Book Read Free

Cross My Heart

Page 13

by Jaime Russell

  “There are my two-favorite people!” Charlie’s smile is big and lights up those eyes. “What’s the matter, princess?” Her voice falls.

  “Come home.” Emma goes back into sobs, and I explain to her what’s going on.

  “Emma, I need your help with something.” Emma looks at the phone. “Now, Uncle Wes, Dana, and I are shopping, and I saw this for your room. I wanted your opinion on the color. Now, I have a ballerina pink or purple, but I also need to know what color unicorn horn you want, gold or silver.” Wes holds up these things that go on the wall, and Emma gets so excited.

  “Purple and gold.” she squeals, which makes Wes laugh. “My room is going to be ballerinas and unicorns? No cowboy stuff at all?” Emma’s eyes get so big, and I laugh.

  “No. The rest of the house is cowboys. This room is yours, so we’re going girly.” Emma gets off of my lap and dances around, as Tucker and Maddie come in with the pizza.

  “Uncle Tuck, I’m getting ballerinas and unicorns for my room! Charlie’s buying them for me. Look.” She drags him to the phone and makes Charlie and Wes show Tucker. My little girl is smiling and not crying again. She tells Charlie that she misses her, as I get up to head to the office.

  “Thank you for that,” I tell her.

  “Are you okay?” Her smile fades.

  “I don’t know. I mean, things with you are up in the air, and now, Emma dropping this bombshell has me confused. My heart is breaking.” I start to tear up. Charlie has been the one person that I can talk to without having to worry about any judgement. “What if I lose you and Emma? I can’t take it.”

  “Rhett, you’re always going to be her father. No one can take that away from you. I would get on the phone with Quinn now about it, before she tries to move. As far as you and I go, I love you. You cheated on me, and I hate you for it. The trust is shaky, and I don’t know if we can go back to what we’ve been, but I’m not going anywhere. We will work on us.” I let out a relieved sigh.

  “I’ve been so worried about that I couldn’t sleep or function,” I tell her, as I sit on the floor.

  “I think that we’re going to be home soon because we are all miserable here,” Charlie mentions, as she keeps shopping.

  “What happened on your dinner with what’s his face?” Charlie goes into detail about it, and I want to find this guy and tear his hands off.

  “I have evidence on him from culinary school, so he knows not to push me. The rest of the training is pretty much the boring stuff. The first week was super boring but really informative. I feel so excited to get ready to jump in and get to work. We already got our certificates that we need to hang up in the mess hall. I’d rather be home an extra week to get the cabins ready and prep everything because this is all new to me.” She smiles at me.

  “Good because I miss you.” She tells me the same thing. We get off the phone, and I join in on the pizza party. We put in Frozen to watch together, as I pull out my cell phone to fire off a text to Quinn.

  Me: I need you to help with custody. The Livingstons’ are taking on The Stillmans’.

  Quinn: What’s going on? I’ll message my friend to come out to the ranch, and I’ll take some time from work.

  Me: Emma wants to live with me. She heard Katy and her dad talking about them moving to Paris.

  Quinn: Fuck that shit. We’ll get it taken care of.

  Quinn: It’s not going to be easy or fast, and your past is going to come into play here.

  Me: I have the proof that I went to anger management. I have nothing to hide.

  Quinn: I’ll call you, after I talk to my friend.

  It’s been about four hours, since I talked to Quinn and Charlie. Emma’s coloring on the floor, Tucker’s watching sports, Maddie and Macy are playing pool, and I’m reading in my recliner. It’s been a very relaxing evening. Katy called Emma, but she didn’t want to talk to her. Katy says that she’s staying at her apartment to pack some things up, but she will be back at the ranch tomorrow, because she needs to have a conversation with me. I wanted to tell her that I wanted to talk to her, too, but I didn’t. I trying to wait.

  It’s dark outside, as lights pull into the driveway, and Maddie puts her cue stick down. “Emma, come let’s go help them unpack the car.”

  “Wait, they’re here?” I put the recliner in its original position to go outside with everyone, and I see Charlie, picking up Emma and squeezing her.

  “Oh, pretty girl, I’ve missed you,” she tells her, as Emma starts rattling off the fun stuff she’s done. Eric’s been letting her in the kitchen to watch. She sets Emma down, when Wes calls her to help with the bags.

  “Rhett.” The way she says my name flutters my stomach, even though it’s said in a tone of sadness. I keep my hands at my side, because I don’t know what to do, until Maddie starts to nudge me. She whispers, “Go.” So, I walk towards Charlie, and we’re standing face to face, as she steps closer and hugs me. I hug her back with everything that I have been feeling.

  “This feels so good to have you in my arms.” She moves her ear onto my heart. “It’s still beating for you.”

  “Help us unload this beast. I may have gone overboard on the shopping for everyone.” She smiles. “I even bought for you.” We unload all the packages into the main house, and everyone gets together in one room, laughing and having fun.


  The ride home my stomach was in knots the whole time. I didn’t know what I was walking into with Rhett. I knew that Katy was out for the day, but she could’ve been back by now. It feels so great to be back in his arms.

  This past week of limited contact was hard on me, but we needed it. I made a rule of no talking, except for morning and at bedtime. We talked about the issue of trust, our relationship, what we want from each other, and how we move on from the cheating. It was a don’t hold back and get everything out in the open conversation. It was very raw, and it was needed. I close my eyes, remembering the one conversation that was difficult for me to hear.

  “Rhett, I need to know why?” I sniffle.

  “Charlie, really? Do you want to go down that road?” He sighs.

  “Yes, it’s always going to be in my mind.”

  “I think it has a lot to do with listening to her defend me against her dad, and all the memories came flooding back to me. She turned to me with this sadness in her eyes, and I just needed to take care of her. It wasn’t out of love, but more so out of pity. No, that’s not the word. It was a sense of closure.”

  “I’m confused. You fucked another girl, while in a relationship, for closure?” I’m dumbfounded.

  “Charlie, when I last saw Katy, I lost my virginity, and Emma was conceived. I spent those years wondering, hating, and never knowing the truth. When I was fucking her, I felt nothing. It was just empty.”

  “What now?” I ask him.

  “Now, I try to fix us. I fucked up. I meant what I said about couples’ therapy. We might’ve only been together for a few months, but I’m willing to do it.” I love that he’s willing to do what it takes to get my trust back. “What do you want me to do? I need you like I need oxygen.” I believe him. I don’t want to, but I do

  “I believe you.” I wipe the tears from my face. “I don’t know how to do this Rhett? When Chris cheated on me, I left and didn’t look back, but with you, I can’t seem to do that.”

  “You know why, it’s because we are meant to be. No one can destroy that, even though I fucked up. Our connection is that strong.”

  “I agree with you, but it hurts my heart every time I think about it. How can I ever step foot in that office?”

  “I redid the office. All new everything. There is not a trace of her in the house. I had someone come in and steam clean the guest room, and I put her in the parent’s cabin.”

  “Wow,” I say, barely above a whisper. “I can’t say that we’ll be Charlie and Rhett like before I left, but I’m going to try to trust you.” I hear yes coming from him. “Rhett, do something else, and I swear
to God, I’m done. Don’t break my heart again.”

  “I’m going to try not to with everything that I am. Come home to me.”

  I head into the kitchen to see what Eric has done with it, and I feel Rhett’s presence behind me. “Are you staying here tonight?”

  “I don’t know. I’d like to be here with you and Emma,” I say, turning around to face him. I touch his face and feel the stubble that he has growing, which is prickly. I look at his face, and I can see the bags under his eyes. “You look like hell.”

  “I haven’t been sleeping well,” he tells me.

  “What did the doctor say?” I ask him, sitting down at the kitchen table, after grabbing some sweet tea from the fridge.

  “I need to exercise, watch what I eat, and take my medicine. My heart is healthy, there is a weakness, but he doesn’t think it’s a problem,” Rhett tells me.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that. Emma shouldn’t have had to see that either.”

  “I know. She was afraid of me at first, but now, she is back to bouncing on me. We’re good.” He smiles. Speaking of Emma, she comes running in to see me, and she jumps on my lap.

  “Charlie, when we can decorate my room?”

  “We can start tomorrow. I still have two weeks with Eric here, so I’m free. Are you going to help me paint the walls?” She claps her hands. The back door opens, and I hear someone yell hello. “No,” Emma clings to me.

  “Charlie, you’re here,” Katy flatly responds. “Emma, sweetheart. I missed you today.” She holds out her arms, waiting for Emma to run to her. I try to nudge her to go, but she doesn’t leave my lap. “Emma, come here. Now!” Katy demands, and she slinks off my lap and hugs her mom. “Did you have a good day?”

  “Yeah. Charlie and I are going to start getting my room ready,” Emma excitedly tells her. “Uncle Wes and Charlie bought me some decorations that will be hung up on my wall.”

  “Honey, we’re going back to the apartment to live. I was able to talk Grandpa into letting us back in there.” Katy smiles, and I look at Rhett, who just stares at Katy with disgust on his face. Now, I see what he means of how he needed to fuck her to get it out of his system. I’m not justifying his cheating, because it’s never good to cheat, but I can understand where he was mentally.

  “I want to stay with Daddy,” Emma whines, as Katy grabs her by the elbow, and I grab my phone to start recording this scene.

  “I said we are leaving,” Katy yells in Emma’s face, as she starts to cry. It’s to the point that her face is turning a deep red.

  “Katy, let her go.” Rhett stands up, and Emma hides behind him. “She wants to stay with me. Why can’t she? I’m her dad.”

  “I want her with me. She’s my daughter,” she tells Rhett.

  “She’s my daughter, too. I’m not fighting in front of her. Emma why don’t you go find Uncle Wes and have him color with you?” She runs into the game room. “What has gotten into you?”

  “I want to go home. Daddy forgave me, and I need to pack our apartment, because Emma and I are going on a trip.”

  “You mean you’re moving to Paris.” Rhett crosses his arms, as Katy begins to stumble over her words. “I thought we were going to co-parent. What happened?”

  “I’m going to leave the room, so you two can talk this out privately.” I get up and start to head out, and Katy and Rhett both tell me to stay. “Okay. Then why don’t we all sit down at the table.” We all go over there. “Do you want me to mediate?”

  “You’re going to take his side over mine,” Katy pouts.

  “No, I’m still pissed off at both of you. Now, is it true that you are moving to Paris?” I ask Katy calmly.

  “I have a chance to go there for the summer to work with some fashion designers and learn more about flowers as well.” Her face lights up talking about it.

  “That sounds amazing. It’s a great opportunity for you, and one that you shouldn’t pass up. I remember being able to go to Paris to study with someone of major caliber, and it was inspiring, which gave me the excitement to create,” I tell her.

  “Thank you.” Katy seems surprised, when I agree with her.

  “It sounds great yeah, but what happens to Emma? Is she going to be with babysitters, while you’re working?”

  “No. My parents are going to be with me, so they’ll be sightseeing and learning a new culture,” she tells us.

  “Why can’t she be with us for the summer?” Wait, before you get mad and start telling me no, please listen.” I’m surprised Rhett is keeping his temper in check. “This way she can get to know the family. Savannah and her family are coming down for the Fourth of July, too. Plus, she doesn’t want to go to Paris. I’m asking you to think about it. I want my daughter for the summer.” Katy leans back into the chair.

  “There are going to be rules. I’m going to call, and you better answer. I don’t care what time it is. I want a daily email from you, telling me how her day was, because I’m not going to be near her. Also, I need pictures, lots of pictures. I need to see my baby. I’ve never left her with someone this long before, especially with Dad feeling so strong against you.”

  “Well, I didn’t get your dad pregnant,” Rhett fires off, and the three of us laugh. “I do want to get custody papers set up for our protection, especially when it comes to your dad. You two have a volatile relationship, and I’m not going to let you use Emma.”

  “Use Emma? I would never.” Katy gets defensive, but Rhett doesn’t respond.

  “When do you leave for Paris?” I ask her.

  “Three days from now, why?” Katy kind of snaps at me.

  “I was thinking that maybe you guys can go to a lawyer to get the summer arrangement set up.” She sighs heavy, but finally agrees.

  “I’ll call Daddy’s lawyer. I guess, Emma’s staying with you, because I have a lot of packing to do. I’ll come by tomorrow to visit her.” She walks out without even seeing her.

  “I did it,” Rhett says happily, as he grabs me and kisses me. Oh, how I’ve missed his lips on my body. I just melt into him, and he feels right at home. I put my arms around his neck, pulling my body closer to him, and I feel his erection, pressing up against me, as I moan into his mouth.

  “I want you so bad, Rhett.” I’m giving in to my desires, instead of listening to my head. I feel his hands moving up my side, stopping at my breasts. “Rhett,” I moan. He breaks the kiss to butterfly kiss my jawline.

  “I love your jaw, and I love your neck,” he whispers. “Let me take you upstairs. Now.”

  “Yes,” I beg.

  “Let’s go.” We break apart and start to head upstairs, when we’re stopped by the family.

  “We were thinking about watching a movie.” Maddie smiles, as I glare at her.

  We don’t really have a choice, so we head into the game room, seeing that they moved all the pillows onto the floor, so we all gather there. I climb in next Emma, who is next to Maddie, and Rhett comes to sit by me. Tucker and Wes are making popcorn, while Dana and Macy are getting drinks.

  “Things good?” Maddie asks me. I nod and shrug, which makes her laugh.

  “Emma, I have some good news for you,” Rhett sits up.

  “What?” She’s pouting and in a bad mood.

  “I talked to your mom, and it looks like you’re going to be here for the summer, instead of Paris.” Emma’s eyes light up, as she dances in her seat.

  “Maybe, she’ll let me live here forever.” Emma falls back onto her pillow with a smile on her face.


  Katy and I didn’t deserve the calmness and respect that Charlie gave us earlier. It truly shows me the love she has for Emma. Charlie could’ve come in there treating Katy like a whore, and me, the man who broke her heart and soul, like the dog I am.

  Emma curls into Charlie’s arms to watch the movie, as my phone starts to buzz in my pocket.

  Katy: I don’t think I can leave Emma for three months.

  Me: We agreed to let her get to know

  Katy: I’ve decided to take her with me and my parents.

  Me: Then I’ll see you in court, and you know how those cases can be. It could take months, before they’re even seen.

  Katy: You would deny me this chance?

  Me: Aren’t you denying me the same chance? You kept my daughter from me, and I’ve done everything that you and your father have asked of me. I think that I’ve earned some Dad time.

  Katy: I can’t do it. We leave in three days.

  Me: You’ll hear from my attorney tomorrow.

  “Damn it,” I mutter, as I get up from the pillow seating and go up to my bedroom. I dial Quinn, giving her the rundown of the conversation with Katy, Charlie, and myself from earlier, and now, my text messages.

  “Okay. Let me see if I can get an emergency stay on custody. I’ll look into getting a flight out, as soon as possible.”

  “Thanks. If they go to Paris, Mr. Stillman will make sure I never get Emma back. Plus, Katy will have a job there.”

  “That’s what he’s counting on, but we’re going to fight fire with fire.”

  “Thanks, Quinnie. I love you and be safe getting here.” I hang up the phone, and then head back downstairs, joining the family in movie night. My heart breaks knowing that this might be one of the last nights that I have with my daughter. Why would Katy do this to me? Let me spend time with her just to rip her from me? I never thought she would be this cruel.

  We watch a couple of movies before Emma’s fast asleep, and I carry her the stairs to put her in her bed. We did manage to find her the perfect princess bed that Katy, Emma, and I picked out for her. It was the first family thing we did, but now, I think it’s all a joke.

  Charlie stands in Emma’s doorway. “Are you okay?”

  I lean down to kiss my daughter. “I love you Princess Emma.” I walk out of the room and into mine, as Charlie follows me.


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