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Solace (Asteria Trilogy Book 1)

Page 10

by Alaina Katherine

  “How exactly are angels born? Do you have parents or do you just like… appear?”

  Apparently, my question was quite amusing seeing as Michael let out a huge bellow of laughter. “We are conceived and born the same way you are. And yes we have parents. Both of mine are still alive, others are not as fortunate.”

  “What about Gabriel’s parents?” I had never heard him mention them before and was afraid that maybe his were gone.

  “His died a few decades ago. Six, I believe. They died in battle. They went as all angels wish to go; in service of their Goddess,” his tone had turned somber. “Enough of this sadness.”

  I could tell that Asteria agreed with Michael. She did not want to be reliving history at the moment. So even though I did not want to acknowledge Michael’s apparent attraction to me, Asteria did. There were very few times when Asteria decided to weasel her way into my head and, unfortunately, she always seemed to do so at the most inopportune times. Like ruining my amazing day by giving me my first, horrific vision. Or now, as she had my calf resting against Michaels. Thankfully that was as far as that got and Michael didn’t seem to react to her (my) touch.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Gabriel told me I needed to meet with Uriel today. They both want me to learn about Asteria’s powers in hopes that I’ll be able to access them. Thank you for lunch, it was delicious.”

  “Maybe we can do this again sometime.” Though his voice was normal enough he had that arrogant smirk on his face and I wasn’t sure what to think of that.

  “Sure,” was the answer I settled on.

  I turned down Michaels offer to walk me to The Archives and instead walked alone. It was nice, it wasn’t often that I was left by myself here. I wasn’t alone for long though, I felt Gabriel’s presence before I saw him.

  “I passed by my home to remind you about Uriel and Michael said you had already left. I chastised him for letting you walk alone.” No greeting. Again.

  “We need to work on your manners.” I scrunched up my nose.

  “What do you mean?” He seemed hurt by my remark.

  “That’s twice today that you didn’t greet me. You just started talking.”

  “I am sorry if that upsets you. I just don’t see much of a point in always greeting you. We both know when the other is present. We don’t need words to depict that.” Surprisingly, I completely understood his answer.

  “True.” I smiled but continued looking straight ahead. “I hope you didn’t scold Michael too badly. He did offer to walk me but I wouldn’t let him. You know I’m safe here right? I really don’t need to be watched twenty four seven.” I had stopped walking and turned to look at his face.

  He seemed conflicted, as it always was when it came to my safety. “I know that. But you must understand it is in my nature to worry about you. That’s not something that will ever change. Of course logically I know you are safe, but that does not mean I can’t wish to always be by your side.”

  I’m pretty sure my heart stopped at his final sentence. It was such a romantic thing to say. Girls dream of a guy preaching those words. But of course, that is not how he meant it. His words were out of loyalty to his Goddess, not out of romance for the girl he loves. I wasn’t sure how to come up with a response so I just nodded and continued walking.

  Gabriel walked me all the way inside The Archives and spoke to Uriel before he left me alone with him. I only half listened to their conversation. I knew they were talking about the best ways to go about training both my body and my spirit. I listened just to enough to know that Gabriel was going to spend the day with Uriel tomorrow.

  Before Gabriel left I made him promise that he would let me walk home alone. He wasn’t happy but he agreed.

  Uriel and I sat in our usual spot at the back of The Archives. As always, he had a few books out for me to look through. I always flipped through the books in awe, sometimes even recognizing places depicted in them, such as Asteria’s temple, or the lake that Azrael brought me to.

  “So, you’re going to tell me about Asteria’s powers right?” I asked while still marveling at his drawings.

  “Yes. You obviously already know about her main power, her visions. Have you had any more?”

  “No.” And I honestly wasn’t looking forward to having any more after the way the first experience turned out. Apart from Gabriel and Azrael, Uriel was the only other angel who knew the content of my visions. It wasn’t really something I could keep from him considering it was his job to record all visions. I didn’t mind him knowing really.

  “There are some things we could try to help you access more visions.”

  I visibly winced. “I think I’ll be fine, thanks. I’m sure when Asteria wants me to have a vision she will give me one.”

  “I remember when you were so eager to have a vision. You were so upset that you had not had one. Have you had a change of heart?” There was amusement in his voice.

  “It just…wasn’t exactly as easy as I was expecting it to be. I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually.”

  “Well, anyways, she had other powers of course. I mentioned her projection abilities to you before. She was able to project herself wherever she pleased. This was not the easiest thing for her to do though. She did not do it often as it drained a lot of her energy. I wouldn’t imagine you would be able to do that, I don’t think a human body would be able to handle it. No offense to you, of course, you can’t help that your human.”

  His concern made me laugh. “Any other things Asteria could do?”

  “Well, she can create things. She created the humans and the angels. But again, I’m not so sure you would get that trait. She had this thing about her; she could always make someone feel at ease. I think the protector angels got that ability from her. That’s something I’m sure you could possess!”

  What I ultimately took away from this session was there were a lot of traits Asteria had that it doesn’t seem as if they would be transferred to me. I honestly wasn’t sure if I should be upset at my apparent lack of powers or happy over the fact that I probably won’t have to deal with the negative side effects that seem to come along with her powers.

  Chapter Nine

  Since Gabriel was having his meeting with Uriel today, I would be alone for the majority of the day, for the first time in weeks. I browsed through my DVDs and pulled out season one of my favorite TV show and selected the first disk, popping it into my DVD player (one of the few luxuries I was allowed) before getting comfortable on my couch. I was halfway into the second episode when there was a knock at my door. Pausing the DVD, I got up to open the door.

  “Hello.” Michael grinned at me, his tall frame filling up my doorway. “I figured you might want a little company while Gabriel is absent.”

  “Sure,” I smiled in return. “Come on in.” I stepped aside to let Michael pass. He had toned down his ego quite a bit since my move and I found myself beginning to actually enjoy his presence.

  “So what were you doing?” Michael said from my couch as he eyed my DVD player.

  “Just watching a T.V show,” I answered. I sat down next to him with my body angled towards him. Michael was sitting fairly close to me, I felt small next to him as I always felt around the angels.

  “Interesting choice of decorum,” Michael noted with an arched brow as his gaze flicked from one poster to the next. Various movie and musical posters that used to hang in my bedroom now hung around my new home.

  “I get nostalgic sometimes; the posters remind me of home, back before I was a Goddess.” I smiled.

  “And what a beautiful Goddess you make.” He gently stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. The soft touch had a strange affect on me, though I believe it is because it sparked interest in Asteria.

  “Thank you.” My voice came out in a seductive purr. Really Asteria? I thought to the Goddess. At this point I was pretty sure that I was no longer in control of my own body. Asteria had taken it hostage so that she could let out all of her sexual longing.
Ugh. There was no stopping Asteria. She was, after all a Goddess, she would use me however she pleased to get what she wanted, and right now, she apparently wanted to have some “fun”.

  “While I do like these modern clothes you wear,” he said, glancing longingly at the little cleavage my tank top revealed. “I prefer it when you where the traditional wraps. They are so much easier to take off.” He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my arms.

  Asteria certainly liked that comment and I could practically hear her purring in my mind. Oh no. No way was I letting this get to the point of no clothing. The little flirt can play her little game but not at the expense of my body. Oh wonderful, Michael leaned in for a kiss, and no way was Asteria going to let me pull away. She mashed my body up against his as we kissed.

  “You are so amazing Sage,” Michael said pulling away momentarily. Asteria certainly did not like that comment. I could hear her snarling at the edges of my mind. “What happened?” he asked as I abruptly jumped up from the couch.

  “Asteria did not like you calling her by my name.” I chuckled.

  “You mean…that was the Goddess and not really you?” Michael asked with a confused look on his face.

  “Yup, apparently she has a little bit of a wicked side,” I scoffed. At that moment Storm burst through her doggie door, barking like mad as she ran up to me. I listened carefully over the cacophony of her barking and heard the faint thunderous sound that normally accompanied the beating of wings. “What’s going on?”

  I watched through my window as Gabriel landed in front of my door before bursting it open and charging at Michael. He lifted Michael up and the two of them went flying through my beautiful bay window, sending shards of glass everywhere.

  “What the hell!” I cried out. I stepped outside via my now broken window. Gabriel and Michael were up in the air in battle, Storm still barking and growling up at the two angels. “Storm, go to your bed,” I commanded and my good puppy reluctantly did as she was told. I watched as Gabriel slammed Michael into the wall of my house. Other angels started to gather, and a few of them seemed to be analyzing the best way to stop this fight without getting themselves hurt. Metatron flew up into the air, attempting to get in between the two but they now had their swords drawn and physically breaking them up would be impossible. I winced at the sound of the swords clashing together, their flames momentarily intertwining. I did the only thing I could think of to do.

  “STOP!” My voice rung out through the air, summoning the command of Asteria. At the sound of my voice everything stopped. Silence ensued as everyone’s gazes turned to me. Gabriel and Michael both landed on the ground and I stood between them.

  “What the hell?” I repeated, my gaze flickering back and forth from Gabriel to Michael. I noticed that Azrael was standing next to Gabriel while Raphael and Metatron were both next to Michael, Metatron with a restraining hand on his shoulder.

  “Michael was going to seduce you and then kill you!” Gabriel fumed.

  “Seduce? Maybe. But kill her? No way,” Michael answered. I tried not to be embarrassed by the seduction part. Gabriel still did not like this response but as he went to lunge towards Michael, Azrael threw him into the wall of my house with just one hand.

  “Damn it, Azrael!” Gabriel barked as he massaged his back.

  “Sorry,” She responded, though the smug look on her face made it hard to believe that she was, indeed, sorry.

  “I had wondered why you have been paying so much attention to her!” Gabriel seethed. Interesting, it was always hard to know what’s going through Gabriel’s mind. Who would have thought he spent his time worry about me with another angel?

  “Why are you accusing Michael of this?” I queried.

  “One of my charges had a vision just as Gabriel described,” Raphael explained sounding mournful.

  “He has fallen!” Gabriel cried out, reaching to draw me near him for protection. I stumbled as Gabriel dragged me closer to him and held me against him with a restraining arm.

  “Then why is he still here? Wouldn’t he have been banished? And do you not think that I would know if one of my own angels has betrayed me?” I inquired, turning my body around Gabriel’s tight grasp so that I could face him. I knew these words came in part from Asteria, just as she and I both knew that it was actually possible for her to make that mistake. It had happened before.

  “Well I supposed but…” Gabriel started but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

  “No. Listen to me; something is not right about this vision. The fallen angles, they must have planted this vision in your charges mind. They are trying to turn us against one another.” As I said this I pulled slightly away from Gabriel and spoke to the angels around me. I didn’t know where this was coming from, but I thoroughly believed in what I was saying.

  “But that doesn’t make sense,” Uriel pondered. “The fallen are bound to hell. It would be impossible for them to step foot on Terra and even if they had found a way onto Terra I don’t think they could have gotten close enough a charge without us knowing.”

  “Then something else did it, something that works with the fallen,” I replied, noticing that Uriel and Metatron were exchanging glances. “What is it?” I asked them.

  “Anakim,” they said simultaneously.

  “But they wouldn’t have, even the fallen are smart enough to know that they won’t be able to control the Anakim for very long,” Metatron argued.

  “Anakim are the offspring of fallen angels and mortal women,” Gabriel whispered in my ear while Metatron and Uriel debated. Gabriel had relaxed now that my life didn’t seem to be in immediate danger, though he kept hold on one of my wrists, always being cautions for my protection. “Remember that image you had during the first night I came to you?”

  I nodded my head, remembering the horrific monster.

  “Alright,” Metatron’s voice boomed over the now murmuring crowd. “I need everyone to gather whatever information they can find on the Anakim. We will meet at the conference hall in one hour. Gabriel, why don’t you take the Goddess inside and calm yourself down until we all meet again.”

  Everyone slowly started to dissipate to wherever they planned on getting their information from. Only Azrael, Michael, Gabriel and I remained by my house.

  “Well, wasn’t that exciting?” Azrael joked, a gleam still visible in her eyes.

  “Yes, being thrown through a window and being accused of joining the fallen is always such fun,” Michael muttered, throwing a death glare at Gabriel.

  “I’m sorry Michael, but you would have acted the same way if you were in my place. You know I must do whatever is necessary to protect Sage. I couldn’t take any risks. I really do apologize, my brother,” Gabriel responded, holding out his hand as a peace offering towards Michael.

  “Of course, all is forgiven,” Michael said placing his hand in Gabriel’s before joining in a quick embrace.

  “Though I do believe we need to talk about you keeping your hands off of Sage,” Gabriel fumed as they pulled apart from one another.

  “Now is not the time for jealous fits, Gabriel,” Azrael insisted with her arms across her chest. “We have Anakim to deal with. Michael, let’s go find out what we can. Gabriel, Sage, we will see you at the meeting.” She nodded her head at me with a slight smile before walking away, dragging Michael by his arm behind her.

  “I will see you later, my Goddess.” Michael smiled over his shoulder at me and I just rolled my eyes.

  “I supposed we should go inside,” Gabriel suggested while holding open the back door. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him before entering my home through my now broken window, just to make a point at how angry I was at him for breaking it.

  “Sage,” Gabriel sighed as he walked through the door. “I’m sorry about your window, really I am. I know how much you loved it; it will be fixed soon though.”

  I sat down on my couch and ignored him, choosing instead to look at my feet which I noticed were red. An
d now that I thought about it there were sharp pains shooting through my foot.

  “I suppose this is what I get for always walking around barefoot,” I said more to myself than to Gabriel though at my comment he came over to look at my feet as well.

  “Oh, Sage,” he said mournfully. “My intention was to keep you safe, not to hurt you!” Gabriel looked up at me with sorrow filled eyes.

  “I know, Gabriel,” I replied, placing a hand on his cheek.

  “I will take care of you, I promise,” he declared. “Let me look.” I lifted up my foot and placed it gently in Gabriel's outstretched hands. “You have some glass stuck in your skin.”

  “There are tweezers in my bathroom cabinet; you can use those to get the glass out,” I instructed.

  Once Gabriel had retrieved the tweezers as well as a few towels, hydrogen peroxide and a bin filled with warm water he instructed me to lay down with my feet propped up on a pillow in his lap. As Gabriel went to work on removing the shards of glass from my feet I stared at his face. He looked determined as he worked. With the way he was looking at my feet you would think this was a matter of life or death. But I was beginning to realize that when it came to me and my pain, Gabriel never took it lightly. And that I suppose was what made him such a great protector angel. No wonder he was fated to protect the Goddess, he was the best there was.

  I closed my eyes allowing myself to relax as Gabriel took care of me and my mind began to drift. I thought about the Anakim, though I still didn’t really know what they were. I knew what Gabriel had told me about them in that one sentence but that was all. How powerful could they possibly be if they were part human? Though I supposed I am human, at least in part, and I had turned out to be pretty powerful so far. And since supposedly none of the fallen can walk on earth there couldn’t possibly be that many Anakim running around can there?

  I tried not to think about the Anakim anymore since I was pretty sure that after the meeting later I would not be able to avoid thinking about them. So instead I chose to focus on how Michael was clearly upset that it was Asteria who had kissed him and how he had been intent on seducing me. What was that all about anyways? Wouldn’t he be thrilled to be kissing a Goddess? Though I suppose if you found out that you weren’t kissing the person you want to be kissing, it would be highly upsetting. And what was with Gabriel's attitude about Michael seducing me? What word had Azrael used to describe Gabriel's actions?


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