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Darkwells Academy: Written in blood: An academy paranormal/urban fantasy romance

Page 5

by Abby James

  “But there was a man who showed a new and rare ability. McGilus told me about him. I think he was around in the nineteenth century.”

  “I’ve read about him. There was much controversy regarding the claim that he was in fact a channeling. He resisted any formal testing. To be honest with you, back then the empaths didn’t have the strength they have now for discerning another’s ability. He didn’t hang around for long, though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He disappeared quick enough. No one’s really sure if he was killed by some who thought him a threat to the supe world, or whether he grew sick of the scrutiny and hid himself away. Either way he disappeared as quick as he appeared by all accounts. All we have are the anecdotes of him ever existing.”

  “It sounds like you don’t believe any of this.”

  “I guess it could happen. I mean things evolve all the time. You just have to look at the natural world. And us, for that matter. I’m sure glad my ability is much more than what it was three hundred years ago. They were lucky to produce a small ball of light between a group of them.”

  I shut off from his chatter, nodding when I thought it was appropriate. I looked down at the picture again, my mind filled with the mysterious man that could well be my ancestor. The ancestral tree Ms Lane gave me was only half accurate, the side that listed mum’s ancestors. What was McManus’s ancestry? Maybe it had something to do with this mysterious man, the channeling.


  For days now I continued to stew over my run in with Luca. He’d made it more than clear he was done with me. I was too much of a bother for him. He didn’t want to be my teacher anymore. The thoughts rolled around in my head, an endless loop making me more depressed with each turn, more depressed but also more angry. After our kiss, two kisses, and the way he’d reacted, how could he turn his back on me? I didn’t want to accept it, but there was nothing I could do about it because he was damn impossible to contact.

  I needed to talk to him. The last time we’d spoken he was desperate to get away, either because the conversation was uncomfortable or because he genuinely had something more important to do. I preferred the latter, but you don’t kiss a girl like that, or drain her blood while she dry humps you and then passes out from blood loss, and not be prepared for some lengthy discussion on where the two of you went from there.

  God I was being pathetic, chasing after a guy who didn’t want me. But I couldn’t help it. Whether he liked it or not, Luca had somehow become my confidante. Amy and Lorna knew about my strange ability, and my father, but they were unaware of the skurk’s multiple attempts to kidnap me. I’d chosen not to bother them with issue, which left Luca and McGilus as the only people who knew everything that was going on, but I wasn’t about to cuddle up to McGilus.

  I should be used to it. After all it was how I had lived my life up until now. Truth was I hated it. I was finally bringing someone into my secret life, and it felt good. No going back into my shell now. Unbeknownst to Luca, he’d rescued me from my cave, the place I hid a lot of the time because it felt safer than sharing myself with people who weren’t going to stick around.

  And here I was climbing the stairwell toward the vampires’ lair. The last time I came here uninvited was the first time I met Luca. He had been furious at my sudden arrival. The second time I came turned out to be one of the best moments of my life. Replaying the action, which I did ad infinitum, sent warm, tingling feelings around my body. I sucked on my bottom lip as I thought of seeing him again in his house. Would it trigger any lingering memories of having me there? Maybe he’d wiped those clean.

  I slowed as I climbed the stairs. Jesus, what if he was still in love with the vampire that had changed him? Bloody hell, I’d forgotten about that while I was swooning over him. Maybe that was the reason he’d pulled back. The way he kissed me may have been nothing more than my desire reflected back on him. What if he’d been swallowed by my own need, nothing more? My steps faulted. Was I about to make a complete fool of myself?

  Perhaps coming here wasn’t a good idea, given he’d ditched me as a student, but I was a stubborn girl. I wasn’t prepared to say good-bye to him. Maybe we were destined to stay friends, and that was kind of fine. I would accept it if that was all he could offer, but I wasn’t prepared to allow any possible relationship with him slide without knowing for sure how he felt.

  Luca made me feel amazing. That had a lot to do with his ability, but even when he wasn’t touching me, being in his presence turned me on to life, made me excited to be in this supe world, made me keen to learn and develop my ability. I couldn’t let that feeling go because of some stupid misunderstanding. Who said a vampire and a human couldn’t be friends. Had he ever tried it?

  All it took was a few warring moments in my head before I resumed pounding up the stairs. I had to know. I would ask him about his ex—possibly current—lover. Best to learn now if there was any hope we could have more than a teacher student relationship. If I knew there was no hope, I could clear my stupid fantasy and concentrate on learning my ability and developing my skill.

  My trainers squeaked along the high polished floor right up to the door. I was about to knock, not sure what I should do, when the door creaked open. It seemed a lot of doors in this place opened of their own accord. All except the library, the one place I wanted easy access to.

  A wave of good memories filled my head the moment I stepped into the antique filled room. Given the door had opened for me I expected to be met by someone, instead the room was bare. I made my way across to a door on the far side. Within feet of reaching the door it opened. A man slipped inside the room shutting the door behind him.

  “And whom do we have here?” He quirked an eyebrow and ran his eyes over my body, stopping once he retraced back up to my neck. “A delicious treat?”

  It was perhaps not a question.

  “Is Luca around?”

  “The human girl thinks she can come into our home demanding what she wants.”

  “No. I’m sorry if I am trespassing, but I wasn’t sure of any other way to contact Luca. It’s really important I speak to him.”

  The guy was wispy lean with a pale complexion and dull lips. Hair slicked off his face and smoothed down his back accentuated the sharp definition of his cheek bones, looking like a harsh overhang. Flat black eyes roamed over every inch of my face. There was no interesting depth within, no amber and crimson swirling around each other in an unearthly dance of emotion. I walked backward as he approached hoping to keep the distance between us constant.

  In the end I moved to the side and let him passed. He continued on to a twin-seat oxblood chesterfield and sat with elegance, sliding himself back into the seat before crossing one leg over the other.

  “And what could be so important that a human girl would risk coming directly to his lair?”

  “That conversation is for Luca.”

  He smiled, but no mirth made it into his lips. “Come and sit beside me. I feel in need of entertainment, and now that you have awoken me it is up to you to provide that.”

  “You don’t sleep.”

  He huffed. “It seems Luca has given away our secrets.”

  “Not all your secrets.” I headed back to the couch and slid down on the one opposite. I might as well get something worthwhile while I waited for Luca. “Is it true you can’t tolerate sunlight?”

  “And why do you suppose I would tell you?”

  “I’m just making friendly conversation. You wanted me to entertain you.”

  “I had a rather more physical way in mind.”

  Gross. “I’m not that sort of girl.”

  “Not according to Luca.”

  Jesus, had he shared stories with his liar?

  “We have excellent hearing. There, I shared a secret with you. Now you have to give me something in return.”

  “I already knew that.”

  “Our senses are unrivaled. And that is one more secret.”

  “Another one I a
lready knew. Plus I could’ve read that word for word in some young adult vampire romance. You need to come up with something more intriguing or original.”

  He leveled his eyes on me with no hint of a smile. Maybe I was being too cheeky.

  “What do you supposed seeped through the walls and into our ears and up our noses the last time you were here?” He closed his eyes, his face reflecting ecstasy. “The smell of your blood. It was,” he inhaled deep, “truly glorious. And in our very lair. That does not happen, you know. We are forbidden to drink from our victims on academy grounds. All our vampire activities must be conducted off campus. It is the only way we are tolerated.” He snorted indignation. “Tolerated,” he spat. “Vampires were once feared.”

  “You’re worshiped amongst many wissend.”

  He huffed a shallow laugh. “Pitiful creatures, humans are.”

  “And yet you can’t live without them.”

  “There was a time we killed when we drank.” He relaxed even further back into the chesterfield. “Blissful days. We were unrestrained. All of this,” he waved a hand around him, “has reduced us to begging for our food. All this talk of equality amongst the factions has weakened us.”

  “Maybe that has more to do with your evolution. Perhaps the other factions have evolved faster than the vampires.”

  He shot me a hard stare. Oops, maybe I’d over stepped myself in saying that.

  “We are perfect as we are.”

  “Perfect you may be, you are now forced to bow to the rules of the council.”

  He settled his black eyes on me. “You are an interesting creature.”


  A small twitch threatened the corners of his mouth. “Do you see us as inferior?”

  “Why would I? I’m knew to all of this. Until some months ago, you lot along with shifters, witches and sorcerers were all contained within fairy tales and Hollywood blockbuster movies. Who am I to make judgement on one faction over another?”

  “The true diplomat.” He sniffed the air delicately, then rose and crossed to my side of the room. Like a panther he sat beside me, quiet and graceful, leaving not enough space between us.

  “Does my proximity make you uncomfortable?”

  “Why would it?” Totally. And he would know because my heart had picked up its beat, something he would hear with his super hearing he just boasted to me about.

  He slid a little closer. “And how about this? Are you uncomfortable now?”

  “Not some much as puzzled as to what you’re doing. Are you trying to intimidate me?”

  “Not at all, human child. I find you quite…fascinating. And quite delicious to smell. I hope you don’t mind how cozy I wish us to be. Us vampires aren’t so good at personal boundaries, not like you humans.” He ran his nose along my shoulder, “especially when one so delicious as you comes right into my lair.”

  I slid farther over, but ended up against the armrest of the chesterfield.

  “What is your name?” I said.

  “So rude of me. I am Valcove. And there is no need for me to learn your name, Samara. Everyone here knows of it.”

  “I’m flatted and puzzled as to why.”

  “No human has caught Luca’s attention quite like you have. I must say, now that I have met you in person, I do understand his own fascination.”

  This time he ran his nose down my arm.

  “You know my racing heart has nothing to do with me enjoying what you are doing and everything to do with me finding it alarming.”

  He chuckled as he righted himself and gave me a smidgeon of room.

  “Pity. I hoped you would share some of that precious blood. Like Luca, I find your smell intoxicating. More so because you have not a trace of supernatural about you. How is that, my delightful girl?”

  “It’s a weird thing that no one can work out. I’m an anomaly.”

  “Quite. I once knew of an anomaly.”

  This time when my heart did a sudden jack to high tempo it had nothing to do with his proximity or the threat of him biting me.

  “You did?”

  He craned his head back and rested it on the back of the couch. “Hmm…let me see. It was awhile ago. The centuries have a habit of blending into one after awhile.”

  “Centuries, how long have you been alive?”

  “Long enough to lament the changes.”

  “What about this anomaly?”

  “Strange fellow. Rare ability. He smelt human and nothing more.”

  “Was this around the nineteenth century?”

  He lowered his head and looked at me with hooded eyes. “Could be? I see you have been searching through the history books.”

  “I’m a history buff.”

  “You remind me of him.”

  Again my heart did a wild spasm, something Volcove would’ve heard, but he showed no sighs of caring.

  He waved his hands across his face. “There is some similarity between you, perhaps it has to do with your lack of supernatural smell.”

  My mouth dried. “What was his name?”

  “Now that does test my memory.” He arched his head back again and scratched his throat. Once done he lowered his head and turned to me with a smirk. “I think that’s enough sharing on my behalf. It’s time you returned the favor.”

  “That depends on what you have in mind.”

  “A little taste. That is all. And I will tell you everything I know about your mysterious fellow.”

  And if he did have a sip he would know all. No way would I allow it. I wouldn’t because it would feel like a betrayal to Luca, but more so I could not allow him to know the truth about me. Volcove was as trustworthy as a snake.

  “No deal.”

  He turned so his body faced mine, and rested his arm across the backrest, hemming me in. “Perhaps I shouldn’t be so polite.”

  “What would Luca say if you took what you wanted by force?”

  He laughed. “Do I look like I care what Luca thinks?”

  “Yes.” I kept my face deadpan. This guy was a creep. He was toying with me, but everyone had said this was Luca’s lair. Perhaps that’s what they assumed as Luca was the more prominent, the one the casters called upon, but I would bet he was the leader in this house.

  Volcove’s face hardened for the first time since he’d entered the room. “Don’t think you can play with me, Samara. Humans that come into the vampires’ lair make themselves vulnerable. Very vulnerable indeed.”

  To my left a door swung open, the speed of it sent a gust of wind flurrying through the room.

  “What are you doing here?” I could tell by his tone and body language, Luca seethed inside despite his controlled facade.

  I stumbled to my feet like I’d been caught by my parents doing something naughty with a boy. “I needed to ask you something.”

  Luca glared at Volcove. A silent show down between them ensured, which Luca won as Volcove rose languidly to his feet. He reached out to take my hand, but I snapped it away, not wanting to be on the receiving end of any of his juice. Although he’d proved adept at keeping his features schooled to neutral, a small frown won through. He was likely irked by my sudden refusal. Even so he sauntered to the door he’d come through like I was already forgotten.

  Once we were alone, Luca turned on me. “Never come here again.”

  “You left me no choice. You’re not exactly easy to get in contact with.”

  “Come with me,” he barked and swept past me, heading for the door that led back out into the hall. Christ, was he kicking me out?

  I jogged to keep up with his hard smacking strides as he strode back down the long dim corridor. But rather than head for the stairs, Luca turned left down another corridor. Halfway down, he spun to face me. In the dim I couldn’t see his features clear enough, which made it impossible to determine if he was about to berate me or kiss me—I could only hope—and given the way we’d left the lair, I doubted the latter would happen.

  Luca threw back a long thick
curtain, which seemed to have been randomly hung along the wall and revealed thick wood slates. He undid the metal lock and pushed them wide. Sunlight streamed through. The grounds of Darkwells sprawled out down below. Way down below. I’d not realized the vampires’ lair was this high.

  “You do have a window up here.”

  “Look around you.”

  I did as he said only to notice there were numerous thick, heavy curtains draped from the ceiling and spread along the corridor walls.

  “You keep the windows hidden because of the sun.”

  “They become our doorways at night.”

  “When you go out looking for blood.”

  I hated saying that as it made me think about him trawling for blood victims. He eyed me in silence, before turning back to the window he’d opened.


  With the window so huge the ledge was knee high.

  Luca stepped up onto the ledge and turned to me. “Are you afraid?” he said as he held out his hand.

  “Why would I be?” I placed my hand in his, then closed my eyes as I inhaled the glory of his touch and what it did to me.

  When I opened my eyes I realized I had stepped up onto the ledge. I turned to see Luca looking at me in the sunlight. The amber in his eyes receded to make way for the crimson, which swirled a wild pattern amongst the black.

  After exciting seconds passed in which I tried to work out what he felt or thought every time he looked at me like that, Luca snapped his attention away.

  “You should be afraid. Vampires are not trustworthy supernaturals.”

  “I thought we had established that you weren’t full vampire.”

  “I’m enough vampire to make me dangerous to you.”

  “Everyone seems to be dangerous to me at the moment.”

  “That is why you must learn to harness your ability.”

  “There is no one better than you to equip me with what I need.”

  Luca pressed his lips together as if to suppress a smile. “Close your eyes.”

  “You’re not going to push me off are you?”

  This time he did smile. “Will you do one thing I ask without questioning me?”


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