Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)

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Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2) Page 9

by T Christensen

  “Jordis!” She tried to yell, but it came out as a whisper.

  “Be still!” It came out harsher than he intended, yet it had the desired effect. She stopped moving but stiffened.

  “Why are you carrying me?”

  His eyebrows snapped together. “Should I have just left you lying unconscious on the ground, Tessa?”

  “Uh, no.” A few seconds later, her head swiveled again. “Where’s Jordis? Is she okay?”

  Jordan clenched his jaw shut before he snapped that he wouldn’t forget about his daughter. Instead, he turned his body so she could see Jordis running toward them. He lowered the volume of his voice, but not his intensity.

  “She’s scared. You need to be calm. Understand?”

  Tears swam in Tessa’s eyes, but she blinked them away and nodded. Satisfied that she had herself under control, Jordan smiled down at Jordis.

  “Good job, princess. Mommy is awake.”

  “Mommy!” Relief filled her little voice.

  Tessa’s face was still white, but she summoned up a smile for her daughter. “I’m fine, sweetie.”

  She looked up at him. “You can put me down, Jordan.”

  His eyes narrowed. “No.”

  She stiffened in his arms again. “It was just a little faint. I’m fine.”

  The woman had lost consciousness. She wasn’t fine. As he strode toward the truck, he could feel the anger building in his body. What the fuck had she been doing to herself? He didn’t know a lot about fainting, but he did know it was because the body was under stress. Had this happened before?

  “Put me down,” she demanded in his ear.

  He took a couple of longer strides to put a little distance between them and Jordis.

  “No, and we will be talking about this.”

  “There is nothing to talk about, Jordan.”

  He almost snorted. Her comment was so ridiculous that it didn’t deserve a response from him.

  Cold silence reigned around them, which only heightened the sensation of Tessa’s body rubbing against his with each step he took. His lengthening cock recognized her presence and hardened. Good thing his brain ruled his cock, or Jordan would have bedded Tessa a thousand times over since he’d seen her at the SEC charity event.

  Usually all he had to do was remind himself of her real character and his hard-on deflated. This time with Tessa so close, it wasn’t working. Now his mind tried to scheme up a way to have her in his bed and Jordis in his custody. His mood lightened as an idea formed about how he could have both.


  Tessa sat stiffly in Jordan’s front seat, trying to regain her equilibrium. Her body was shaky, and her mind was messed up. Being carried in Jordan’s arms had been falsely comforting.

  When she’d first come to and seen his worried blue gaze focused on her, she’d closed her eyes, content to have him holding her. It was a relief to lean back and let someone else be in charge.

  The worry she saw couldn’t be right. Her brain must not have gotten all the blood and oxygen restored to it. As soon as Jordan had placed her in the seat and stalked around the front of the truck, she knew his real feelings.

  His body language screamed anger. Every part of him was tense. It looked like he wanted to punch someone. His fists were balled up at his sides, and he refused to look at her.

  Now her stomach was trying to eat itself because she knew Jordan wasn’t going to let this go. Tessa didn’t say anything. She wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up, and she didn’t feel up to it anyway. Her head still pounded. If she wasn’t sitting down, Tessa knew she would be dizzy and in danger of fainting again.

  “Mommy?” Jordis’s tiny voice tore at her heart.

  Her daughter had always been one hundred percent full steam ahead and never looked back. Now she seemed scared and in need of reassurance. Without trying to be obvious with how carefully she turned, Tessa looked at her.

  “Yes, sweetie?”

  Jordis searched her face while Tessa ignored the rippling of her skin under Jordan’s scrutiny. It took everything in her to keep a calm look on her face for Jordis despite her aching body. Every bit of energy she had left was used to smile and patiently wait for Jordis to talk.

  “You okay?”

  Tessa’s initial reaction was to brush off Jordis’s question. She didn’t want to have this conversation in front of Jordan, especially a brooding Jordan, but her daughter deserved an honest answer, and Tessa knew Jordis wouldn’t believe it if she said nothing.

  “Mommy did something silly today.” She could still feel Jordan’s stare as he looked between the road and her.

  Tessa tried again to tune him out and concentrate on Jordis.

  “Mommy got up and had an apple for breakfast, and then we took Nana to the doctor.”

  “I had an apple too, Mommy!”

  Tessa breathed a little easier at the return of Jordis’s enthusiasm. “I remember, and you ate all of it.”

  Jordis beamed under the praise. “When we got back home, Mommy went to get Nana’s medicine and ran a few other errands. You and Nana ate lunch while I was gone.”

  “What’s errand?”

  “It means I went to some other stores and got the stuff we needed.”


  That was one of Tessa’s purchases. “Yes. So I had another apple for lunch while I was at work.”

  Jordan actually growled beside her. When Tessa turned her puzzled eyes to him, he snapped, “Is that all you fucking had to eat today?”

  Tessa drew in a breath and snapped back, “Language!”

  He narrowed his eyes at her and turned back to the road as Jordis chirped, “What Jordan say, Mommy?”

  “He was just asking what kind of apple,” Tessa improvised on the fly.

  “Oh. Why you fall, Mommy?”

  “I didn’t eat enough. Your body doesn’t like it when you don’t eat enough, so it told me to stop moving until I ate. It’s called fainting, and I’ll be fine once I eat.”

  “You can have my sucker, Mommy.”

  Tessa’s eyes swam with tears. Jordis was very protective of her suckers. “Thank you, Jordis. That will definitely help me feel better.”

  Jordis was reassured. She rattled on about basketball and how she beat Jordan. Tessa was relieved, but the angry cloud beside her got grimmer the closer they got to the apartment.

  When they pulled up in the no-parking zone right in front of the complex, Jordan got out and then got Jordis. Tessa took several deep breaths to fortify herself for the seemingly insurmountable task of climbing the stairs.

  Jordis slid from Jordan’s arms and walked to the entrance doors. When Tessa pushed her door open, Jordan blocked her and stared her down until she shook.

  “What are you doing?” Tessa whispered in a quivering voice.

  “You’re not going anywhere. Wait here for me to get back.” It was a steely demand. There was no question or hint of a plea.

  Tessa’s head swam, and she tried to shake the dizziness away.

  “No. I have to go get my stuff for tutoring.”

  “You’re not fucking going anywhere. I’m taking Jordis upstairs and making sure your mom is okay.”

  “What? No. I—”

  “Tessa, this is not a discussion. If you are not in the truck when I come back down, I will pick you up and put you back inside. You and I both know you are in no shape to fight me, so don’t test me.”

  Tessa stared at his cold eyes and flat mouth. There was no compassion, only determination, and she knew he would do exactly as he had said. Pure defeat flooded her tired body, and she leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes.

  Jordan closed her door, and as soon as she heard him walk away, her tears fell. She’d never been so defeated and tired. Her body was exhausted and her head pounded, but somehow she needed to get herself together for the upcoming discussion.


  Chapter 20


  Tessa fought the consciousness slowly pulling at her. For once, she couldn’t hear footsteps from the upstairs apartment, muffled voices, or the murmurs from a TV. The soft, warm sheets wrapped around her reminded her of snuggling with Jordan in college.

  Without opening her eyes, Tessa snuggled deeper into the cocoon she’d created. A spicy, citrus smell surrounded her, and the memories she held deep in her heart drifted through her in a dream-like state. Jordan would never believe it, but her most unforgettable memories were of the two of them in the pool house, eating pizza and talking. And of course the making out and heavy petting that usually resulted from them being in bed. Her body throbbed at the memory of how he had owned her body.

  Tessa quickly shut down the memories and cracked open her eyes. Looking to her right, she saw a window but no clock. She shot up and flipped on the bedside lamp. Drawing the blankets up around her, she looked around. Nothing was familiar.

  With a quiver in her stomach, she slowly pulled the blankets away from her. Tessa looked down with a galloping heart to see she wore her T-shirt, bra, and underwear. She was relieved to see her jeans over the chair by a desk.

  Tessa closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to piece together how she’d ended up in this strange room. She remembered fainting and Jordan driving her and Jordis back to the apartment. The last thing she remembered was laying her head back on the seat to gain some energy to deal with Jordan.

  She must be at his place. How could she not have woken up when he carried her up here? He had to have carried her. How else could she have gotten here? Her heart thumped at the thought of being in Jordan’s arms, but Tessa pushed the feeling away. Right now she had to get herself together to face Jordan before she left.

  Her head was no longer fuzzy, but she would need to talk with him sitting down. After the initial adrenaline rush of finding herself in a strange bed, Tessa was still as weak as a newborn.

  She eagerly drank the glass of water sitting on the bedside table. With one last fortifying breath, Tessa slowly made her way over to her jeans and put them on. She carefully walked to the door and had to stop as soon as the harsh rays bathing the hall blinded her. When her eyes finally adjusted to the brightness, she shuffled forward and stepped into the immaculate modern great room she was familiar with.

  Her muscles gradually released the tension that had built up when she didn’t see or hear Jordan. Hopefully that meant she could make it to the kitchen and find something to eat before dealing with him.

  Her luck had run out. Jordan sat in the breakfast nook and lifted his head as she entered. She slowed to a stop, unsure of what to do or say. He scanned her entire body and her skin rippled where his gaze landed.

  Tessa shifted her feet and kept swallowing, trying to soothe her suddenly dry throat. When his impassive face lifted back to hers, his biting words made her jump. “Sit down before you fall over.”

  Tessa practically ran to the nearest seat, which was a stool at the island. She looked longingly at a fruit bowl that seemed to be taunting her. Clearing her throat, she asked into the tense air, “Is it okay if I have a banana?”

  “For fuck’s sake, Tessa, eat whatever the hell you want.” Jordan’s booming voice made her wince, but she eagerly reached for the banana.

  As soon as it landed in her mouth, she closed her eyes to relish the first food she’d had since . . . what time was it? She opened her eyes and froze at the hungry look on Jordan’s face as he fixated on her.

  His dark, dilated eyes lasered in on her mouth, and Tessa’s breathing became labored. When she bit her lip to stop the tingling, his eyes widened, and he pushed back from the table. Never taking them off her, he prowled forward.

  She was powerless to do anything other than track him with wide eyes. Mesmerized, she watched as he put his hands on the counter behind her, caging her in. Jordan bent down until they were at eye level. Tessa ate up his bronze skin, chiseled cheeks, and square jawline. Whiskers covered his jaw since he hadn’t shaved yet.

  Jordan’s hooded, heated gaze latched onto her wide, apprehensive eyes. They both stared motionless as the air crackled. Holding her breath, Tessa gradually lifted her hand and did what she’d been aching to do since the fundraiser.

  As soon as her hand connected with the stubbled warmth of his face, Jordan sucked in a harsh breath and slid his eyes closed. Gaining courage, Tessa brought up her other hand and cupped his face. She narrowed in on Jordan’s closed mouth. Using this rare opportunity when his guard appeared to be lowered, Tessa swiped her thumb across his lips.

  His eyes snapped open, but she ignored his compelling gaze. Tessa focused on the way his lips fell open at her touch. His nostrils flared as she inched her way farther into the recesses of his mouth.

  Everything around her fell away. Her attention focused on the man surrounding her and how her body was reawakening after four years. Jordan’s deep growl registered low in her core before he guided her hands down, closing the minuscule distance between them and slanting his lips over hers. Tessa automatically opened her mouth and gripped his hard biceps when he grasped the back of her neck.

  Jordan took control of the kiss, and Tessa willingly handed it over. Her body and mind longed for the escape he’d always given her. For once, her mind wasn’t running a hundred miles an hour.

  A rush of longing swept through her as Jordan’s calloused hands swept under her T-shirt and brought every nerve in the vicinity to attention. Her mind was torn between concentrating on his lips kissing her or trying to silently urge his hands to move farther up.

  As if he was reading her mind, he unhooked her bra with nimble fingers, freeing her aching, swollen breasts from their confinement.

  Tessa tore her mouth from Jordan’s to suck in some air, only for it to be caught in her throat when his fingers brushed across her sensitive nipples.

  Jordan pulled her shirt over her head and dispensed with her loose bra before sucking her breast into his mouth. She pushed to get closer, and he lifted her up onto the island counter.

  As soon as her bottom hit the granite, Jordan stepped between her legs and ground his straining erection against her core. Tessa arched her body into Jordan’s, trying to prolong the contact and maintain the pleasure zipping through her body.

  His hands landed on her hips, and Tessa wrapped her legs around his waist. She instinctively raised her hips and swiveled them, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. A moan left her at the desire racking her body when she did it again. Tessa was desperate to have more.

  “That’s it, baby, take what you want. I’ll always be here to give it to you.”

  Jordan’s husky, raspy voice made her body tremble. When he leaned forward and resumed grinding into her while his mouth latched onto her neck, Tessa couldn’t keep quiet any longer.

  “Jordan, please.” Her voice wavered, and she looked up at him with what she imagined were delirious eyes.

  For two heartbeats, Jordan stared down at her, searching. Then he was a blur of movement. He unsnapped and unzipped her jeans, and before she could blink, she was laying naked on the hard counter. She raised to her elbows as Jordan made short work of tearing his own T-shirt over his head.

  Tessa’s mouth hinged open and watered at the sight before her. Jordan had always lifted weights and been in shape, but now he was magnificent. He could be a piece of art.

  His shoulders were broader, and his six-pack was more defined. In a daze, she sat up and brought her hands up to trace every delineation. One finger trailed down until she was stopped by the unbuttoned jeans riding low on his hips.

  Jordan’s skin rippled, and Tessa looked up. He worked his jaw, and his face was flushed as he stared down at her. She spread out her hand and continued her downward path until she cupped his bulge through his jeans.

  He hissed in a breath when her thumb traced his length. Abruptly Jordan stepped back, out of her reach, and discarded his jeans. His cock strained so hard that Tessa could see the blood vessels, and her eye
s widened at how it stretched up to his belly button.

  It was her turn to catch her breath when his hand came up and he started stroking himself. Her body lit up, and the moisture between her legs increased. Without a thought, Tessa lay back onto the counter, inviting Jordan in. He stepped between her legs and spread them with his hands. She shuddered and pushed her hips forward when he cupped her and dragged his fingers through her wetness.

  Tessa opened her eyes when his fingers left her. Jordan slid the fingers that had just been in her from his mouth.

  “Fuck, Tessa, you taste sweeter than I remember. It’s a good thing you’re ready for me because I can’t wait any longer.”

  Jordan leaned back over her, placing his hands on either side of her head and slamming into her. The nirvana she experienced as soon as he was fully sheathed in her was indescribable. Her body breathed a brief sigh of relief before it was eager for more.

  Jordan must have felt the same way. He slid her to the edge of the counter and started hammering into her needy body. It wasn’t long before stars exploded behind her eyes and the sweet feeling of orgasmic bliss spread throughout her entire body.

  “Fuck yeah, Tessa, your sweet pussy is sucking my cock dry. FUCK!”

  Jordan roared his release and collapsed on top of her. She wrapped herself around him in the tranquil stillness.

  Slowly the euphoria left, and the silence entered. As Tessa’s mind returned to reality, she dropped her arms and legs. What had she just done?

  Jordan eased up over her and grasped her chin. His eyebrows drew together.

  “We both wanted this. Don’t overthink it.”

  Tessa choked out, “I know.”

  It had been amazing, but she’d just given herself to the man who believed unthinkable things about her character.

  She held Jordan’s searching gaze while trying to keep her turbulent emotions in check. Now was not the time or place to examine how she felt.

  Finally, he eased back from her. She scrambled up and then swayed. When she was steady, Tessa reached down and grabbed her wrinkled two-day-old T-shirt. As she straightened up, the dizziness came over her again. Jordan grabbed her elbow.


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