Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 27

by Laylah Roberts

  “Looks good to me, Tabby-baby.” He pulled up her panties and did up her drop seat before she stood and turned. “There’s one thing we haven’t spoken about.”

  “What’s that?” she whispered.

  “Anal play. I know I mentioned figging to you a while back.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think that sounds like much fun, Daddy. I was always told don’t mess food up with umm, butt stuff.”

  “Really? Who gave you that advice?”

  “Oh, well, um, I think it was a cartoon.”

  “That’s an interesting cartoon you were watching. Are anal punishments and play a hard limit?”

  She opened her mouth to say yes. Then she thought about it. Was it a hard limit?

  “I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like that, so I don’t know if I’ll like it or not.”

  “But it’s not a trigger?”

  “I don’t think it will be. Luther never did anything to me there.”

  He gently tilted her face up. She hadn’t even realized that she’d ducked her gaze down.

  “We’ll see how it goes then? There’s no rush. And if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable or scares you, then what do you do?”

  “Say my safeword.”

  “Good girl. Now, let’s go have a look at your surprise.

  “Are you sure it can take my weight?” she asked as she watched him position the swing, which really just looked like a long piece of material that was looped over at the bottom and attached to the D-ring at the ceiling.

  “Do you really think I’d allow you on something I hadn’t tested myself?” he asked her.

  “You mean it took your weight? Whoa, it must be strong.”

  “Are you calling me fat, brat!” he demanded.

  “Never, Daddy. You’re just big,” she took in the look on his face and hastily added, “big Daddy. Big, handsome Daddy. Big, sexy, handsome Daddy with a cherry on top.”

  “Uh-huh, you keep trying to get yourself out of trouble.”

  “It’s not working, Daddy?” She sniffled. “You don’t think I’m cute?”

  He shook his head. “You’re too cute for my peace of mind. Thinking we need to make a few changes for when you leave the house.”

  “Like what?” she asked, puzzled.

  “Long sleeves and pants. And a hat. Maybe a scarf that covers the bottom of your face. Yeah, that should work.”

  “So you want me to dress like a snowman?”

  “I don’t think snowmen wear pants. They don’t exactly have legs.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” she sighed pathetically. “I’ve never made one.”


  “Before I moved to Chicago, we lived in Florida.”

  “How didn’t I know that? But when you moved to Chicago, surely you could have made one.”

  “I guess. I was probably too old by the time I moved to Chicago, anyway.”

  “Never too old for a snowman. We’ll make one when it first snows.”

  “Which won’t be for a while.”

  “Hm. Come on, test this out.” He held open the sides of the swing. “This is meant to make you feel safe, like you’re being hugged. And it’s fun.”

  She wasn’t so sure, but she trusted him. She climbed in, sitting in it like a swing. It was surprisingly gentle on her poor bottom. It was fun when she swung, but she wasn’t sure she got it.

  “Lie back in it.”

  Turning, she put her legs up and lay back. He gently pushed her.



  She closed her eyes and lay there, going back and forth gently through the air. It was like a giant hug. It was amazing. Then he drew the curtains and turned off the lights, so just the fairy lights twinkled.

  Soothing music filled the room. Her limbs grew heavier as she started to relax. Maybe she could even sleep in here?

  The swing was stopped and she frowned up at Razor. But it was as though he had read her mind because he had a heating pad, Snappy, and a fluffy, bright yellow blanket. He gave her the heating pad and she placed it on her lower tummy. He quickly tucked the blanket around her and then kissed her forehead, setting her off again.

  This was amazing.

  And she owed it all to him. How was it that he always knew what she needed without her even asking?

  * * *

  Razor peeked into the swing as he heard a quiet sigh come from her. Her eyes were closed, her face peaceful. A smile curled his lips up.

  Fuck, she was adorable.

  So much for her not being able to nap, hm? She was fast asleep, and to his shock, she was sucking on her thumb. He was tempted to snap a photo to show her but figured that might embarrass her. Still, it was cute.

  After waiting a while to ensure that she was in a deep sleep, he moved into the closet to grab the item he’d set up on the top shelf. It was a baby monitor. He wasn’t sure exactly how she’d feel about it. But he wanted to be able to keep an eye on her while she slept. It was one of those camera ones so he could see her. He’d intended to mount it to the wall above her bed but now, it would be trickier.

  Instead, he sat it on the corner of the bed, aiming down. He wouldn’t see her face, but it would give him an idea of when she was starting to wake up.

  Tiptoeing out of the room, he found Luna waiting on the other side. The dog was sulking from not being allowed in the bedroom. But Razor thought it was better to keep the space dog-free.

  Especially since Luna was a stuffie-destroyer.

  “Oh no, Daddy, they’re making a mess of this renovation,” she called out from where she lay on her tummy on the sofa.

  “They are?” he called out from the kitchen.

  Normally, she’d sit on the kitchen counter while he cooked, but Razor had insisted that she lie down while he cooked tonight. Probably a good idea, given the state of her bottom. To her shock, she’d slept for nearly two hours this afternoon in her swing.

  That swing was incredible. Not just because she’d managed to nap in it. But because of how it made her feel. Weightless. Without any worries or stresses. She could just let go.

  After Razor had helped her out of it, he’d shown her the baby monitor he’d used to watch her. Tabby wasn’t entirely sure she liked the idea of it. But in the end, she guessed she could live with it.

  She just hoped she didn’t do anything embarrassing in her sleep.

  “Hell, what are they doing?” Razor walked into the room, wiping his hands on a towel. He winced as he saw the mess the two people were making of their house reno. “They’re gonna regret that.”


  He moved over to her and picked up her glass of chocolate milk. It had a swirly-twirly straw that he’d surprised her with. “Want some more, Tabby-baby?”

  “No thanks, Daddy.”

  She had a heating pad under her tummy and had taken some more pain relief earlier so she was feeling pretty good.

  “I’ll get you some ice water. Let’s just check your bottom first.”

  “Daddy, you don’t need to be checking my bottom. It’s fine.”

  He raised his eyebrows and she huffed out a breath. “Okay, Daddy. You can check it. But it’s the same as it was an hour ago.”

  “It’s about to be redder than it was an hour ago if Tabby doesn’t watch her sassy tone.”

  “Sorry, Daddy. Don’t you have to cook dinner?”

  “It’s in the oven. It will be another half an hour.”

  “Hm.” He undid the drop seat. “Whoever invented these was a genius.”


  He drew down her panties. “All right, looking good.” He ran a finger over her cheeks then down between them. She stiffened as her clit throbbed in reaction. Did she want him to touch her there?

  “Some other things arrived today.”

  Had they been in the smaller box?

  “What was it, Daddy? More toys? I don’t need any more.”

  “Actually, it is more toys. But not for your Little.”
  Oh, holy hell.

  He pressed his finger against her asshole and she groaned, clenching down.

  “Would you like to experience some anal play?”

  “I . . . I . . . I’ve got my period.”

  “I know some women don’t like to play while they’re on their period. And others who do. I thought we could try the smallest plug in your bottom. I’ve also got an egg with a remote. Instead of putting it inside you, I could put it against your clit. What do you say?”

  His finger was still pressing against her bottom hole, and she had to admit that it felt really good.

  But did she want to do any playing?

  “All right, I’m not sure I’ll like the plug, though.”

  “You might surprise yourself,” he told her. “I’ll be back.”

  That didn’t sound ominous or anything. When he came back, he held some things in his hands. She watched as he put a tube of lube on the floor, then a small remote. He held up the egg for her to see. “Don’t worry, I washed my hands before touching anything.”

  Well, she hadn’t even thought of that.

  “Let’s put a cushion under your tummy.”

  She rose up as he positioned the cushion and her heating pad. Then she lay down.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded.

  She moved them slightly apart, and he slid the egg between her legs and up against her clit. The way she was lying kept it in place. He removed his hand, then touched the remote. It started buzzing, and she groaned.

  “Feel good, baby girl?”

  “Yes,” she moaned. It felt so good. She thought it wouldn’t take long for her to come. But then the egg stopped and she let out a protesting groan.

  “Daddy, turn it back on.”

  He gave her a stern look. “Who makes the decisions around here?”

  “You do.”

  “That’s right. I’ll decide when it goes back on.” He picked up the plug and started coating it.

  “That’s a small one?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Yep.”

  Lord help her.

  “Now, I’m going to use my finger first. I want you to try to relax.”

  She gave him a skeptical look.

  “I know, I know,” he said. “That seems impossible, but it will help.” He moved next to her and parted her bottom cheeks.

  Okay, could she do this? Did she want to do this? Then she felt some cool lube being applied to her back hole before a finger prodded at the entrance.

  “That’s it. Fuck, this is hot. Good girl, nice deep breath, then let it out.” As she let out her breath, he inserted his finger.

  Oh, fuck.

  That felt good. He moved his finger in and out of her ass a few times before withdrawing it. She had to bite back a protest. But before she could feel too empty, she felt the tip of the anal plug against her asshole.

  “Good girl. Let’s make this a bit more fun.” He must have hit the remote because the egg started buzzing again.

  Her breath came in sharp pants. She was so close; it was embarrassing how quickly she’d gotten there.

  “Deep breath in,” he commanded.

  She took a breath in.

  “Now out. Good girl. There you are. You took that perfectly. Fuck, baby girl, you look amazing lying there with a plug in your bottom.”

  She didn’t care about the way she looked. This was all about how she felt.

  She felt amazing.

  The orgasm took her by surprise, rocking through her body and making her gasp and whimper.

  “That’s my girl.” He kissed her lightly as she lay slumped there. “Normally, you wouldn’t be allowed to come after a punishment, but you took your plug so beautifully, that deserves a reward. I’ve got to wash up and check on dinner. Stay right there.”

  She noticed that he took the remote with him. Did that mean he was going to push it while he wasn’t even in the room? Holy shit.

  Lord, she hoped no one came to the door while she was lying here like this. All she needed was Lois to walk in while her plugged butt was on display. Mind you, from what Lois had told her about her past, maybe she wouldn’t be all that shocked.

  Tabby attempted to concentrate on her show, but that damn egg went on and off infrequently. She’d be so close to coming, then it would shut down.

  “Daddy!” she said demandingly as he walked in carrying a plate of food and a glass of water.

  “What is it?”

  “The egg keeps turning off when I’m close to coming.”

  “Does it? Well, that is unfortunate, isn’t it?” he said as he sat on the floor next to her head. He held the straw in the glass of water to her mouth and she gulped down eagerly. It was her second glass of water since he’d plugged her. Being sexually frustrated was thirsty work, apparently.

  “Well?” she asked as he put the glass down and picked up the plate and fork.

  “Well, what?”

  “Aren’t you going to do something about it?”

  “Like what?” he asked before he blew on the forkful of food.

  “Like let me come.”

  “Oh no, I’m not going to do that.”

  “Why not?” she wailed.

  “Because you were punished earlier. You were allowed one orgasm as a reward for taking your plug, but you’re not allowed anymore.”

  “Daddy! That’s so mean.”

  “Maybe you’ll think about this next time you go to break a rule.” He held the forkful of food to her mouth. “Open up wide.”

  “I don’t think I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry,” he pointed out.

  Well, yeah. But this was a protest.

  “No sulking,” he warned. “Or I’ll think you need some corner time.”

  Sheesh. He really didn’t play fair. She leaned up on her forearms to take the bite of the cheesy chicken casserole. That was delicious.

  “Daddy, will you teach me to cook this?” she asked.

  “You know that I’ll teach you anything you want to know.”

  “Even how to ride a motorbike?”

  He turned to give her a wide-eyed stare. “You want to learn how to ride?”

  “Yeah, I was thinking I might get one of my own. Will you teach me?”


  “No? Why not?”

  “Because I’ve seen you drive.”


  “You get easily distracted.”

  “I do not.”

  “Baby girl, you do. There’s no way you’re riding a bike.”

  She huffed out a breath, her lower lip dropping out. “Please.”

  “No, and don’t even start that pouting with me. No motorbikes.”

  “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Not with this. Nope.”

  “I’d just like to point out that you’re being a hypocrite.”

  “Noted. It’s not changing my mind. The only time you’re on a bike is when you’re behind me.”

  Well, at least he wasn’t saying she could ride at all.

  Still, maybe one day she’d get her own bike. After all, if she bought one, then he’d have to teach her, right?


  “Tabby-baby?” Razor called out as he walked into her office.

  She turned in her seat. “Yep?”

  He had his hand over the receiver end of the cordless phone.

  “Could you run and grab Dart for me? Nobody’s answering the phone in the shop.”

  “Yep. I’m on it.” It was close to closing and the guys were starting to pack up.

  She left the office, Luna trotting along behind her.

  When she got to the shop, though, Dart wasn’t around. Where was he? Maybe he was out back in the bathroom. She guessed she could just check. She knocked but didn’t hear anything. So she pushed open the bathroom door.

  “Dart?” she called out without looking.


  Okay. Where else could he be? Out back smoking? Did Dart smoke? She wasn’t sure

  “Best check just in case,” she said to Luna as she opened the back door and headed into the alleyway. Then she sighed. Crap. Tommy.

  Just her freaking luck.

  “Tabby, you looking for me?”

  She reminded herself that Tommy had been nothing but polite to her since his apology a while back. So she should stop holding a grudge against him. Give him the benefit of the doubt.

  “Nope. I’m looking for Dart. Have you seen him?”

  “He just popped around the corner. Should be back any moment.”

  “Can you tell him to come to the office when you see him? Razor wants him.”

  She turned, but she wasn’t quick enough. He grabbed hold of her arm. Hard.

  Luna growled.

  “Shut up, dog.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Let me go!”

  “What’s your hurry? We can have ourselves a little chat. Or do you need to go and suck the boss man’s dick?”

  Did he really just say that? Fuck! So much for turning over a new leaf, huh?

  Turning, she glared at him.

  “What? Don’t tell me that you didn’t do that to keep your job after messing up so much? Sending me to the wrong place for that part? Messing up that big order?”

  She gasped as it all became clear. “You did that?”

  “Dumb cunt. Of course I did. Teach you not to be an uptight bitch with me.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He squeezed her arm and she cried out.

  Luna snarled.

  “Shut up, mutt. Stupid dog has always fucking hated me.”

  Oh, she wondered why.

  “Maybe because she’s got good taste.”

  Whoops. She didn’t actually mean to say that out loud.

  “What the fuck? What the hell does that mean!” He shook her, growing agitated.

  She rolled her eyes. Really? Could he be this stupid?

  “It means that you’re a petty little asshole and Luna can sense that. Now, let me go before I scream for help.”

  His hold tightened to the point that tears entered her eyes. She tugged on her arm, but he pulled her around, slamming her up against the building.


  “Not so fast, bitch. I’m not done with you yet. You know how hard it’s been trying to be nice to you, bitch? But I’m done. Dart thinks he can give me another warning? Tell me that one more mistake and I’m out? Not. Happening.”


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