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My Atlantian

Page 10

by Alysia S Knight

  “The color’s pink, or I guess you could say rose. Do the women paint their nails where you come from?”

  He shook his head. “I find them pretty.” He walked with her into her room.

  “I should probably try to get us a rental car. I’m not quite sure where to take you shopping.”

  “We have a car waiting. Adam has given it for our use. He also gave some suggestions of where to go. The first is his tailor to measure me for a suit and some shirts, then something called an outlet mall. He said you would know what that was.”

  “Yes. That was nice of him.” She pulled a pale blue skirt out of her closet and a white top with a painted stylized flower on it. She wondered what this Adam was really like. Once again she had to remind herself Jerreon was a good judge of character.

  She paused in the doorway to the bathroom. “Can you read this Adam’s mind?”

  “He is a complex man, but I can easily read impulses off him. There is nothing to fear from him.”

  She felt relieved in his reassurance. “I’ll hurry.”

  “Take your time. Edward said he has some homework to keep him occupied. He is studying at the university here, but does not have any classes this day. May I use your computer? Adam showed me how to manipulate one.”

  “Sure.” She fought to keep from laughing. “We need to work on your word choices.” She started to close the bathroom door.

  “Adam said the same thing. He has invited us to dine with him tonight.”

  She froze, looking back at him.

  “He is as curious of you as you are of him. Go now.” He motioned her away, one side of his mouth pulling up to show a dimple she hadn’t noticed before, though how she missed it, she didn’t know.

  Kallie had to force herself to close the door. A dimple? She would never have thought and wondered if she could get one to show on the other side. She leaned back against the door, placing her hand over her heart. He really was gorgeous.

  With a sigh, she peeled off her swimsuit. She was in the shower before it dawned on her he was waiting for her just on the other side of the door. Never in her life had she been in a hotel with a man before.

  Hurriedly, she washed her hair, dried off and dressed. Jerreon was at her computer, totally engrossed when she came out. “What are you looking at?” she asked, coming up beside him, to see things scrolling over the screen.

  “My … computer.” He tapped his wrist. “Is updating and storing knowledge of your world. I am learning of your government. Trying to figure how Lysias will try to take dominion over it. It is quite complex, though the preface of it was quite simple. I like your Declaration of Independence. Most intriguing.” He shut down her computer and stood.

  “Will you tell me about your government?” she asked, picking up her purse, letting him direct her to the door.

  “If you would like. There is a Council of twenty-four. They are selfless individuals − learned, strong in talent and wise. Our laws have been set for ages.” He led her to the waiting limo and opened the door for her.

  Edward straightened in his seat and put down the tablet he’d been reading from. “You’re to let me do that?” he said as they got in shaking his head in good humor.

  “I was here and know how.” Jerreon answered. “We are ready to go.”

  The tailor didn’t take as long as Kallie thought. All he did was take measurements, show them several pictures of suits to see what styles were preferred in what he suggested would look good on Jerreon. He then said Mr. Bacchus had given a list of what he wanted for him and that he would take care of the bill.

  That thought made Kallie a bit nervous, but she had no choice but to accept it. Still she wondered again about the man.

  Edward took them to a big and tall shop that he found out about from one of the security guards that liked to shop there. The place had a surprisingly good selection and it wasn’t long until they had a couple pair of slacks, jeans and shorts, a dozen casual shirts, swim trunks, T-shirts, underwear. At the mall they went to, he added dress shoes, loafers and gym shoes, which he liked a lot, and sunglasses.

  “Do I have everything I need?” he asked as he helped her into the car again.

  “I think so. I’ve never outfitted a man before. You might need a suitcase to haul it in.”

  “Adam has invited me to stay with him. Since we are not married, it would not do for me to stay with you.”

  Kallie’s heart jumped at the word married.

  He leaned forward to talk to the driver. “Edward, can we stop and take a walk on the beach?”


  Jerreon stayed quiet as they drove which probably was a good thing because Kallie’s mind was racing all over. It was only about fifteen minutes before Edward pulled the car over and stopped at a beautiful stretch of beach. People dotted the sand, but it was not overly crowded.

  Jerreon got out and reached a hand back to her. Kallie looked at it feeling like destiny was taking over again, just like it had done the day before when Jerreon came to her rescue.

  She hesitated then laid her hand in his, letting him pull her up to him.

  Kallie looked into his eyes for a moment before he turned, leading her out onto the sand. Her hand remained in his and felt quite natural there. They walked down to where the water reached its peak on the sand.

  He stood for a moment facing the ocean, then turned. Framing her face in his palms, he tilted her face up to him. “You should not be shocked when I talk of marriage, My One. You know my thoughts are for you forever.”

  Kallie knew she should say that it was too soon, but didn’t want to. She wanted to believe in a forever with him.

  “It is my wish also.” He dipped his head to kiss her cheek. “I have learned that with your people this is not always so, but for mine, we mate only once. When we do, we give our heart and soul to that union. We pledge our all. That is what I offer you.”

  He tipped his head down to rest his forehead on hers. “I should and would have waited until I have dealt with Lysias, but I cannot. I have given up my home and I can accept this. But I cannot live without knowing I will be with you. I would give all for just one day with you.” His gaze grew intense. “I do not know what we must do to be married on your world. Please tell me, if it can be done, that you will be mine.”

  There were only his eyes to see. They breathed in the same air. Their hearts aligned and beat as one.

  “I love you.” Kallie didn’t have to think of the answer, it just came. “I will be your One as there is no other for me.”

  “As words spoke, we are One in my world. As soon as it can be made so, we will be One here. Is this acceptable to you?”

  She nodded, emotions swelling over her so strong she couldn’t get a word out, but it wasn’t necessary. Her thoughts flowed.

  “My One.” He kissed her, then wrapped her in his arms.

  Kallie slipped her arms around him and held on.

  Just one day. Jerreon would face Lysias. Kallie had no delusion of Lysias’s strength and viciousness. Would one day be all they would get? Would they even get that?


  Jerreon knew Kallie’s concern. He also knew her love. If he asked, she would come to him now, accepting his words that to his people they were married. It was the truth, but he would wait until they were married in the eyes of her people, too. As soon as he could, he would ask Adam to set in order what was needed. Once the man met Kallie, he would help.

  He wanted to take her to meet Adam because if her fear did come to fruition, and something happened to him when he faced Lysias, he wanted Adam to see to her as he knew the man would. Maybe as soon as the ceremony could be completed, he should see if Adam could help him send her away somewhere safe until the confrontation with Lysias was over. She had said she was to leave in two more days which was good. He wanted to know she was far enough away not to be in danger from Lysias.

  It might be wise if Adam went also. If Lysias found out he was helping, he would harm the man out
of spite. It was the way Lysias was. No one was allowed to stand up to him. Jerreon knew that attitude gave him an advantage and time before Lysias spawned havoc on the world. Lysias would want to destroy him first for denouncing him and standing up to him at Lantis, then for coming here to stop him. Lysias would understand he had to stop him before he could get hold of this world.

  Jerreon let that slip from his mind as he looked down into Kallie’s eyes and felt her love. He tightened his arms and she rose to meet him, sliding her arms around his neck. Her lips were like nectar − an ambrosia he could never get his fill of. He drank fully, letting the headiness of her wash over him. He savored then eased her away while he still could.

  “Come, My One.” He led the way back to the limo.

  He felt Kallie stiffen a few minutes later when the car pulled through the gates. “Wow, I guess I was expecting this, but wow. This mansion is something.”

  “You will like it. The pool and deck around it look out over the water. It is open and light. It reminds me of my home.”

  “You have not told me where you are from yet,” she said pointedly.

  “Yet you know, but I will tell you all later, for now let us enjoy it here.” He brushed his lips over hers. When he shifted away, Kallie saw a very distinguished looking gentleman coming down the stairs, eliminating the chance for discussion.

  Jerreon got out, going to the man to shake hands.

  Kallie followed more slowly. The man might be old, but he seemed physically fit, and there was no dimming or disguising the sharp wit. Adam Bacchus was a man to be reckoned with if he chose to, and Kallie figured, quite often, when it was important to him, he chose to.

  “Adam, may I introduce you to Kallie.”

  “My dear. It is a pleasure. I just spent the last hour reading the beginning of one of your novels. I have enjoyed it so far.”

  Surprised, Kallie looked at Jerreon, then back to him. “Thank you.”

  “Dinner is almost ready. It will be set up on the patio. I hope that is to your liking. It is my favorite place to dine. We should be in for a beautiful sunset tonight.” He led the way through the house.

  Kallie tried not to gape, but she found it stunning, from the marble tiled floor to the opulent ceiling with several layers of stacked moldings. It was a show piece, yet it still had a comfortable feel to it, especially when they stepped out on the patio. The pool, with aquamarine and cobalt tiles, glistened in the sunlight. Beyond it the view stretched out to the ocean as Jerreon had said. To one side Kallie caught sight of the corner of a tennis court.

  “This is amazing. You have a beautiful home.”

  “It suits me well. May I ask, where are you from?”

  Kallie got the impression he knew the answer and was just being polite. “I have a small apartment in Boise, Idaho. I’ve been living there for a couple years, but I’m thinking of moving. I left my job recently.” She felt a flash of unease and pushed it away. “I’m hoping to be able to make enough writing to survive.”

  “What happened with your job?” Jerreon turned on her, his brow furrowed. Kallie felt her face heat and she glanced away. “You’re peeking.”

  “I was not. You felt discomfort. What is it, My One?” He touched her chin, tipping it up to him.

  “My boss started to do things I didn’t like?”

  “Such as?” Adam asked. There was a stiffening in the man.

  “It was nothing I can prove.” She looked to Adam and shrugged. “He used to stand behind me and watch me. I didn’t think much about it. Then I started to miss things from my desk. I had a picture taken when I was hiking with some friends, then one taken at my first book signing. A couple other things, change missing from my drawer, my extra name badge.

  “A month ago, he asked me out. It was more like a demand. I turned him down, saying I didn’t date people from work. I thought that was reasonable as I never had before. He seemed to accept that but I started getting calls with no one there and the number blocked. Then he started to make comments about me going out with him again and that a woman needed a man in her life to protect her.”

  She shrugged. “As I said I have no proof he was the one doing anything. But I got a feeling that I had to get away before something did happen. I had the writer’s conference coming up. I put it on the schedule months earlier. The only vacation I’d scheduled for the year. He came to me and said I couldn’t go. He made several excuses. When I pressed, he blurted out it wasn’t safe to be away from him. I turned in my two-week notice that afternoon.”

  “Can he do these things?” Jerreon took her hand, running his fingers over her knuckles.

  “He shouldn’t be able to,” Adam answered. “But if he’s sneaky enough, it happens.” He looked at her and nodded.

  Kallie got a sense of respect from him. She wondered if it was real or wishful thinking. After being around the man for just a couple minutes, she wanted his approval.

  “While we’re waiting for dinner, why don’t I show you my collection? I have your coins on display now, if you’d like to see?” He led the way through another set of doors that went right into his study.

  They wandered around the room while he told them about the items he had on display, until a woman appeared at the door.

  “Dinner is ready to be served.

  “We’ll be right out.” He turned back to them. “You would probably like to freshen up first.” He directed the comment to Kallie.

  “Yes, please.” Kallie took her cue and went into the restroom as Adam Bacchus ushered Jerreon on to continue their conversation. Once again it was hard not to be impressed by the mansion, but Kallie was more interested in what was being said in the other room. She knew the conversation was going to be about her. The question was, would it be favorable?

  She was nervous. This must be what it felt like to meet the in-laws. Though, she figured she would never truly get to meet Jerreon’s. What family had he left behind? Her parents were older, but they were the best. She had Dillon, her older brother, who was taking over the family farm. He was always there for her if she needed him, even though he was married and had two kids. She tried to get back to visit every couple months. It would be so hard to know they weren’t there.

  The need to see Jerreon swept over her. Washing her hands, she hurried out to find him.


  “You are right. I like your young woman,” Adam said as soon as Kallie disappeared.

  “You researched her?” Jerreon knew without asking.

  The old man dipped his head in acceptance. “I was concerned. You will find many people here are not what they portray. Do not get me wrong, there are many good and honest people, but there are those who aren’t. Money and power is hard on even good people.”

  “As you can tell by Lysias, we still have such problems rise up occasionally.” Jerreon walked to the case that held the coins he’d sold. “But I am pleased you like Kallie. I wish to ask another favor, one above any you have done for me already.”

  He looked back at the man. “If in dealing with Lysias, it does not go as I plan, I would like you to see to Kallie. Make sure she is taken care of. Protected. I know I ask a great deal, especially if Lysias were to survive and I were not.”

  Adam held up his hand stopping him. “You need not say more. I will see she is safe and provided for.”

  “Thank you. There is one more item which I would ask of you. How do I go about marrying Kallie, legally to your people?”

  “When would you like this to happen?”

  “As soon as possible. She is leaving the day after tomorrow. I would prefer her to leave as mine.”

  “I will see what we can do. We should have your ID sometime tonight. That will help.”

  “Thank you.”

  The man looked past him. Jerreon didn’t need to turn to know Kallie stepped into the room. He also knew she was anxious but nothing was wrong. He went to her and took her hand, bringing it to his lips. “Be at ease. I will be right back. I’m just going to c
lean up so we can eat.”

  He leaned down to give her a quick kiss and was tempted to deepen it. She loved him. It came to him in her every touch.

  It took effort to release her and step into the hall.

  Chapter Nine

  “You love him.” There was no question in Adam’s words.

  Kallie wanted to follow Jerreon but turned to Adam. She didn’t attempt to deny it. “Yes. I know the time has been too short.”

  “But it doesn’t matter,” Adam said sagely.

  This time she shook her head.

  “If it is right, it shouldn’t. Nothing should.” He walked to her and took both her hands in his, similar to the way Jerreon did, but all his touch held for her was compassion and support. “You worry about him?”

  “Did he tell you where he’s from?” She bit her lip.

  “Not the actual place, but he’s given me enough … clues to know he’s not from this planet.”

  “And you believe it?” She searched his face for doubt and didn’t see any.

  “Do you?” he asked in way of answer.


  He squeezed her hands, then released one to slide his arm around her back, turning her toward the door. He drew her out on the balcony. They walked together slowly to the stone wall above the cliff. “Our Jerreon is a most unusual man, and not because of where he’s from. Something tells me he was a great man there. He has given up everything to do a duty that probably he is the only one who could. He will need help and support. Together we can give him that, but you are the only one that can give him the other thing he’ll need here – love. And after he has completed his quest – a purpose.”

  He gazed out over the water. “At first, after figuring out a few things about him, I was concerned about you. I am not now. You are a match for him. I’m an old man and a rich one. But it has not always been so. I grew up in humble circumstances, the son of a farmer. I worked hard and was smart, but mainly I was a good judge of character. Now, though, I choose to no longer apply myself to the business world other than to manage my assets, but I’m still a good judge of character. You, I perceive are of good character, so I will give you some advice. I would give my entire fortune for just one more day with my wife and child. They were taken from me thirty-four years ago. An accident while taking my son to school, on a day that I was too busy to stop long enough to say I loved them. We never know how long we get with the one we love. Cherish each day.”


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