Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 26

by Laylah Roberts

  She thought about lying, but instead, she shook her head.

  Tell him the truth.

  “I don’t like taking pills,” she blurted out.

  “What?” He turned to look at her.

  “I don’t like swallowing them.”

  “But when you had your sore ankle . . .” he trailed off as she gave him a guilty look.

  “I didn’t take them,” she confessed.

  “So you can’t take any of these?”


  “Right, we need to talk. Come on.” He left the pills behind and they moved to the cash register.

  She reached into her handbag. But before she could even get her wallet out, Razor had paid with his credit card.

  “You didn’t have to pay for me.” She scowled at him.

  “I already had my card out.” He grabbed the bag with one hand and her hand with the other, then led her out. “I have a heating pad at home, but if you want to go get one now, we can.”

  She shook her head. “My periods are pretty irregular, so sometimes they can be quite painful and heavy, but I think I’ll be all right until we get home.”

  He opened the door and lifted her in, placing the bag at her feet before he did up her seatbelt. “So that’s why this period is only three weeks after your last one?”


  Holy hell.

  Why hadn’t she thought of that? And how had he possibly remembered?

  Who was she kidding? This is Razor. Nothing got past him.

  She waited until he was in the driver’s seat to turn to him. “I lied.”

  “About taking those painkillers? Yeah, I got that.”

  “Not that. I lied about my period. I didn’t really mean to. It was just a little white lie and I crossed my fingers. See, I told you I had my period three weeks ago, but I didn’t. I’m a lying liar-pants liar,” she wailed.

  “Okay, calm down. Why did you tell me you had your period?”

  “I don’t know, it just popped out. I wasn’t getting groceries. Instead, I bought my fish and Scooby. Just like I lied when I said I was listening when you asked me to order a part that first week I started working. And I hate swallowing pills. I only like liquid pain relief.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “What? That I’m a big baby who can’t swallow pills because my asshole ex-husband drugged me?”

  “Tabby, you should have said something.” He looked at her, aghast.

  “I’ve always had issues with taking pills. Something about the taste and texture. But after Luther drugged me, I can’t even look at them without feeling nauseous.”

  He leaned over to hug her awkwardly.

  “I’m so sorry, baby girl.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she whispered.

  “I wish you’d told me. I only want to take care of you.”

  “I know.” She felt terrible.

  “We’ll go to the pharmacy and get some liquid pain relief.”

  “We don’t have to . . .” she trailed off at the look on his face.


  Hush, Tabby.

  He gently grasped hold of her chin and turned her face towards his. “No lies, not even small, white ones, understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I understand.”

  “And you’re getting fifteen.”

  “What! But, Daddy, you can’t spank me! The lies happened before we were together.”

  “That’s why you’re only getting fifteen. I wouldn’t normally punish you for things that happened before we were in a relationship, but this is important. However, I’ll wait until the cramps have stopped.”

  Wow. That was so generous of him.


  By the time they pulled up to his house later that afternoon, she was feeling miserable. Not because of her period. Well, partially because of that. But mostly because she felt like she’d really messed up.

  Razor parked in the garage and hopped down, letting Luna out of the backseat. Then he came around and helped her down.

  “You’re quiet, Tabby-baby,” he said, taking hold of her hand. “Not feeling great?”

  “I’m all right.” Urgh, what was she doing? She shook her head. “Actually, no, I’m not feeling great.”

  “You need some more pain relief?”

  “It’s not that.” She spotted two boxes sitting on the doorstep and it distracted her. “What’s that?”

  “Something I ordered for you.”

  “Great! Now I feel even worse,” she cried as he opened the door. She stormed in and put in the code for the alarm. “I’m a terrible person.”

  “You’re not a terrible person,” he said as he carried the boxes in and set them down on the dining table.

  She sat on a chair at the table and lay her head on her arms.

  Razor placed his hand on the small of her back. “Come here.”

  He lifted her and then took her seat, settling her on his lap.

  “I don’t deserve you being nice to me,” she muttered, even as she buried her face in his neck.

  “Oh, you don’t? You want me to be mean to you?”

  “It’s what I deserve.”

  “You don’t think you’re being a bit hard on yourself?”

  “No.” She sniffled.

  “Okay. Then is there something that might make you feel better?”

  She shook her head.

  “You know the point of a spanking?”

  “To hurt someone’s bottom.”

  “Well, I guess, but not really. It’s a deterrent for future behavior.”


  “And it’s a way for the person who is being spanked to be punished. To let go of any guilt they hold. To wipe the slate clean. Once a punishment is given, then all is forgiven.”

  “Really? But what if the person doing the spanking brings it up again?”

  “I guess that happens,” he conceded. “But with you and me, I want it as a way to move forward. Living with guilt isn’t fun. For anyone. It can make you sick. It can make it hard to sleep. It can eat away at you.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s right.” She sat up straight. “So what you’re saying is I’ll feel better if I’m punished.”

  “That’s the hope.”

  “What if you do something wrong? Who spanks you?”

  “Nobody spanks me. But you’re right, there should be a consequence if I do something wrong.”

  “Like what?”

  “Have you got any ideas?”

  “Maybe you should have to piggyback me everywhere I want to go for a day.”

  He gave a solemn nod. “I can see where that would be a just punishment.”

  “Are you going to spank me then?” she whispered.

  He rubbed her lower tummy. “I don’t want to while you’re already feeling yucky and down. Probably doesn’t help that you’re sleep-deprived.”

  “I think you should just do it. I don’t wanna think about it anymore.”

  “All right, if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” Nerves filled her as he put her on her feet.

  “Go use the bathroom. When you come back, I want you to go stand in that corner and wait for me.”

  She looked to where he was pointing, but she was slightly confused. “Not the naughty corner in my playroom, Daddy?”

  “Nope. I have something to set up in your bedroom.” He got up and picked up both boxes that had been on the doorstep.

  “But, Daddy . . .”


  “I don’t deserve any more nice things.”

  “Just because you make a mistake or break a rule doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve nice things,” Razor told her gently. “That’s just nonsense. Besides, Daddy enjoys doing nice things for you. You wouldn’t take that away from me, would you?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Right, go use the bathroom. Then come back out. I expect to find you in that corner. Actually, wait. We’ll get you changed first.”


  “Yeah, after your spanking, you can take a nap.”

  “Daddy, that didn’t go so well last time.”

  “I have an idea for this time. Although it might not be so fun with a hot bottom. We’ll see. Go to the bathroom and meet me in your room so we can get you changed.”

  After using the bathroom, she walked into her room. He had a drill set and a stepladder in there. What was he doing?

  “Come here.”

  He gestured at her and she saw he had an outfit on her bed. It was an all-in-one pajama set that had a drop seat.

  “Take off everything except your panties and then we can get you dressed.”

  She slowly started to strip. He helped her, tugging off her top then getting her to hold onto his shoulders while he tugged off her pants. Soon she was just wearing her panties. She couldn’t help but feel slightly self-conscious as she hugged herself.

  “No need for that, baby girl,” he murmured, helping her step into the outfit. It was blue with fish all over it. Really cute. He drew it up and helped her get her arms through the sleeves before doing up the short zip at the back.

  “Perfect. Now, take yourself off to the corner in the dining room while I take care of this.”

  With a sigh, she turned. He landed a heavy slap on her ass making her squeal.

  “Get moving, brat.”

  Fine, she was going, she was going.


  Corner time was weird.

  She’d thought it would be boring, and it was. In fact, she fidgeted something fierce for the entire time. First, her foot itched, then her nose. Then she started to worry she might have some sort of rash. Then her back ached and she had to stretch.

  “You really can’t be still, can you?”

  She gasped and turned suddenly, wincing as she landed heavily on her sore ankle.

  “Fuck, shit! How did I forget about your foot? I should be shot. Are you all right?” Picking her up, he carried her over to the kitchen counter and set her down on it. He then gently grasped hold of her foot, checking it. “It doesn’t appear swollen.”

  “Cause it’s not. It’s not sore either. I wasn’t fidgeting because my ankle was sore. I just have excess energy.”

  “I still should have had you sit in the corner. You’re sure your foot is fine?”


  His lips twitched. “Hunky-dory? Really?”

  “What’s wrong with saying hunky-dory?”

  “Nothing, if you’re eighty.”

  “Well, I might be now that I’m living in grandma’s cottage.”

  “You brat.” He tickled her as she giggled and tried to push him away.

  “Enough! Enough!”

  “You’re right. It is enough.” Drawing back, he gave her a stern look. “Time for your punishment.”


  He lifted her down, putting her carefully on her feet. Taking hold of her hand, he led her to the table. Drawing out a chair, he sat and patted his lap.

  “Maybe I need more corner time practice.”

  “You do,” he confirmed. “You’re not supposed to fidget around while standing in the corner. You’re supposed to be thinking about what you did that resulted in you getting put in the corner.”

  “It’s so hard, Daddy. I have ants in my pants.”

  “I know you do. Come here, now.”

  With a sigh, knowing she wasn’t going to get out of it, she took his hand and he helped her over his lap. As soon as she lay on his thighs, she expected him to start whaling on her ass. But instead, he rubbed her lower back.

  “How is your period pain? Got cramps?”

  “It’s all right, Daddy,” she whispered. Would he ever cease to amaze her with his caring? Would she ever come to take this for granted? She sure as hell hoped not.

  Because he was special.

  And hers.

  “That’s good. I’m going to do this quickly, so we can get you settled and down for your nap with the heat pad.” As he spoke, he undid the drop seat on her pajamas.

  “I still don’t think I’m gonna be able to nap, Daddy,” she told him, tensing as he pulled down her panties until they were just under her cheeks.

  “We’ll see. The count is fifteen. Ready?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Before she even finished speaking, he started. His hand landed several smacks on her ass. It wasn’t until about the third one that her brain seemed to catch up with what was happening. She let out a loud cry that had Luna howling.

  Two more smacks landed, then Razor stopped, rubbing her lower back. “Luna, she’s all right.”

  Tabby sucked in a breath. All right? She wasn’t sure that she was all right. Her ass was already on fire. And there was more to come.

  But she turned her head, trying to smile at the dog. “I’m okay, Luna.”

  “I might have to put her out,” Razor said. He stood her up. “Sit for a moment, I’ll be right back.”

  Was he for real? Sit? She wasn’t sure she’d sit again. However, she did take the opportunity to rub at her bottom. Ouchy.

  Razor was quick to return and he raised an eyebrow as he saw her. “No rubbing.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “That’s not a rule.”

  “Oh, it definitely is.” He took his seat again. “Rubbing is not allowed. Now, where were we?”

  “You’d given me twelve already.”

  “Are you crossing your fingers?” he asked suspiciously.

  She groaned. “It’s like a sickness. Seriously. I don’t even know I’m doing it.”

  “It’s a habit we need to break, Tabby-baby. Now, we have to start over.”

  “What? Nooo,” she groaned. But he began smacking her ass again. This time it was worse. This time, it felt like her bottom was a giant ball of fire. It was tender as hell. She didn’t know how many spanks he got in before she was kicking her legs and trying to wriggle away from him.

  “Daddy! Daddy!” she cried out.

  He paused and she sucked in a sobbing breath.

  “Okay, baby girl?” he asked, rubbing her back.


  “What’s wrong? What hurts? Your foot? Your tummy?”

  “My bottom!” She really thought that should be obvious.


  Oh? That’s all he had to say? Oh?

  “What do you mean, oh?”

  “Well, your bottom is meant to hurt,” he told her.

  “Yes, but . . . it’s worse than I thought.”

  “I’m sorry about that. But there wouldn’t be much point if it didn’t hurt. Right, you’ve got seven more to go.”

  Seven more?

  This was terrible.

  Then he began again. Tears dripped down her cheeks about three smacks in. She gave up on fighting. She knew this was going to happen no matter what. And once she relaxed and gave in, the spanking actually became easier to take.

  Sure, her bottom might be hot. But she did deserve this. Strangely, the guilt started to melt away. Maybe it was a mind trick or something, but did it matter if it worked?

  Razor gently turned her over on his lap until she was straddling his legs, facing him. She curled up against his chest and cried. It felt like she hadn’t cried in years. In fact, she couldn’t remember when she’d just let go like this.

  Sure, when Luther hurt her, she’d often cry. And there had been times after he’d died that she’d wake up with tears dripping down her cheeks. She’d shed a few tears here and there. But nothing like this.

  This felt cathartic.

  “That’s it, let it all out.”

  Funny, she’d expected him to tell her to stop. Or to hush. But Razor just held her, rocking her slightly back and forth. She loved being in his arms. He was so big, so strong, it was like nothing could touch her when he held her.

  “Let’s get you some tissues.”

  Great, she probably looked like a mess. He picked her up and carried her against his front with his arm under her as

  “There, there, baby girl. You’re all right now. Daddy has you. You’re okay,” he told her.

  They were the same words that he often told her during the night, she realized. When she had a nightmare and he’d hug her tight and tell her that he had her.

  They ended up in the bathroom and he handed her some tissues while he wet a washcloth. After she’d blown her nose and cleaned herself up, he wiped her face down with the cloth and then her hands. As she became more aware, she realized that her ass was still uncovered.

  “Daddy, my drop seat is open.” She attempted to pull up her panties, but he grabbed her hands, keeping them in front of her.

  “Don’t pull them up yet. I want to check your bottom.”

  Surely, he wasn’t serious.

  “My bottom is fine,” she hastily told him. “It’s right where you left it. You know, when you were pummeling it. Is your hand made out of concrete, by the way? Because I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to sit for at least a week.”

  He gave her an amused look. “I think you’ll be okay. I didn’t spank you that hard.”

  Didn’t spank her that hard? Was he insane? She was serious about the not-sitting thing.

  “Now turn around and bend over the counter.”

  “Why?” she asked suspiciously. “You already gave me the spanking. And I’m thinking you gave me extra. How are your counting skills?”

  “I’ve been counting to fifteen since I was four,” he told her.

  “Four! Sheesh, I couldn’t do that at four. Numbers are tricky.”

  “Yes, I know you have problems with them. I’ve seen your spreadsheets.”

  She gasped in shock. “Daddy! That’s just mean.”

  “But true.”

  Well, she couldn’t dispute that. Unfortunately. Numbers. Gah.

  “And you got extras because we had to start again. Now, turn.” He twirled a finger in the air.

  Lord help her. She couldn’t believe he was making her do this. “Daddy, this is just mean.”

  “No, this is what happens after every spanking to make sure you’re all right.”

  “I think you just want to look at my butt.”

  “That too.” He winked at her. “It’s a mighty fine butt.”

  Well, she couldn’t argue that either. So she turned and bent over the counter, pressing her hot cheek against the cool counter. Razor ran a finger over her warm bottom, making her jump and squeal.


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