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Amoroso Page 5

by S. W. Frank

  Ari swiveled in her seat. She studied her husband, noticed the weariness in his countenance. Why had she not observed this before? He must be up at night, painting, thinking and walking the grounds checking security. She found him doing this a lot recently. There was something he wasn’t sharing, which isn’t unusual, however, she had the impression this might affect her family and if so she needed to know.

  “Nico, is there anything you should tell me?”

  “Yes. Your credit card, insurance, identity theft –all of your damn scams are officially closed –for good Counselor. I’ve given notice to your investors and they’ve received their cut from the deals. Don’t think you’ll have help from Sophie or any family to reopen shop. They’re not aiding and abetting you anymore. “

  “What? You did what?”

  “No more Ari. You’re on notice.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I’ve dismantled your little side rackets. No more of that mess. You’re cut off at the legs. This is tough love in action.”

  Ari scoffed. “You don’t get to tell me how to earn my money. Besides, since when have you ever cared?”

  “I’ve always cared Ari. I played along with your need for the thrills. Those high commissions you charged, I never argued about them because I noticed that spark in your eyes when you thought you were cheating me out of something. Years ago it was harmless but it’s not that way anymore. You’re a kleptomaniac Ari.  I’ve been aware of your addiction from the start. But now you’ve involved Mafiosi –if that isn’t enough you stole from Alfonzo’s wife. You’ve put yourself in danger, here is where I step in to shield you from yourself.”

  Nico sucked on the cigar, he had smoked crates since Alberti died, believe it? He’d quit once he ran out, which was soon.

  “No, Nico, be honest. You were fine with what I did until it affected Selange. You’ve been in love with her so long, you just can’t stop.”

  “Ari,” Nico glowered and then tempered his words to rebut his wife’s insecurity. “I’m in love with you. Every day, you’re the thump that kick starts my heart.”

  Ari sucked her teeth. “I want to believe you but it seems I’m always playing second fiddle. Way before Selange there was Leticia –no oh shoot what’s that woman’s name, oh yeah, Lavina.”

  His thoughts traveled to Lavina, as he toked on the cigar. How many years had it been? Yesterday, that’s how long. He could never erase the failed attempt to save Lavina, but he refused to allow Ari to fall. First, he had to topple her walls, by lowering his. He glanced at his wife. “I love you.” He sighed a cloud of sweet tobacco. “You’re not second to any woman in my life.”

  “Selange and I’ve become friends. I believe she passionately loves Al; I’m wondering if you ever loved me that way. I’m not sure anymore Nico if you have enough space to love anybody when sheltering a mystery woman.”

  “Lavina was my first love and wasn’t meant to last forever. Believe me when I say, I’ve been crazy over you but didn’t think you loved me as much as the rush you got from your career and extracurricular activities.”

  “That rush was replaced the day I met you.” Ari swiveled to see her husband’s profile. She wanted –no she needed to hear about Lavina, and what brought him to that London hotel seeking solace with a stranger. “What happened with her…Lavina I mean…tell me Nico? Why have you never talked about her? I’ve told you about my first crush and the douchebags I met along the way. Your turn is overdue.”

  “Being talkative in my profession is an occupational hazard. The things I never say, maybe I don’t say because I don’t want to scare you.”

  Nico exhaled a funnel cloud and then chucked the stogie out the window.Fast moving cars whizzed by bouncing light in straight angles on the black strada. The signs in the distance were illuminated with the kilometers to Palermo. He looked in the rearview mirror; unable to identify the cigar he threw away.

  Ari blinked, at the oncoming bright lights. Some fool had on the high beams. Nico’s hand discreetly tapped the side panel and a gun appeared. He sped up, readying the weapon as if expecting danger and relaxed when the car passed. This was his life, always on high alert without any reprieve.

  “You hurt me when you don’t say them. Is there anything that scares you?”

  His voice was husky. “Ever since you walked out, I’ve worried I’d fuck up and you’ll leave again.”

  She had never really asked Nico about the things he did. But, curiosity took over. “You killed Bianca, didn’t you?”

  “I had to Ari. I suspected she was working with her brother. I couldn’t afford my son to be used as leverage. The man Bianca married was a volatile variable…I didn’t want to put Alexandros at risk.” He didn’t mention he also killed Bianca for selfish reasons, mainly to protect his marriage. He didn’t want to hurt Ari anymore. They’d been at peace after he tucked the affair with Selange in a coffin. “I’m not a good man Ari. I’ve murdered a lot of people. You and the kids is what someone will use to hurt me. When I stayed away, I did that for your protection. Keeping the heat off meant I needed to stay on the move. I’m always afraid that being stationary my past deeds will catch up to me.  I never wanted you or the children in the crossfire.”

  “Is that what occurred with Lavina?”

  She went there. He couldn’t escape her questioning anymore. “Ah, you never relent Counselor.”

  “Not when I’m dealing with the most important case of my life.”

  He chuckled. “That’s what I am?”

  “Yes, so stop evading the question.”

  “When I was teen I fell in love with Lavina. We shared a love of art and planned to attend an art academy in Paris together.” He sighed. “Except Vin and I were ordered to kill her father who happened to be an accountant for the mob. They were worried about him cooperating with the cops. We were also told to clean house. Of course I didn’t want to go murder Lavina. Instead, I planned to run away and marry her that night, but there was an electrical fire and Lavina and I were trapped in the bedroom.”

  “Figures.” Ari scoffed.

  Nico rubbed at his eyes. His temple ached from the memories. He shut down.

  “Nico, finish, what happened!”

  “She died Ari all right. I swore I’d protect her but she died protecting me!”

  Ari frowned. “I’m sorry Nico, I really am.”

  “Then understand I’m tired Ari of worrying whether you’ll pull one of your scams on the wrong person and get yourself killed.”

  “I did not steal from Selange. I temporarily hid a portion of her funds. I had no intention of keeping that money. You know that. Didn’t you put it back?”

  “Yeah, I did. The problem is you tampered with money belonging to a charity. You didn’t think that would be detrimental for Selange?”

  Ari hadn’t. What she thought was Selange would agree to hear her out in desperation to recoup her losses. Ari frowned. Selange’s decision to ask her spouse isn’t what Ari would have done. Ari always did things for herself and never considered Selange would turn to her husband for financial assistance.

  “I miscalculated, besides it wasn’t that much.”

  “Enough to notice.”

  “But she’ll see money’s going in, though?” she asked worriedly.

  “I stagnated the deposits. They’re in small increments every few days from reputable sources outside the states, she’ll see the donations and smile.”

  “All under ten thou, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Whew, good. I’ll apologize to Selange and her hubby if that’ll put me back good.”

  “Ne –no –no –no sweetheart!” Nico exhaled. His wife was skating on thin ice. That charity meant the world to Selange. It served somewhat of a memorial to her mom. Selange believed in her mission to give bright kids financial assistance for college. Tyree was a shining example of the necessity of endowments geared toward inner city youth. No, Ari didn’t fully understand,
what she did was completely sacrilegious. He eased his foot off the gas. The car slowed. “I’ll deal with this Ari. I’ll speak with Al, smooth things over first.” He gazed lovingly at his wife. “All I want is your promise that you’ll stay legit. This family needs you sweetheart and not locked up in jail.”

  Nico omitted or end up dead.

  “Nico, it’s not that serious.” She murmured. The prospect of her relationship with Selange being ruined sucked, being her friend had perks. She actually enjoyed Selange’s company. The children enjoyed hanging at the Diaz’ house, which allowed her adult time with Nico.

  “Dammit Ari, look me in the eye and tell me you’ll stop. I’m bleeding every day for you and everybody and it’s starting to wear me thin!” He sighed. “Sweetheart, you have to decide what’s more important, our family or this habit.  Currently, my cup runneth over.”  Nico scoffed at his choice of an antiquated verb.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I’m telling you to cease and desist the bullshit before it negatively impacts our family. Going forward, you’re going into the Nico Protection Program.”

  “What the heck is the Nico Protection Program? If I don’t cooperate will you toss me to the fishes?” She teased in a poor imitation of a stereotypical mobster’s vernacular.

  “Stick to law. You’re a horrible actress. Hand me a mint out of the glove compartment por favore.”

  Ari searched the glove compartment for the mint and air freshener. She smirked when she discovered a clear bag with several joints and a lighter. “Guess I’m not the only one with habits in our house. This probably belongs to Aaron.”

  “Actually, that’s mine. I think this is when I could use it.”

  “You don’t smoke weed. Why are you covering for those boys?”

  “You’re right, I don’t smoke weed, but you’re wrong I’m not covering for anybody.” He reached for her hand, put it on his lap, thinking about Vin, Alberti and Lavina. He hoped this was the last time Ari planned a birthday party on his behalf. Without Vin, he hated the day. Guilt ate him alive. He hadn’t experienced that shitty feeling of questioning his sanity after doing something bad in a very long time. His rule of no-regret was blown to smithereens as a result of Vin. There is remorse when you kill trust with people you love. “Spark the thing. Weed is my birthday present from Serge. He thinks I’m uptight –or something to that affect he said.”

  “You?” she exclaimed. The heavy cast limited Ari’s mobility. She chuckled at her awkwardness. She lit up and took several drags and then shared with the birthday man. “You’re far from uptight.”

  Nico pulled off the road to a safe spot, shut off the lights and took a few hits. “Serge doesn’t know that.”

  “Why are you so hard on him anyway?”

  Nico shrugged. “He needs it.”

  “You scare him intentionally.”

  “Apparently, not enough to stop his unannounced visits.” Nico replied as he squinted with one eye to avoid the rising smoke as he inhaled. They were rebel youth, pissing on the heads of conservatives trying to fit everybody in a box with their backward ass rules. Soon they’ll all be like China, where there’s only a Chinese run social network and if you have more than one kid your ass is heavily taxed. 

  “The kids love him though. I swear he’s grown on me, too.” Ari stated.

  Nico withdrew from his private commentary to answer. “That’s because you’re all special.”

  Ari nudged him. “Oh, shut up.” She smirked, before taking possession of the rolled paper and then rested her head on Nico’s rock bicep while she smoked. “He’s trying to find himself. We’ve all been there.”

  “Yeah…that’s true.”

  “I have a question,” Ari began, liking the relaxed way she and Nico clicked. Shooting the breeze reminded her of the college years. “If you were supposed to kill Lavina, wouldn’t it have been fate she died?”

  “Cosa?” he asked. He could see her profile; she was as pretty as the day she strutted into his life with bags of goodies.

  “Fate. We met through Lavina. That’s deep when you think about it.”

  Nico’s brows furrowed at the sense of dejá vu. Vin and Supreme Understanding’s spirits were in the car. “Okay, time to go before we start exchanging philosophical gibberish under the influence.” The engine hummed and Nico pulled off. 

  Ari sat up, and tossed the butt to the dirt. “Guess this conversation is over.”

  “There wasn’t a conversation.” He turned and winked. “Ti amo Arianna Mattheson-Serano, with your kleptomaniac ass and all.”

  Ari smirked. “Oh yeah, ditto Nicolo ‘Anaconda’ Serano psychopath.”

  “Psychopath, wow.”

  His wife snickered. “Don’t toss no stones chérie if you aren’t willing to have any thrown at your head.”

  “Popping mess woman, go ahead and I’ll knock you up on purpose.”

  “You’re slipping because that’s not happening.” Ari then stuck out her tongue. “Na-na-na-na-na, you forgot my tubes were tied after ‘Mira, I’m not some baby machine.”

  Nico’s thick hair had grown and appeared to roll like oily tar from the wind invasion coming from the open windows. Ari giggled at how freaking hotter Nico was every year. 

  Her husband laughed so hard spittle dotted the steering wheel. “U’ pazzu!”

  “Y tu tambien!”

  “Ne español, Italiano!” He chastised. “I am Sicilian!”

  Ari lit another joint. “Oui –oui my Sicilian stallion.”

  “Gimme some,” Nico smiled, widening his mouth and taking a long drawl, having fun in Ari’s company. “I’m getting a hard-on amore.”

  “Okay my hot children’s daddy. I’m gonna’ fix you up nice.”

  “Cosa?” He chortled when she left the joint in his mouth and fumbled with his belt buckle with one hand. He sucked in smoke, helping her out by lending his hand.

  Ari’s soft lips caressed him below and he coughed out an herbal cloud.  The clip dropped in her hair.

  “Dannazione!” Nico exclaimed, smacking it out.

  Ari shot up. “You’re beating me now?”

  “Ne love. You were about to catch fire.” Nico laughed, displaying his radiant smile.

  Nico was such an overly handsome guy that Ari hated other women noticed. The Giacanti family had the smoking hot people gene that attracted sluts.

  Oh, wait, that’ll make me a slut. Okay, horny bitches then.

  Ari looked around the floor for the bud. “What? You're tossing away good weed. That’ll cost you Nicolo Serano. Pull over, the infraction requires a tossing of my salad!”












  Chapter 5






  Ari and Nico arrived at Sophie’s, fashionably late and disheveled. They were smirking when they entered the house, and when the lights turned on, a loud chorus of shouts emitted from every corner of the living room.

  “Surprise!” Everybody screamed.

  The blushing couple had detoured for a pre-party tryst on the side of a road.

  Nico surveyed the myriad of faces. Sergio and his family, Sophie, Al, the whole lot of them had assembled. Missing from the group was Sophie’s children, Amelda and Giuseppe, notably. He didn’t give a crap about Yosef’s absence. Nico’s smile slowly faded, he’d prefer a quiet room, a drink in his hand to clink with Vin. However, he didn’t have a brother anymore. He didn’t have that birth bond, yet there were bloodlines stretching from room to room all around.

  Semira rushed from beside Angelina to her dad. He bent low as she leapt into his arms. “Happy Birthday papa –mwah!” She laughed, kissing him on the
cheek as he stood and the joy jumped in his eyes.

  Nico smirked when his son announced, “All right, the old guest of honor has arrived. He’s aging by the minute. Let’s party before my pop turns to dust!”

  “Oh shut up and play something I can dance to with your mom!” Nico bellowed and brought Ari into the fold. He led his ladies into the crowd. His gaze went to Alfonzo who wore a look he’d seen many times over the years. When a proud man is in turmoil, only those close to him may know. Nico loved the kid, he understood him better than anybody. He wasn’t going to tell his wife his troubles. Men such as they want to keep their women safe from bad stuff, be their hero, even if that means dying to maintain the onerous façade.

  Tell her, this time kid –let her choose, guaranteed she’ll stand with you, she always does. That’s what Nico wished to say to Alfonzo. He thought of his father’s last words and an old man’s disclosure, wondering whether the time had come for him to share what he’d been told. He sighed, put aside his reverie for the night and basked in quasi-normal.

  Ari’s eyes settled on Selange. Before the night was over, she planned to confess what she’d done. She wouldn’t allow Nico to take the fall for her actions. Besides, Alfonzo had a touch of crazy. All the Giacanti men had screws loose. She figured that was the trade-off for being so damn fine.  Selange would understand, after all no harm no foul, right?

  Nico placed Semira on her feet to put both arms around his woman. “Have I told you how gorgeous you are?”

  “Six times while fucking,” she whispered.

  “Making love.”

  Ari’s eyes sparkled. “Making love then.”

  “Yeah, I like that better sweetheart.”

  Ari put a hand on Nico’s broad shoulders, swaying to the violins. “Happy Birthday amore.”

  The Nico grin widened. His droopy eyes revealed the high hadn’t worn off.  “Oooh, say that again sexy lady.”

  “Happy Birthday amore.”

  He bent to decadently kiss his wife and might’ve dragged her to the bathroom for more loving except and the DJ decided to mix in an old school rap and he retracted to dance.


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