Book Read Free

Until July

Page 21

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  After an hour of talking to the police, Wes gets fed up and tells them he’s taking me home and they can talk to me the next day. Jax, who hadn’t left Ellie’s side, agreed, and Uncle Nico told me he would be around in the morning. I was okay with that, and hugged Ellie, who was going to the hospital before getting on the back of Wes’ bike.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, honey.” My mom kisses my head and tucks the blankets tighter around me.

  “You worried the fuck out of us,” my dad complains, running his hand over my hair then narrowing his eyes. “You’re not allowed to do anything like that again,” he says like I did it on purpose.

  “Promise.” I place my hand on his cheek while fighting my smile, which makes his eyes narrow further. “Can you find out how Ellie is doing?” I ask after a moment.

  “She’s good. She’s going home,” my mom informs me, and my heart drops into my stomach.

  “She can’t go home.” I sit up, looking towards the door. “Oh, God, she can’t go home! Her mom is the one who sold her to that guy. She can’t go home.”

  “Jax is taking her to get her daughter,” my dad says with a strange look on his face. “They were heading out as soon as the doctor said she could leave the hospital.”

  “Thank God,” I breathe, plopping back down onto the bed.

  “Careful,” Wes snarls, walking into the room. I take a breath and let it out slowly. I know he’s worried about me, so he’s on edge, but he’s been a snarling beast since he carried me into the room, stripped me out of my clothes put me in the shower, and then tucked me into bed.

  “We’re going to head out and let you guys get settled in, we’ll be back in the morning,” my mom says, kissing me then Wes’ cheek. My dad does the same, but pats Wes’ shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” I ask Wes as he sits next to my hip.

  “Fuck no, that guy is still out there somewhere. I don’t know how the fuck I’m going to be able to deal with knowing you’re still in danger. Meanwhile, you’re acting like this is fucking normal.”

  I sit up then climb into his lap, holding onto his cheek gently. “I’m alive. I rode home on your bike. I’m lying in our bed. And tomorrow, I’m going to talk to the ASPCA and ask them to help me with all the dogs, and hopefully we can save some of them. Then I’m going with Kayan to pick out the kind of cake we will eat on our wedding day. It’s not that I don’t know what happened today; it’s that I have this amazing life, and some asshole isn’t going to take that from me,” I say, wanting him to understand.

  I’m scared about the guy being free, but I have a feeling he isn’t going to be for long, and if he does happen to come after me again, I know Wes will find a way to keep me safe. But I was never going to go back to not living.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you too.” I smile then lean up, kissing him and trying to make him understand that as long as we have each other, we’re going to be okay.



  6 Years later

  “Hey, little man,” I say, lifting my son to my chest and kissing his head. “Mama’s sleeping, so you’re going to have to hang with your old man until she wakes up,” I tell him, taking him over to his changing table, where I lie him down and change his diaper before sitting in the rocking chair near the window so I can give him his bottle.

  After four years of trying and two years of fertility treatments, I told July no more. I hated seeing her breakdown after each try, each negative test killing her slowly. It got to the point that when friends and family would share their happy news, she would have to battle her mind, knowing she was happy for them, but sad for herself. I hated what it was doing to her, so I talked to a buddy of mine and he got me hooked up with an adoption agency.

  After our last fertility treatment was a fail, I came home and handed her the paperwork. She cried…she cried for a full day, and then my beautiful, strong woman pulled it together, and we sat down and filled out the paperwork. We had no idea of how long it would take to go through. That was seven months ago.

  The adoption process happened a lot faster for us than it did for other families. The family that had been planning on adopting James decided they weren’t ready for a baby. I have to say the day we went to meet our son I wasn’t sure we were either, but then I held my boy in my arms and knew right then that it didn’t matter to me how James came to be with us; he is my son.

  I look down at him, pull the bottle from his lips, and a small pout forms at the loss. I lift him to my shoulder with a smile on my face.

  “I thought I heard you in here,” July says, and my eyes go to her at the door of the nursery. She is even more beautiful than she was when we first started dating. She still makes me question my luck.

  “You needed to sleep,” I tell her gently. Since the moment James came home, she has been on edge, trying to make sure to do everything perfectly.

  “I’m okay.” She smiles, walking into the room and bending over, kissing me then the top of James’ fuzzy head. I take her hand and pull her down onto my lap, and she lays her head on my shoulder, tucking her forehead into my neck, placing one hand on James. Even after all these years, knowing this could have been taken from me causes a buzz of anger to sizzle through me.

  “Thank you for letting me sleep,” she whispers, moving her hand from James to settle on my jaw.

  “Anytime, baby.” I turn my head, kissing her palm.

  “I love this chair,” she says, making me chuckle. Two months before James came home, July had her dad go into the attic and bring over the rocker that had been in her family for generations. She and her sisters argued for days over who got what, and July finally pulled the ‘I’m the oldest’ card and got the chair.

  “It’s a nice chair,” I agree, rocking the three of us until I feel her body relax and James’ little body sink into mine.



  I look at the pregnancy test in my hand and cannot believe what I’m seeing. Since we brought James home, I have been feeling ill. I honestly didn’t think much of it until this morning, when I walked into the kitchen, where Wes was standing shirtless, flipping bacon, the smell touched my nose and I got sick. That had never happened before, not ever. They say it’s possible when you adopt that sometimes something clicks into place, and voila—you end up pregnant.

  “Holy cow,” I breathe then look at myself in the mirror, bursting into tears. I never believed I would take a pregnancy test and have it come out positive. After so many attempts of IUI then IVF, I gave up. Now, I have James, and we’re pregnant.

  “Babe, you good?” Wes asks, knocking on the door, and I toss the test in a drawer quickly.

  “Yeah, sorry, I spaced out,” I say. I mouth, I spaced out? in the mirror to myself, shaking my head, then splash some water on my face to conceal my tears and open the door.

  “James is sleeping. Why don’t you lay down for a bit?” he asks, and I nod absently as he kisses my hair then tilts my head back to get my eyes. “You sure you’re good?” he questions, making that panic from a few minutes ago disappear.

  “I’m sure,” I tell him, and he kisses me briefly then takes off down the hall. I head to the bedroom then pick up my phone and call my doctor, setting up an appointment for later in the afternoon.

  “I’ve got to head out,” I tell Wes, walking into the living room, where he and James are sitting and watching TV.

  “Where are you going?” he asks, looking concerned.

  “I need to meet Kayan,” I say the first lie that comes to mind.

  “Come kiss me,” he demands, and I go to him, kissing him then James, trying to avoid the look in his eyes as I make it out of the house.

  When I get to my Jeep, I start it up and head into town. We sold our house in town a couple years ago, and Wes bought a piece of property from my dad and built a house on it. I love our house, but I loved it more, knowing Wes and my family had built it.

  “You’re pregnant,” Dr. Marks says, then I
turn my head when there is a pounding on the door of the exam room.

  “Are you sure this isn’t a fluke?” I whisper in shock. Dr. Marks has been with us since the beginning. He knows how much we have struggled with getting pregnant.

  “I’m sure,” he says, and the pounding gets louder.

  “July,” Wes says from the other side, and I feel my eyes grow wide in shock then look at Dr. Marks as he opens the door.

  “Congratulations, Wes,” he says as Wes steps into the room.

  “You lied,” he says to me, then looks at Dr. Marks and growls, “Congratulations on what?”

  “You’re going to be a dad, and actually, we can do an ultrasound today if you like, since you’re both here.”

  “What?” Wes says, looking at me then stumbling over to one of the chairs sitting down. “Pregnant?” he asks then shakes his head. “How is that possible?”

  “Sometimes, it just happens,” Dr. Marks says, looking proud, like it was his doing. “I’m going to give you guys a few minutes and go get the ultrasound set up.”

  “Where’s James?” I ask, seeing our son isn’t with him.

  “He’s with your mom. When did you find out?”

  “This morning. I took a test, one of the leftovers that had been collecting dust. I didn’t think it would be positive, and when it said I was pregnant, I wanted to know for sure before telling you,” I say, hoping he understands. I hated seeing the disappointment in his eyes every time I took a test. I hated that no matter what I did we weren’t getting pregnant, and no doctor could answer why. Why couldn’t we have a baby?

  “You know how I feel about that kind of shit,” he says, and I do know how he feels about me keeping things from him, but if it’s tell him and have him hurt, or save him that, I would do it all over again.

  “Sorry.” I get down from the table, curling myself around him on his lap.

  “I can’t believe you’re pregnant.” His hand lies gently over my stomach, and tears form in my eyes and a sob climbs up my throat. I have wanted this moment forever, and to finally have it makes it that much more memorable.

  “You guys ready?” Dr. Marks asks, coming back into the room.

  “Sure.” I nod and do as he instructs, getting back up on the table. He squirts the liquid on my belly then moves it around with the wand in his hand. Before I even know it, the sound of a heartbeat fills the room, and my eyes fill with more tears.

  “Jesus,” Wes whispers.

  “You’re about nine weeks along,” the doctor says, and I absently find Wes’ hand with mine and hold on tight. James is going to be a big brother. I can’t believe it.

  “I’ll print you guys some pictures to show off to everyone, and when you go out front, just tell them you need to make your next appointment. I’ll leave a prescription up front for prenatal vitamins,” he says, wiping off my belly before leaving the room. I sit up, stunned, and look at Wes, who’s looking down at the pictures in his hand. When his eyes come to me, the love I see there tells me everything I need to know.



  One year later

  I walk into our bedroom and my eyes fall on July, who has both our boys tucked close to her waist. Her eyes open slowly, and the smile that lights her face makes me feel like I’m the king of the world.

  “We fell asleep.” She smiles, and I smile back then kiss her neck before running my hand over James and Dean’s heads.

  “Your mom and dad are coming to pick up the boys,” I tell her, waiting for her reaction. I love my boys, but I miss being inside my wife without interruption, and I plan on fixing that tonight.

  “Why are they picking up the boys?”

  “Because I’m tired of being cock-blocked by my kids,” I tell her, and she giggles. Shit, just this morning I was going down on her, and she came hard and loud, but before I could lift up and enter her, the boys woke up, leaving me to take care of myself in the shower.

  “I’ve never been away from them for more than a few hours,” she says, and my face goes soft then I remind myself of my mission, and my dick throbs, reminding me what it’s missing, so I steel myself against saying, ‘We can do it another time,’ and tell her instead, “I know, baby, me either, but we need this. My dick needs this.”

  “I’m sorry.” She searches my face then lifts up, giving me a shot of her cleavage, which causes my dick to press harder against my zipper. When her mouth touches mine, I pull her head to the side with my hand at her nape and take over until she whimpers when I pull away.

  “Let me get their bags ready,” she breathes, making me laugh.

  “Already done.”

  “Sure of yourself, aren’t you, Mr. Silver?” She raises a brow, and I flick one of her nipples through the thin material of her summer dress.


  “Da.” I look down at James, and he rolls over then crawls to me.

  “Hey, little man,” I say, picking him up and kissing his head as he babbles on about something, then turn just in time for Dean to reach his little arms up at me. Unless you know us, you would think my boys are twins. They both have dark hair and blue eyes. James is just bigger.

  “You guys are going to spend the night with Grandpa and Grandma. How does that sound?” July coos, taking James from my grasp as he reaches out for her.

  We walk out into the living room, and July smiles over her shoulder when she sees I wasn’t lying. Both of the boys’ bags are sitting by the front door, ready to go. “Thanks, mom,” July tells November as she walks out of the house, carrying both diaper bags. Asher just exited moments before carrying both boys. James was more than excited to spend some time with their pop, while Dean grinned up at him toothlessly from his car seat.

  “They will be fine, and we’re just down the road,” November says over her shoulder then mutters something under her breath. As soon as I see they have all gotten into their car, I shut the door after pulling July inside, pressing her back into the wood then lifting her up with my hands under her ass. As soon as her legs wrap around me, I groan, feeling the heat coming off her pussy.

  “Unhook my belt, baby,” I growl, bunching up the material of her dress and ripping it off over her head. Then I do the same with my shirt, using the door and my hips as leverage to keep her up.

  She bites her lip as I strip my shirt off, and then her nails scrape down my abs before working my belt. She groans and her head falls back with a thunk as I pull down the cups of her bra then lower my mouth, pulling her nipple in with a deep tug.

  “Wes,” she moans, and I get down my jeans, just releasing my cock, pull her panties to the side, and impale her. “Oh, God, you’re so deep,” she whimpers, and I fuck her hard, watching as I enter her, then my gaze travels up, watching the way her tits bounce with each thrust.

  “Whose pussy is this, baby?” I ask, wrapping a hand in the back of her hair, twisting my fingers until her half-mast eyes meet mine. “Whose is it?” I growl on an outward slide.

  “Yours,” she breathes, wrapping her legs tighter around me.

  “That’s right, baby, and tonight, I’m going to fucking imprint my dick in your pussy,” I tell her, slamming back in, making the door bang loud throughout the quiet house.

  “Please!” she screams as her orgasm pulls at my cock, sucking it deeper until I come so hard I’m not even able to hold us up. My legs start to give out, so I carry her to the couch, sitting down with her in my arms, my cock still deep inside her.

  “Fuck, I missed this pussy,” I confess, and she giggles, burrowing closer, then mewls as I stand, carrying her to the bedroom, never leaving the heat of her. I lay her on the bed and start to go again, and her eyes go wide then slide closed. We spend the rest of the night in bed…in the kitchen…in the shower…

  “I love you, Wes Silver. Until the day I die, I will love you,” she tells me when we’re lying in bed later that night.

  I let her words sink into my soul and pull her closer, resting my lips against her temple before whisper
ing there, “Love you too, babe. You have given me everything.” And she did. A man who didn’t expect to have a woman or a family, a man who was okay with just living life day by day—one little woman changed all of that and made him want more. It’s on that thought I drift off to sleep, with everything I ever needed right in my arms.

  The End

  Cut scenes

  Just as we begin down a dirt road with giant pine trees along both sides of the road, I’m about to ask where we are going, when the road opens up and a large parking lot comes into view with a lake just beyond it.

  When the bike stops, I hop off and he follows, pulling off his helmet and setting it on the seat, then he pushes my hands out of the way and unclips mine gently, pulling it off my head.

  “Where are we?” I ask him, looking around. I have grown up in Tennessee my whole life and never been to this place before, and that is surprising because my family spends most of the summer out on the lake tubing and water skiing.

  “Just a spot I found a few weeks ago,” he mutters, pulling a bag out of the saddlebag that is attached to the side of his bike, the same bag he put in there when we dropped Capone off at his work, which just happened to be right down the road from my hospital.

  When we arrived, I found out that not only did he have a parts shop and car lot, there was a whole compound set up. When you walk down a short alley between the two buildings, you come to a high gate. Once you are through the gate, it feels like you are on the set of a prison show. There is a large open area with two sides blocked in by tall concrete buildings that look like apartments from the outside, with stairwells and walkways that lead from one door to another. Along the back is a tall chain-link fence with razor wire along the top, and a million cars piled one on top of the other. The area seems almost like a fortress.

  Taking my hand, he leads me towards a trail. Tall trees line one side of the path, while the other has a small cliff that goes down to the lake.


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