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Amoroso Page 4

by S. W. Frank

  Her affair with Nico, could it be happening again?

  “Hey kids, dad apologizes for the bad language. How much is it going to cost me Allie?”

  “I don’t know, a hundred dollars –each!” she replied.

  The children laughed, everybody except Selange and Sal. They couldn’t be bought. They recognized the falsity of his tone. The rolling vein in his cheek and the protrusion on his neck only occurred when Alfonzo was furious.

  The limo pulled in front of Sophie’s and the children leaped out followed by Anita to collect the presents from the trunk.

  Selange took the private opportunity to say, “That asshole is starting shit isn’t he? If you’re mad at me for not telling you that Nico and I discussed what might be in Nicolo Giacanti’s book then I apologize, but I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  Alfonzo’s eyes moved slowly over her face like a bullshit detector. “You’re only telling me because hearing it from Geo isn’t the way I should find out.”

  “Alfonzo, there’s nothing going on.”

  “I don’t need to get sucker punched in the face by Geo with shit about my wife!”

  “There are always going to be people spreading rumors about me. Even the most innocent encounter can get twisted. When Geo’s mad and doesn’t get what he wants, he’s worse than a spoiled brat!”

  Anita led the children into the house. Vincent and Angelina required the guard’s help with their oversized gifts. Selange’s lips descended. She loved her family wholeheartedly, yet they required stability. Their parent’s marriage was on shaky ground, but this time she wasn’t optimistic about the outcome. Maybe, it’s because she expected the worse. Living the way they did and the losses being so many, she’d lost hope in longevity without a unified army. Her heart was hurting over Maria’s words; her soul couldn’t inhale anymore-poisonous fumes. They were turning on each other and nausea surfaced. 

  “What did Nico ask you?”

  “He wanted to know whether names or meetings were in the book. He thought he might be missing something relevant.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Yes, with everything that happened, I forgot to mention it. You had important things on your plate. Sophie has security cameras in her house. If you need to believe that over me, then knock yourself out.”

  Alfonzo squinted. He hated to go there, but he’d be insane not to. Selange was a horrible liar. He’d know if she hid the truth by her eyes. “If I watch the surveillance video, will I view a sex tape?”

  The shocked expression, sharp intake of breath with an asthmatic type wheeze happened. Apparently, his question cut off her oxygen. His babe wasn’t acting.

  Selange’s eyes glistened. What she believed they buried resurfaced. She told Nico…. she warned him Alfonzo might find out and get the wrong idea. He hadn’t thought so, but now she was afraid everything they rebuilt was shattered. She should’ve shot Nico’s ass, and Sophie for putting her in such a position. And that Giuseppe, oooh, that infectious bastard used a knife to slice her and Alfonzo in half. She slumped to the door, pushing at it with her shoulder in an attempt to leave before she begged Alfonzo to believe her. She refused to endure humiliation for something that happened in the past or ignore the reminder rocks tossed in her face.

  “Okay, open up you dumb fucking door!” she screamed to the invisible locksmith keeping her imprisoned. Her nose wrinkled, what the hell was wrong with her that she couldn’t exit? Her hands were not working during the panic-stricken moment.

  I’m done…I’m done. I love him but I can’t go through this pain anymore as if I don’t have a threshold. Thank you Giuseppe you spiteful bastard–thank you for ripping your brother apart and –me!

  “It’s not locked,” Alfonzo stated calmly.

  Then she faced him to rant. “I can’t continue saying I’m sorry or trying to prove how much I love you. Nico isn’t the problem between us; it’s assholes like Giuseppe pelting garbage.  He’s in the perfect business, killing and doo-doo! You’re allowing him to psych you out. To think I did everything to give that sonovabitch a chance with Shanda, I should have let that viper Alanda eat him alive –and on top of that we’re caring for his greedy dog!”

  “Selange, chill. Don’t blame Geo because you failed to tell me about you and Nico!”

  Her eyes were sparkly brown-green. The hiccupping wheezes worsened. “You’re right –no I’m at fault for not- telling –you but you were –dealing –with a- lot –and –and I –I didn’t want to –up-set –you –honey.”

  She was telling the truth. When she lied, her eyes danced around. “Hey, calm down before you pass out babe!” Alfonzo cautioned, noticing the rapid change to her breathing and the way her collarbone became prominent. Selange had a history of hyperventilation when overly excited. The yoga controlled the anxiety but he suspected his wife’s panic attacks were worsened by the thought of losing people she loved. Sal witnessed one of her attacks after their divorce and confided his fear to his dad. Alfonzo experienced the same feeling as she struggled to speak.

  Selange’s anxiety stemmed from an enormous guilt that she didn’t immediately confide to Alfonzo, Nico asked her to keep his questioning secretive or that she did so because she believed Nico did have good intentions.

  After all the craziness, Bianca missing, the death of Tony and his wife, she had truly forgot. Giuseppe’s malice was the vilest. Her hands shook with fury, she wanted air and needed out of the confines of the car. “I –love –you –you!”

  “Nice words aren’t always true and neither are tears, ” he responded sarcastically and then immediately frowned because he shouldn’t have. The verbal assault ceased. He did exactly what he swore he wouldn’t; let others destroy their relationship by shaking their foundation.

  Selange slapped at the door. Her uncoordinated efforts finally resulted in the release of the lever with a depression of unnecessary maximum force.

  The air filtered inside and she inhaled, yanking the affinity ring he’d given her for a birthday present from her finger and tossed it in his face. “No mat-ter -what I say  -we’ll end up here in an arg-u-ment…. you promised Al-fon-zo but –you broke the pro-mise…fuck-ing li-ar!”

  She was perched to exit when he seized her wrist. “Don’t call me a fucking liar. Hold on.”

  Her elbow in his gut abruptly stopped his sentence. He released and might’ve laughed, except nothing’s funny when a soul mate steps out the door requesting a separation. 

  In the dark, he scanned the shadows, almost as thoroughly as every corner of his heart.

  Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

  Alfonzo hastily exited, his polished shoes collided with slate and his swift strides were as smooth as his contoured suit. The athletic physique of a well-conditioned man was determined not to allow his love to get away. He overtook her before her arm fully extended and spun her around by the waist. He took her hand. She tried to jerk loose but he showed her his strength by holding on and forcing the ring on her finger with a sneer. “Never take this off! I’m jealous, not stupid. Every damn thing I’ve said is true. I’ll question shit from time to time, especially when the subject is you and Nico. I’m human, so don’t start divorcing me in your mind when I do.”

  “You’re the subject. I don’t want you without trust. It hurts too bad…I start feeling like shit again. This is our…second chance but –I can’t keep getting kicked to the ground.  People will use what I did as a weapon against you. Please –please honey let’s split if you can’t believe in me anymore or you’re still hurting. Maybe you’ll heal. I’ll always be there for you as a friend. I promise. ”

  Alfonzo cursed aloud. “Hell with that, you’re my all-in-one.” The gloss of her eyeballs rained in every chamber of his heart, filling it to the brim. He brought her head to his chest, talking over her hair, sighing in between words, completely pissed that he let Giuseppe take him to a place he passed. “Ah babe, I believe in you and I’m standing at your side to the end. But
babe –babe sneaking around to talk with Nico –that’s the shit that looks suspicious and others will use to hurt me. I’ll be crazy to think you’ll never have a conversation with Nico. Our kids hang out with his, you’re friends with his wife and I’m okay with all that but transparency is the way you handle situations that can be misinterpreted, tu sabe?”

  She choked back a sob. “Yes, but –I swear he only asked if I had read anything in the book that shone light on anyone plotting against the family.”

  “I believe you. Tranquillo.”

  “I can’t. I’m -I’m -I’m mad.”

  “Then take a swing at me, no cheap shots to my balls.”


  “Come on. You’re pissed, get it out, come on right here, in the chest, go for it.” Alfonzo instructed, pointing to the left side of his chest.

  “No, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He smirked. “You sure, ‘cause that jab had real force to it?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “All right –alright then we’ll talk about this later. Let’s go in before everybody wonders whether we dumped the kids off and returned home to relax. ”

  “That’s actually a good idea.” She sniffled and then wiped her cheeks. “Ah, I feel icky.”

  He lifted her chin, removed his silk kerchief and dabbed at the smudges in the corner of her eye. “Gotta fix the face, right?”

  She chuckled. Her breathing had a normal regulation. The vibrations went through his clothes. He took her hand. “Okay you smiled. “Are we copasetic?”

  The door opened. Sal stood there with a worried expression. “You guys all right? Are you guys arguing?”

  Alfonzo hugged his wife tighter. “No, we’re solid mijo, right esposa?”

  A smile spread across Sal’s face. He didn’t want his parent’s to split. The last time his dad left, he hated looking at his empty chair. He hated seeing his mom sad every day, his dad, too for that matter. His parents needed each other –apart the entire family had broken.

  “Yes, we are.”













  Chapter 3






  Sophie bustled about the kitchen, chatting with the ancient cook while putting last minute garnishments on the food. She worried that the vegetables might not be appealing to the children. Thankfully, Maria had sent dishes and the children had a broader variety of foods to choose.

  Yosef sat watching, eating breaded sole in wine, smiling at his wife’s voluptuous backside as she passed many times, looking a beautiful dish in the form fitting dress hugging her hips.

  “The meal is delicious-geshmak bubelah, thank you.” The doorbell rang; he wiped his mouth with the napkin and smacked his lips. “Time for me to go, your guests have arrived,” he said as he watched the overhead monitor.

  A guard opened the door for Don Alfonzo and his family. The Serano boys and a very pregnant Anna had arrived an hour ago to set up their DJ equipment in the main sitting room. Yosef maintained a short distance from the youngsters who glared each time he entered the room, and he smirked, at their inability to conceal their loathing. However, civility was the course for the sake of peace.

  Anna avoided eye contact with Yosef, unable to stomach his presence. Apparently, the mousy girl sought to forget their bedroom twists or his dick in her mouth. His eyes twinkled devilishly that he’d taught the young woman how to sexually please her newfound lover. The innocent purity she displayed in public was relinquished when fucking, except the novice lacked the experience of his wife and failed to touch his heart.

  The Serano boy with a protective arm around the girl should kneel in thanks he allowed Anna to live. “Ungrateful snot!” Yosef grumbled under his breath as he readied to leave.

  “Yosef, what are you muttering about?” Sophie enquired.

  “Eh, nothing.”

  “You are welcome to stay Bello,” Sophie told her husband when he rose, guzzling the non-alcoholic drink in expediency. He sneered at the thought of screaming children underfoot and loud music that he did not understand. By the large speakers out there he’d require a hearing aid after the celebration. “Babushka I joyfully decline.”

  Sophie put her hands on her hips. “This is your home.”

  “And they are your boisterous lot babushka.” He retorted, kissed her and then added a placation. “Perhaps the next time I will stay, but I do not wish to make the girl uncomfortable, you understand.”

  Sophie nodded, displeased with his departure, however Nico’s family would be appreciative. “I will be awake, having chai tea with spirits awaiting your company.”

  “That will please me.” He kissed her demandingly, rubbed her tush and then exited the kitchen, greeting the Don and his brood with a nod. “Shalom.”   

  “Hi, you’re leaving Uncle Yosef but aren’t you supposed to stay for a party?” Angelina asked his leg. “Shalom, that’s peace. Do you make a peace sign? Where’s your skullcap? Did you lose it?”

  Too many questions, he thought.
















  Chapter 4






  “Sweetheart, I’m not good at faking,” Nico said, flicking his ashes out the car window as he drove.

  “Try to look surprised Nico. I went through a lot of trouble to put this together.”

  Nico shrugged. “I’ll do my best.”

  They were ten minutes away from Sophie’s villa. Nico decreased his speed to elongate their time of arrival. He wanted to enjoy the quiet drive with his wife. Semira was at Sophie’s with her brothers and Anna. This was the perfect moment to discuss Alexandros’ living arrangements.

  “You look beautiful,” he complimented despite the cast on her arm that he and Semira decorated with colorful pictures until the boys destroyed the artwork with black magic marker scribbled messages, such as, Out of Service! Mom’s Breakable! Here’s A & D ointment for your Boo-Boo!

  “Thanks, you look good, too.”

  “Yeah, you think I look good?”

  “Good enough to eat.”

  Nico laughed. “Counselor, if you keep flirting with me we’ll never make that surprise bash.”

  “Then you stop flirting with me.”

  He changed the subject. “What about the registration for the boys? You sure you don’t want me to go and finalize their enrollment?”

  Ari nodded. “I am super sure Nico. The last thing I need is to receive notification you and the boys are in jail. You’ll kill somebody and have our boys as an accessory to murder. No thank you, patience is required for this task, ergo me –mama goes, ma chérie.”

  “Come on Counselor, my people skills have improved.”

  She grimaced. “Okay handsome, tell yourself that –nothing’s wrong with maintaining a positive attitude.” She didn’t mention her suspicions that he might be responsible for the building collapse that killed Tony and his wife. Tony was Nico’s protégé and Ari believed Nico decided for whatever reason; Tony wasn’t fit for the job anymore. Tiffany, however, now that’s the shocker –but then again Nico’s an enforcer and ‘force’ is how he solved problems.  Nope, she wouldn’t risk sending him to deal with the university bureaucracy. “At least one of us has to go along to check out the dorms with Aaron. Darre
n wants to live-off campus with Anna at my parent’s home. He wants to help out when the baby arrives.”

  Nico nodded. Darren was honorable, of course he would.

  Ari continued talking. “I’ll take Semira along. Anna looks about to burst any day. I don’t think she should travel. Not to mention, I do not want her to go into labor while we’re there. Is it okay if she stays here? We’ll only be gone for three days at most.”

  “Then you might as well leave ‘Mira too. I’m sure I can manage three days without you.”

  “I’m sure you can –alone but not with a toddler and a pregnant teen.”

  “There’s Sophie, she’ll be on call if I run into any unforeseen problems –which I doubt.”

  Ari smirked. Sophie was always good to Nico. Sometimes, she smiled at the thought he had that woman in his life to fill the void left behind by the loss of his adopted mother. That psycho who birthed him, lord, that’s another story.

  “Are you certain Nico, I mean taking Semira with me isn’t a problem.”

  He took a pull of the cigar, blowing the smoke out the window. “My girl and I have a ritual love.  We wake at the crack of dawn to eat breakfast and then we paint. I’ve even taught her some martial arts moves.” He frowned. He didn’t want to say aloud, that he looked forward to those moments. What he hadn’t done much with the boys he sought to make up with Semira. “By the way, have you thought about what I asked?”



  Ari sighed. “Nico, Bruno is the grandfather. He doesn’t seem willing to part with the baby gauging by your heated exchanges every time you phone to check on the child. He’s mourning the death of his son and his missing daughter. We can revisit the topic when I return next week.”

  “Fair enough. Just understand sweetheart, I’ve screwed up as a father more times than I like to admit with the twins and I’m trying to correct my mistakes. I want to be there this time for you and the kids but you have to stay clean.” His eyes softened when he glanced at her profile.  Ari and the children served as his life alert bracelet. “I’ve never asked you for much, but since it’s my birthday the only gift I want is to have my wife support having all of my children under one roof.”


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