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Puck Performance: BTU Alumni Series Book #4

Page 10

by Ciz, Alley

  I wrap a hand around the abusing one. “Stop, Zo.”

  “But he’s looking at you.”

  He is?

  Sure enough, sitting in the penalty box, Jase’s attention—which should be on what is happening on the ice—is on me.

  He winks.


  Damn that wink. Sweet Mother of all things Bernadette Peters I’m in trouble.

  My face heats and I drop my head so he can’t see just how affected I am by him.

  Gurrrrrl, you is in trouble.

  And of course, Zoey snaps another picture. Thank god Ella is working now.

  Late in the third period, Callahan scores the only goal of the game thanks to an assist from Jase, and the Garden erupts in cheers as every Storm fan sings along with the goal song played any time the Storm lights the lamp.

  When the game is over and most of the seats around us are empty, we hang back to watch the announcement of the three stars of the game: Callahan, Ringquist (the goalie), and Jase.

  We’re gathering our things after the team disappears into the tunnel when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Wait for me? I won’t be long, promise.

  BROADWAY BABY: Why? Don’t you have your family here?

  THE BIG HAMMER: Yup. That’s why I want you to wait.

  BROADWAY BABY: Um…I still haven’t recovered from the ones I met last night. Don’t you think I should be eased into it?

  THE BIG HAMMER: You would think so.

  BROADWAY BABY: What does that mean?



  My eyes stay locked on my phone, willing it to light up with an explanation, but it remains dark.


  What the hell does he mean?


  Why isn’t he answering?


  I’m jostled from my stupor by Zoey grabbing my shoulder and literally shaking me. “Huh?”

  “Guuurrrrl. Phew.” She wipes her brow. “You zoned out on me.”


  “Who were you texting?” She perks up in her seat. “Oh, was it Loverboy?”

  Does she have to call him that?

  “What did he say? Oh my god! Were you two just sexting?”

  “What? No.”

  “Well that’s disappointing.” Her lips tip down in a frown, making me laugh. Just because she’s a total hornball and would be sexting doesn’t mean I am.

  “Can we go?” My words came out rushed. Jase’s continued silence has a sense of foreboding prickling at the back of my neck.


  Purses in hand, we make to leave, but then Zoey’s eyes shift, locking on something over my shoulder.


  Why do I get the feeling I don’t want to know what’s behind me?

  “Melody?” I recognize the voice of Jase’s sister Jordan.

  You can do this, Mels.

  But can I? Meeting a person’s family is kind of a big deal. It’s one thing to talk on video chat; it’s a whole new level of serious to interact in person.

  I suck in a deep breath and turn around. It’s a good thing I’m sitting down, because I’m damn near knocked on my ass by what I see.

  There isn’t just one person, or two—no, there are eleven of them, eight female and three male.

  Can I hide in my own little corner?

  I’m going to kill Jase.


  Way to make it sound more like a question than a greeting.

  “Oh, good, it is you. I figured as much. I mean how many people with pink hair and a Donnelly jersey could there be at the game?”

  “Holy shit, that’s his sister, isn’t it?” Zoey whispers in my ear. I nod, my gaze bouncing over each person in front of us.

  Without warning, arms circle my neck as Jordan bends for a hug, her belly bumping me in the process.

  “Wow. You’re even prettier in person.” She holds me by my shoulders, looking me over. “My brother has good taste.”

  “I’ll say,” says a deep male voice, followed by an “Oof.”

  “Behave, Champ,” a female voice scolds.

  “Damn, Blue.”

  “Gage. Rocky.” Jordan whips around. “Can you two behave? We’re trying to prevent Melody from running for the hills.”

  “Sorry,” they mumble.

  “You’re doing this all wrong, JD,” says the man I recognize as Vince Steele, his long legs stepping over the seats into the row behind us. “Let the best friend handle this one.”

  “Um, Vin…I’m his best friend.” Rocky points to her chest.

  I appraise her, recalling she’s Jase’s ex-girlfriend. She’s gorgeous: model tall, long blue-black hair that hangs to her waist, and way more athletic than I’ll ever be no matter how much dancing I do. Not gonna lie, it’s a little intimidating.

  “No, Rock, you’re his bestie. It’s different.” He leans forward to drop an arm around both Jordan and me. “Anyway, I’m Vince, Jase’s best”—he shoots a look at Rocky—“friend, and let me tell you, I am so happy to finally meet the girl my boy has not shut up about.”

  He’s not the first to mention Jase talking about me, but I still have a hard time believing it.

  “Please, Vin, I distinctly remember you having to come to us for help to get Holly to agree to a date.” Skye’s comment causes the group to snicker.

  I struggle to keep up as Jordan cuts the others off from interrupting further so she can make introductions. Thank god I’m adept at memorizing lines, otherwise I would have zero hope in remembering them all as she makes her way through the horde.

  “This is Zoey.” I introduce my one friend, feeling vastly outnumbered, even with her continued texting with Ella. “You’re the fighter, right?” I ask, turning to Vince.

  “One of them.” He nods then jerks his chin toward Gage. “My brother-in-law is another.”

  “And I take it you all”—I circle a finger to include the ladies—“are the rest of The Coven?”

  “Aww, he’s told her about us,” Beth gushes.

  “Please—Vin and Jase never shut up about The Coven. I knew about The Coven from Vince days before I knew his name.” Holly shoots him a look so full of heat it almost makes me blush.

  “And he wonders why it took him so long to get you to go out with him?” Gemma rolls her eyes, and I need to remember to tell her how delicious her pot pies are. Oh, that sounds way dirtier than I meant it. Don’t say that out loud, Mels. “You’re a real Casanova, cuz.”

  I slump back, leaning against Zoey, mind spinning.

  “And I thought we changed topics like squirrels,” she whispers.

  “They put us to shame.”


  Chapter Seventeen

  First order of business: find my girl.

  Second: survive the inquisition from The Coven.

  The first task should be easy enough. The second, not so much.

  Vince texted letting me know they found Melody and are still at her seats. With Cali and Harrison as reinforcements, we make our way around the outside of the rink.

  There’s no way to miss our squad—we are loud, crazy, and huge. In the middle of it all, there she is. Damn, my baby looks so good in black and gray.

  Like a puck flying to the five-hole, I eat up the distance separating us, ignoring everything—friends, family, greetings tossed my way, all of it. Not giving a flying puck that I’m interrupting whatever she’s talking about with my sister, I take her hand and pull her from her seat, her dark eyes going wide at the abruptness.

  Spinning her, I take in my name stretched across her shoulders. Mine. The jersey is ridiculously big on her, but fuck if she isn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  Curling my body around hers, her back flush with my front, I bend, my mouth brushing the shell of her ear as I say, “Fuck, baby. I knew you would look good in my jersey, but damn, it’s even bette
r than I thought it would be.”


  She shudders when I roll the ball of my tongue ring along her earlobe.

  “There’s only one thing that could make it better.”

  “Wh-What’s that?” she stutters.

  “If you were naked underneath it.”

  The vein in her neck pulses under my mouth, where I’m sucking on the spot and riding the edge of pressure that would leave a mark.

  “Jase.” My name falls from her lips, a broken plea.

  “Damn…Madz, get out your phone and start taking notes,” Becky says.

  “Seriously,” comes from Beth.

  “Who knew our boy was hiding a such a dirty alpha under his hockey sweater?” Skye adds.

  “I did,” Vince declares proudly.

  I ignore every smartass comment from my family and focus solely on the woman trembling in my arms.

  Legs nudging the backs of hers, I guide us a few precious feet away, spinning her around, pressing her against the boards of the rink. It’s been almost twenty-four hours since I’ve had her mouth on mine, and I’m not about to wait another second.

  Cupping the back of her head in both my hands, I tug on the end of her ponytail to adjust her to the perfect angle. Her dark eyes shine like wet stones, and a tempting blush spreads down her neck and under the collar of my jersey as I hold her stare. I want to slip a finger under to lift the material and find out how far the blush has traveled.

  Her lashes flutter as her eyes go hooded. Still I hold back.

  Even though we talk every day, I can’t help but shake the feeling she’s keeping me at a distance.

  I stroke the line of her jaw with my thumb, the pressure enough to part her lips.

  No more waiting.

  I slam my mouth onto hers, our bodies crashing into the boards.

  Her head is in the protective cradle of my hands, my fingers tunneling beneath the strands of her hair and destroying her ponytail.

  A sigh.

  A moan.

  The heat level rising, the ice behind us is at risk of melting.

  I could be happy kissing her for the rest of my life. Well, maybe not just kissing.

  “Damn, it’s a good thing I’m already pregnant.” Rocky’s voice is the first one to pierce the haze of lust surrounding us.

  “For reals. I just had a contact orgasm,” Becky adds.

  “I think I might have dated the wrong Donnelly brother. Damn, Trip.” I don’t need to see her to know Maddey’s fanning herself dramatically.

  “And I thought the elevator was hot. Way to step up your game, Donnelly.” Cali laughs.

  “Fuck you, Cali.”

  “I told you last night, bro—not my type. Your sister, however…”

  I should smother him in his sleep on our next road trip.

  “Sorry, Cali. I’m a one-dick woman, and I’m more than satisfied with the one I have.” I hear my sister pat his chest.

  “Jesus, JD.”

  “Oh don’t get your panties in a bunch, Jase. You should be happy for me.”

  I may be responding to those determined to see me in a straightjacket, but my eyes never leave Melody. She’s a vision: flushed cheeks, the freckle under her eye standing out in contrast, lips swollen, hair crazy like she stuck a finger in an outlet.

  Pink is officially my new favorite color.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s take this shit-show on the road.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  THE BIG HAMMER: Quick, send me a selfie.

  BROADWAY BABY: 1st, that’s random. 2nd, why?

  THE BIG HAMMER: Because I miss your pretty face.

  BROADWAY BABY: Awww…that was actually kind of sweet.

  THE BIG HAMMER: What can I say? I’m a regular Prince Charming.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *GIF of Prince Charming*

  BROADWAY BABY: Yeah, you’re way more Flynn Rider than Prince Charming.

  BROADWAY BABY: *GIF of Flynn Rider from Tangled saying, “Hi.”*

  THE BIG HAMMER: Well…he gets the princess in the end, so I’ll take it, but I don’t want a GIF. I want a picture of you.

  BROADWAY BABY: You’re ridiculous, you know that?

  THE BIG HAMMER: This may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that I need a picture of you.

  BROADWAY BABY: It’s only been 3 days since you saw me.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Doesn’t matter. Give it to me.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *GIF of Chris Pratt pointing down and saying, “Right now.”*

  BROADWAY BABY: Oooo…Chris Pratt is hot.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *angry face emoji*

  BROADWAY BABY: Don’t worry, big boy. Hemsworth is still her favorite of the Chris-es


  BROADWAY BABY: Hey, handsome.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Can you do me a favor before Mels realizes you stole her phone?

  BROADWAY BABY: Sure! What do you need?

  BROADWAY BABY: *GIF of Steve Carell leaning forward, waiting*

  THE BIG HAMMER: You’re my kind of people, Zo. Can you take a picture of my girl and send it to me? She’s refusing to do it.

  BROADWAY BABY: I got you.

  * * *

  THE BIG HAMMER: How was your day, baby?

  BROADWAY BABY: It was good. How about yours? Congrats on the win BTW.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Awww, did you watch?

  BROADWAY BABY: I might have caught a period or two.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Hot damn! We’ll make a Storm fan out of you yet.

  BROADWAY BABY: Yeah…I wouldn’t go that far.

  THE BIG HAMMER: We’ll see.

  BROADWAY BABY: Your own twin doesn’t root for your team…what makes you think you can convert me?

  THE BIG HAMMER: *GIF of Stephan Colbert saying, “My heart actually hurts when you say that.”*

  BROADWAY BABY: I’m pretty sure I’M supposed be the drama queen in this relationship.

  THE BIG HAMMER: OMG. Did you FINALLY admit we are ACTUALLY in a relationship?? Good job, baby.

  BROADWAY BABY: Oh geez *facepalm emoji*

  * * *

  THE BIG HAMMER: Daily check-in text with my girlfriend.

  BROADWAY BABY: Who said I was your girlfriend?

  THE BIG HAMMER: Um…that would be you. Remember?

  BROADWAY BABY: Can’t say I recall that.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *gasp* And you’re the one who memorizes lines for a living???

  THE BIG HAMMER: That’s okay, baby. I’ll be that person who hides in the hole in the stage for when you forget. Here’s some proof.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *screenshot of past conversation*

  BROADWAY BABY: Why doesn’t this surprise me AT ALL?

  THE BIG HAMMER: *kissy face emoji*

  * * *

  THE BIG HAMMER: I’m SO ready to come home and sleep in my bed.

  BROADWAY BABY: You act like you had away games all week. You have one road game and it’s in Philly.

  THE BIG HAMMER: I know, but it’s been a week since I’ve gotten to see you in person and not just on a phone or computer screen. I miss you.

  BROADWAY BABY: You know, Mr. Donnelly, you have these moments when you are surprisingly charming.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Oh, baby. Can you call me Mr. Donnelly when I get back? That was hot.

  BROADWAY BABY: Annnnnndddd…THERE’S the guy I’ve gotten to know.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *boomerang of Jase winking*

  BROADWAY BABY: Damn Zoey and Ella for telling you how I feel about your winking.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Hey, I don’t feel bad for you at all. You may have them, but I have the entire damn Coven.

  BROADWAY BABY: What are you doing?

  THE BIG HAMMER: Going on a mission for cheesesteaks and fries with Cali and Harrison.

  BROADWAY BABY: Should you really be eating that on game day?

  THE BIG HAMMER: When in Philly. *shrugging emoji* Plus, anything potato-related makes me think of my girl. What are you doing?

  BROADWAY BABY: In Duane Reade.
  BROADWAY BABY: *picture of Melody, Zoey, and Ella duck-facing while holding up a variety of ChapSticks*

  THE BIG HAMMER: Damn my girl is hot *string of fire emojis*


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