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Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)

Page 8

by H. P. Davenport

  Camryn gives me a look as if I have ten heads, “What are you talking about, there are two queens in the other room. Get your ass off my bed, and go to your own room.”

  “Go look for yourself. There is only one bed in there. I’m staying here with you. I’m not sleeping with Christian.”

  Cami must think I am joking as she just stands there glaring at me. “The two of you have slept together before.”

  Is she for real? Does she actually think I am going to share a bed with her brother? “Camryn, there is only one bed in there, and I am not sleeping on the floor. For the record, we haven’t shared a bed together since we were kids and had sleepovers. Once we reached puberty, we NEVER shared a bed together, do I make myself clear?”

  Camryn doesn’t respond, she stands there looking at me, so I continue to plead my case. “Your brother snores like a bear in hibernation. Why are you making a big deal about this? You and I have shared a bed a million times. You love to cuddle with me, and if you choose not to, you can stay on your side of the bed. It’s big enough for the two of us.”

  Camryn walks over and stands next to me at the side of the bed. “I have a better idea. Since you pointed out how big and spacious the bed is, you can stay here. Christian can come in here with you. If the two of you choose to cuddle, that is between the two of you.” She can be testy when she wants to. Not to mention stubborn.

  Christian sticks his head in the room interrupting our battle for the bed. “I got dibs on the room next door. You two can have this one.” A smirk appears on his face. “Did I forget to tell you? There’s only one bed next door?”

  This motherfucker set us up. He knew damn well when he booked that room that there was only a queen bed in there. Fuck. Why didn’t I think of asking him to do that? My boy is always looking out for me.

  Camryn looks at me, then looks at her brother. “Are you kidding me? This cannot be happening.”

  Christian walks over and pulls her in for a bear hug. “Come on, sis. Don’t make a big deal out of this. Yes, you asked us to accompany you on this trip. I think I am a little too old to share a bed with my little sis.” He scrunches his nose. “Society would frown upon it, don’t you think? Not to mention, I think it would be fucked up if you expect me and him to share a bed together.”

  Camryn looks back and forth between me and Christian. She folds her arms across her chest, which pushes her breasts up to show the perfect amount of cleavage in the v-neck of her shirt. I look down at my sweatpants praying that my dick decides to play dead and not react. I do not need to have an erection with Camryn and Christian both here discussing our sleeping arrangements.

  Camryn sighs and looks directly at me, “Fine, you and I will share the king bed. But don’t get any ideas.” She cocks her head and an evil smile spreads across her face. “I felt the effects of you being close to me last weekend. Do you think you can refrain from poking me in the back while we sleep?” Oh, hell no. She did not just throw my ass under the bus. She was right on board with me last week. This is her way to make me look like an ass for not answering her question. Touche.

  Christian busts out laughing. I throw him a look that screams ‘Shut the fuck up’. Finally, after what seems like five minutes of him laughing, he composes himself. “Camryn, there’s no need to call the man out on how his penis functions when you are around. What can he say, he has a hard-on for ya?”

  Throwing my hands in the air, “Hello, I am here, ya know. In my defense, if you weren’t rubbing your ass all up on me, it wouldn’t have been hard. It was a natural reaction to the situation at hand.”

  It was now Camryn’s turn to laugh her ass off. “Whatever you say, Mr. Banks . . . whatever you say.”

  Seeing Camryn in her own element is such a turn-on. Christian and I are hanging at a table near the stage, while Camryn records the band’s performance on her phone in front of the stage. The show ends and Camryn signals that she is going with the band to do her interview. Christian and I acknowledge her with a nod of our heads and continue downing our beers.

  After about forty-five minutes, Camryn emerges from the back with the band members following close behind her. She reaches our table, and smiles at me. “I’d like to introduce you guys to the band.” We shake hands with everyone and Christian and the singer immediately talk amongst themselves.

  “What did you think of them?” Camryn asks me.

  I look around at how crowded the place still is even though they wrapped up forty-five minutes ago. “I liked them. They were really good.”

  On cue, Christian reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a business card and hands it to the singer. He never leaves home without a stack of business cards. Christian constantly brings new clients into the studio. I look at Camryn, she is smiling at me. She leans close to my ear and whispers, “You’re welcome. I thought they would work well with you guys. I know you and Christian can help them out.” She pulls away, kisses my cheek and wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  This girl brings me to my knees with just one look. I have to tell her how I feel before I lose my mind. She starts to walk away from me, and I grab her hand to pull her close. I place my hand on her hips to guide her between my legs.

  I cradle her face between my hands, my fingers bury in her silky brown hair, and my thumbs caress her cheeks. Camryn is nervous, her cheeks are flush, and her body trembles. There is a pensive shimmer in the shadow of her eyes. As I stare at her, she becomes increasingly uneasy under my scrutiny.

  Her tongue comes out to wet her lips, as she licks them nervously. She pulls her lower lip between her teeth, causing my dick to twitch. She bites her lip and that is my undoing. I run my thumb across her bottom lip and she releases it. I lean in slowly, kissing her softly a few times. I pull away, her eyes are closed and I whisper against her lips, “Thank you. Not for the business referral but for allowing me to kiss you.”

  Camryn gasps and opens her eyes. She just continues to stare at me with desire. I can’t bring myself to look away from her. I’m nervous that she is going to freak the hell out. Maybe I shouldn’t have done this in the middle of the bar. I don’t know what made me do that here of all places. At least I know she won’t make a run for it. Christian has the keys to the Land Rover, so she can’t ditch us and head to the hotel.

  We continue to stare at each other, without saying a word. I have so much to say to her, I just don’t know when the right time will be. I don’t want to scare her, but she needs to know how I feel. Camryn finally whispers, “You’re welcome,” and smiles innocently at me.

  I pull Cami into a hug, securing her tightly against my chest. Glancing over Cami’s head, I see her brother gawking at us. I am pretty sure he just saw what went down between the two of us. He simply raises his brows at me and nods.

  I know what that look means. I see it all the time when I am around Camryn. He’s waiting for me to make my move.

  Christian tells the guys to give us a call so they can set up a meeting. Once Camryn says her goodbyes to the band, we head back to the hotel.


  “I DON’T MEAN to be anti-social, but I’m exhausted. I’m gonna watch some TV before I fall asleep. What are the plans for tomorrow? Are we doing a little sightseeing or do you have to meet up with the band again?” Christian asks as he leans against the doorway separating the adjourning rooms.

  Camryn is digging through her suitcase, looking for her pajamas as she answers him. “I have to meet up with the band in the morning for a little bit to go over a few things. I’m going to take a few pictures for the column and they forgot to bring me a demo of their latest album.”

  I toss my duffle bag on the bed, searching for a pair of Nike shorts and a t-shirt. I need a quick shower to get the smell of beer off of me. Since Camryn and I are sharing a bed, I want to make sure I don’t smell like a bar. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm-up before I climb in. I’m not in there long and when I pull the shower curtain back, Cami is standing in front of the sink. I jump. �
��You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing?”

  Hello . . . I am completely naked standing in the shower. Holding the curtain close to me, I give her a look telling her to get the hell out, get the hell in here with me, or at least hand me a towel. Cami shrugs her shoulders, “I was brushing my teeth. I figured I would jump in when you got out. Relax.”

  Pointing to the towel rack, “Can you hand me that, please?”

  Laughing, Camryn says, “Don’t worry, you don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.”

  What did she just say? My blood is boiling now. A wave of possessiveness works its way through my body. I do not need a visual of her with another dude.

  Growling, I snatch the towel from her. Camryn hasn’t seen me naked in years. The time she did, I was thirteen or fourteen, at most.

  It was Christian and Camryn’s fourteenth birthday and they opted to have a Hawaiian Luau-themed pool party that year. When we all got there, Cami’s mom gave every one a lei around our neck as we walked out of the kitchen into the backyard. We all played in the pool, had races against each other, and played volleyball. Our dads were cooking on the two grills, while our moms were making sure everything ran smoothly with us kids.

  When it got dark out, the entire backyard was lit up with lights. There were tiki torches placed all around the backyard, palm trees that had lights wrapped around them and lanterns that were strung around the fence. Once all of us kids were fed, our parents went inside and left us alone. We didn’t need to be chaperoned. Christian had his stereo outside and was playing his CDs. Some of the kids were dancing around the pool, some were still in the pool, while others were playing night volleyball.

  Christian walked over to us while we were all sitting on the lounge chairs around the pool. “I have an idea, why don’t we go over by the shed, where mom and dad can’t see us and play truth or dare.”

  Cami immediately speaks up, “Are you insane? If mom and dad see us, they will never let us have another party here.”

  “That’s why I said, let’s go over by the shed. Just take your beach towels and lay them out on the grass. They won’t see what we are doing. Stop being a baby.”

  Camryn pushed Christian against his chest, “I’m not a baby. I’m the same age as you, you idiot.”

  Chuckling, I walked over and grabbed my towel and Cami’s towel. “Come on, Tink, just ignore him. It’ll be fun.”

  A group of about six go over by the shed and spread their towels out. Christian went into the house and came back out with a bottle of liquor, I guess he snuck it out of their cabinet. It’s not like we were planning on drinking it, we just needed the bottle.

  Christian spins the bottle first and it lands on Chelsea. Christian asks her, “Truth or dare?” Chelsea squirms in her seat, then answers, “Truth.”

  “Is it true that you have a crush on Jamieson?” What the heck? Where did that come from? Why is he putting me on the hot seat? There were a million questions he could have asked, and he had to ask that. Chelsea blushes answering quickly, “Yes.”

  The group all starts to hoot and holler. Chelsea spins the bottle and it lands on Morgan and she asks, “Truth or dare?”

  Morgan is brazen and she doesn’t have any secrets, so she chooses dare. Chelsea dares her to kiss Lincoln. I know for a fact that she likes Lincoln, but the two of them are just friends. They both say they are too young for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Lincoln leans into the circle and puckers his lips, making kissing noises at Morgan. When Morgan laughs at him, he acts like he is making out with her, sticking his tongue in and out of his mouth. “You’re gross, what are you doing. I hope when you kiss a girl, you don’t kiss like that,” Morgan says. She moves to the middle of the circle, and Lincoln moves in and kisses her on the lips softly and then pulls back and places another one on her forehead. He leans into her and says, “When I really kiss you, you’ll know it.” Morgan shoots Lincoln a dirty look and moves back to her towel. Lincoln spins the bottle and it lands on Camryn.

  Raising his eyebrows at her, “What’s it gonna be, baby girl, truth or dare?” Lincoln has called Camryn ‘baby girl’ since they met a few years ago. It’s not like he is older than her, we are all the same age, but he started calling her baby girl and it just stuck.

  Camryn looks around the group, trying to decide which is easier. I don’t think Lincoln would embarrass her that much, but Camryn doesn’t like people in her business, so I doubt she will pick truth. “Dare, but you better not make me eat something gross, Lincoln.”

  Laughing, Lincoln rubs his chin and looks directly at me. When he raises his eyebrows at me, I know I’m going to be part of Lincoln’s dare. He never takes his eyes off of me when he addresses Camryn, “I dare you to make out with Jamieson. I don’t mean a peck, or a kiss on the cheek, I mean a full-on kiss.”

  I never break eye contact with Lincoln, he knows I am going to beat the shit out of him when this is done. I can’t believe he put us on the spot like this in front of everyone. Everyone teases us that we like each other, but we’re just best friends. I have Cami’s back and she has mine. I get up and stand in the middle of the circle. Our friends were hooting, and chanting, ‘kiss him, kiss him’. Christian shushes the group, “Hey, keep it down, you’re gonna make our parents come out.”

  Camryn got up and came to stand with me in the middle. I took her hand, feeling her shaking. “Breathe, Tink. It’s just me.” I try to calm her down. I don’t know if she ever kissed a boy before. Not that I have kissed a ton of girls either, but I don’t want her to be embarrassed. Camryn squeezed my hand letting me know she’s listening to me. I placed my finger under her chin, gently guiding her to look me in the eyes. “I’m nervous too, but we’ll do this together, alright.”

  Camryn nodded her head and continued eyeing me. I was gonna have to talk her through this, so I placed my hands on the sides of her face. I leaned in and whispered, “I’m gonna kiss you. Just follow my lead and do what I do, okay.” She nodded her head again. It’s as if she couldn’t find the words to speak. Camryn closed her eyes, then I kissed her lips softly, once, twice, three times. I gently bit her bottom lip, then licked it slowly trying to soothe the sting. I kissed her lips again, this time moving my tongue across her lower lip. When she opened her mouth granting me access, my tongue moved slowly against hers. I tasted the grape soda that she was drinking just a little bit ago. Camryn moved her tongue against mine and mimicked my moves. She pulled away, kissing me tenderly. When she opened her eyes, I whispered against her lips, “Happy Birthday, Tink.”

  She cleared her throat, and whispered, “Thank you,” so only I could hear.

  When we both looked around after our kiss, everyone was staring at us. I walked back to my spot and sat down. Cami grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin. The bottle landed on me. Smiling at me, “Jamie, truth or dare?”

  “I’ll take the dare,” I say smugly. Camryn laughed, “I dare you to do a cannon ball in the pool.”

  I had this, “You got yourself a deal. I’ll even up your dare.” I jumped up, started running toward the pool while stripping out of my bathing suit, then I cannon balled naked into the pool. Everyone in the pool started screaming. Most of them jumped out of the pool. I was naked, I couldn’t get out of the pool, so I started swimming around talking to the few who stayed.

  Camryn walked over to the edge of the pool, holding my bathing suit in her hand. “I think you might need these. There is already one moon out tonight, we surely don’t need to see yours. Plus, your butt is Casper white, cover it up.”

  Laughing, I jumped out of the pool and snatched my swim trunks from her. She just stood there wide-eyed. I quickly put them on, then I looked at her “Pick your chin up, Cami, you’re gonna catch a few mosquitos. Tonight has been a night of firsts for you. You got your first kiss, and you saw your first naked boy. I’m glad both of those included me.” I leaned in and kissed her on her cheek and jogged off toward the house.

  I know Camryn isn’t a virgin, but I do not nee
d a visual of her being with another guy. When I have the towel wrapped securely around my waist, I pull the shower curtain back. Camryn pulls the hairband from her ponytail and fluffs her hair. She is killing me.

  I ache to touch her. I need her like the air I breathe. I’m a selfish bastard. I want to own her, claim her as mine. I know she is my best friend, but I want so much more from her.

  I step out of the shower, grab my clothes and leave the bathroom. Camryn shuts the door behind me and I hear the water start to run again. I throw on my shorts then stick my head in Christian’s room. Noticing he is sound asleep, I shut the door connecting the two rooms, hoping to talk to Cami tonight about how I feel.

  I grab the remote control for the television and put on ESPN to catch the highlights from today’s football games and hop in bed. I prop the pillow behind me, so I’m sitting up. I hear the water shut off, but Cami doesn’t come out right away. I hear the blow dryer, so she must be drying her hair. When she finishes, she comes out in a pair of tiny pajama shorts and a tank top. It’s obvious she doesn’t have a bra on, as her nipples perk up when her warm body hits the AC temp of the room.

  I pull the covers back, patting the bed next to me. Camryn stops dead in her tracks and stares at me. She doesn’t move, she just keeps looking between the bed and me. I give her a look as if saying ‘come on’. Seeing my facial expression, Cami rolls her eyes. “Don’t be weird, Camryn. We have slept together a thousand times before. This isn’t any different.”

  Cami points at me. My eyebrows raise immediately silently asking, “What?”

  “You’re naked in my bed. I am not getting in bed with you naked.”

  A deep laugh escapes me. “I am not naked, Cami. I have shorts on. I’m not sleeping with a shirt on. Get your sweet little ass over here. You’ve seen me without a shirt before.”

  Cami looks nervous, but she climbs in bed next to me. She grabs her two pillows and positions them behind her, so she can lean against them. Once she’s settled, she turns to look at me. “Things are different, Jamie. For one, we kissed. Two, things seem like they are changing between us. Last week, when we danced together, it felt different. My body felt things that it has never felt before. The way the two of us have been flirting, it’s different than it was before. I feel like there is meaning behind it. Hidden meanings.”


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