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Jessica's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 3)

Page 16

by Jameson, Becca

  Charles acknowledged their silent conversation as he walked past with a glance, but he didn’t stop. He simply brushed his hand across her arm on the way by.

  Her flesh tingled where he’d left his light touch, as though he were still kissing her.

  Jess glanced at Reese. She hadn’t realized until just now he was right. She’d blamed herself all these years. Well, not precisely for the murder of her mom and dad, but for her cowardice with regard to being frozen inside the house watching the scene unfold.

  “You are not a coward. You are completely the opposite, in fact.” Charles didn’t turn around, but he communicated his thoughts with his hand on the front doorknob.

  With a jerk, Charles yanked the door open. His father, brothers, and the other mated men squared off at the entrance. Even with all the testosterone filling the space, Jessica had a clear line of vision directly to the two assholes she’d hoped to never lay eyes on again in this lifetime. She sucked in a breath. Even knowing there was a good chance these same men would show up to get Alyssa the same way they’d come to collect Jessica all those years ago, she was still unprepared for the onslaught of emotion that warred inside her.

  “Are these the same men, babe?” Charles asked. No one had moved an inch or said a word yet.

  “Yes.” Even telepathically her word sounded breathy to her ears.

  The bastards had barely changed in twelve years. They stood there all cocky, sure of themselves. They’d shot her parents in cold blood and irrevocably altered her life. Her blood boiled as she glared. She’d given them her power. Realization dawned. They were still controlling her from halfway across the country like a weak victim. Jessica had allowed these murdering beasts to make her flinch at her own shadow.

  Not anymore. Her spine stiffened as she resolved to take control of her life. No longer would she be a victim. Jessica stood taller, shook herself free of Reese’s arm wrapped around her, and watched how this scene unfolded.

  “Excuse our intrusion on this special holiday, but we believe a member of our pack is staying here under false pretenses. Perhaps the girl has lied to you, made up a story that has caused you to protect her.”

  Richard took the lead. “No one is here but family and impending family. You are misinformed. There are no pack members other than those who belong.” His words were perfectly selected. Ambiguous.

  The taller, skinnier man opened his mouth to speak, but the shorter, chubbier asshole shushed him with a look and a hand. “I beg to differ. I can smell our packmate from here. Alyssa is her name. If you’d hand her over. She’s a runaway. Her parents are very worried.”

  A throat cleared from just outside the kitchen area to Jessica’s right, and she turned to see Michael with his arms wrapped around his fake intended, her back pressed against his front. “Alyssa is my mate. She will not be returning with you to your pack. Tell her parents she is safe and sound and happy.” Michael’s performance was so perfect Jessica could have been fooled herself as to his intentions where they concerned Alyssa. In fact, after he spoke, he tipped his head down and kissed her. Jessica was certainly convinced. They looked exactly like two people very much in love.

  The short man spoke. “You have not claimed her yet.”

  “No. She’s very young. I’d like to give her some time to acclimate to the idea first. Common courtesy when the woman in question is just barely an adult.” His jibe didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “When the time is right, I will be claiming Alyssa. Not beforehand. I won’t force her to speed through her youth just because we are mates.”

  Lost in the litany, Jessica even forgot this was all a hoax. Wasn’t it?

  The two hired killers stood at the door with their mouths hanging open, unsure what to do. Seemingly at once, their gazes landed on Jessica, and they gasped. “You,” they said in unison.

  Jessica cringed under the scrutiny and then remembered her new resolve. She narrowed her gaze. Her fists clenched at her sides, and her wolf hovered beneath the surface unexpectedly.

  “That’s right.” Charles inched forward, his threatening frame taking up the door and entering into the personal space of her childhood pack members. “And I bet you two were in a heap of trouble when you returned to the pack without Jessica. She was just a child. You told them you’d killed her. You lied.” He let each statement hang in the air for several seconds before he spoke the next. “Bet you never expected to see her again, did you?”

  The fat man lurched forward before he could stop himself, one foot inside the house. He narrowed his gaze on Jessica and bared his teeth.

  Jessica backed up, stepping behind Reese. She needed to get control of her wolf. A few steps more and she was in the hallway. If she didn’t remove herself from the bastards’ line of sight, she’d lose it. Her senses were so heightened she could hear everyone speaking as though she were standing right among them in the foyer. Her pulse rate soared, and she leaned against the wall to cool her forehead.

  “Both of those women belong to our pack.” The deep voice sounded firmer as the fat man regained control.

  “Not any more they don’t,” Charles challenged.

  Jessica took deep breaths. What’s happening to me? Suddenly her clothes felt too tight. Her skin crawled. For the first time in her life, she craved the shift. Somehow the air around her had changed. All eyes and everyone’s attention focused on the predators at the door. No one looked in her direction. Even Reese and Charles were concentrating so hard on the front of the house they didn’t notice her disappearance. She stood alone in the hall.

  “Might I make a suggestion?” Charles continued. “Unless you want to further embarrass yourselves, I think now would be a good time to turn tail and get the fuck out of here. If we ever see you again, or hear even a peep you’ve been in our territory, we will hunt your asses and tell your pack leader about your lies twelve years ago. Your choice. You could make a scene, but you are severely outnumbered here. I’m betting if your leader finds out about your lie, he’ll kill you himself. Am I right?”

  She needed this—for herself and her new pack. She needed to shift to wolf form and assert herself. Show those bastards they couldn’t control her any more. No more jumping at shadows.

  “How about, instead, you turn Jessica and Alyssa over to us, and we take our women back home where they belong?” The fat bastard sounded as though he were overconfident in his request.

  What made him think, in a standoff of two against a dozen, he would leave here with two women?

  Hell, just the sound of her name crossing his lips again pushed her over the edge. Jessica stripped out of her clothes in record time and closed her eyes, pausing naked in the hallway while she concentrated.

  An animalistic hiss from someone in the Masters family rang in her ear.

  Moments later Jessica fell to all fours as her bones popped and twisted, reforming and contorting. Hair poked out all over her body, and her face elongated. It was over in seconds, and then she growled, deep and long and menacingly.

  All heads turned as she bounded out of the hallway, leaped over paper, gifts, and furniture, and jumped onto all fours in front of the two men standing at the door.

  Teeth bared, Jessica lifted her head and howled.

  “Jessica?” Charles laid a hand on her rump, but she ignored him. “Step back, babe. Please. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Jessica didn’t respond. She stared down the men, feeling freer than she’d ever felt in her life. For the first time, she faced her opponents head on and confronted her worst fears. Never mind she was too small and weak to actually take anyone on single-handedly. There were numerous shifters at her back who wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  This was for herself.

  The men backed up a step as though afraid. It wasn’t logical, but it still made her pride soar.

  “What are we supposed to tell Fredrick?” The shaky voice belonged to the skinny man. He squeaked out the question, and his tone grated on Jessica’s nerves.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you tell that dictatorial asshole. That Alyssa is mated? Dead? You couldn’t find her? Just make sure it’s convincing, ’cause your ass is on the line. If Fredrick doesn’t kill you, I might just finish the job myself. Got it?” Charles grazed his hand over Jessica’s back. “Oh, and I don’t think it would be wise for you to even mention Jessica’s name to anyone in your pack. Have I made myself clear?”

  The fat man gulped. “Yes.”

  “Good. Now get the fuck off our property and don’t step foot anywhere near any member of my pack again, ya hear? That includes anyone protected by my family and under our care.”

  Charles slammed the door in their faces without another word.

  Jessica turned her clumsy body around to find the entire family staring at her. Her gaze found Reese’s, and he grinned in her direction, pride making him hold his shoulders a little higher than usual.

  Warmth spread through her under the layer of fur. Her mate was proud of her. She twisted herself to look at Charles at her side. His smile broadened also, and he petted her behind the ear. It was an odd sensation, but she could get used to it. Behind the layers of fur, she was smiling.

  “You’re beautiful.” Reese sauntered over toward her and Charles.

  “That’s a fact,” Charles added.

  “You think they’ll leave? For good?” she inquired.

  “I don’t see what other choice they have,” Reese communicated.

  Richard stepped into her line of sight. “I’m proud of you. You really stood your ground against those bastards. I don’t think we’ll see them again anytime soon. And you”—he turned toward Michael and Alyssa—“were very convincing. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have bet my last nickel you were destined mates. I’m so proud of all you boys today. Now let’s get some breakfast started. Who’s hungry?” Richard clapped his hands together and rubbed his palms against each other.

  Michael peeled himself slowly from Alyssa. The woman was shaking. She rubbed her hands up and down her arms when Michael backed up. He didn’t take his gaze off her. Interesting.

  “Do you need help shifting back?” Reese’s voice drew her gaze back to his tall, lean frame next to her.

  “No. I think I’d like to go for a run. Join me?” She glanced from one mate to the other.

  “Wonderful idea.” Charles led the way toward the back door, ignoring the whispers of everyone in the family as he passed. Reese held the screen door open for Jessica, and the three of them pushed their way onto the porch.

  Jessica stared in awe at her mates as they quickly shed their clothes and shifted to join her. They were larger than she was. Deep brown fur covered Charles, while Reese’s coat was a lighter shade, almost blond. Their loving gazes burrowed into her as they tangled their heads and necks with hers in the manner wolves would show affection.

  Her chest tightened. They loved her. And she loved them.

  “Follow me?” Charles nodded in the direction of the woods briefly and then bounded off the porch toward the trees.

  Reese followed on his heels, and Jessica’s blood pumped with the freedom she experienced as she leaped off the porch behind the two lupines who owned her heart.

  * * * *

  Hours later, when the three mates had returned, breakfast was over, and the dishes had been cleared away, the entire family sat around the living room to open gifts.

  Jessica felt like a heel as packages gathered around her. No one expected anything from her, and they all expressed their sincerity about that repeatedly, but nevertheless, she wished she’d had the time, resources, and foresight to have shopped for the Masters clan, especially her mates.

  Those smug men just grinned and handed her presents like there was nothing to it.

  Finally, when it seemed everything was opened and it was time to start trash duty, Charles and Reese surprised everyone by getting down in front of Jessica and presenting her simultaneously with a small, purple, velvet box.

  Oh God. Completely blindsided, she stared at her mates, her hand on her chest. Her heart beat so hard it threatened to pound out of her body. Two men, each on one knee, stared into her face and grinned.

  “Gonna open it?” Reese nodded at the small box.

  Her hands shook and wouldn’t obey her brain telling them to move. Her mouth dried, and even licking her lips didn’t dampen them.

  “Baby?” Charles encouraged.

  Finally, Charles opened the box himself, the top flipping up with a loud click in the quiet room. A giant, shining solitaire diamond sparkled. “We love you more than anything in the world. And we know how important it is for you to keep working … for now.” He stared at her pointedly, but his mouth curved on one side. “Therefore, we propose we come to some sort of conventional arrangement so your co-workers will know you are taken, engaged.”

  Reese continued. “As our mate, you are our equal. Never doubt that. We claimed you, and I know we can sometimes be overbearing, perhaps even dictatorial, but only because we adore the ground you walk on. Please, accept this ring as a symbol of our love and devotion.”

  Tears leaked down her face. Each man used a finger to wipe away the line of moisture. She swallowed. “To whom will I say I’m engaged?” The question had niggled in the back of her mind even as she listened to their eloquent speech.

  “We hadn’t quite worked that detail out yet. We’ll have to discuss that together, the three of us. What we do know is we want you to be wearing our ring from now on. It might seem presumptuous to you, but trust us when we say it’s only because of our love.

  The ring was neither dictatorial or overbearing, nor presumptuous. It was the kindest, most loving gesture anyone had ever proposed in her life. She loved these men with all her heart. And she had no interest in going into town without wearing this symbol of her commitment for all the world to see.

  Jessica flung herself into their arms and squeezed. “Thank you. It’s beautiful. I’ll be proud to wear it.”

  Claps rang out around the room, startling Jess. She’d blacked out the world around her and forgotten their audience.

  She leaned back and smiled.

  Charles and Reese both took her left hand, and together they inched the gold-banded ring onto her finger. When they finished, they stood, pulling her up with them.

  Reese leaned his forehead against hers and whispered, “Shall we go somewhere a little more private? I could really use some alone time with you.”

  Jessica shook her head and stepped back, leaving both men with their mouths hanging open. Tipping her head to one side and grinning slightly, she said, “If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to go for a run again. It was … invigorating. Shifting might grow on me.” She smiled broader.

  Both sets of eyes went wide.

  “Of course,” they both stated at once. “What’re we waiting on?” Charles and Reese took Jessica by the hands and headed for the back door, blocking out the world at large as they went.

  The only thing that mattered was getting undressed, shifting, and running toward the future.

  The End

  About the Author

  Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and two kids. When she isn't writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking, or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn't sleep much … or sit down often … but she loves to be busy! To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog at, email her at, or follow her on Twitter @beccajameson.

  Table of Contents

  Jessica’s Wolves


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15
br />   Chapter 16

  About the Author

  Table of Contents

  Jessica’s Wolves


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  About the Author




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