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Paranormal Talent Agency Episodes 4-6

Page 15

by Heather Silvio

  “Do you know where that human was going with those questions?”

  No social niceties, I saw. “I don’t. She exposed aspects of the supernatural underworld last year. And as she mentioned, she does that weekly show. That’s all I know.”

  Mark remained silent. I waited him out. “I wasn’t expecting those,” he finally admitted.

  “That was obvious.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “You covered well though. After.”

  “Thanks for throwing me a bone.”

  “I’m not your cheerleader.”

  “Definitely not.” He chuckled. “You know you’re in more danger now.”

  My attention sharpened. “What do you mean?”

  “Even if they didn’t watch, I’m sure word will get to that acting group quickly.”


  “They’ll think you lied to them about me dropping out of the race.”

  “In point of fact, I did lie to them,” I responded with a laugh. “I’m not worried. They’ll more likely just think you lied to me. Not that I lied to them.”

  “What if you’re wrong?”

  “What’s the worst they can do?”

  “Olivia can send you to Hell.”

  “For lying?”

  “For evidence that you’re connected to me, a killer.”

  “Right.” I frowned. “What do you suggest?”

  “Strike first.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Take care of Liam and Olivia.”

  I was sure I misheard him. “Did you just say I should kill Liam and Olivia?”

  He ignored my question. “Certain steps need to be taken to secure our future.”

  “Don’t you think that’s a bit of jumping the shark?”

  I heard the grin in his voice. “This isn’t a television show, so I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  At least he understood my reference, I groused silently. “Still, it seems unnecessarily dramatic,” I argued.

  “Do what you want, of course. But, if I’m right…” He trailed off to allow me to fill in the blanks.

  “Fine, I’ll do it.”

  “I’m on my way.”


  “Just in case you need me.”

  “Why would I need you?”

  “What if one of them tries something? Don’t you want back up?”

  “Fine,” I agreed wearily. “Let’s get this over with.”

  The call disconnected and I stewed in my uncertainty. Was this the right choice? I was a demon after all. Isn’t this what we did? Frankly, it was amazing I had made it hundreds of years without killing anyone. Of course, that was because of the power of my premonitions. I frowned and dialed Liam’s number. In an hour this would all be over.


  I swung my door open and glared at Mark. He sauntered past me like he owned the place. His overconfidence rankled.

  “Make yourself at home.”

  “I will.”

  I followed him to the living room and we stood next to the couch. His eyes cut to the revolver on the coffee table and he cocked an eyebrow.

  “I decided to go old school,” I answered his unasked question with a shrug. Inside, my heart was racing. I could still call this off.

  He nodded. “That’ll work. Enchanted bullets, I assume?”

  “I’ve had them on hand for years. Never thought I’d actually use them,” I answered, though the latter seemed directed more at myself.

  “I like it. We can concoct a story about them breaking in and you shooting them in self-defense.” He looked around the room. “I’ll wait in the bedroom, just in case you need me. But it looks like you’re good. How soon will they arrive?”

  I glanced at my watch. “Liam will arrive in thirty and Olivia about twenty after that.” He frowned. “Did you have somewhere else you needed to be?” His frown deepened at my sarcasm.

  “I don’t like the delay. They could be planning something.”

  “I doubt it.”

  Mark searched my face for a moment before shrugging and smiling. “I’ll be in the bedroom, then.” He waggled his eyebrows at me and I raised one in return.

  “Are you flirting?”

  “Not at all,” he called over his shoulder as he left the room.

  I took my seat on the couch and picked up the gun. It felt heavy in my hands. I knew how to shoot, had learned a long time ago. It had been awhile, though. I hoped it would come back to me. Would this also be like riding a bike, to use Liam’s phrase? I pointed the gun forward, sighted the other end of the room. They were arriving separately so I wouldn’t have to get off two shots in rapid succession. How close would they need to get for me to increase my chance of a kill with the first shots?

  My hands trembled and I lowered the gun to my lap. Maybe they were planning something. If they spoke to each other and realized I requested to see them separately, would they know something was up?

  I swallowed past a large lump in my throat. Who was I kidding? I wasn’t trembling due to nervousness about them. I was trembling because that voice in the back of my head wouldn’t stop screaming that this was the wrong path. Why was I trusting Mark? Why did I believe him that the group would be planning to send us both to Hell? Liam wouldn’t do that.


  My heart constricted at the thought of his death. Especially at my hands. I had loved him once. I inwardly groaned. I loved him still. They say you never forget your first love, especially if it began when you were only teenagers. We’d been like star-crossed lovers; except for instead of staying dead after the invaders killed us during the attack on our village, Liam and I had been elevated to angels for giving our lives to protect others. If we still had a chance…

  I shook my head. No, I’d stick with the plan. Swirling mist formed in front of me and I frantically tried to stop it in my head. I wasn’t successful. I slumped back against the couch and the vision formed.

  I almost groaned aloud when I saw the familiar form of the back of the dark-haired man. Except something new. He put one hand behind his head and rubbed at the base of his neck. Now I did gasp. That was Liam, not Mark. He began to walk away and the image shifted to Olivia again, bright blue eyes flashing – angrily? – at me. She shook her head, then looked over her shoulder at the retreating form of Liam. When she looked at me again, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. The image vanished and I sat up, wide eyed.

  “I’ve been wrong this entire time.” The words came out a whisper. As I continued, they strengthened. “The feeling of betrayal was me betraying Liam for false power. Love is my destiny. He came back into my life to help me see that.” Peace settled over me for the first time since this whole mess began and I knew I finally had it right. “What is wrong with me?”

  “Did you say something?” Mark asked from the bedroom.

  “I know I’m a demon, but could demons have love too?” I continued in a whisper.

  Mark’s voice, closer now. “What are you mumbling about?” He must have come out of the bedroom. “Liam’ll be here any minute.”

  I made eye contact with the demon now standing fifteen feet away. I set the gun on the coffee table and stood to face him. “I can’t do it.”

  Mark’s eyes glowed red.


  The doorbell chimed. I couldn’t pull my gaze from Mark’s glowing red eyes. He smiled cruelly before turning to walk back to the bedroom. “You will follow the plan.” I tried to take a step toward him and deliver an angry retort, but found myself unable to so.

  “What are you doing to me?” I managed to ask this before realizing I no longer controlled my actions. I leaned down to pick up the gun.

  The door slammed open with a crash. Liam rushed in to the living room.

  I pointed the gun at Liam and he held his hands up.

  “You’re choosing this again?”

  I opened my mouth, and could not s
peak. What was wrong with me? It felt like someone was pulling marionette strings and I had become the puppet. I took a step toward Liam.

  Disappointment shone in his eyes. “I thought you were choosing a new path.”

  Tears filled my eyes. I still couldn’t speak.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  With every ounce of willpower I had, I ordered my arm to lower. It shook but did not comply. Liam noticed the movement.

  “Barbara, there’s still a chance for you. For us.”

  Tears spilled out of my eyes. Still my arm did not lower.

  “I’ve missed you,” Liam whispered. “I thought maybe this time…”

  I still didn’t respond and his expression hardened. “You chose the power of a demon once before.”

  I cocked the weapon, my arm steady, despite my renewed attempts to lower it. Anxiety zinged through me. What was going on?

  “Wasn’t losing your angel status enough. Is power really worth all this?” His voice softened, desperation saturating the words. “Do you really want to return to Hell?”

  My finger started to pull the trigger. Liam’s eyes widened and the fierce love I had for the angel standing before me surged. I released the trigger and opened my mouth.

  “He’s controlling me. I can’t fight him. He’s in the bedroom.” I swung the gun away from Liam as my finger pulled the trigger. The bullet shattered a window, glass tinkling when it hit the hard floor. The recoil shoved my shoulder back and the sound was loud in the enclosed space. Liam’s eyes cut to behind me.

  Liam raced past. My arm holding the gun dropped and I turned to see an enraged Mark emerging from the bedroom. His focus on Liam meant he released me from his hold. Liam raised a fist to punch Mark, but froze. Mental manipulation. Mark had an active power after all.

  Mark walked up to Liam and leaned in to whisper. “You think you had this all figured out.” Mark glared at me, then a smile split his face. “You, on the other hand, are much stronger than I gave you credit for. Maybe I won’t kill you when this is all over.”

  I started to raise the gun and he wagged his finger at me.

  “Don’t do it. I may change my mind again and kill you after all.”

  I hesitated. Was I fast enough to raise the gun and shoot him before he could grab my mind again? If I did, would that give Liam enough time to stop him?

  I raised the gun and Mark turned the full force of his power on me. I cried out at the mental invasion. It was like an alien presence in my brain.

  Liam pounced, grabbing Mark in a bear hug. The distraction broke Mark’s hold over me and I trained the gun on the grappling men. I couldn’t get a good shot. Liam got several good hits in – and it was weird to see supernatural beings engaging in fisticuffs, I’ll be honest – before freezing again. Mark decked him and Liam slumped to the ground. My arm froze halfway up and Mark smiled lazily at me. He knew he had won.

  He stalked toward me like a lion approaching a gazelle. His finger reached out to brush my cheek. He shook his head. “It’s too bad. We might have worked well together.”

  Motion at the front door drew my attention. Olivia had arrived.


  Olivia walked in, absorbing the scene before her. She trained her sights on Mark, ignoring me with the gun. As if she knew…

  “Release her,” she commanded.

  Mark’s face contorted but he did not comply.

  “Is this how you did it?” My question snuck out during his lapse in concentration. When Olivia looked at me, I realized I distracted her. Mark’s eyes glowed red as he swung his head back and forth between me and Olivia. He sneered.

  “Trying to keep me talking?”

  “Don’t you want to gloat,” I taunted, “about how you’ve accomplished all of this under our noses?

  I could practically read his internal debate on his face. He shrugged. “Sure, why not? We have a minute.” I noticed that although I could now speak and control myself, Olivia’s face had taken on a strained look. Was he controlling her now? He was right. I needed to keep him talking while I figured out if I had enough time to stop him.

  When I gestured for him to continue, he grinned. “Yes, this is how I did it. You’ve seen my power.”

  “Mental manipulation.”

  “Mind control. Mental manipulation. You can call it whatever you like. It’s effective.”

  “How did you crash the bus?”

  His gaze flicked between me and the frozen Olivia again. “Who has the most control in an accident?”

  “The driver.”


  My mouth gaped open. “You weren’t anywhere near the driver. How could you—”

  “I have a long reach,” he interrupted my question, the answer a clear threat. He sighed with a shake of his head. “Caesar never understood that, either.”

  My eyes squinted in confusion. “Caesar? Julius Caesar?” Olivia had said they’d known each other.

  Mark chortled. “He wouldn’t listen to me, either. So, I took care of him.”

  My eyes widened. “His own men stabbed him to death,” I contradicted.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Did they?”

  “Understood.” I raised the gun slightly and Mark tilted his head.

  “You do understand. I killed the others. You’re the last candidate left. When you kill them—” He gestured toward the prone Liam and frozen Olivia. “—that takes care of the Olivia problem. You get arrested and I win the election. Don’t worry,” he added in a conciliatory tone. “I’ll allow you to escape. As long as you leave my jurisdiction.”

  I nodded. “I can do that.” I frowned. “I’m confused about one point.”


  “This really can’t be all about the Las Vegas region. I know that’s what you told me before, but…”

  Mark eyed me, made some internal decision. “You’re very perceptive, Barbara. This was never about Las Vegas.”


  His eyes burned in Olivia’s direction. “It was always about her. The only being left who could send me back to Hell.” I gaped and he focused on me. “I needed help. I needed a distraction. Your silly election did the trick.”

  My silly election? I formulated my plan. I raised the gun the rest of the way, pointed at Olivia. A calm settled over me. It was now or never. My arm swung toward Mark. He snarled and his control enveloped me. My arm dropped.

  It was enough.

  “That’s all I needed to hear,” Olivia stated it and strode toward him.

  The glowing in Mark’s eyes increased exponentially. It hurt to look at him, so I turned my face toward Olivia.

  She held her arms outstretched toward him. The glowing bathed her in an unnatural red light but she seemed unaffected.

  Mark emitted an inhuman growl, drawing my attention. He raised his own hands.

  I started to raise my arm again.

  “Don’t,” came Liam’s weak voice from the floor. “Don’t.”

  A white light flowed from Olivia’s hands and wrapped itself around Mark like a cobra. It darkened, becoming blue, then violent, and finally a pulsing red. The light appeared alive, but it couldn’t be.

  Mark’s skin rippled, the glow from his eyes dimmed. He dropped his hands, futilely pulling at the strands of light surrounding him. His skin disintegrated showing the beast beneath, only for a moment, before he collapsed to the floor and winked out of existence.

  I fully faced Olivia. “You did it. You sent him to Hell,” I said, awestruck.

  She turned her glowing white eyes toward me and my legs became jelly. I looked to Liam, who was now standing, with a sorrowful expression on his face. He couldn’t save me. And I wouldn’t ask him to. The gun fell to the floor beside me. I closed my eyes.

  “Do it,” I told the avenging angel. “I deserve it.”

  I hoped it wouldn’t hurt too much.


  Nothing happened. I opened one eye a slit. Olivia’s eyes had returned to their startling shade of blue. She was looking at me with compassion.


  “You can open your eyes, Barbara.”

  I did. “You aren’t going to send me to Hell?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  I seriously considered the question. “No, I don’t. Why don’t you?”

  Olivia crossed the room and took my hands in hers. Light tingling ran up my arms. She released my hands with a chuckle. “Sorry about that. Residual energy.”

  “I allied myself with Mark. More than once.”

  “True,” she agreed. “But you were different. Are different.”

  “How so?”

  “He was only concerned with himself.”

  “And that’s different from me how?” I heard the bitterness in my voice.

  “You had second doubts from the beginning.”

  “Yes. But, look what I almost did,” I whispered, my arm sweeping to encompass the room. I made the mistake of meeting Liam’s eyes. They were blank. Whatever feelings we might have been rekindling had vanished.

  “But, you didn’t,” Olivia gently reminded me.

  I sunk down onto the couch and buried my head in my hands. “Did you know?”

  “That I was his target? Yes.”


  “I’ve been after him for… some time now,” she said with a chuckle. “Whenever I’d get close, he’d go underground or the evidence would magically vanish. He’s one of the last elder demons.”

  “There’s a hierarchy?” I snort laughed. “Bureaucracy everywhere.”

  “I was going to get him eventually. When I heard he was on the ballot, the only rational reason I could think of was that he wanted me to know.”

  “And the only reason he’d want that would be if he had a plan to take care of you,” I completed the thought.


  I frowned. “How could he know I would contact you? Am I that predictable?”


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