a strange sense rushes through my body. With a large jolt, my head flings back, as if opening myself up to the power that surges through me like a lightning bolt straight from a storm. With a sharp breath in, my body collapses to the ground. I can still sense everything around me—hear it, see it—but I can’t move, can’t talk. Dakota barges in at the sound of my body hitting the floor.

  “Ebony, wake up.” He shakes me a little, then places my head on his lap. “Someone help! Someone, please…Ebony, wake up! Elyn needs you!”

  I try so hard to answer him, but nothing: attempting to give him any kind of sign, but to no avail.

  Elijah and Constance run into the room. Looking down at me, Elijah asks, “What happened, son?” then drops to his knees at my side.

  I try to scream but no one notices, like nothing’s happening. Then a bright light appears before me. I must be on an astral travel, where my soul leaves my body for a few moments. I see several figures and begin to relax. “Grams, Mom, Dad; is that you?”

  “Yes my dear. We’ve brought someone to see you, too,” Grams says in her gentle voice as the figures become clearer.

  “Who is that? I can’t see. They’re hiding behind you.”

  With slow movements, the fourth figure begins to move around my parents and Grams; tall with broad shoulders, but I still can’t see who it is. I squint my eyes, trying to focus a little more, then my heart drops to my stomach.

  “Matt, is that you? Oh my god, are you coming home to us?” The tears flow down my cheeks faster than I can wipe them away. He moves closer, and I can finally see him, as clear as my own reflection in a mirror. “It is you, Matt
.” I reach out to touch him, and my hand falls to my side. “I don’t understand. Why can’t I touch you?”

  “Ebony, my love, I’m so sorry that I left you and Elyn like that. I miss you both, more than you can imagine. Your family arranged with the Great Ones for me to appear to you in my spirit form. This is only possible because you’re a medium and can see spirits. You may not have realized it yet, but that’s why you’re having those dreams.”

  “So you’re not coming back to us?” I ask, and the tears fall even faster.

  “I wish I was, but my guardian training takes much longer than expected. I’m not sure when I will be coming back to you, Ebony. I’m so sorry.” The pain in Matt’s face is evident.

  “I don’t like this, not one bit. How could these so called Great Ones take you away from me and Elyn?”

  “I’m sorry, Ebony; I really can’t say it enough. I want you both to be happy. I love you, and always will. But, don’t wait to live your life, waiting for my return. Be happy; enjoy your time with our beautiful, baby girl.”

  I begin to sob even harder. “I don’t know if I can, Matt. I need you.”

  “Ebony, you are one of the strongest women I know; you don’t need me. You are doing a great job, and you have the Pierces to help you. I wish it could me there with you, but I can’t; so you have to let me go.” His voice begins to crack. “I have to go, my love. Please, be at peace.”

  “Don’t go Matt! Don’t leave me again,” I cry out as Matt and my family disappear into the light before me.

  Collapsing to my knees, I feel a pulling sensation and before I know it, I’m am back in my room at the Pierce house, looking down on Dakota, Elijah and Constance. They look so confused.

  “Ebony, please wake up. Come back to us,” Dakota begs as he runs his hand through my hair.

  Constance has her medical bag, her stethoscope to my chest. “I can hear her heart; two beats per minute. That’s normal for a vampire.”

  Dakota looks at her. “Constance, can I ask a question?”

  “Of course Dakota; you can never learn anything if you don’t ask questions.”

  “Well, why is it you need to use a stethoscope, with your enhanced hearing?”

  “A few reasons. For one, after being a vampire so long, I’ve trained myself not to be so sensitive to sounds. The other is, because Ebony is now a vampire, her heart beats slow and soft and can be difficult to hear. This is why we don’t always recognize when another vampire is in our presence. There are so many different supernaturals; and because of that, we can’t always rely on our hearing.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. I never thought of it that way. It explains so much. I always wondered why you couldn’t detect others of your kind.”

  “Not to change the subject, but I think Ebony will be fine. I think she has just run herself down since Matt’s passing, and it’s taking a toll on her. Let’s move her to the bed,” I hear Constance as she instructs Dakota and Elijah.

  Dakota lifts me in one gentle scoop, and Elijah turns down the bed. Placing me in the bed, he covers me with the blanket. “I’ll stay with her until she comes to.”

  “Thank you Dakota. Call us when she wakes,” Elijah requests as he leans down and kisses my forehead.

  “Yes sir, I will.”

  The pull feels stronger, and with a jolt I’m back in my physical body. Opening my eyes, I see Elijah and Constance leaving. “I’m okay,” I mutter.

  They both turn on their heels with surprise. Dakota looks at me with utter relief, and a small smile breaks across his face.

  “Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay. I thought I was going to...I mean I thought Elyn was going to lose you.” Dakota takes my hand and presses his lips to the back of it.

  “Where is she? I need to see her,” I whisper, still somber from the memory of seeing Matt.

  “I’ll go get her for you. I want you to rest,” Constance insists as she leaves the room, with Elijah right behind her.

  Looking up a Dakota, I can feel the concern running through him; he really does care. I’ve always known that. If I didn’t have Matt, maybe Dakota and I could’ve made a go of it. I did have Matt though, and I still love him with all my heart. How can he think I can go on and be happy without him?

  “Ebony, are you alright? What happened? I was waiting outside your door and heard a crash. When I came in you were on the floor and catatonic,” Dakota questions as he sits on the bed next to me.

  “I don’t really know what happened. I heard you knock, and when I reached for the door, the weirdest sensation came over me. I was jolted to the floor, where I could see and hear everything, as if I were watching. I felt paralyzed; then I was pulled to some other dimension, where I saw Grams, Mom and Dad, and Matt.”

  “You saw Matt?” I watch as emotion pours out of him, and he asks with a complete lack of enthusiasm, “Is he ready to come back?”

  I take a deep breath in and close my eyes. “N…no. He said it will be a long time, and he doesn’t want me to wait for him. He wants me to let go and be happy again. I just don’t know if I can,” I admit while fighting back the tears.

  “I don’t even want to attempt to understand how hard that must have been for you.”

  “It was. It is hard. But he’s right; I can’t continue on like this. I have to move on, in a sense, for Elyn. She deserves so much more; she deserves a happy mommy, not one that cries whenever she hits a new milestone.”

  “Ebony, you know there’s a ton of us here to support you. You know I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. I love that little girl, and her mom...ah, her cute little moments.” Dakota turns about five shades of red, and he looks away.

  “Thanks Dakota, I know how much you care for both of us. I can’t tell you how much it means to us. You are very important to us, and the fact that you’ve been by my side as I grieve for Matt proves the kind of man that you are.”

  “I’m glad you know I’m here for you. I want you to know how much you mean to me.” Dakota slowly leans towards me.

  My mind begins racing as Dakota moves in slowly. I know he’s coming in for a kiss. What do I do? I don’t want to be rude and give him my cheek, but I don’t think I’m ready for more. As if everything is moving in slow motion, Dakota moves closer to me, and I feel the beige walls of my room closing in around me. Then his lips meet with mine in a soft, romantic kiss, filled with love and understanding. I slip into an oasis, and forget all my troubles, feeling like I belong. He pulls back, and everything comes rushing to me. How can I belong with Dakota, when Matt was my soul mate? I can only imagine the look of confusion on my face.

  “Ebony, I’m sorry. I know you weren’t ready for that.”

  “No it’’s...just that I don’t know what to make of it all. I’m sorry.”

  With perfect timing, Constance comes back in the room with Elyn—and a glass of blood punch. I feel a new relief at the sight of my little peanut.

  Chapter 29


  I’m thinking it will be nice for Nathanial, Nik and I to get away from here for a while. We didn’t get a honeymoon, and although it will take a while for the Cerberus to rebuild, removing Nik from the area may be our best plan. We have to find a way to protect him, to destroy Drake and Cyrus, once and for all.

  “Elijah, Florence, can Nate and I talk to you for a minute?” I sheepishly request.

  “Sophia, my dear, you know we are always here for you. I think we have a pretty good idea of what you want though.” Florence looks at Elijah and they both smile.

  “You know?” I ask.

  “Well of course; you and Nate are thinking of getting your own place, alone, with Nik. Why wouldn’t you want to?”

  “No, not at all. We want nothing more than to stay here with you as a family. The rest of you are married and quite happy living as a big family. You don’t want us gone, do you?”

  “Of course not! Florence and I only thought because of Nik, you may want to live like a mortal family. You are welcome t
o stay with us. You know that. Since we are wrong about the details of this conversation, what is it you would like to talk to us about?”

  “May I?” Nathanial asks while looking at me. I nod with a grin, and he continues, “Sophia and I are thinking of taking a honeymoon, with Nik. So I guess it would be more like a family vacation. With the Cerberus having their eyes set on him, we thought that getting away for a while, and coming up with a plan, would be best.”

  “That is a wonderful plan. Do you have any ideas where you would like to go, or may I suggest one?” Elijah wonders with a glisten in his eyes that tells me that he has an idea.

  “We do have an idea. We would like to go to Transylvania to meet the Renata. With our new information about the Cerberus wanting Nik, we thought it may be worthwhile,” Nathanial explains while holding Nik in his arms.

  “I think that is a wonderful idea. They may have some ideas, or someone who can assist us in destroying Drake and Cyrus. I believe we have time though. The Cerberus won’t have the ability to attack again until they rebuild their army. This gives us the time to prepare, and if we can bring them to their demise before that time—well, all the better,” Florence says with enthusiasm.

  “Elijah, do you mind helping me set up everything for our trip? We have all the legalities associated with Nik. Now that we are married, we would like to adopt him. I’ve already discussed this with Luke, and he agrees, since Nik has been with us since birth, for the most part.”

  “Of course; I knew this was something you were thinking of, so the papers are already drawn up and shouldn’t take long. I think it will be better to have everything settled legally before your trip. It should only take a month or so to get everything in order.”

  Nik starts to fuss and leans towards me with wide arms. I reach out and take him from Nathanial. “I think it’s nap time. I’m gonna go put him down.”

  Nathanial nods and leans down to give us both a light kiss. Nik lets out a little giggle, and we all chuckle at the cuteness of the moment. As I walk away with the little baby, who I think of as my own, in my arms, his little head rests on my shoulder, and I lean my head towards his.


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