Seeds of War

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Seeds of War Page 7

by Fisher, Rachel

  Fi stifled a laugh, drawing a glare from Sean.

  Asher spoke up. “Sean, if anyone knows how hard it is to have a warrior for a partner, it’s me. But I’ve got something to tell you that may change your mind, or at least put things into perspective for you. The truth is that Sara is the quickest study I’ve ever trained, and I’ve trained hundreds of people at my father’s studio. She’s so good that I’d decided,” he paused, exchanging a glance with Fi, who nodded. “I’d decided to start her on weapons training.”

  “What?” Sara’s face was incredulous. “Yeeeeeesss!!”

  Everyone but Sean burst into laughter, and then quickly suppressed it when they saw his face. It was white and pinched. Ouch, Fi thought. She knew this was going to be tough for Sean, especially because it made Sara so happy.

  “What kind of weapons?” Sean croaked.

  “Daggers,” Asher replied, and Sean and Sara’s mouths both dropped open. “She’s good with both of her hands, strong and quick. I think based on her natural skills that daggers are the best starting weapons. Maybe even the best weapons for her, period.”

  “Daggers,” Sean repeated. “You really think that Sara should be trained to use daggers? Is she that good?” Despite the question, they knew he was really asking if his beloved Sara was really that frightening.

  “Give me another few months with her at this training pace, Sean, and she’ll be utterly deadly,” Asher said.

  Fi studied Sara’s face. She could see the pleasure Sara took at the assessment. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she licked her lips. Her expression almost made Fi afraid of her.

  When Sara turned to Sean, her face softened. “Please, baby. It’s what I want.”

  Sean hung his head and Fi’s heart squeezed. Sara could have told him that she wanted the moon, and Sean would have tried to lasso it for her. The decision was made on that plea.

  “My lot in life, it seems,” Sean’s voice was weary, despite his attempt at humor. “To love a woman I can’t protect. All right, I vote ‘Yes.’ Teach her to use daggers, transform her into a warrior. Give her what she wants. Just as long as she’s with me,” he reached for her hand. Sara took his hand and squeezed it, mouthing a silent “Thank you.”

  “One more thing,” Fi interjected. “You have to carry a weapon, Sean.” He opened his mouth to protest, but she shook her head. “You said it yourself, we aren’t going to have armed friends with us. Each one of us needs a weapon.”

  “What about your staff?” Asher suggested.

  “That’s right, Sean,” Fi said. “You can bring your staff. That would do it for me. I just want to know that if you’re caught by yourself…” she didn’t have to finish her statement. He knew that she was right.

  “That’s fine,” Sean agreed. “I like the staff, actually.”

  “So it’s decided then.” Fi turned to Larry. “The four of us are ‘in’ for the Seeding mission. So, what did you have in mind?”

  Larry took a breath and explained. They wanted the four to go out with solar radio arrays and seed packets and distribute them to the friendly Topsider groups they had located on prior Seeks and through radio communications. “Fi, you will take primary responsibility for working with the colonists to set up their crops with the seeds. I know that you’ve spent a lot of time with Louis going over this stuff, so I assume that you’re prepared to teach people what to do with these. If not, we could always ask Darryl as well,” he added, and Fi frowned.

  “What, Fi? He doesn’t bite.”

  “Are you sure, Larry?” She asked this only half in jest. Dr. Darryl Heil was practically a ghost within Eden. The self-proclaimed “architect of the disaster,” he almost never left the labs. Whenever you did see him scurry through the common spaces, his rounded shoulders and lowered gaze made it clear that he didn’t want to socialize. The last thing she wanted to do was spend quality time with Darryl.

  She shook her head. “No, I think I’m good. Besides, Louis is plenty knowledgeable if I do have a question.”

  “Great. Ok,” Larry continued. “Obviously Sean will take primary responsibility for setting up the radio equipment and training the Topsiders use it. Asher is responsible for the security of your group, and Sara is responsible for getting herself up to speed so that she is not a liability.” Asher and Sara nodded. “So the last question is, who will be the Leader of your foursome?”

  The question hung in the air and Asher cleared his throat. “I think it’s pretty obvious who will be taking that role.”

  Fi’s head whipped around. “What? Why not you, Ash? You’ve been in charge on the Seeks...and helping run security…”

  He stopped her words with a soft touch to her cheek and she blushed. She liked when he was demonstrative, but it was little embarrassing with Larry and Gary present. “I will if you want me to, Fi. But I thought that you’d want the final say. In the end.”

  He had a point. If she pictured herself having to let someone else make the major decisions, it kind of bothered her. Not that it really mattered. She knew that any decision they made would really be a four-way vote in the end. You couldn’t make someone follow you.

  “You already know that Sean and I will follow you,” Asher added, as if he’d heard her thoughts.

  Sara gasped at this, but Fi ignored her. Sara really didn’t know Fi. Not as the Leader, she thought with pride, feeling it fill her chest. “You’re right,” she admitted. “I don’t think I could go out there without final say. I’ll do it, I’ll be the Leader.”

  Larry nodded, his face tight. Fi could tell that he felt uncomfortable asking them to take these kinds of risks, but someone in Eden had to do it. All for one, she thought, and one for all. The usual mix of excitement and fear filled her veins yet again. Though she yearned to be Topside, it was an extremely mixed blessing at best. And this time it would just be the four of them.

  “Ok, then,” Larry said. “Let’s get to work planning your first Seed.”

  First Seed

  ------------- Fi -------------

  One week later, the four newly appointed Seeders set out for their first assignment. Asher had been the one to select their first Seeding location. “I think we should go to Jean and Luc’s.”

  Since Fi, Asher, Sean, and their Family had made their initial crossing through Montreal, Gary and Asher’s Seek group had visited Jean and his son, Luc, and their “Family” of survivors several times. They knew that they were friendly and that they were staying put. It was decided by vote that Jean and Luc’s made the best start.

  Though the April morning was cool and overcast, the weather couldn’t temper Fi’s joy at being outside. Jogging in her full Seek gear, with her buck knife strapped to her thigh and her .22 at her hip, she felt alive. The only thing truly clouding her enthusiasm was Sara’s brooding. Everyone had been shocked by Sara’s energy and commitment in training, but Fi knew her fire must have an origin. In her case, it had been saving Kiara that had driven her, had kept her burning. As they ran beside one another in silence, Fi wondered…what was driving Sara?

  Of course, she hadn’t really grown worried about Sara until after the Seek when the marauders attacked and killed Nate. Fi remembered seeing Sara’s jaw work and her nails dig into her palms when Asher recounted the brutality of the attack to the Seekers.

  “They were Lobos,” Sara had hissed.

  “How do you know about Lobos?” Asher had asked, startled.

  “I told her about them, Ash,” Fi admitted. “It was the story of how we met, after all.”

  “Yeah, nothing like psychopathic gangs to stir the romance, right Sara?” Asher had snorted before he caught Sara’s expression “Are you ok?”

  Fi would never forget the concern on Asher’s face. It was the moment she realized that someone else was worried about Sara.

  “We have to be careful of those Lobos,” Sara had insisted.

  “What do you mean?” Asher asked.

  “I mean they’re all Lobos. There are Lobos all over the wor
ld and there always have been. Just because they aren’t all one organized group doesn’t mean that they aren’t all the same. They’re no different than pirates…these types of people. They just roam and take from others. And they maim and rape and kill for the fun of it.” She’d pointed at them, her hands shaking. “That’s a Lobo. And that’s the reason I want to be out there. Because the last thing that a Lobo wants to see coming, is me.”

  Fi and Asher had both been shocked, but the tension seemed to pass. Sara would return to her sunny self again, and Fi would push her concerns to the back of her mind. But now, she could feel that same tension simmering in her silent friend.

  “Sara? You ok?”

  “Just thinking.”

  “You nervous?” Fi asked quietly.

  Sara shook her head. “Excited.” Fi grunted and they continued to jog in silence. Sara sounded ok. Maybe she was overreacting. Maybe Sara really was just excited. She’d been really happy to strap on her new daggers.

  Feeling reassured about Sara for the time being, Fi allowed herself to focus on her run. Losing herself in her stride was like meditating. At times the rhythm became so hypnotic that she felt like the world was spinning away beneath her, like the tiny planets in The Little Prince. Ahead of her, Asher’s long blonde braid slapped against his sword and pack as he jogged with Sean. She found her gaze drifting to him constantly. She still hadn’t shaken off that terrible Seek, but she was relieved to be together for this mission. With a deep breath, Fi settled into the traveling pace.

  They reached the border of Jean and Luc’s land early on the third afternoon.

  “Hello?” Asher called. He’d interacted with Jean and Luc the most, so he took the lead. “Jean? Luc?”

  There was a shout and a figure toting a rifle appeared from behind a tree and began jogging toward them. It was Luc. “Asher, my friend!” When he saw the rest of the group, he waved and ran to meet them. “Fi and Sean! It’s wonderful to see you both, and looking so well.”

  Fi greeted him, returning his cheek-to-cheek air kisses. “Luc, it’s wonderful to see you too.”

  “And who is this pretty lady?” Luc asked, turning to Sara.

  “I’m Sara,” she said shyly, as she held out her hand.

  Fi was amused to see Sara’s eyes widen into saucers as Luc ignored her offered hand and enfolded her into enthusiastic air kisses instead. “Wonderful to meet you, Sara,” he said, and turned to Asher and Fi. “So why have you come to see us today?”

  Asher smiled. “We have a surprise for you. Let’s go back to your home and we’ll show you what we’ve brought for you.”

  “Yes, come, come,” Luc said and they trailed behind him toward the metal shed in the distance. Like the shelter that Fi and Sean had chosen for their own Family long ago, Jean and Luc’s Family had chosen a structure that was on the grounds of a former farm. It was surrounded by dusty Dead Zone on all sides, allowing them the advantage in spotting possible attackers. It also had good proximity to water and forest, allowing them to survive off the game, fish, and edibles that they were able to get. Truefood, she thought, just like the heirlooms.

  The Family greeted them warmly when they arrived. Though Fi engaged them all, her mind skittered away, awash in a wave of memories of the Montreal crossing. That night when she, Sean, and Asher had led the Family through the ruined city they’d been attacked. Sean had led the run to the bridge with the Family, while she and Asher stayed behind to face the attackers. When Sean and the others crossed, Jean and Luc were waiting at the other end. Sean explained about the ambush and Jean had led her Family back to their shelter while Luc waited for Asher and Fi. It was a kindness that had not been part of their original barter. Fi had never forgotten it. In fact, it had humbled her. She wasn’t sure that she would have been as generous.

  The four settled at a makeshift table with Jean and Luc. Fi opened her pack, pulling out the bags of seeds. At the same time, Sean opened his pack and pulled out the radio equipment. When Jean and Luc saw the tablet they gasped.

  “What’s all this?” Jean asked Fi, still recognizing her as the Leader despite Asher’s presence. Asher sat back as Fi reclaimed her old role. As she started to explain their gifts to the two men, she saw him watching her with amusement from the corner of his eye. She knew that he was probably laughing at how easily she slipped back into this life. They had been safely inside Eden where there was food, safety, love, Family, even fun…and this was what made her happy. Oh well, she thought, at least he’s amused. Maybe he was reassured to know that she was still the same person…still the Leader in her heart.

  She forced her focus back to her mission. “Obviously, you have great fields here that will work perfectly for the planting. These are corn, these are wheat, and these are three different types of lettuces. Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, sunflowers, strawberries….” She listed the bags of seeds as she handed them over. “We’ve included planting and care instructions with all of them to help you get started. You want to wait until after the last frost to plant them, which is right about now.” The men explored the bags with a mutual look of wonder.

  “What did you call these?” Luc asked.

  “Heirlooms. These come from long before the genetic modification…most predate cross-breeding even,” she explained. “These are not the ones that caused the die-off, and they will produce their own seeds again for you for next year. You’ll be able to grow your own crops and feed yourselves with this as a start. And,” she added, “you won’t have to worry about the Sickness.” Their eyes widened.

  “You mean the cancer and things…like, how everyone was getting Sick?” Luc exchanged a glance with Jean. “That’s how I lost my mother,” he added, patting Jean’s hand. “She passed so quickly once it started. One day they told us she had breast cancer, and then the next…” he paused.

  “She was gone,” Fi murmured, and he nodded. “I lost both my parents and my little brother to the Sickness.” The men gasped, but she waved dismissively. “It’s ok, but the point is that starvation is not the only worry we have. If we went back to eating the old foods…” she began.

  “The ah, Sickness would come back.” Luc finished her thought.

  “Yes, that’s why we saved these seeds in particular. These will bring us back to the baseline…to what Nature made,” she smiled.

  “I can’t tell you how grateful we are that you’ve brought these to us, Fi,” Luc said.

  “It’s not me, or even us,” she said, waving her hands at the others. “It’s Eden.” Jean and Luc looked confused and Fi laughed. “I’m sorry, this is going to be a visit with a lot of information, but it’s time that Eden came out of the shadows.”

  Over the next few hours, Fi gave Jean and Luc the story of Eden, leaving out only its exact location.

  “So we’re really going to be able to come back from this somehow?” Jean’s frown betrayed his doubt.

  “To some degree, yes,” Fi said.

  Sean coughed. “Would you like me to take over from here, Fi?”

  She bowed deferentially before turning to Jean and Luc to explain. “My part is done. Sean is in charge of telling you about the reconnection part of Eden’s plan.”

  Sean took over enthusiastically. “So, we’re going to set up radio stations with friendly survivor Families like yours so that we can all start talking to each other again. We can share information, keep each other safe, and make sure that we don’t lose everything that we were… before.”

  Jean’s eyes shone. “Radios? Really? And the seeds? This is too much. Too much hope for me in one day.” Fi’s eyes welled up. “So we are the first then? Other than Eden?”

  Fi nodded. “Yes, you will be the first station besides Eden.” They had decided not to mention Diaspora yet. That was a whole separate issue. The reconnection plan was Eden’s plan and they were going ahead with it regardless of Diaspora’s plans.

  “So what would you like your call sign to be?” Sean asked. “It has to start with a W, but otherwise it�
�s up to you. In the past, custom call signs were very personalized. You could make it something related to your Family, or to Montreal, or to Canada. It’s up to you.”

  Jean and Luc discussed quickly in French. “Let’s go with WMTR then,” Luc said. “Montreal was our home and I’d like to keep the flame of our beautiful city alive.”

  “Excellent,” Sean nodded. “Let’s determine a good space to get this set up and I’ll build out your antenna and radio set-up for you. You’ll want to have several people in your Family join me so there’s more than one person here who truly understands it.” Jean called to several more members of the Family to join them.

  Fi stood and stretched, grateful for the break. She and Sara headed outside with Luc to walk the Dead Zones around the shelter and discuss the best possible layout for the plantings. When they finished, Luc went back inside to watch as much of the radio set-up as he could, wanting to take responsibility for it all. Even though he shared the Leadership with his father, Jean, it was clear that Luc was actually the Leader here. They were lucky, she thought, he was a good man.

  Fi stayed outside in the dusty field, enjoying the breeze on her skin. That was one thing missing from the Eden field pods, she thought. No wind to ruffle through the stalks of healthy corn and wheat as they stretched upward toward the ceiling. Lost in her thoughts, Fi was startled when she realized that Sara had wandered out into the middle of the Dead Zone alone. She stood facing the other direction. Fi watched for a few minutes and Sara didn’t move.

  Concerned, Fi approached. “Sara,” she said softly. “What’s wrong?” Sara stood with her eyes closed, her hands lightly brushing the tops of her daggers.

  “Nothing’s wrong, Fi.” Sighing, she shrugged. “It’s just hard to control my feelings right now, is all,” she said, as if that explained anything.

  “Let’s get closer to cover, Sara.” Fi pulled at her friend’s arm, finally managing to convince her to settle beneath a lone tree closer to the shelter. They sat in silence. The tension rolling off of Sara was palpable.


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