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The Pandemic Century

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by The Pandemic Century- One Hundred Years of Panic, Hysteria

  public attitudes toward, 198

  sexual transmission of, 197, 199, 217–18

  simian versions of, 226–27, 229–30

  spillover mechanism from simian to human populations, 226–27

  stigmatization of people with, 211, 214–15, 217, 218–21

  transmission of, 197, 199, 212, 214–18, 220–21, 222, 232, 402n

  worldwide spread of, 221

  air conditioning systems, 183–85, 189–91, 256, 362

  Aldershot, England, 23

  All People’s Congress Party, 297

  Altino Ventura, 354–56, 357

  alveolar macrophages, 185

  alveoli, 20, 185

  American Expeditionary Force, 18, 25, 29

  American Hospital in Paris, 212

  American Legion. See Legionnaires’ disease

  American Medical Association, 213

  American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 305

  American Weekly, 106, 107

  amniotic fluid, 333–34

  amoeba, 183–84, 185

  Amoy Gardens, 254–55, 262n, 266, 268, 270

  amyl nitrate inhalers, 196, 217–18, 398n

  anal sex, unprotected, 199

  Anderson, Henry “Shorty,” 106, 120–22, 126

  Anderson, Roy, 275

  A/New Jersey/76, 154

  animals, as disease vectors, 13, 41–42, 362–64, 364n, 366, 391n, 404n. See also specific diseases

  AIDS/HIV and, 226–27, 229–30, 232, 234–35

  Ebola and, 277–78, 282, 285, 315–16

  Legionnaire’s disease and, 155

  plague and, 71–101

  psittacosis and, 121n, 133–44, 394n

  SARS and, 243–47, 260, 270–72

  Zika and, 320–21, 325–27, 334, 339–41, 344, 349–51, 349n, 359–60, 359n

  Annapolis, Maryland, 103, 108, 109, 117

  anomalies, 37

  anthrax, 14, 39

  post-9/11 mailings, 273, 407n

  vaccines against, 7

  antibiotics, 9, 142, 164, 188, 190, 235, 365–66. See also specific antibiotics

  discovery of new, 149

  drug-resistant microbes and, 365–66

  era before, 47

  antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), 60, 347–48

  antibody reactions, 259

  “antigentic drift,” 55

  antiretroviral drugs, 200, 226, 403n

  antiwar movement, 169–70

  arboviruses, 319–24, 326, 330–31, 335, 359

  Argentina, 106–8

  Argentine National Health Board (Asistencia Publica), 107, 114

  Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 55, 109, 405–6n

  Armstrong, Charlie, 105–6, 115–17, 118, 120–24, 126, 132, 138–39

  Asheville, North Carolina, 31–33


  Asian financial crisis of 1998, 266

  mega-cities in, 362

  Zika in, 326–27

  “Asian flu,” 56, 245

  Associated Press, 82

  AIDS panic and, 213

  Ebola and, 296

  “parrot fever” pandemic 1929–1930 and, 138

  Athenians, 14

  Athens, Greece, plague of, 14, 362

  Atlanta, Georgia, 300, 302, 303

  the Atlanticos, 95

  Attaran, Amir, 340

  Aureomycin, 142

  Avery, Oswald, 22, 35–36, 37, 149

  avian influenza, 4, 10, 55–56, 243–48, 250, 257, 274, 284, 367, 381–82n

  of 1997, 4, 254

  H5N1 virus, 59, 405n

  “multiple reassortants” of, 247

  unusual pathology in young adults, 245–46

  avian viruses, mutations of, 245–46

  avirulence, survival strategy of, 30

  Ayer, Massachusetts, 17–18, 19, 28, 33, 47

  Aylward, Bruce, 308

  Ayres, Constância, 350–51, 352

  AZT, 212, 226, 403n

  Bachmann, Leonard, 155

  Bacillus influenzae, 26–27, 34, 35–38, 36–39, 40, 42, 43, 48–49, 58, 113

  Bacillus psittacosis, 112–13, 126

  bacteria. See specific kinds of bacteria

  bacterial infections, 7, 8. See also specific diseases

  bacterial paradigm, 39, 45

  bacteriology, 5, 37–38, 165

  Bagley, Desmond, 182

  Bahia, Brazil, 319–20, 323

  Baize, Sylvain, 283

  Baltimore, David, 203–4

  Baltimore, Maryland, “parrot fever” pandemic of 1929–1930 in, 117–19, 363

  Baltimore American, 106–7

  Baltimore Sun, 109

  Bantu, 224

  Bantu huntsmen, 226

  Barbados, yellow fever in, 359

  Barber, M. A., 78

  Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise, 206, 209

  Barry, John, 31, 381–82n

  Batchelder, Roger, 18, 19

  bathhouses, 199, 217, 218

  B cells, 201

  Bedson, Samuel, 126

  Beecham, Jim, 151

  behavioral factors, 8–9, 189. See also specific diseases

  Beijing, China, SARS and, 273

  Belgian Congo, 229–30

  Belgium, 231

  Beliavsky, Mikhail Edouardovich, 384n

  Bellevue Medical College, 32

  Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, 145–47, 155, 187, 395n

  air conditioning system in, 161–63, 172–73, 186, 189

  American Legion convention in, 156, 157–58

  closing of, 170

  investigation of, 157

  pigeon roosts at, 164

  water supply of, 161–62, 172, 186

  Benidorm, Spain, Legionnaires’ disease in, 182

  Bennett, John V., 172, 181

  Berlin Zoo, 126

  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 351, 366

  biohazard suits, 290

  Biosafety Level Four facilities, 59, 127

  biostatistics, 152

  bird breeding industry, 133–40, 142, 144

  Bird Dealers Association of America, 128–29

  bird flu. See avian influenza

  bird seed, medicated, 142

  Birmingham, England, “parrot fever” pandemic 1929–1930 in, 108

  “Black Death,” 69, 80, 387n

  “Black Plague,” 89

  Blake, Francis G., 22, 27–28

  “blind spot,” immunological, 60

  blood banks, 199

  blood donors, 222

  blood supply, 212, 220

  blood transfusions, 214, 220

  blood transfusion services, 199

  Bloomberg Philanthropies, 366

  Blue, Rupert, 71–74, 92, 96

  B lymphocytes, 194

  Boa Viagem, Brazil, 357–60

  “bodily fluids,” euphemism of, 213–14

  body suits, 127

  Bogen, Emil, 65–66, 80, 85–86

  Boise, Idaho, “parrot fever” pandemic 1929–1930 in, 137–39

  “Bombali virus,” 364n

  Bonham, George, 239

  Borah, Mrs. William E., 137–39

  Borah, William E., 137–39

  Bordeaux, France, US Army hospital in, 25

  Boston, Massachusetts, 29, 47–48

  botulism, heat sterilization and, 135

  bovine pleuropneumonia, 41

  Bozeman, Marilyn, 181–82

  Brantly, Kent, 300, 302, 303

  Brazil, 108

  arboviruses in, 319–24

  cholera in, 319

  dengue in, 322

  favelas and urban slums in, 317–18

  fumigation brigades in, 340–41

  Ministry of Health, 319, 320, 328, 331, 332, 333, 343, 345, 357

  Olympic Games in, 335–36, 338–41

  Zika in, 3, 317–20, 323–24, 328–34, 338–60

  Brest, France, 25

  Briand, Sylvie, 297

  Brigham Hospital, 35, 36

  British Army, “Spanish flu�
�� in, 23–24, 26

  Brito, Carlos, 319–20, 322–25, 328–34, 331–32, 333, 334, 343–44, 344, 348

  Brito, Celina, 348

  Brito, Lucia, 328–29, 330

  bronchitis, 23

  bronchopneumonia, 20, 21–22, 34, 57–58, 148

  Brualla, Medardo, 67

  Brugière, Frédéric, 208n

  Brussels, Belgium, 4, 214, 413n

  bubonic plague, 68–69, 70, 75, 77–78, 78, 97n, 100–101, 387n

  first pandemic (541–750), 70

  in Hong Kong, China, 239

  second pandemic (1347–1353), 70

  Buenos Aires, Argentina, 108

  built environment, changes to, 187, 362

  Bundibugyo ebolavirus, 286, 287

  Bureau of Animal Industry and Biological Survey, 118

  Bureau of Communicable Diseases, 119

  burial rituals, 14, 98, 287–89, 293–94, 296, 308, 310, 314

  Burke, Donald, 330

  Burkitt’s lyphoma, 203, 221

  Burlington, Vermont, Legionnaires’ disease in, 182

  Burnet, Frank Macfarlane, 61, 141–44, 380n, 394n

  Burnett, Alfredo, 87

  Bush administration, 251

  bushmeat, 227, 232, 287, 289, 314

  bush spirits, 287

  butyl nitrate inhalers, 196, 217–18

  Califano, Joseph, Jr., 177


  bird breeding industry in, 133–38, 139–40, 142, 144

  California State Board of Health, 71, 76, 82, 89, 92, 97, 134–35

  California State Department of Public Health, 135

  “parrot fever” pandemic 1929–1930 in, 133–38

  Cameroon, 226, 229, 230, 231

  Camp Devens, 18–20, 28, 30–31, 33, 35, 44, 46–47, 47, 49, 58–59

  Camp Funston, 18, 24–25, 27–28, 30, 381–82n

  Camp Pike, Arkansas, 28

  Camp Wheeler, 22, 31

  Camus, Albert, 52, 86, 95, 368


  Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), 257

  Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED), 257

  SARS in, 249–50, 256, 260, 263–65, 273

  Canal do Arruda, 353

  cancer, as metaphor, 210

  candidiasis, 196, 198, 233. See also thrush

  the Caribbean. See also specific countries

  AIDS in, 220

  Zika in, 339

  Carlos Chagas Institute, 328

  Carrier Company, 189

  Carter, Jimmy, 177

  CD4 cells, 193–94, 195, 196, 200, 201–2, 206, 216, 363

  CD8 “killer” cells, 193–94, 201

  cellular genomes, 203–4

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9–10, 172, 175, 198, 396n

  AIDS and, 198, 200, 211, 212, 213, 215–16, 220–21

  criticized by Murphy, 169–70

  Ebola and, 222, 290, 300, 306–8, 312–13

  Emerging Infectious Diseases, 283

  Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), 150–54, 158, 163, 170, 182, 195, 253, 290

  flu immunization campaign and, 177–78

  “fowl plague” and, 244

  hepatitis B study, 216–17

  HIV and, 222

  Legionnaires’ disease and, 149–52, 154–56, 160, 165–67, 169, 170–73, 178–81, 183, 185–86, 188

  Los Angeles cluster study, 215–16, 218, 219

  Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 180–81, 197, 206, 215

  SARS and, 261, 405n

  Special Pathogens Branch, 152

  STDs and, 196–97, 216, 363

  stores for serum from unsolved outbreaks, 181

  Task Force on Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infections, 217, 218

  use of term GRID, 220–21

  Zika and, 326–27, 337, 340, 342

  certainty, 37

  Chamberlain, Charles, 40, 148

  Chamberland filters, 40–41, 43, 126

  Chan, Margaret, 253, 266, 277, 297, 303–4, 334, 335, 336, 338

  Chan, Priscilla, 366

  Chandler, Harry, 65

  Chan Kwok Hung, 258

  Chan Ying-piu, 258

  charcoal yeast agar, 186

  CHAT, 225

  Chatham House’s Center on Global Health Security, 336

  Chelsea Naval Hospital, 29

  Chemin de Fer Congo-Ocean railroad, 230

  Chen, Johnny, 250, 256, 362

  Chesney, Alan M., 25–26

  Chicago, Illinois, 49, 215

  chick embryo cultivation, 46, 46n, 61

  chicken cholera, 39, 178, 396n

  chicken sarcoma, 204

  chikungunya, 319, 320, 322, 323, 326, 359n


  AIDS and, 212, 213

  Zika and, 331, 332–34, 337–39, 341, 343–49, 353–54, 357

  Chile, Zika in, 327–28

  China, 243–48

  avian influenza in, 284, 367

  farming patterns in, 240–41

  plague in, 77–78

  quarantines in, 273

  SARS in, 243–58, 260, 261, 262, 266–70, 273–74

  secrecy about SARS outbreak, 273–74

  chlamydia, 111, 164, 248

  Chlamydophila psittaci, 111, 150, 154

  cholera, 62, 335. See also chicken cholera

  in Brazil, 319

  in Hong Kong, China, 239

  vaccines against, 5, 7, 37

  in Yemen, 342

  CIA, 155, 393n

  civets, 270–72

  civil rights movement leaders, assassinations of, 170

  Clara Street, Los Angeles, 63–64, 66, 67, 81, 87, 93, 94

  climate and climate change, 317–60

  Ebola and, 316

  legionellosis and, 190–91

  Legionnaires’ disease and, 186

  pandemics and, 78–79, 97

  plague and, 78–79, 97, 101, 387n

  Zika and, 346–47

  CNN, 266

  Cole, Rufus, 22, 31, 33–34, 35, 36, 37

  Coles, A. C., 127

  Colombia, Zika in, 334

  colonialism, 199, 227–28, 229, 230

  commensal bacteria, 12–13, 58

  commercial sex workers, 222

  Communist Party, SARS and, 273

  “community of pariahs,” 211

  complacency, threat of, 275

  Conakry, Freetown, 4, 278, 284, 292, 312–13, 315

  Condé, Alpha, 312

  confinement, contagion and, 14 (see also overcrowding)

  congenital Zika syndrome (CZS), 333, 333n, 347, 353–56

  the Congo, 226. See also Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); Republic of the Congo

  Congo-Brazzaville, 229, 230

  conspiracy theories, 81, 155, 206. See also specific diseases

  Conteh, Aniru, 295

  contraception, 356–57

  Coolidge, Calvin, 96

  Copeland, Royal S., 47, 48

  Cordoba, Argentina, 107, 108

  coronaviruses, 10, 10n, 260–62, 267–68, 270–71, 274, 284, 408–9n

  Corrego do Jenipapo, Brazil, 351

  Costello, Mary, 87

  Côte d’Ivoire, 281, 282, 285

  Côte d’Ivoire ebolavirus, 286

  Coxiella burnetti, 154–55, 166–68

  C. Quinquefasciatus, 349–51

  Craven, Robert, 150–51, 154

  Creel, Richard H., 92

  Crosby, Alfred, 363

  Cross, Billy, 170, 394–95n

  Cryer, George, 84, 89–90, 96

  Culex mosquito, 349–51

  cultural causes and factors, 12–14, 98, 361. See also specific diseases

  culture-staining techniques, 37, 48–49, 178, 179, 186, 188, 200, 205, 206, 208, 258–59, 379n, 396n

  Cumming, Hugh S., 81, 92, 94–96, 105, 109, 117, 118

  Curran, James, 193, 197–98, 215, 216

  cyanosis, 23–24, 31, 46–47, 51, 59, 66, 67, 84, 381–82n

  cytokines, 59

  “cytokine storm,” 59, 405n

  cytomegalovirus (CMV), 195, 196, 217, 398n

  Daily Mirror, 214

  Dallas, Texas, Ebola in, 4, 311–12,


  Dallas Presbyterian Hospital, 311

  Darrow, William, 216, 218–19

  Da Silva, Hector, 355

  Da Silva, Joane, 355

  Da Silva, Marcilio, 355

  Da Silveiro, Paulinho, 353

  Daszak, Peter, 272

  Davis, David J., 38

  Davis, Mike, 241

  Day, Jason, 339

  De Cock, Kevin, 308

  Dehner, George, 177–78

  de Kruif, Paul, 103, 106, 113–14, 116, 117, 120, 121, 123, 130–31, 391n

  deltamethrin, 327

  Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 13, 226, 229–30, 231, 281, 286, 289–90, 364. See also Republic of the Congo

  dengue, 319, 320, 321–22, 326, 329, 330–31, 335, 347, 347–48, 351

  Denver, Colorado, AIDS in, 220

  deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 45, 54, 203–4, 224

  Devens, Charles, 18

  Deverell, William, 71, 85

  Di Bortoli, 75–76, 80

  dibromohydroxymercurifluorescein, 87n

  Dick, George W. A., 325, 349

  Dickie, William, 82, 84–85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98–99

  Dieterle’s stain, 396n

  diphtheria, 7

  disease causation, 5–7, 12–13, 216–17. See also etiology; specific diseases

  diseases. See also specific diseases

  confinement and, 14

  culpability ascribed for, 211

  multidrug-resistant diseases, 365

  multifactorial models of disease, 216–17

  disease transmission, 14. See also specific diseases

  “Disease X,” 365–66

  Dolan, Jimmy, 158–59

  Dolan, Richard, 158–59

  Donka Hospital, 312

  Dos Santos, Claudia Nunes Duarte, 328

  Dos Santos, David Henrique, 355–56

  Dos Santos, Mylene Helena, 355–56

  “double pneumonia,” 63, 65

  doxycycline, 149

  dread, 11

  “Dr. Ebola,” 288–89

  drug-resistant microbes, 365–66

  drugs, for Ebola, 314–15, 414n. See also specific drugs and kinds of drugs

  drug use, 217–18

  Dubos, René, 9, 12, 149, 234, 317, 365

  Duesberg, Peter, 225, 226, 403n

  Dugas, Gaetan, 215–16, 218–20, 233

  Duncan, Thomas, 311–12, 413n

  Duvalier, François, 232

  Dylan, Bob, 170, 394–95n

  East Coast Fever, 129

  Ebola, 3, 10, 11–13, 191, 222–23, 226, 232, 257, 277–316, 282, 328, 335, 361, 363–64

  airlifting of health care workers and, 299

  as Black Swan event, 313

  climate and, 316

  contagiousness of, 280, 305

  control measures for, 289, 290–92, 295–96, 301, 306, 308–10, 313, 314–15

  cultural causes and factors, 14, 287–89, 293–94, 296, 308–10, 314

  declared a pheic, 297, 304


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