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Jessica's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 3)

Page 13

by Jameson, Becca

  It was dark. Very dark. Late at night. But she could see perfectly in the dark. Always had.

  “Sorry.” A shiver racked her body as her fight-or-flight sensation subsided.

  “Don’t be sorry,” Charles continued. “We’re here for you. Want to talk about it?”

  She shook her head. “Same thing as always.”

  “Do you have these nightmares every night?” Reese laid a hand on her belly and soothed her. She stilled beneath his touch, relaxing with each passing moment.

  “No. They were getting farther apart. Hardly ever had them until the other night when they started up again.”

  “You’ve spent a lot of years overcoming your past. It’s understandable. We are forcing you to drag up emotions and feelings long tamped down.” Charles raked his fingers up and down her arm so delicately she could barely feel them.

  Jessica stretched out between her men. Thank God for their warmth and support.

  “Want to go for a run?” Reese stilled.

  “What? Now?” Jess stared at him.

  “Why not? Sometimes when I can’t sleep I shift and tear off into the night until I wear myself out.” His smile melted something in her by a degree.

  “No.” Her head shook back and forth as if not even attached to her body. She wasn’t ready for that. Didn’t even know if she’d ever be.

  “It’s okay. No pressure. Just a suggestion,” Charles murmured. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  What if that’s never?

  “Don’t worry. You’ll feel like shifting one of these days.” Charles squeezed her hand and held it.

  “Christ, you’re in my head.” She glanced from one to the other.

  Reese chuckled. “Go back to sleep, love.” He snuggled alongside her and kissed her cheek. “We’re right here. Nothing will happen to you.”

  She didn’t doubt that. It was so warm and cozy between these men she couldn’t even imagine what a relationship would be like with only one man. Wouldn’t her backside get cold? Or left out?

  She smiled at the thought and then jerked when the rumbling gentle laughter of both men shook her.


  * * * *

  It seemed like only moments before Jessica became aware she wasn’t quite as warm anymore. It was still dark though. Very dark. Too dark. Her eyes flew open, and she saw nothing.

  Her senses went on alert. She could smell her mates. They hadn’t gone far. They were in the room. Why was she chilly?

  Hands landed on her thighs and drew them apart. She smiled and reached for the head she knew would be between her legs. Except her hands wouldn’t move.

  “Charles? Reese?” Another tug proved her arms were over her head, secured.

  “Right here, babe.” The words tickled her ear as Charles spoke in his most seductive voice.

  That meant Reese was between her legs. Goose bumps rose all over her sensitive skin. “What…”

  “Just relax, hon. Let us pleasure you.” When Reese spoke, his hot breath feathered over her clit. His grip firmed on her thighs, pressing them farther apart. “So sexy.” He inhaled. “The second you awoke your pussy started creaming. You like being tied down, don’t you?”

  Jess bit her lip. And blindfolded apparently. Arousal surged through her, centering right in her belly. She whimpered.

  “That’s hot.” Charles’ mouth landed on hers as he spoke. He nibbled around her lips and then licked along the seam of her mouth until she opened up. Panting! She’d never been this aroused this fast.

  A tug on her wrists proved she was well and truly tied, her hands wrapped together in some sort of soft material that proved to be meticulously and purposefully secure. Each movement heightened her arousal. Her thighs quivered. But Reese did nothing more than breathe against her sex, held wide open to his perusal. Was it light?

  “It’s midmorning,” Reese stated. “You were sleeping so soundly we couldn’t resist. And … you were too easy. You didn’t even flinch as we secured you to the headboard and covered your eyes.” He blew on her, purposefully. Damn him. “We opened the window when you still didn’t even budge. And it’s very bright in here now. Your sweet pussy is glistening.”

  As if conjured by his words, a sudden breeze tickled her bare skin. She realized she was spread out like a feast before them, and they were gazing at her wide-open sex. Her nipples hardened under the imagined scrutiny, aided by the cool air.

  God, what if someone walks by the window?

  Charles chuckled. “I believe that excites you even more. Your pulse rate just jumped beneath my lips.” He licked her neck and then sucked right over her carotid artery.

  A sudden firm pinch of her nipple dragged a moan from her traitorous throat. How could she be so incredibly aroused by being tied down and blindfolded?

  “You’re so responsive.” Charles sucked the offended breast into his mouth.

  Instead of cringing away from the teeth he dragged over her pebbled nipple, she arched into his touch, demanding more. But just as quickly, he disappeared.

  Jessica released a brief, frustrated exhale, and then her other nipple succumbed to the same assault, a swift hard pinch, followed by a biting suction.

  In seconds it was over, her wet areolas now rock hard and chilled by the cool air.

  “I think you could make her come just by stimulating her nipples. Look at her clit, poking out from the hood with no help at all.” Reese leaned across her spread thighs with his forearms and made a triangle with his fingers to frame the area he was so clinically discussing.

  Jessica moaned and let her head fall to one side, opposite the side Charles was on. It was irrational, but somehow she felt she’d hidden from their intimate gazes by doing so.

  Her clit actually throbbed. She could feel her pulse beating beneath Reese’s fingers.

  Inches separated her nub from his mouth. There was little doubt considering the warm breath landing on her, flaming her higher by the second.

  She flushed, a warmth that spread across her chest and up her cheeks, to think of these lovers watching the reaction of her body at so little contact.

  “Please…” The word sounded foreign. I’m begging.

  “That’s it, baby. We want to hear you. Tell us what you need.” Charles licked across her nipple, or more like flicked his tongue over the distended point.

  He switched back and forth between the two breasts in rapid succession, his tongue wreaking havoc with her scrambling brain waves. There was no pattern. Sometimes one nipple got two or three licks, sometimes one.

  Meanwhile, Reese continued to breathe across her wide-open sex. When he suddenly blew on her clit from a very short distance, she nearly came undone.

  “Please…” Had that word even come out right? It sounded garbled.

  “Please what?” Reese hovered directly over her. He wouldn’t give her an inch.

  “Please … suck … me.”

  “Here?” Charles sucked a breast into his wide mouth, devouring her for the first time, changing the course of his delicate actions.

  She groaned and realized as he let go with a pop her lips were open and dry. She licked them, her tongue circling her mouth.

  “Oh, baby. I can’t wait to have that tongue circling my cock like that.” Charles sucked her other breast into his warmth just as fast as he had the first, overloading her senses.

  When he pulled off this time, she was nearly writhing. Her damp chest ached with need. God, somebody please fuck me already.

  Charles chuckled. “Not yet, babe. Not yet. First we want you to come hard and long while we watch.”

  Renewed heat suffused her face. She had to remember to curtail her thoughts.

  “We love your uninhibited sexy thoughts. So pure.” Reese blew across her heated skin. “Come, Jess. Come for me.”

  Jessica panted. She was so close. Other than holding her firmly with his fingers, no one was moving. She craved more stimulation. Charles blew across her wet chest. Reese blew across her soaking sex. Then the d
amn man used his thumbs to pull her lower lips open. He held them wide apart and puffed on her pussy. Quick, sharp breaths that frustrated her to no end.

  Abruptly, as though choreographed, Charles plucked both nipples with his fingers while Reese plunged into her core with his tongue.

  Jessica shot off. She screamed. Her walls grabbed Reese’s tongue and milked him as though she could suck him in farther.

  She tugged on her arms to no avail. They were efficiently secured.

  Before Jess was even close to being done contracting, Reese crawled up her body and thrust into her. She gasped. Her channel, still grabbing for something, latched onto his cock and continued, pushing her into another orgasm.

  Reese wrapped his hands around Jess, right under her shoulders, his thumbs landing in the suddenly erogenous zone of her armpits. He devoured her mouth, his tongue plunging into her and tasting every corner while he rocked against her body, never fully releasing his cock from her grip.

  Jessica wrapped her legs around Reese’s hips, hugging him with all her strength. She needed this. Needed the contact. Even after the intense orgasm she’d barely come down from, she craved the pressure of her mate’s body smothering her own, pounding into her, taking everything she offered.

  Reese moaned into her mouth, the vibrations sending a shiver up her arms.

  God, how she wanted to wrap her fingers around his head. Tangle them in his hair.

  She was at his mercy. His pace. His game. And the idea shot her libido up a notch, even now.

  “Gonna pull out, love.” Reese nibbled her lower lip as he spoke, held himself rigid inside her for another moment, and then jerked from her center to come across her stomach.

  Thank goodness one of them was thinking clearly. A wolf could only have sex so many times while in heat before the odds would be against them. If she made it through the week without getting pregnant, it would be a miracle.

  “Sorry.” Reese kissed her face, a line of wet lips that stretched from one ear to the other.

  Jess fought to catch her breath.

  “I need some of that too.”

  Oh, God. Charles. His voice rang sharp from her left. He’d been watching. How could she have forgotten? So engrossed in the moment. Geez.

  “If you forgot me,” he chuckled, “I’ll be happy to remind you now.”

  “It’s not that I forgot you, big guy. I was just a little preoccupied. And for some reason, I have no brain cells.”

  “Let me see what I can do about that.”

  Reese peeled himself off her, leaving her bereft of his touch. “Hang on.”

  In two breaths, he was back, wiping her body with a warm, damp cloth that must have materialized from thin air.

  “Untie me?” She didn’t want to beg, and she didn’t want to sound like she was commanding them, or they’d never let her go.

  No one spoke, but deft hands quickly released her wrists from their confinement and rubbed them gently to get the blood flowing again.

  “Pulling the mask off. Close your eyes.” Charles lifted the soft material from her face. Thank goodness for the warning. The light in the room was blinding after so long a deprivation.

  Blinking and squinting, it still took a while for her to see.

  Jessica was mush, so limp she couldn’t move a muscle. She wasn’t even embarrassed to realize she lay there splayed out before the men’s perusal like a feast, her legs still spread wide beneath their gazes.

  “So beautiful. If I could paint…” Charles caressed her up one arm and down between her breasts, his fingers mere feathers against her skin. He stood next to the bed leaning over her.

  “Suppose we could find an artist to do a nude for us?” Reese questioned.

  Jessica gasped, her legs drawing together and her hands fluttering down to cover her breasts. “Are you kidding? No fucking way.”

  Both men chuckled.

  “We wouldn’t share your body with anyone, love, even if it was just to look and not touch.” Charles gazed at her, all serious now. “You’re ours. No sharing.”

  Jessica leaned back into the mattress. Thank God. She glared at both men to make sure they had seriously been kidding, not testing her.

  Reese added his thoughts. “Honey, if I had to sit and watch some man’s face cloud over with lust while painting you, I’d probably shoot him just to erase the image of his lust.”

  A glance at Charles showed the same sentiment on his serious face, furrowed brows that indicated he agreed. Her gaze traveled down his body until it landed on his cock, bobbing in front of him, reminding her he’d not had any release yet.

  Jessica leaned on her elbows to get a better look at Charles’ perfect frame. Muscles bulged across his pecs and down his arms. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths amplified in the silence of the room. The air stood still.

  She glanced at his face. His expression gave away nothing. Solid. Not a smile or a frown. His gaze was steady. And his mind was closed. Naturally he’d had more practice than her at hiding his thoughts. In wolf form he’d had to communicate with his brothers and other family members all his life.

  She was the newbie here.

  Jess licked her lips and turned to crawl across the bed in his direction. Suddenly she needed to taste him. Both men had devoured her. She’d not had the luxury yet of taking Charles into her mouth. No better time…

  Charles grabbed the edge of the bed as she climbed across. She smiled, but kept her gaze peeled to the engorged flesh in front of her pleading to be taken into her mouth.

  Two can play at this game. Instead of grabbing Charles and sucking him deep into her warmth, she held back and didn’t even touch him. In fact, she blew across the mushroom-shaped head that dripped with precum.

  Charles flinched and moaned deep and long. “That’s not fair.”

  A sarcastic chuckle escaped her lips, and that was all the answer she gave to his little mind communication.

  These mates of hers may have sent her sailing through the heavens with their sex games, tying her up and torturing her sensitive flesh until she came, screaming into the darkness, but payback was a bitch. And she intended to give as good as she’d taken.

  With a teensy flick of her tongue, she glazed over the drop of fluid on the tip of Charles’ cock. He jerked. Bless his ability to hold steady. He did not wrap his hands around her head and drag her into his groin as she’d expected. Instead, he white-knuckled the mattress with both hands and waited.

  “You liked that?” Jessica glanced at his face, blinking as though she could pull off “coy.”

  A growl escaped his mouth, and he gave no comment.

  Jess resumed her course, dragging her tongue from the base to the tip. She remained poised on all fours in front of him, only marginally registering the position she was in left to the perusal of Reese. Her breasts swayed.

  Jess blew across Charles’ head again and then swirled her tongue around the bulb, watching the reaction. His cock twitched. It pleaded with her to suck it into her mouth and put it out of its misery.

  This was her second blowjob. She wasn’t as hesitant as she’d been with Reese. More like nervous about pleasing him than anything else. Many women had sucked this cock, and she couldn’t even begin to measure up at this stage of the game.

  Charles let go of the bed and cupped the sides of her face, drawing her to his gaze. “Baby, you are so fucking sexy. There isn’t a damn thing you could do wrong in this bedroom. Just looking at me with those glazed eyes of yours sucks my brain cells out of my head. The thought of you licking me and wrapping that hot little mouth around my cock makes me so aroused I could come without the blowjob.”

  The words soothed. Gave her confidence.

  “Just do what feels right to you, and I guarantee I will enjoy it. There is no right or wrong. When a wolf is with the right mate, it’s all perfect.”

  Empowered, Jessica tucked her head back down, shook Charles’ hands from her face, and wrapped her mouth around his length.

is flavor filled her senses. Musky. Salty. Charles. Perfection.

  As she toyed with the tip, familiarizing herself with his girth, Reese scooted behind her and rubbed his hands over her ass. With his knees, he nudged her legs apart and situated himself between them, spreading her and driving her lust to new heights with his subtle way of dominating her even while she feigned to be in control of this one event.

  Jessica sucked Charles’ length as deep and as hard as she could in one giant thrust.

  Charles moaned. The man had stamina. She had to give him that. He still didn’t grab her head. She knew enough to realize that took effort.

  She sucked, long strokes in and out, bobbing on and off his thick cock while her ass wiggled in the air behind her.

  Reese stroked the skin of her behind, unbelievably making her pussy weep again.

  When she grazed her teeth down Charles’ length, he lost it. “Jeesss.” The word was growled as a warning. Of what? It wasn’t as though she didn’t know what the outcome was going to be or hadn’t intended to make him come. Had she hurt him with her teeth?

  “Baby, that feels better than anything I’ve ever felt in my entire life. You’re perfect. But I’m going to come, so unless you want to swallow…”

  Jessica sucked him all the way into her throat, deeper than she’d managed so far.

  Reese caressed her back and up to her neck. “Open your throat, love. Breathe through your nose. Take him in all the way. You can do it.”

  He didn’t push. Just encouraged.

  It was enough. She did as he said, and just as she nearly swallowed Charles all the way down his shaft, he came, hot bursts of semen coating the back of her throat. She sucked him, milking his cock and swallowing all he had to offer until he stopped pulsing inside her mouth.

  With a tiny flinch, Charles reached to lift her face off his cock. “Sensitive … after … babe.” She released him gingerly and gazed into his smiling face. “I’m going to keep you.”

  Jessica felt her heart beating in her chest. His approval meant a lot.

  Charles stroked her cheek with his thumb, staring at her as though she hung the stars.


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