Cross My Heart

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Cross My Heart Page 19

by Jaime Russell

  “You know that this means no sex, until Saturday night. We’re being separated,” I tell him, as I walk into the bathroom to shower. I need to cook Emma some breakfast, before I take her to school.

  “Yeah, I forgot,” Rhett growls, following me into the shower. We make out, while we take turns, washing and pleasuring each other.

  We get dressed and laugh, as we head downstairs to see Quinn and Savannah, sitting at the table.

  “Good morning.” Rhett kisses them on the cheek.

  “I’ll start the omelets. Coffee?” They nod, as I start making some. I had a pot on the timer, but I see a couple of cups already in the sink, so I’m assuming that Tucker and Wes are already out doing the chores. I grab the eggs and veggies for breakfast.

  “What else needs to be done for the wedding?” Quinn asks.

  “Favors. After Maddie and I got into it last night, she left, and I need to go for my final fitting this afternoon. I’m going over the menu with Eric. The tables and chairs are being delivered today along with the tablecloths. Rhett, did you order the canopies?” I look to see him, playing on his phone.

  “Huh? What?” he stammers. Savannah repeats the question, as I’m busy getting the coffee for everyone. “No, I thought you were doing that, Charlie.”

  “Why would you think I’d do that, when I’ve been doing everything else? You were in charge of three things.” I start getting mad, but Rhett tells me that he’s going to wake Emma up.

  “What three things was he supposed to do?” Quinn asks me, as she gets up to make her coffee. “You don’t need to make our coffee. We’re grown and don’t let those boys tell you any different.”

  “He was in charge of getting a couple of canopies for the reception, tuxedos, and dinner for the rehearsal dinner.”

  “What? I go pick out the tuxedo today. Dinner for the rehearsal? What is that? You’re in charge of the canopies not me.” Rhett stands across the island from me.

  “Wait, you haven’t picked out the tux yet?” Savannah looks to Rhett.

  “Breakfast is done. Emma will need a ride to school. I need to go figure out how to get four canopies here by tomorrow, and then find dinner for about twenty-five people for tomorrow night as well.” I throw the pan into the sink. “Emma have a good day at school, sweetheart.” I give her a kiss bye.

  “You’re not taking me to school?”

  “No, I’m taking you today,” Savannah speaks up, as I storm upstairs to get my stuff. I gather up my wedding stuff and try to leave the room, but Rhett’s standing in the doorway. “Move. I need to make some calls. I have a very busy day,” I flatly say to him not looking at him.

  “Why are you mad at me?” He can’t even comprehend it.

  “I’m not going to repeat myself. Move, please,” I beg.

  “This wedding is getting out of hand. Why is there so much fighting? It’s just a damn day,” Rhett says, as he moves out of my way.

  “If you think that, then let’s not get married,” I snap, as I walk downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing my cell phone, as I begin to cry. I slam the backdoor, as I put my stuff in the back of the four-wheeler pouch. I take off, as I see Rhett coming out the door.

  I drive towards the house that I was supposed to be living at, but I decide to go down to the lake to get some air away from everyone. I get off the four-wheeler and lean up against the tree, going over the wedding plans. I keep replaying Rhett’s words in my head. “It’s just a damn day.” He’s right, but it’s a day that we become one, and I take his name. We would be officially a family.

  “You’re right. It’s just a damn day. Who cares?” I scream, as I take each page out, crinkle it, and then toss each one of all the details of the wedding into the lake. Finally, I have this empty wedding book with our engagement picture staring back at me. “Why did it have to change? I just wanted you to love me always and forever.” I toss it into the lake, like it’s a frisbee, and I see it floating. I fall down on my knees crying. I cry so hard that I actually fall asleep.

  “I found her.” I hear a familiar voice coming from above me. “Hey, Charlie. Wake up.” The voice is telling me. I open my eyes, looking into the eyes of the man who broke my heart. “Baby, what are you doing down here?”

  “Go away,” I tell him, as I wake up rubbing my sore eyes, and I stand up a little wobbly. He tries to steady me, and I push away from him. “Stop. Leave me alone. There’s no wedding. Just like you wanted.” I get on the four-wheeler and drive away from him. I hear him calling my name, and I look back at him one more time. The last thing I remember hearing is look out, tree!


  “Your fiancé didn’t sustain a head injury. We did a CT scan to rule that out. She did sustain some bruising to her face, bruised ribs, and a broken leg. She’s on some heavy-duty pain medicine, and it doesn’t look like she will require surgery. They’re putting the cast on now, so I’m going to start the discharge papers.” I hear the nurse talking to Rhett outside. Madison is out at the spa, so she couldn’t be here. I know that Maddie and I fought with each other last night, but for her not to be here right now, hurts me more than she’ll ever know. Rhett walks in looking like he hasn’t slept in months.

  “Hi,” I tell him. “Have you been here the whole time?” I get off the bed gingerly.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t going to leave you. I have your jeep instead of my truck for you to get into. We’re going to stay at your place, since it’s all on one floor for you.” I like that he takes control of things for me. “When I made the comment, that sent you running off, I didn’t mean it the way it came out. I let you down, and I’m disappointed in myself, but to hear it in your voice made it even worse. I want to marry you in two days, and we still can. I ordered the canopies, called the caterer for tomorrow night, and the tuxedo place still had the measurements from Quinn’s wedding that they faxed over. We have to go pick out the one we like.”

  “How can I get married like this now?” I laugh.

  “I think they invented makeup for the bruise.” He smiles at me. “I know I don’t want to wait any longer. What do you say?” He gives me that smile with the dimples that he knows I can’t resist. I’m such a sucker for it.

  “Okay. Let’s get married. I need to stop at the jeweler to make sure that the necklace came in for Emma.” We leave the hospital, pick up my prescriptions, answer phone calls about my accident, and then finish up at the jewelers. I fell asleep, before we even made it home. I’m glad that there was no head injury, because I couldn’t handle the no sleep, because of wedding prep.

  “Hey, baby. Look.” I open my eyes to see Emma sitting on the front steps reading something, and I can’t help but smile. “Hey, princess. What are you up to?”

  “Waiting for Charlie. We’re going to paint each other’s nails. I brought my sleepover bag. Aunt Quinn and Aunt Savannah are already inside.” Shit, I forgot about that.

  “Charlie got hurt earlier, so she needs some help,” Rhett tells her. She comes running down to my door to open it, and Emma starts to cry.

  “I’m okay, sweetheart. Can you grab my purse for me?” She takes it and runs inside. I hop inside and plop onto the comfy recliner, and Quinn is trying to console Emma.

  “Emma, she’s okay.”

  “Emma, the nail polish is on my bed. There’s a big silver case. Can you run and get it for me?” I ask her.

  “You still want to paint each other’s nails?” She wipes her face.

  “I’m still getting married, so of course.” She runs into my room.

  “You’re good to her, but don’t spoil her too much, or you’ll have problems.” Savannah sits down on the couch.

  “She was really scared, when she saw the bruises and broken leg. I just want her to know nothing changes. I can be the mean step mommy, and she knows it.” I laugh.

  We spend the night doing facials, painting nails, and watching movies, and Emma finally crashes. Rhett went back to the main house with the guys. Maddie, Dana, and Macy ended up joining us, aft
er their day at the spa. Maddie’s still upset with me, but I remind her that, when she gets married, then she can be a bridezilla, but it’s my wedding, not hers.

  The rehearsal goes off without any issues, and the dinner was amazing. Mrs. Stillman was even there, as a request from Emma. She was nervous about it, but we welcomed her with open arms. Katy is coming home tomorrow and wants to talk to us about seeing Emma next week. Mr. Stillman wanted to come to the wedding, but Rhett wanted an apology first.

  The guys are getting ready at my house, since it’s easier for them to walk in the front door, than it is for me to use my crutches. So, I’m using the office as my bridal suite. It’s quite funny.

  “I can’t believe Mom and Dad are missing out on this,” Maddie tells me, as she sips on champagne, and I turn to look at her. She tried one more time to get them here with no avail.

  “I’m happy they’re aren’t here. They don’t like Rhett and don’t think what I do is important. I’m not you,” I tell her point blank.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why he sees me, as the better daughter.” Maddie has always hated being under my dad’s spotlight.

  “That dress is beautiful. How is your leg doing?” I chose a Galina signature ivory, beaded, lace, strapless, mermaid wedding dress.

  “It’s a little snug, but at least, my cast won’t be showing in any of the pictures.” I smile. My hair is down with my sides pulled up in curls, and Maddie puts my matching veil on. “Am I doing the right thing?”

  “You’re asking five minutes, before you hobble down the aisle?” Dana laughs. “Emma, are you ready to head down the aisle with the flowers?” She nods. “Those cowboys sure are looking mighty tasty in those tuxedos. I might have to take one home tonight.” Dana laughs.

  “Show time.” I smile back at everyone.

  “Let's get you married.” I walk with my crutches to the office door.


  I can’t see Charlie, walking towards me through the tears, welling up in my eyes. When she stepped out of the office, and turned down the aisle to walk towards me, my heart started beating faster. Not in the panic attack sort of way, but the I’m in love sort of way. When I saw Emma coming down that aisle with the biggest smile on her face, as she threw the flowers out, I cried, too. I never knew she existed until last year, but I can’t remember a time with her not being in my life.

  Katy, Charlie, and I have been talking on a regular basis about what’s best for Emma. Katy knows now that her being here is what’s best for her, especially since she’s been so far away from her dad. She didn’t like who she was, or how Emma was affected by him. She’s looking for a place in town away from her dad, and away from the ranch for Emma to go to with her one the weekends that she’s in Texas. She met a man in Paris, who lives in Houston, so she’ll be traveling.

  “Wow,” I whisper to Charlie, when she finally comes to stand by me. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  The preacher, Mr. Andrews, begins to speak. We are going with some vows that we found off the Internet, that we tweaked a little bit, to include Emma in this ceremony that she doesn’t know about. The anonymous post will be forever printed out and framed to hang on the wall in my office. Last night we went through the traditional vows.

  “Emma, please come stand by me, as we marry Daddy and Charlie. We want you to have a front row seat. Rhett and Charlie, please join hands and face each other, so that you can look into each other's eyes and see the beauty of what is about to happen. Emma, please hand this ring to your Dad to give to Charlie. Rhett, please place this ring on Charlie's finger and hold it there, as you repeat after me:

  I give you my promise to be by your side forevermore.

  I promise to love, to honor, and to listen as you tell me of your thoughts, your hopes, your fears, and your dreams.

  I promise to love you deeply and truly, because it is your heart that moves me, your head that challenges me, your humor that delights me, and your hands I wish to hold, until the end of my days.” I repeat the words, as I look into Charlie’s eyes, as tears fall down her cheeks. My instinct is to wipe them off, but I don’t want to lose my connection with her right now.

  Mr. Andrews speaks to Emma again, “Emma, please give this ring to Charlie to give to your Dad. Charlie, please place this ring on Rhett's finger and hold it there, as you repeat after me:

  I give you my promise to be by your side forevermore.

  I promise to love, to honor, and to listen, as you tell me of your thoughts, your hopes, your fears, and your dreams.

  I promise to love you deeply and truly, because it is your heart that moves me, your head that challenges me, your humor that delights me, and your hands I wish to hold, until the end of my days.” She repeats the words back to me, and with a smile on her face, and a look to Emma. Charlie and I let go of our hands, so she can get something off of her bouquet of flowers.

  “Emma, can you come stand between your daddy and I?” She comes to stand between us looking confused. “Your dad and I had this made for you. This is an infinity symbol inside a heart. On the back, is today’s date, and it’s a symbol of me joining your family. The infinity symbol is also what our rings are made of, so we all match. I wanted you to have a piece of us.” Emma hugs Charlie around the waist and tells her that she loves her. Then, she hugs me, too. I put the necklace on her, as she runs to show her grandma. Mr. Andrews clears his throat, when I go in to kiss Charlie.

  “May all your days be filled with joy and happiness. It is my honor and great pleasure, and by the power vested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now, you may kiss your beautiful bride, and she may kiss you back.” He looks at me a chuckle, as I grab Charlie by the waist, and her crutches fall to the ground. I kiss her with everything thing that I have in me. I want her to know by this kiss that I love her, want her, desire her, need her, and most importantly, will cherish her every day for the rest of my life. We break apart after everyone starts yelling enough already.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you for the very first time – the Livingston family – Rhett, Charlotte, and Emma,” Mr. Andrews says, and we turn to face our guests of fifteen people of just family and close friends. They stand, as they clap for us. Emma holds my hand, as we walk out, and Charlie hobbles out behind me. We make our way to the office, so I can get Charlie to sit for a little bit, while Emma’s out showing her necklace to everyone.

  “Mrs. Livingston, how are you feeling?” I ask her.

  “I’m sore, and my leg is throbbing. I don’t know if I can dance tonight,” she tells me.

  “Oh, good, because I didn’t practice dancing, and I’d probably break the other leg.” We laugh. “Are you sad that your parents weren’t here?”

  “If I’m being honest, yeah I am. I try to be the one who acts like I don’t care, but he was supposed to walk me down the aisle. He’ll be at Madison’s wedding, but not mine. Why am I not important enough?” I hold her in my arms, as she cries. There’s a knock on the door, and Mr. Stillman stands in the doorway.

  “Rhett, Charlotte. It was a beautiful service.” He stands there shuffling back and forth. “I miss my granddaughter, and for you to include her in the ceremony like that, showed me great respect for Katy and Emma. I’m sorry for my actions and underhand movements in the last eight years. You are a better man than me.” He comes in to shake my hand.

  “Thank you, sir. Welcome to the ranch. I hope you enjoy your time here. You are free to visit her, but only on the ranch, until I feel comfortable with you, and she feels that way, too. No bribing her with gifts,” I tell him. He nods, as he tells us that he’ll get out of our way and head home.

  “Please, stay for the reception. I think Emma and your wife will enjoy it.” Charlie smiles at him. “Oh, and call me Charlie. My dad calls me Charlotte, and I don’t like it.” He thanks us, and then leaves the room. “Ready?”

  The reception was a lot of fun. I made Ch
arlie sit the entire time because her toes were the size of cucumbers. She was mad, because she wanted to visit with people, but they came up to see her. I waited on her to make sure she ate. The kids from the summer program came to the reception, and they kept coming up to the table to talk to all of us about coming over on the weekends to see the garden and work with it, during the winter months. The parents were thanking us for their excitement about gardening, vegetables, and helping around the house.

  It’s time for the first dance, and Charlie isn’t going to pass that up.

  “I Cross My Heart” is playing, as we sway to the song.

  “Thank you for pursuing me in San Francisco.” Charlie laughs.

  “I’m glad that you walked into my life, when you did. I love you, Mrs. Livingston.”



  A year later


  “Emma, hurry up. Your mom will be here in about ten minutes,” Charlie yells up to her bedroom from the bottom of the steps.

  “I’m coming,” she yells back, as Charlie rolls her eyes.

  “I'm a little nervous about this vacation,” I tell Charlie. Emma is going on vacation with Katy, her boyfriend, Frank, and her grandparents. They’ve been really good about visitation for the last year about being here and anger management classes.

  “Honey, it’s time we trust them. It’s only two weeks, and we are joining them on the second week. This first week is our honeymoon, since we couldn’t do one, because of my accident.” She tries to reassure me. There’s a knock on the backdoor, and I get up to answer it. It’s Frank and Katy.


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