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Sky (Legacies Book 2)

Page 24

by Erin Osborne

  There’s snow on the ground and it’s still falling down. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to get bad, but it’s the first snowfall of the year. It almost seems as if it’s magic since we’re leaving the hospital and going home. Not to the apartment or the clubhouse, but to our brand-new home. My nerves are raising the more I think about it. Emersyn may hate it. She may have changed her mind completely about the kind of house she wanted to live in and call her own.

  Getting in the SUV, I put the flowers in the backseat. After making sure they’re not going to go anywhere, I get into the front seat so I can pick my love up. My hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly to keep them from shaking. I’m sitting almost completely straight up instead of relaxed in the seat. Emersyn is going to know something is up if I don’t relax.

  Parking in front of the nurse and my girl, I put the SUV in park and run around to open the passenger door. Emersyn is shaking because she’s only got a sweatshirt on. We didn’t know it was snowing so neither one of us are wearing a coat. It could be colder, but I’m grateful it’s not right now. I’ll make sure someone goes out to get my girls coats. I haven’t seen any in their belongings. They’ll definitely need them.

  The nurse and I get Emersyn in the SUV and I help her get the seatbelt on. After thanking the nurse, I race around the front of the vehicle and jump in. Turning on the heat, I crank it and it immediately starts blowing out. Emersyn places her hands in front of the vents and lets the heat warm her up.

  “I’m sorry, angel. I wasn’t plannin’ on it snowin’ today,” I apologize.

  “It’s okay. I love the snow and can’t wait until Zoey sees it. I want to take her out to play in it,” she says, pulling a hand back and placing it on my thigh.

  “Me too,” I tell her honestly. “I want to make so many memories with the both of you and any other children we have.”

  “Have you thought of any names you like?” she asks, making conversation during the drive.

  “Not really. We still have time to talk about that,” I say, keeping my attention on the road because it’s slick in some spots already.

  Emersyn doesn’t talk anymore. She looks out the window as the snow covers the trees, the road, and everything else around us. It’s very pretty and looks almost perfect as everything becomes pure white. There’s not a lot of traffic on the road so it’s not mixed with mud and everything else. This is when I love the snow the most. It’s the perfect day to be inside with a fire going, drinking hot chocolate with your loved ones and cuddling on the couch with a movie on.

  We’re almost to the house now, and I shift my position as my nerves make my heart start racing and my palms sweat. I’m changing how I’m sitting every few seconds and I can’t relax even trying to force myself.

  “Are you okay?” Emersyn asks me, a worried look on her face.

  “Yeah. Just tryin’ to get us there in one piece,” I say, not exactly lying to her.

  I can see the house now. I’m astonished at the lights filling the yard, the front porch, and coming from inside. Someone is outside, shoveling the driveway with the garage door open already for us.

  “Wow! Look at that,” she says, pointing at our home. “It’s so pretty.”

  I turn on my blinker and she just looks at me for a minute. Thankfully, the driveway is wider than normal so the trucks and SUVs can park in the driveway and we can still get past them. The driveway is filled almost beyond capacity as everyone from the club is here to welcome her home.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Pullin’ in the driveway,” I answer.

  “I see that. Why?” she questions.

  “Because I bought this house for us. It matched what you used to always say was a house you wanted when you were older. Now, we do have it,” I tell her, putting the SUV in park once I’m in the garage.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, angel. I told you there’s nothin’ I won’t do for you, Zoey, and our little one,” I respond, putting my hand on her stomach.

  Tears fill her eyes and spill over. She leans over and wraps her arms around me. I put my arms around her and hold her close, just breathing her in and relishing the feeling of her in my arms and pressed against me as much as she can be. This is something I missed more than I’ll ever be able to explain to her or anyone else. No one else will ever feel the same, or as good, in my arms as she does.

  “Thank you, Colt,” she murmurs into my neck. “It’s never going to be enough, but I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, angel. More than you’ll ever know,” I respond, placing another soft kiss against her lips. “We better get in there before Mom comes out lookin’ for us.”

  She nods her head at me, and I jump out to help her down without injuring herself. When she’s steady on her feet, I put my arm around her, and we walk into the house from the garage door. We don’t have to go back outside in the snow, and I like that. It will save us from getting wet or cold in bad weather.

  “Welcome home!” everyone hollers as we walk into the kitchen.

  Emersyn laughs and I love the sound of it. It’s as if angels are singing a song just for me through her. Everyone pulls her in for hugs and kisses on the top of her head or cheek. I don’t growl or bitch anyone out because I know they love this girl and each of them know without a doubt that she’s mine.

  “Thank you, everyone,” Emersyn says, giving everyone a smile. “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “Of course, we did,” Tonya says, moving men out of her way. “You just sit over here and relax while we get you food. I’ll bring Zoey over as soon as you’re comfortable.”

  Nodding her head, I help Emersyn make her way to the chair everyone left empty for her. There’s a blanket resting on it and a pillow in case she needs it to get comfortable. I help her settle in before covering her up with the blanket and leaving to get my girl a plate of food. Needa is sitting on the couch next to Emersyn and I know they’ll be in a conversation about something by the time I make my way back over there. They’re going to be good friends and I’m happy about that. It doesn’t matter to me that Needa is a sweet butt; she’s a person just like the rest of us. As long as she doesn’t fuck with my girl, she’ll be good in my book.

  “How is she?” Dad asks me as I pile her plate high with food.

  “Okay. Sore as fuck and tired. I’m not sure how long she’ll stay up with everyone,” I say honestly. “She’s not worried about the baby as much anymore, but we’ve got an appointment in a few days to make sure everythin’ is good still. The doctor at the hospital suggested she do bedrest until we go to her doctor.”

  “It makes sense. No sense in takin’ any chances when she doesn’t have to,” he agrees. “We’ll make sure everyone leaves at a reasonable time.”

  Nodding my head, I leave the kitchen where food of all kinds is piled high. I greet everyone on my way through, but don’t stop to linger in conversation. There will be plenty of time for that once Emersyn has her food and is ready for me to leave her alone for a few minutes. I don’t want to piss her off already because I’m hovering over her. Even though it’s what I want to do right now.

  “Here’s your food,” I tell her, handing the plate over as Zoey sits in the chair with her, playing with a cloth book.

  “Colt, that’s way too much for me,” she says, trying to hand the plate back to me.

  “Whatever you don’t eat, or feed to Zoey, I’ll eat,” I tell her.

  “If you say so,” she says, picking up her fork and beginning to eat.

  She’s definitely got a variety to choose from. There’s pasta salad, a cheeseburger, potatoes, a roll, and green bean casserole. If she wants it later, there’s cake for her and a ton of other desserts. Everyone in the club will be eating good for a week at least. I’m sure all the food wasn’t brought here.

  I kiss her head and walk away from her. Logan hands me a water and I stop to talk to him, Bounce, and Vanish for a while. I’m constantly looking over at my g
irls. When I go to get Zoey as she falls asleep with her mom, I’m stopped by my mom. She tells me to take a break and talk with the boys. She’ll get Zoey to bed for us and make sure the monitor is on. It’s already sitting by the chair on a table.

  Zoey has been in bed for maybe an hour. I can see Emersyn starting to droop in the chair, but I don’t want to say anything to her. I’ll wait for her to come to me. It’s not long before she’s waving me over to help her up. I oblige her and wait to see what she’s going to do.

  “Everyone,” she calls out, leaning heavily on me. “Thank you for this party, but I’m going to have to go to bed. I can’t keep my eyes open a second longer.”

  Once again, everyone hugs and kisses her as we make our way to the stairs. I help her up to our room. She looks around in amazement and love. Emersyn has never been one that’s hard to please. The smallest things make her happy and she honestly loves everything anyone gives her. It’s what makes her who she is.

  “Can you help me into bed before you go back down to the party?” I ask her.

  “I’m not goin’ back downstairs,” I reply.

  “Of course, you are,” she tells me as I pull the blankets back for her. “These people aren’t just here for me, they’re here for you too. You’re their family and you deserve to be down there to unwind for a while. All you’ve been doing is taking care of Zoey and me. Go, be with your family and friends.”

  “Angel,” I begin, but she cuts me off with a soft kiss and her hand on my cheek.

  “I love you. I’ll be right here when you come back up. Now go. I’m just going to sleep.”

  “I love you, angel. I’ll be up soon, and I’ll get Zoey if she wakes up,” I tell her, placing one more kiss on her lips before tucking the covers up under her chin.

  I turn off the lights on my way out of the room. Closing the door softly, I stand there for a minute before checking on Zoey. She’s fast asleep with her little hands holding a bear I haven’t seen before. Mom and Dad must have gotten it for her.

  Walking back downstairs, I take in everyone around me. These men have had my back since Emersyn showed back up and they always will. I’ll always have their backs too. It’s what makes the Kings Vengeance a club I want to be in more than anything. We may not always do things on the right side of the law, but we’re always there for one another. Everyone in the club has a role and it’s what makes it run as smooth as it does. Minus the problems we’ve had with some sweet butts who thought they were more important than what they were.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  I’VE BEEN HOME for a week and a half now. Colt has been attentive, caring, and by my side every second of the day. Including the doctor’s appointment a few days after I got released from the hospital.

  We were told everything is good with the baby. There’re no lasting side effects from the beatings and based on the ultrasound at the hospital I’m almost five months pregnant. Soon, we’ll know what we’re having if we choose to go that route. Colt wants to know while I don’t. I want to be surprised.

  The only bad thing is I can’t work right now. I’m still healing, and the doctor agreed it wouldn’t do any good for me to work. Especially dancing or walking around the club as a waitress. Colt got what he wanted, and I can’t even be mad at him about it because it’s not his decision; it’s the doctor’s. I’m not going to do anything to put the baby in danger. So, maybe I’ll use my time to start school. I can take classes online so I’m still home with Zoey and the new baby. It will be hard, but that’s fine by me.

  Today I’m getting out of the house without Colt and Zoey. The ladies and I are going Christmas shopping. There’s about two weeks until Christmas and I haven’t done any shopping. I have money from working, but Colt added my name to his account and gave me a card to use too. If I don’t, I know he’ll be upset with me; he needs to feel like he’s taking care of Zoey and me. So, I’m going to set my pride aside and let him every now and then.

  I’ll use my money for his Christmas gifts and ‘our’ money for Zoey’s gifts and something for the men and women of the club. I’ve never gone shopping with the girls until I came here. We’ve only been out once, but I had fun. It’s an experience and I know someone else who needs to experience it too; Needa.

  I called Tonya and asked her to bring Needa with her and she agreed. Needa has been coming over on a regular basis to spend time with me. We talk about our pasts and help one another out. She helps me with Zoey and is absolutely amazing with her. Needa will make a wonderful mother someday; she just needs to learn to believe in herself and realize she has so much more to offer a man than just spreading her legs for them.

  “Angel, Zoey and I are headin’ out,” Colt tells me, walking in the room.

  “Okay. Give me kisses,” I say, standing up and making my way over to them.

  I lean in to give Zoey kisses. She laughs as I end it by blowing a raspberry on her chubby little cheek. Colt leans down and kisses me like a man starving. I can’t wait to have my way with him again. It’s been too long and tonight that changes.

  “Later,” he murmurs, finally breaking the kiss when Zoey puts her hands on our faces.

  “You better believe it,” I respond.

  Colt leans down further with our daughter in his arms. He places a kiss on my stomach, which is starting to show more on a daily basis.

  “I love you both. Take care of our baby and I’ll see you in a little while,” he says, leaving the room to head to the clubhouse.

  “I love you both,” I respond, my voice slightly loud so he’ll hear me as he walks down the stairs.

  By time I finish putting my makeup on, I hear the front door opening.

  “Emersyn, we’re here,” Tonya calls out.

  “Coming,” I call back.

  Walking down the stairs, I see Tonya setting a bag on the kitchen counter. She turns to face me and pulls me in for a hug.

  “What’s in the bag?” I ask her.

  “Oh. Some Christmas ornaments I found. They’re ones Colt made in school. I thought it was time he had them for his family to use,” she answers.

  “Thank you,” I say, wiping a tear away.

  “Let’s get outta here,” Tonya says. “The girls are waiting in the truck.”

  I grab my purse, keys, and phone as we head out the front door and to Tonya’s truck. Hopping up in the backseat, I sit by Needa. Sydney is in the back with us as Tonya starts the truck and pulls out of the driveway.

  We all talk and laugh, even Needa, as we make our way to the mall. I may not have had a good first experience coming here, but I’m not going to let it make me remain a prisoner in my own home. Jeremy and Ginger can no longer hurt me and it’s time I get out and start to build a life for myself. One where I always come home to my daughter and Colt, but one where I have friends and go out to do things with them. Something I’ve never really had since everything started to fall apart in my life.

  We’ve been at the mall for a few hours. It’s to the point we’ve had to make several trips out to the truck to leave the bags. Levi has the unfortunate task of staying by the truck to make sure no one steals anything from us. Part of me feels bad for him, but I’d rather not take any chances. We’ve all spent a ton of money on these gifts for our family and I’d hate for them to have to beat some idiot’s ass because they dared to steal from someone connected to Kings Vengeance.

  “I’m about to drop where I stand,” I finally say.

  “Are you ready to head home?” Tonya asks me.

  “Yeah. I think we’ve gotten everything we can from here,” I respond. “If we need anything else, we can get it in town or make another trip here.”

  “Okay, sweetie,” she says.

  Taking our purchases to the register, we wait to cash out so we can leave. Our next stop is somewhere for dinner, and then finally home. Once we’re cashed out, we leave the mall and the insane Christmas crowd behind. I’ve never seen so many people in one place at t
he same time in my life. This is insane and next year; I won’t be doing this if I can help it. I’d rather shop online. Maybe it’s just because I’m pregnant, I’m not sure.

  Levi rushes over to us as we get closer to the truck. He takes the bags from our hands to place them in the bed of the truck with the rest of our purchases. While he’s placing our bags in the truck, we get inside so we can leave once he’s done. I’m hungry and ready to get off my feet for a while.

  I got something for everyone in the club, a few things for Colt, and then stuff for Zoey. She’s got clothes, toys, and new bedding for her room. We have yet to decorate it, so I don’t want to get too much for her room until we have. The same goes for the nursery. Colt and I will work on that after the holidays together.

  My back aches, my feet hurt, and I’m exhausted. I’m not going to let it stop me though. Instead, I’m going to relax in the truck and then for a while when I get home. By the time it’s bedtime, I’ll be ready for Colt. Tonight, he’s mine and I’m going to try to make sure I pour every ounce of my love for him into it.

  While I’m thinking about everything, we pull up to the diner in town. We all get out as Levi parks next to us. Again, he’ll be waiting outside while we’re inside in the warmth of the diner. He’s got to be freezing his ass off because I don’t think he leaves his SUV running. Before we leave, I’ll make sure he has coffee and something warm to eat.

  We get inside and are immediately seated at a booth along the wall. There’re not many people in here yet, but I know in an hour or so, it will be hard to get a table.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Tonya asks as we pick up a menu.

  “Yeah. Just a little tired and sore,” I reply.

  The waitress comes over and asks if we’re ready to order. I know I am because I always get the same thing from here. We don’t order a lot from here, but when we do, I get the bacon cheeseburger, fries with gravy on the side, and a chocolate milkshake. Tonya orders a grilled cheese with tomato soup and a coffee. The rest of the girls order and then I finally place my order.


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