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Lords and Ladies

Page 26

by Terry Pratchett

Page 26


  “I just saw a monkey walk across the square,” said


  “The whole worlds coming to Lancre!” said Millie, who had once been as far as Slice.

  Magrat caught sight of the distant picture of herself and her fiance.

  “This is stupid,” she said to herself, but Millie heard her and was shocked.

  “What can you mean, maam?”

  Magrat spun around.

  “All this! For me!”

  Millie backed away in sudden fright.

  “Im just Magrat Garlick! Kings ought to marry princesses and duchesses and people like that! People who are used to it! I dont want people shouting hooray just because Ive gone by in a coach! And especially not people whove known me all my life! All this - this,” her frantic gesture took in the hated garderobe, the huge four-poster bed, and the dressing room full of stiff and expensive clothes, “this stuff . . . its not for me! Its for some kind of idea. Didnt you ever get those cut-outs, those dolls, you know, when you were a girl . . . dolls you cut out, and there were cut-out clothes as well? And you could make her anything you wanted? Thats me! Its . . . its like the bees! Im being turned into a queen whether I want to or not! Thats whats happening to me!”

  “Im sure the king bought you all those nice clothes because-”

  “I dont mean just clothes. I mean peopled be shouting hooray if - if anyone went past in the coach!”

  “But you were the one who fell in love with the king, maam,” said Millie, bravely.

  Magrat hesitated for a moment. Shed never quite analysed that emotion. Eventually she said, “No. He wasnt king then. No one knew he was going to be king. He was just a sad, nice little man in a cap and bells who everyone ignored. ”

  Millie backed away a bit more.

  “I expect its nerves, maam,” she gabbled. “Everyone feels nervous on the day before their wedding. Shall I . . . shall I see if I can make you some herbal-”

  “Im not nervous! And I can do my own herbal tea if I happen to want any!”

  “Cooks very particular who goes into the herb garden, maam,” said Millie.

  “Ive seen that herb garden! Its all leggy sage and yellowy parsley! If you cant stuff it up a chickens bum, she doesnt think its an herb! Anyway . . . whos queen in this vicinity?”

  “I thought you didnt want to be, maam?” said Millie.

  Magrat stared at her. For a moment she looked as if she was arguing with herself.

  Millie might not have been the best-informed girl in the world, but she wasnt stupid. She was at the door and through it just as the breakfast tray hit the wall.

  Magrat sat down on the bed with her head in her hands.

  She didnt want to be queen. Being a queen was like being an actor, and Magrat had never been any good at acting. Shed always felt she wasnt very good at being Magrat, if it came to that.

  The bustle of the pre-nuptial activities rose up from the town. Thered be folk dancing, of course - there seemed to be no way of preventing it - and probably folk singing would be perpetrated. And thered be dancing bears and comic jugglers and the greasy pole competition, which for some reason Nanny Ogg always won. And bowling-with-a-pig. And the bran tub, which Nanny Ogg usually ran; it was a brave man who plunged his hand into a bran tub stocked by a witch with a broad sense of humour. Magrat had always liked the fairs. Up until now.

  Well, there were still some things she could do.

  She dressed herself in her commoners clothes for the last time, and let herself out and down the back stairs to the widdershins tower and the room where Diamanda lay

  Magrat had instructed Shawn to keep a good fire going in the grate, and Diamanda was still sleeping, peacefully, the unwakeable sleep.

  Magrat couldnt help noticing that Diamanda was strikingly good-looking and, from what shed heard, quite brave enough to stand up to Granny Weatherwax. She could hardly wait to get her better so that she could envy her properly.

  The wound seemed to be healing up nicely, but there seemed to be -

  Magrat strode to the bellpull in the comer and hauled on it.

  After a minute or two Shawn Ogg arrived, panting. There was gold paint on his hands.

  “What,” said Magrat, “are all these things?”

  “Um. Dont like to say, maam . . . ”

  “One happens to be . . . very nearly . . . the queen,” said Magrat.

  “Yes, but the king said . . . well. Granny said-”

  “Granny Weatherwax does not happen to rule the kingdom,” said Magrat. She hated herself when she spoke like this, but it seemed to work. “And anyway shes not here. One is here, however, and if you dont tell one whats going on Ill see to it that you do all the dirty jobs around the palace. ”

  “But I do all the dirty jobs anyway,” said Shawn.

  “I shall see to it that there are dirtier ones. ”

  Magrat picked up one of the bundles. It was made up of strips of sheet wrapped around what turned out to be an iron bar.

  “Theyre all around her,” she said. “Why?”

  Shawn looked at his feet. There was gold paint on his boots, too.

  “Well, our mum said . . . ”


  “Our mum said I was to see to it that there was iron round her. So me and Millie got some bars from down the smithy and wrapped em up like this and Millie packed em round her. ”


  “To keep away the . . . the Lords and Ladies, maam. ”

  “What? Thats just old superstition! Anyway, everyone knows elves were good, whatever Granny Weatherwax says. ”

  Behind her, Shawn flinched. Magrat pulled the wrapped iron lumps out of the bed and tossed them into the comer.

  “No old wives tales here, thank you very much. Is there anything else people havent been telling me, by any chance?”

  Shawn shook his head, guiltily aware of the thing in the dungeon.

  “Huh! Well, go away. Verence wants the kingdom to be modem and efficient, and that means no horseshoes and stuff around the place. Go on, go away. ”

  “Yes, Miss Queen. ”

  At least I can do something positive around here, Magrat told herself.

  Yes. Be sensible. Go and see him. Talk. Magrat clung to the idea that practically anything could be sorted out if only people talked to one another.


  He paused at the door.

  “Yes, maam?”

  “Has the king gone down to the Great Hall yet?”

  “I think hes still dressing, Miss Queen. He hasnt rung for me to do the trumpet, I know that. ”

  In fact, Verence, who didnt like going everywhere preceded by Shawns idea of a fanfare, had already gone downstairs incognito. But Magrat slipped along to his room, and knocked on the door.

  Why be bashful? Itd be her room as well from tomorrow, wouldnt it? She tried the handle. It turned. Without quite willing it, Magrat went in.

  Rooms in the castle could hardly be said to belong to anyone in any case. Theyd had too many occupants over the centuries. The very atmosphere was the equivalent of those walls scattered with outbreaks of drawing-pin holes where last terms occupants hung the posters of rock groups long disbanded. You couldnt stamp your personality on that stone. It stamped back harder.

  For Magrat, stepping into a mans bedroom was like an explorer stepping on to that part of the map marked Here Be Dragons. [27]

  And it wasnt exactly what it ought to have been.

  Verence had arrived at the bedroom concept fairly late in life. When he was a boy, the entire family slept on straw in the cottage attic. As an apprentice in the Guild of Joculators, hed slept on a pallet in a long dormitory of other sad, beaten young men. When he was a fully fledged Fool hed slept, by tradition, curled up in front of his masters door. Suddenly, at a later age than is usual, hed been introduced to the notion of soft mattresses.

  And now Magrat was privy to the big secret.

bsp; It hadnt worked.

  There was the Great Bed of Lancre, which was said to be able to sleep a dozen people, although in what circumstances and why it should be necessary history had never made clear. It was huge and made of oak.

  It was also, very clearly, unslept in.

  Magrat pulled back the sheets, and smelled the scorched smell of linen. But it also smelled unaired, as if it hadnt been slept in.

  She stared around the room until her eye lit on the little still-life by the door. There was a folded nightshirt, a candlestick, and a small pillow.

  As far as Verence had been concerned, a crown merely changed which side of the door you slept.

  Oh, gods. Hed always slept in front of the door of his master. And now he was king, he slept in front of the door to his kingdom.

  Magrat felt her eyes fill with tears.

  You couldnt help loving someone as soppy as that.

  Fascinated, and aware that she was where she technically shouldnt be, Magrat blew her nose and explored further. A heap of discarded garments by the bed suggested that Verence had mastered the art of hanging up clothes as practiced by half the population of the world, and also that he had equally had difficulty with the complex topological manoeuvres necessary to turn his socks the right way out.

  There was a tiny dressing table and a mirror. Stuck to the mirror frame was a dried and faded flower that looked, to Magrat, very like the ones she habitually wore in her hair.

  She shouldnt have gone on looking. She admitted that to herself, afterward. But she seemed to have no self-control.

  There was a wooden bowl in the middle of the dresser table, full of odd coins, bits of string, and the general detritus of the nightly emptied pocket.

  And a folded paper. Much folded, as if it had stayed in said pocket for some time.

  She picked it up, and unfolded it.

  There were little kingdoms all over the hubward slopes of the Ramtops. Every narrow valley, every ledge that something other than a goat could stand on, was a kingdom. There were kingdoms in the Ramtops so small that, if they were ravaged by a dragon, and that dragon had been killed by a young hero, and the king had given him half his kingdom as per Section Three of the Heroic Code, then there wouldnt have been any kingdom left. There were wars of annexation that went on for years just because someone wanted a place to keep the coal.

  Lancre was one of the biggest kingdoms. It could actually afford a standing army. [28]

  Kings and queens and various sub-orders of aristocracy were even now streaming over Lancre bridge, watched by a sulking and soaking-wet troll who had given up on bridge-keeping for the day.

  The Great Hall had been thrown open. Jugglers and fire-eaters strolled among the crowd. Up in the minstrels gallery a small orchestra were playing the Lancre one-string fiddle and famed Ramtop bagpipes, but fortunately they were more or less drowned out by the noise of the crowd.

  Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax moved through said crowd. In deference to this being a festive occasion, Nanny Ogg had exchanged her normal black pointy hat for one the same shape but in red, with wax cherries on it.

  “All the hort mond are here,” Nanny observed, taking a drink off a passing tray. “Even some wizards from Ankh-Morpork, our Shawn said. One of them said I had a fine body, he said. Been tryin to remember all morning who that could have been. ”

  “Spoilled for choice,” said Granny, but it was automatic nastiness, with no real heart to it. It worried Nanny Ogg. Her friend seemed preoccupied.


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