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Solace (Asteria Trilogy Book 1)

Page 5

by Alaina Katherine

  The date was very uneventful, a fact that disappointed me though at the same time I felt relieved that I wasn’t put in any impending danger. The conversation on the beach drifted back and forth between his plans for college (he was getting a completely legitimate football scholarship to go to University of Miami) and mine (the totally false plan of attending Washington University).

  All in all the date was just nice. Which wasn’t particularly a bad thing since I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be able to participate in anything normal for a long time.

  Nathan pulled into my driveway around ten (my parents weren’t even home yet). He put the car in park and unbuckled his seatbelt but didn’t get out of the car. Instead he leaned towards me. I knew what he wanted. And why not? This was probably my last chance at normalcy, why not have fun with it. I did my part and leaned towards him too. I closed my eyes as our lips touched. It felt good to be kissed, I hadn’t been kissed in months, and Nathan was a great kisser.

  I sensed movement from the backseat, I was sure that Gabriel was trying to get my attention but I kept my eyes locked shut, ignoring him. Not willing to let him ruin this moment. Though ignoring him became impossible when he started tugging at my hair.

  “Is this really necessary?” I heard his harsh voice whisper in my ear. I opened my eyes briefly to glare at Gabriel who then sat back in his seat with his arms angrily crossed over his broad chest. Sulking looks good on him, I thought before closing my eyes again.

  I was thinking about just how good of a kisser Nathan was when I realized how he probably got to be a good kisser: lots of practice. I pulled away gently.

  “I should get inside before my parents come home,” I offered as an excuse to stop kissing him. I couldn’t help but think about all the girls he had to kiss just to get this skilled. I just wanted to go to bed. Nathan walked me up to my front door before giving me one last kiss goodnight.

  “What was that about!” I turned around to face Gabriel as soon as he shut the front door.

  “I think you’re the one who can answer that,” Gabriel fumed.

  “I was kissing my date goodnight! There is nothing wrong with that.” I explained throwing my hands up in exasperation.

  “It was uncalled for,” he retorted with an attempt at an even tone.

  “No, you know what was uncalled for? Pulling my hair. Real mature.”

  “I had to get your attention somehow!”

  “What for? Just because you were jealous of me kissing someone else?” I quipped before storming into my room. I noticed that Gabriel didn’t respond after that and just sat in his chair at the corner of my room while I got ready for bed.

  For the next few days, things between Gabriel and I were slightly awkward. The awkwardness was overshadowed by Gabriel’s urge to protect me when I became distraught over finals and graduation. I had somewhat managed to convince myself that I hadn’t actually passed any of my classes in all four years of high school and that I wasn’t going to be allowed to graduate. My logic behind this idea was all thanks to me becoming a Goddess (because if that was possible then anything could be). Gabriel always managed to calm me down (which he had to do numerous times the week before graduation). And when Saturday came I did walk onto the stage and receive my diploma.

  Chapter Five

  Graduation came and went quickly and before I knew it I only had two more weeks until I had to fully commit to being Asteria and move up to Aether. In other words, I only had two more weeks of being a normal teenage girl. Gabriel cut into my “normal girl” time by having me spend a day with one of Michael’s charges in an attempt to help me better understand my so far non-existent visions.

  “Is it really necessary for me to meet with this guy? I mean, I haven’t even had any visions so what am I supposed to talk to him about? Couldn’t we just oh, I don’t know, do something fun?” I pleaded with Gabriel as he drove us to an apartment that was nearly an hour away from my house. I feel the need to point out that Gabriel kidnapped me for the day in my own car.

  “I’m sure once you get there you will find that there are plenty of things to discuss with him,” Gabriel replied, his eyes never straying from the road in front of him. It was when he used this tone with me that I felt like I was a child and he was thirty years older than me.

  We spent the rest of the car ride in a strange, awkward silence, with me staring out the passenger window and him never taking his eyes off of the road for even a split second. I didn’t like that Gabriel was making me spend so much time performing angel duties when my time left on earth was so limited but (and I would never admit this to him) I was a little intrigued and excited about meeting a prophet.

  “So this is Michael’s charge right?” I already knew the answer to this but I wanted to break this uncomfortable silence.

  “Yes, he is only a few years older than you.”

  “How long has he known that he’s a prophet?”

  Gabriel chuckled before answering, “You should probably save your questions for Brian, otherwise you’ll have very little to speak about if I keep answering them for you.”

  “Fine, what’s your favorite food?” I asked instead.

  He briefly took his eyes off of the road to scowl at me. “You can be very strange sometimes.”

  “Well, you said not to ask questions Brian can answer, so now I’m asking questions only you can answer. So let’s hear it.”

  “I am not sure that I can pick just one food. I have been around a very long time and have been many places. There is so much out there I could hardly pick one item.”

  I sighed. Of course Gabriel would make this so complicated. “Well I like anything with potatoes in it,” I retorted.

  Brian’s apartment looked like a typical one bedroom apartment for a student. It was not really spacey and poorly decorated. The walls were all white and posters from various bands and movies were taped up on the walls. At least there wasn’t garbage everywhere.

  “So, you actually get to go to college?” I asked as I first walked in, eyeing a pile of text books on his coffee table.

  For a moment he seemed confused and I took a second to study him. He was average looking, very boy next door. (I know that phrased is usually used in reference for girls but that was the best way of describing him.) He was cute enough, but surly not a heartbreaker. His sandy blond hair was cropped short to his head and a few freckles were scattered lightly across his nose and cheeks.

  “Yeah, do you not get to go to college?”

  “Nope, I don’t even get to stay on earth.” I threw my hands up in exasperation.

  “Sage,” Gabriel warned.

  “Which school do you go to?” I flopped myself down onto his couch and was surprised by how comfortable it was.

  “Florida Atlantic University,” He replied, joining me on the couch. Gabriel just sat at the chair in the dining area; I knew he was trying to not impose on my visit with Brain since he could not leave me alone, not joining in on the conversation was the best he could do.

  “I’m going to Washington University,” I rolled my eyes and put air quotes around the college name. “Really I’ll be living with the Angels in Aether. I’m assuming you know about that already though.”

  “I would be excited to live in Aether!” And he truly looked like he would be. “I won’t ever be able to even see it though.”

  “Let’s trade places.” I leaned forward towards Brian.

  “Sage, maybe you should ask Brian questions about visions,” Gabriel interjected from across the room.

  “Yeah, I heard you haven’t had any yet, pretty strange considering you’re like the Mecca of visions.” Brian snickered slightly at his own joke.

  “How long after you were told about being a prophet did you have your first vision?” I inquired. I noticed a smile flash across Gabriel’s face before Brian answered.

  “I actually had a few visions before Michael approached me and explained everything to me.”

  “What! How is that even f
air.” I whipped around to face Gabriel. “How have I not had a single vision and I’ve known about this for weeks and Mr. Real College Boy over here got to have multiple ones before he even knew what they were! And on top of that I’m supposed to be the Goddess? Unacceptable,” I groaned.

  Gabriel was attempting to hold back his laughter as he answered me. “Most of the time, when a prophet turns eighteen we monitor them in our veiled state and we wait until it is clear that the prophet has had a few visions and that the visions have been fulfilled. It is easier to explain everything this way since they have already experienced it they are more likely to believe and understand what is happening. You should know very well how difficult it is to accept without any warning, but we had to make an exception for you since I was visible to you in my veiled state.”

  “So basically you would have stalked me until I had visions. Creepy.” I rolled my eyes. “So what were your first visions?”

  “Mostly boring things. Some happened during class periods. I would just zone out and envision my next class. I soon realized that I wasn’t just zoning out though since every time I went to my next class the daydream from my previous class was reality. They began to happen earlier and earlier and soon I was having visions of things that would happen days in advanced. Around the time I began having those was when Michael came in and explained everything to me.

  “I had been freaking out during halftime at a school football game. In the middle of the cheerleader’s performance, they threw a girl into the air, she did a flip, but the others didn’t catch her on her way back down. Instead, she crashed onto the field. Her body was so contorted; she broke a lot of bones. It was horrific to watch. My visions had never been anything that serious before and I lost it. I was yelling at my best friend trying to explain to him that I had known what was going to happen to that girl. I felt guilty for not being able to help her. To prevent all that pain. While I was with my friend Michael came over to me. I didn’t know who he was but when he told me to come and talk with him I listened. I had no reservations about walking off with this stranger and all I knew was that when he approached me all my nerves had subsided, I was calm.” I smiled at Brain’s explanation of this, because it was the exact same effect that Gabriel had on me.

  “Like chicken noodle soup,” I blurted.

  “What?” Gabriel whipped his head to look at me.

  “You know, like when you’re sick and you have chicken noodle soup? It makes you feel better even though there’s no logical reason it should.”

  “I like that.” Brian smiled.

  “What do the visions feel like?” I queried.

  “Well at first it was like I was in a daze. Like I mentioned, I felt like I was zoning out in class. I was light headed and everything felt a little hazy. Sometimes with more serious visions though, I can get a little headache; it usually doesn’t last too long. They come without warning also, so I’ve learned how to not react to them in public so I don’t cause a scene.”

  “Well I guess at least I won’t have to worry about hiding my visions in Aether,” I mumbled.

  “Sage, we should get going.” Gabriel stood up just as the front door opened and Michael walked in.

  “Not leaving on my behalf, I hope,” Michael said when he noticed us all standing up.

  I began to answer yes when Gabriel cut me off with his response, “Of course not, Sage is supposed to go shopping with her mother later and I need to get her back to her house.”

  “Too bad my timing was off, otherwise I would have been able to spend more time with you.” He grinned at me.

  “Yeah, too bad.” I gave a fake smile. I turned to Brian. “It was really nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” He responded, holding out a piece of paper to me. “My number, in case you have any more questions. Or, you know, if you just ever want to hang out around someone who’s not an angel.” He smiled as I took the piece of paper and put it in my purse.

  “Thanks,” I smiled at Brian as Gabriel gently placed a hand on my arm to guide me out the door.

  “Until we meet again, Goddess.” Michael beamed as I stared at him over my shoulder on my way out.

  “He sure does show up a lot,” I grumbled to Gabriel as we walked to my car.

  “I know he’s a little…much,” Gabriel struggled for a word, “But you’ll like him soon enough.”

  “So you keep saying, but I’m not sure I believe you.” I huffed.

  “Sage,” Gabriel took hold of my arm and spun me around so fast I was dizzy. Now facing him, I saw how somber his expression had become. “I would never lie to you.”

  “Gabriel, I know that. I didn’t mean anything by that comment. Please don’t worry,” I reassured him while placing a hand on my head in an attempt to steady myself.

  “I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t trust me.” His eyes were practically pleading with mine to believe him. I wasn’t sure why he was so insecure in that moment.

  “Stop being ridiculous,” I smiled up at him. “I trust you with my life. Now let’s go, my mom is waiting.

  I spent that afternoon shopping for room accessories. Some of them I would actually be able to take up to Aether and use in my new home there. Some items though would not be necessary for me to take up there. (Such as the cute purple microwave since apparently Metatron was against having too many modern conveniences.) Although I felt horrible about my mom spending money on items I wouldn’t be using, Gabriel reminded me that we would use them to decorate my fake room incase my family decided to visit. Apparently Seraphiel had a charge who went to Washington University and would act as my roommate if my parents were ever to visit. Can’t say the angels weren’t thorough with their plans.

  During my last two weeks on Earth, I tried to be with my friends and family as much as possible. Two weeks went by way too fast and soon enough it was time for my goodbye party. Danielle had coordinated with a friend of hers whose parents would be out of town. I knew Gabriel disapproved of my going to a party where the parents had no knowledge of it. As I got ready that night he kept throwing me glares and repeating “are you sure you want to go to this party” or “why don’t you just have a small get together with your close friends”. Honestly, he was beginning to get on my nerves. I knew he was just worried about me and that was his job, but I wish he would just keep his worries to himself for one night. This was my final chance to have fun with my friends, to be a normal teenage girl, and I wanted to take full advantage.

  It was a good thing my parents had already gone out to dinner for the night because I’m sure neither one of them would have approved of my outfit for the night. I had borrowed a mini-dress from Danielle. It was a thin, shimmery black and gold material. The dress dipped low on my back, and while it did not dip as low in the front, it still revealed plenty of cleavage.

  When Gabriel returned to my room after I changed his eyes grew momentarily wide before his face turned into a scowl.

  “Are you going to put pants on?”

  “No, it’s a dress.” I laughed.

  “You cannot be serious. I’m not letting you leave like that.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you’re not my dad.” I turned to my mirror to put on earrings and makeup. Since I had overdone myself with the dress I kept my makeup fairly classy and natural, except for my bold red lips and a little glitter on the corner of my eyes.

  Looking at his reflection in my mirror, I noticed Gabriel biting his lower lip. His expression confused me. He clearly looked worried but I also swore I saw a little bit of desire in his eyes. I tried to hide my smile at the idea of an angel being tempted at my attire.

  “Alright, let’s go.” I went to gather my phone, ID and keys and realized I had nowhere to put them. “Um, I hate to use you as a purse but, do you think you can put these in your pocket for me?”

  Gabriel laughed as he put his hand out to take the items from me. “Beginning to see the downside of that dress already, huh?”

  At that I turned
on my heel and headed out the door. Gabriel drove us about twenty minutes away from my house to the party. I watched Gabriel’s frustration as he tried to find somewhere to park the car among the numerous other cars lining the block. He finally found an empty patch of grass and we got out of the car. Tonight Gabriel was not going to be in his veiled state, we just figured it would be easier that way. The house was likely to be packed and people would probably be bumping into him left and right if they could not see him.

  Once inside the house we navigated our way through the crowd to find Danielle. I led the way holding Gabriel’s hand so we wouldn’t lose each other. We ended up finding her in the kitchen. She had clearly already had a little to drink and as soon as she saw us she pushed red cups into both of our hands.

  Gabriel eyed his cup suspiciously. “Beer,” he decided, with a look of distain.

  “Good,” I replied before chugging the whole cup down. What the hell right? I thought to myself. It was, after all, my last chance to be irresponsible. “Since it doesn’t look like you are going to drink yours do you mind if I have it?” Before Gabriel could even respond I took the cup from his hand and this time took a normal sized sip.

  Since I had chugged the first cup, I immediately felt a slight warmth spreading throughout my body.

  “Lets dance!” Danielle grabbed my one arm, bouncing on her feet. I took one more gulp of the beer before allowing her to pull me towards the living room where everyone was dancing. We shimmied and shook, turned and twirled. My gaze flicked around the room trying to find my angel. It took only a moment for me to find him standing against the wall, his eyes on me. I looked away and threw my head back, shaking my hair out around me. After a few more minutes I decided I needed more to drink. I went back to the kitchen to grab myself a new cup of beer. I might have been a little buzzed but I wasn’t stupid enough to try and find my drink, I had heard plenty of horror stories of girls getting drugged that way. As I nursed my beer I found my way to a quieter room and mingled with some of my friends. I knew Gabriel was close by as always but I refused to look at him.


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