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Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)

Page 26

by H. P. Davenport

  Before I can even answer his question, he captures my hand and leads me to the dance floor. Jamie sees me with Lincoln and nods his head. Lincoln grabs my hips, pulling me close to him. I throw my head back and laugh. This is the side of Lincoln that I don’t get to see often. The happy-go-lucky, carefree side. Usually when he is here at the bar or at the club, he is in business mode, always making sure everything runs smoothly.

  I throw my arms around Lincoln’s neck as my hips move to the beat. We take turns singing the lyrics to each other. The facial expressions that Lincoln is making are cracking me up. With each line he sings, he raises his eyebrows at me signaling for me to sing the next. He is really into this song. I throw my hands above my head, moving them to the tempo of the song.

  Jamie is working the crowd in front of the stage. The thump of Isaac’s drum is all you can hear as it echoes throughout the entire club. When Jamie reaches the chorus, he holds the mic stand over the crowd and they all begin to sing. Parker is behind Jamie clapping his hands above his head. The crowd follows him. I look around the dance floor and everyone has their hands above their heads clapping and singing along.

  This is definitely a crowd favorite. I think almost everyone in the club is up on their feet dancing.

  I make eye contact with Jamie, he smiles and winks at me. I’m sure he was nervous about me coming here tonight. Seeing me having a great time with our friends probably helps ease his fear as well, which I am glad. I didn’t want him to worry about me when he was on stage.

  I see Morgan working her way through the crowd. When she reaches us, she pulls me into her and starts dancing with me.

  Lincoln leans down, placing a kiss on my cheek, “I got some shit to take care of. Thanks for letting loose for just a few minutes with me.”

  I pull him in for a hug. “I needed a good night out, thanks for making me laugh my ass off at you. I loved your rendition of the song.”

  “Anytime, baby girl, you know I love to see you smile.” Before he turns to walk away, I notice the look that passes between him and Morgan. Huh, what was that look about? I’ll have to make a mental note to ask her what’s going on between the two of them.

  I spot Lindsey and Karsen half way through the first set. After dancing several songs, we head over to the table to grab a drink.

  The lights in the club dim, with one light focusing on Jamie. He lifts the hem of his shirt, wiping the sweat from his face. I see his perfect abs glistening from his exertion. The girls in the front hoot and holler when he lifts his shirt. He laughs at them, shaking his head in amusement.

  “I want to wish my beautiful girlfriend a Happy New Year’s. This year will be better than the last. I promise. His voice, deep and sensual, sends a ripple of awareness through me. His gaze roams and lazily appraises me. The heat in his eyes makes me squirm in my seat.

  I blow a kiss to Jamie, which he pretends to catch, then touches his lips with his fingers.

  Jamie starts performing One Life by Boyce Avenue. He knows this is my favorite band, so I give him my undivided attention, my eyes focusing solely on him while he performs.

  The lights on the stage go black for a brief moment. A spotlight appears on Jamie, and a second spotlight appears off toward the side of the stage.

  Oh, my God . . . the lead singer of Boyce Avenue, Alejandro Manzano, steps out on stage. I cannot believe what my eyes are seeing. The lead singer of Boyce Avenue is walking across the stage with a mic in his hand singing along with my boyfriend. No way.

  The two begin rotating verses. Jamie walks over toward the side of the stage where I’m now on my feet, lifting his brows at me as if saying, do you see this?

  When the song ends, the rest of the Boyce Avenue band members come out on stage. The members of Side Effects leave the stage. Jamie introduces the rest of Boyce Avenue to the crowd and cheers erupt around me.

  I am stunned when he tells us that Boyce Avenue is taking over the rest of the set and he has a hot date to get to. Jamie jumps down from the stage, making his way over to me. Before he even makes it to me, I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Jamie hoists my legs around his waist. I kiss my man with everything I have.

  Jamie squeezes my ass, making me remember that we are in the middle of the club, surrounded by thousands of people, even our friends.

  “Hey, get a room,” I hear my brother yell at us.

  “Zip it, dude, she’s mine. You better get used to seeing me with your sister,” Jamie says to Christian.

  “Yeah, yeah, don’t remind me. Just remember, she’s still my sister. I will still kick your ass if you hurt her,” Christian says.

  I place my hands on Jamie’s cheeks bringing his attention back to me and ask, “How did you pull this off?”

  “Your brother and I have been in the studio with them this week. I asked for a favor and they were more than happy to comply when I told them that they were your favorite band, well besides, Side Effects,” he says the last part jokingly.

  “You are my favorite, babe. But they do come in a close second.”

  Jamie places me on the stool, then stands behind me. “Sit back and enjoy the show, babe. After their set, I have a surprise for you.”

  I tilt my body, so I can see Jamie over my shoulder. “You know how much I love surprises.”

  “Yes, I do. Sit and enjoy the show. It’s not every day your man has Boyce Avenue come to perform just for you.”

  For the next hour, I sit on the stool with Jamie’s arms wrapped around my shoulders. Boyce Avenue closes out their set with Keep Holding On. Jamie leans down and I feel his breath on my neck as he sings the words of the song in my ear.

  As I lean back against his chest, I know there isn’t one thing he wouldn’t do for me. His love is unconditional. I am where I belong. Right here with Jamie . . . my Jamie.

  Once Boyce Avenue wrapped things up on stage, Jamie leads me outside to a cab that’s waiting for us. The temperature has dropped since we arrived at Redemption. Our breaths leave white puffs of air hanging in front of us. I wouldn’t be surprised if it snows tonight.

  Jamie opens the door, gesturing for me to hop in. “My dear, your chariot awaits you.”

  I get into the cab, sliding across the seat. I rub my hands together trying to get warm. Once Jamie is in, he places his arm across my shoulder, pulling me into his side. I snuggle up against him, placing my cheek on his chest.

  Jamie moves his hand up and down my arm while we travel to the unknown destination. I am trying to figure out where we are going by keeping an eye on my surroundings. The cab stops on the East Side of Central Park on 62nd Street.

  Jamie pulls out some money to pay the driver and gets out first, holding the door for me. He leans into the cab and tells the driver something, but I can’t hear him.

  “I thought we were going to dinner?” I ask.

  “Change in plans,” Jamie takes my hand, entwining our fingers together. We enter Central Park and I am taken aback. All of the trees are lit with white lights, making it look like a winter wonderland. Jamie and I walk hand in hand until we reach a bench by the rink.

  With its romantic backdrop, Wollman Rink puts us beneath the magical New York City skyline and its twinkling lights of the night.

  There are two sets of ice skates sitting there. When I look at Jamie he has a mischievous grin on his face. “What?” he asks.

  “We’re gonna ice skate, in the middle of the night, on New Year’s Eve at Central Park?”

  “Skating on Wollman Rink is a winter tradition for us. We did it every year growing up. Come on, I’ll help you lace them up.”

  I sit on the bench and take my heels off. I am not dressed to go ice skating. Thank God my coat is long enough in case I fall. I slip my foot in the skate and Jamie laces it up tight for me. He repeats the process with my other foot. Once I am laced and ready to go, I stand on my blades with wobbly knees. I haven’t skated here in years . . . maybe since high school, if I remember correctly.

  Jamie g
ets suited up with his own skates, and he takes my hand, leading us to the rink. He is a natural on the ice, whereas I seem to have shaky legs tonight. I grip the side of the rink, helping hold myself up.

  We start slow. Once I feel steady on my feet, I let go of Jamie’s hand. He spins and begins to skate backwards, keeping his eyes on me. Jamie has always been a good ice skater, even when we were little. I find a rhythm on the ice finally and pick up some speed.

  There are tiny snowflakes falling from the sky. I skate over towards the wall. Once I reach it, I tilt my head back and I stick out my tongue to taste the snowflakes.

  Jamie skates over to me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. He hoists my body up and I wrap my legs around his waist. Jamie starts to skate with me attached to him. I tighten my grip around his neck so I don’t fall. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll never let you fall,” he whispers in his husky voice.

  Snow falls lightly from the sky, blanketing the grass and ground around us. It’s a picture perfect wonderland. We skate around the rink a few times, until he gently lets me down. We make our way back over to the bench.

  Jamie squats down in front of me, on one knee to remove my foot from the skate. A touch of snow falls on Jamie’s hair and water droplets glisten on his face. The snow covers everything around us. It’s like our own personal snow globe, like when you tilt it upside down and everything turns white. I turn to grab my shoe and when I look back, he has a ring box in his hand. His handsome face is kindled with a sort of passionate beauty.

  My hand immediately covers my mouth. Jamie has a huge smile on his face. He removes my hand from my mouth, bringing them together and covering both of them with his own.

  “When I look at you, I see my future staring back at me. You are the love of my life . . . you are my life. No one compares to you, Camryn. Your fingerprints are all over my heart because you have touched me in so many ways. Love is just a word without meaning till the right person comes along and changes everything. You are my everything. I love you more than I can ever describe. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Not just as my best friend or my love, but as my wife. Will you take this journey with me? Will you marry me, Camryn Elizabeth Townsend?” The warmth of his smile echoes in his voice.

  Tears stream down my face. I attempt to wipe them, but they continue to fall quicker than I can wipe them away.

  “Yes . . . I’ve always been yours.”

  He takes my left hand, placing the three-stone, princess-cut diamond engagement ring on my finger. The band has additional princess-cut diamonds lining the shank.

  My ring is absolutely gorgeous. I drop to my knees, throwing myself against his chest. The force of my actions makes Jamie lose his balance falling backwards into the light coating of snow that layers the ground.

  I cup his face with my hands, “I would love nothing better than to me Mrs. Camryn Elizabeth Banks.”

  When I pull back to look at Jamie’s face. I see the boy who I have spent my entire life chasing. The boy who has been by my side for every milestone in my life. He was my date for the homecoming dance, we went to our junior and senior proms together. He held my hand before I boarded the plane to head off to California by myself for college. There isn’t a moment in my life that Jamie wasn’t there for me . . . not a moment he wasn’t with me. As I look at the man before me, I know I was meant to spend my life with him. He’s the boy I had my first kiss with, and he will be the man who takes my last.


  I OPEN MY apartment door, then kick it shut with my boot. I pick Camryn up by her waist, and she wraps her legs tightly around me. I carry her to my bedroom that is illuminated with candles placed all around. Rose petals are sprinkled in a path from my door to my bed. There are vases of stargazer lilies and Gerbera daisies, Camryn’s two favorite flowers, on my dresser and on the nightstand.

  I spoke to Morgan earlier in the week to fill her in on my plans after I asked Camryn’s parents for permission to marry her. Morgan was a huge help tonight. I gave her my apartment key before we left Redemption so she could get things set up for our arrival.

  Camryn breaks the kiss when we enter my room, seeing the room lit by candlelight. Her eyes begin to fill with tears. She looks at me with wonder and awe. There is no doubt by looking at her, she truly loves and adores me.

  “Oh, my goodness, Jamie,” she says, her hand covering her mouth. “How did you do this?”

  I turn Camryn around, pulling her back against my chest so she can take in the ambience of the room. I wanted to make tonight special. My girl deserves special.

  “I wanted to make tonight a night that you will never forget.” I whisper against her ear, kissing her favorite spot, just below her ear. I suck her earlobe into my mouth, then nibble on it before I release it.

  A soft moan escapes her. Cami’s body shivers. I turn her in my arms, guiding her backwards towards the bed until the back of her thighs hit the mattress.

  I find the zipper on the back of her dress, pulling it down ever so slowly. My hands push the dress off her shoulders, revealing her soft skin as the dress falls and pools at her feet. She stands before me in black lacy underwear with a matching bra. I gaze at her realizing I need to touch her more than I need to stare at her right now. I unclasp her bra, sliding the straps off her shoulders, then toss it on the chair.

  She goes to kick off her shoes. “Leave the heels. Those fuck me heels are exactly what I intend to do.”

  I tug her panties down her legs and spread her thighs apart where I can see how aroused she is. I slip my finger in.

  Camryn tries to close her legs. “Relax, baby. It’s just me and you,” I say. I hear her take a deep breath and let it out.

  I move my finger inside her, hitting the spot within her that she loves. The spot that causes her to grip onto me so tight like there’s no place else she’d rather be and no one else she’d rather be doing this with.

  Her hands caress the length of my back.

  The warmth of her soft skin is intoxicating. I withdraw my finger slowly. I’m not letting her come yet.

  I cup her face with one hand and the other goes to her hip, “Tink, I love you.”

  She leans up on her tiptoes, touching my lips with hers. “I love you too.”

  “Lie down, baby.”

  Gently I ease her down on the bed. She shimmies herself back towards my pillow and leans up on her elbows, watching me undress. I pull my shirt over my head, tossing it on the chair, then unbutton my jeans, pulling them and my boxers off quickly. “I could have helped you undress,” she says seductively, biting her lower lip.

  “I’m going to worship you tonight. I intend to lick every inch of my fiancé’s body. I want the neighbors to know you’re mine as you are screaming my name.”

  Her wetness coats my finger immediately when I slide it through her silky folds. Slowly, I move my finger over her clit, making her hips jerk up from the bed. I spread her folds with my fingers, putting her on display for me.

  My dick is hard as steel and is aching to be inside her. But I want to make her come before I make love to her. I want to make sure she is ready for me. So, I slowly add another finger and begin to move them in a scissor motion, stretching her out.

  Camryn moans my name, “Jamie . . .” Her hands grab my hair, pulling on it roughly. She is tugging it harder with every whimper escaping her lips. My dick hardens the more she doesn't hold back and shows me what she wants.

  The need to taste her is overwhelming.

  Camryn cries out when I suck on her nub, lightly nibbling on it. Her hips grind against my face in a slow motion. She arches her back from the bed when I stick my tongue in her opening after I remove my finger. She pulls against my head, pulling me closer to where she wants me. I continue my assault on her, licking, and sucking.

  I look up and see Camryn’s head thrown back against the pillow. The sheets are fisted in her hands. “Do you like what I’m doing?” I ask.

  She simply nods her head. “Yes . . . Yes, I love what you are doing. Please, don’t stop. You’re gonna make me come.” She pants out between breaths.

  “Tell me what you want, Cami. Do you want me to keep eating your pussy until you come, or do you want me inside of you?”

  “Make me come, then I want you inside me. Don’t stop . . . Keep doing what you’re doing.” My girl is greedy, she wants it all.

  A moan of ecstasy slips through her lips as I do what she begs for. Every muscle in her body tenses. Her thighs grip my head like a vice as she pulls my hair roughly. She screams my name out as her orgasm hits.

  I gently lick her sensitive clit as her body still trembles from her orgasm. When Camryn’s breathing evens out, I slowly make my way up her body. Kissing a path from her navel to her breasts. Gently, I capture her nipple between my teeth, tugging on it. Sucking it into my mouth.

  Her body tingles from my touch as goosebumps form on her skin.

  My tongue circles the rose-colored nipple that is swollen from arousal. Camryn grabs my face, pulling me toward her. She crushes her mouth against mine, her tongue sending shivers of desire racing through me. I grind my dick against her core.

  “I can taste myself on your lips.” Her lips brush against mine as she speaks.

  “I love the way you taste. You’re so sweet, I could lick you all day.” My last words were smothered by her lips. Her tongue traces my lips, making me growl.

  “I need you inside me, Jamie. I want you to make love to me . . . now.”

  “Your wish is my command. I’ll never deny you anything, baby.” I rub the head of my dick against her entrance, teasing her. She is so wet. So ready for me.


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