Book Read Free

Fierce Daddy

Page 29

by Laylah Roberts


  “Yeah. And Snappy and Scooby. Some Little time. I think that would reassure me.”

  “That’s what I thought too.”

  She hoped that would be enough to get rid of this gnawing feeling in her stomach.

  Somehow, she worried it wouldn’t be.

  Razor bathed his Little girl, praying it would soothe the beast still raging inside him. He got out the bath toys that he’d bought for her when he’d created the playroom.

  While she tried to play, it was clear her mind wasn’t in the right place. She was tense, worried.

  Was she scared of him now? Was she concerned he’d lose control around her?

  Helping her out, he dried her off then dressed her into the panties and all-in-one pajamas he’d fetched as she’d played.

  “You need to use the potty, baby girl?” he asked.

  She gave him a surprised look, probably because he’d called it a potty. She didn’t tend to go that young in Little headspace, but he felt she might need to tonight. Or maybe that was what he needed.

  He waited out in the bedroom for her, pacing back and forth. Maybe he should go work out in the gym. Perhaps that would help him control the residual fear and anger still raging through him.

  He’d failed to protect her.

  “Daddy?” she asked quietly, making him turn.

  He stared at her for a long moment. She started trembling. Fuck.

  “You’re scared of me,” he said in a raw, pained voice.

  Her eyes widened. “What? No!”

  “You’re trembling. Are you worried I’ll lose control around you? I promise I won’t. I was upset because he touched you, but I’d never lose it like that with you.”

  “Razor. Daddy. No,” she said firmly. “No, I’m not scared of you. I could never be afraid of you. Not when everything you do is for me. I know you only got so mad because he touched me. How could I possibly be afraid of you?”

  “Don’t be. I’d never harm you. I promise.”

  “Jeremiah,” she said softly. “I know, honey. I know.” She slowly moved closer, as though she didn’t want to startle him. And then she slid her arms around his waist.

  And all was right in his world.

  He hugged her back, picking her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. She held on tight.

  “Tabby-baby, I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you.”

  “It won’t. Not with you around.”

  He shook his head, he’d nearly failed her.

  “Daddy, it wasn’t your fault. It was his.”


  “No, it was. And I know what else I need to feel better.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, figuring she’d want some more Little time, maybe some hugs and comfort food.

  “I need you to punish me.”

  Razor drew his head back, staring down at her in shock. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  She tilted her head up, looking straight up at him. She wasn’t hiding. Wasn’t trying to keep her thoughts away from him.

  “It is. I have this aching feeling in my stomach that won’t go away. I know what it is. It’s guilt. And if you punish me, then hopefully that feeling will disappear.”

  “You were just attacked. You shouldn’t be spanked right now.”

  “I’m not going to settle until this feeling goes away. I did something wrong. I broke the rules. Please.”

  He took in a deep breath and let it out. “Fuck. All right. I get it.” And he did. If anyone knew what it was like to have guilt eat away at you, it was him.

  “This is what we’ll do. You’re going to go and stand in the naughty corner of your bedroom. I’ll order us some dinner because I’m not in the mood to cook. Then I’m going to come in and punish you. Understand?”

  She shuddered against him and he almost changed his mind, but then he heard her sigh. She sounded relieved.

  “Yes, Daddy. I understand.”

  Tabby hated corner time.

  Thinking wasn’t fun. Everything kept coming back to her. Tommy grabbing her. Pushing her against the wall. She was still shocked that she hadn’t panicked. That she hadn’t tried to retreat into her head. That’s what she used to do with Luther. Go somewhere in her head where he couldn’t reach. Couldn’t harm her.

  Except for when she hit him over the head with a poker. Yeah, she hadn’t retreated that night.

  And the same with today. She’d fought back. She’d stuck up for herself and for Luna. And she was proud of herself for that.

  The door opened and she stilled, knowing Razor was in the room now.

  “Come here, baby girl.”

  Turning, she saw that he’d carried in one of the dining room chairs. She swallowed heavily.

  But she walked over, reminding herself that she’d asked for this. And she knew she’d feel better afterward. Instead of pulling her over his lap as she’d expected, he sat her on his knees. His arms encircled her, holding her tight.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  “I’m sure, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “What were you thinking about while in the corner?”

  “About how I fought back. I never fought back with Luther. Well, except for that last night, when he hurt your friend and threatened Millie. I always just let him do what he wanted in the hopes it would end quicker. But with Tommy, I fought back. And I’m proud of myself for doing that.”

  “I’m so proud of you too, baby girl. You’re a fucking fighter. You’re amazing. But I want you to do me a favor, to save me from having a heart attack.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t get into another situation like that again.”

  She smiled up at him. “I’ll try not to, Daddy.”

  He groaned. “You’re going to turn Daddy gray.”

  “I think you’ll look sexy gray.” Reaching up, she kissed him lightly. “You’ll be my sexy silver fox, Daddy.”

  “I’ll have earned every gray hair chasing after you, brat,” he growled. Then his face softened. “You ready for your punishment?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “No cramps? Stomach pains? Soreness anywhere else?”

  “No, Daddy, I only get cramps the first day of my period,” she reminded him.

  He nodded then lifted her off. He helped her onto his lap and then she saw something she’d missed before, sitting on the floor next to him. It was in a plastic bag. What was it?

  As he undid the drop seat and pulled down her panties, it finally registered.


  Oh, fuck.

  “Daddy, wait!”

  “What is it, baby girl?”

  “Is that ginger?”

  “Sure is.”

  “But . . . but Daddy . . . I don’t need ginger in my butt!” she wailed.

  “Daddy thinks you do,” he told her.

  Smack! Smack!

  “He doesn’t like that you’re feeling so guilty.”

  Smack! Smack!

  Ouch. Crap. He really wasn’t holding back. Several more spanks landed before he spoke again.

  “And since you have trouble remembering not to hide things from Daddy, that you have worth, he wants to make this memorable.”

  Smack! Smack!

  “It’s already memorable, Daddy! I’m not going to forget it!” she cried as he continued to spank her.

  Her ass was throbbing and hot. She started sobbing as he continued to give her smack after smack.

  “We’re going to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. Daddy has to take care of his girl.”

  “But I only need the spanking!”

  “The ginger is going to impress on you how serious Daddy is. How much he loves his girl and never wants anything to happen to her. She has worth. More worth than all the gold and jewels and treasure in the world.”

  Damn. How could he say such nice things while turning her butt into something you could fry bacon on?

  Finally, he s
topped and she lay on his lap, sobbing her heart out.

  “Good girl, let it all out. That’s it. Good girl.”

  He leaned over and picked up the bag, and her cries increased. She was crying so loudly that she must have missed hearing the bag open. Then her bottom cheeks were parted. She tensed automatically.

  “Easy. Just relax.”

  Right. That was going to happen. But she felt him prodding at her bottom hole so she took a breath in, letting it out on a sob as the ginger sunk in.

  Okay, that wasn’t so bad. There was no burning. Not like the outside of her bottom, that was for sure.

  “You’re going back into the corner. Is your foot all right, or would you rather sit?”

  “My foot is fine, Daddy.” He helped her up and then turned her towards the corner as the doorbell rang.

  “That will be dinner.” Standing, he landed a heavy smack on her ass that had her yelping and clenching down on the ginger.

  Okay, now there was some warmth building.

  “Off you go. Corner.”

  She shuffled to the corner as he left. She kept her buttocks tightly clenched as she moved, worried the ginger might pop out. As she made it to the corner, though, she realized that would have been a blessing. Apparently, clenching down was bad. Bad. Bad. Bad.

  She whimpered. Now it was really starting to burn. How long was she expected to stand here? Shifting from foot to foot, she glanced over at the door. Where was Razor? When was he coming back? This was horrid.

  The door opened and he raised his eyebrows as he took her in. “I see the timer has to start over. Face back in the corner. Ass pushed out.”

  “But Daddy, it burns,” she cried.

  “This is a punishment.”

  Well, it sucked. She was never going to do anything that might result in her getting ginger up her butt again. Taking deep, shuddering breaths, she stood with her nose in the corner and her poor bottom on display.

  Hours later, okay, it was likely only minutes, he came over to where she was in the corner. He ran his hand up and down her back.

  “I want you to bend right over and I’ll take the ginger out. Stay in the corner while I get rid of it and clean up.”

  Her cheeks grew hot, but really her need to get the ginger out overrode her embarrassment. Bending over, she touched her toes. He parted her bottom cheeks and withdrew the ginger

  “There you are. Stand back up.”

  With a sigh of relief, she rested her face back in the corner. She felt exhausted, spent. And also, blessedly light. The gnawing feeling in her tummy was gone.

  “Come here, Tabby-baby.” Razor turned her, engulfing her in a tight hug before he picked her up. She clasped hold of him. “Are you feeling all right? You’ve been punished now. All the guilt should be gone.”

  “It is,” she reassured him. “I feel so much better. Thank you, Daddy.”

  “You’re welcome, my precious girl.”

  Twenty minutes later, she sat on his lap while he fed her bites of sesame chicken. Her bottom hung off the end of his thigh, it was still hot and way too tender for her weight to rest on it.

  “Want any more, Tabby-baby?” he asked her.

  “No, Daddy. I’m full all the way to the top.” She held her hand up to her head. “I gots no room left.”

  “Really? Not even for some chocolate?”

  Hm. She thought about that. “Well, there is a special tummy for chocolate. So, I think I could fit it in.”

  “I thought that might be the case. Why don’t you go lie on the sofa while I clean up?”

  “Okie-dokie, Daddy.” Getting up, she moved into the living room and surfed through the channels. “Daddy, our favorite program isn’t on tonight.”

  “Why don’t you choose a movie, then?”

  “Can we watch the Scooby-Doo movie?”

  “For the fifteenth time? Sure, why not?” he replied with amusement as he walked into the living room. “You should go get Snappy and Scooby so they can watch too.”

  “Good thinking, Daddy. You’re not just a pretty face.”

  He gave her thigh a light smack as she walked past him. “Brat.”

  Giggling to herself, she grabbed Snappy and Scooby from their bedroom. Happiness filled her. Who’d have thought she would go from being lonely and having no one, to this? And the change had all started when she’d met Cat.

  Oh, fuck. Cat.

  Razor raised his eyebrows in surprise as his girl came trudging into the living room. When she’d left to get her toys, she’d been bright and happy. Now she looked sad.

  She stood in front of him, twisting her foot around as she kept her gaze on the floor. She heaved out a big sigh.

  “Baby girl, what’s wrong?”

  “I have something else to tell you, Daddy.”

  He stiffened. Jesus. Was he going to have to sit her down at the end of each day to check in with her? Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea at all. That way, he wouldn’t miss anything.

  “What is it?”

  “Before I tell you, I’d just like to point out that this happened before I met you. The second time, I mean. It was a few days before I came to the shop to ask about the job.”

  “Okay,” he said carefully.

  “And I haven’t even really thought about it since. It’s not like I kept it from you on purpose or anything.”

  “All right, just tell me. I’m not going to get upset.”

  “Will your spanky hand start getting itchy?” she asked.

  “Are you at risk from what you have to tell me? Is it something that threatens your health or safety?”

  “Oh no, Daddy. Not anymore. I mean, I’m not even allowed to go jogging at the moment. And when I can, I know I can’t go on my own. Especially in the morning.”

  Right. He really wasn’t going to like what she said. But so far, his spanky hand didn’t itch, as she’d put it.

  “Come here.” He crooked a finger at her.

  “Nuh-uh, Daddy. I think I’ll just stay here.”

  “Little girl, I’m not going to spank you. Come here.”

  With a sigh that he thought was touching on being a bit too sassy, she slowly moved towards him. So slowly, that he rolled his eyes.

  “Unless you want me to spank you?”

  Suddenly, she managed to move much quicker.

  “That’s what I thought,” he murmured as he lifted her onto his lap so she was straddling his legs.

  “Tell me.” He grasped hold of her chin as she attempted to hide her face with her dark brown hair, which was currently a wild mess around her face. He’d need to try to tame it later.

  “You know how I used to go running early in the morning ‘cause I’d wake up and wouldn’t go back to sleep.”

  “Yes, something that won’t happen anymore.”

  “You can’t spank me for that, Daddy!” Her hands, which still held Snappy and Scooby, went behind her back to protect her bottom.

  He sighed. “I’m not going to spank you. Now, put Scooby and Snappy down and just tell me.”

  “Okay, Daddy, I’m trying to, but you keep interrupting and saying you’re going to spank me.”

  He hadn’t once done that. But he decided that arguing at this point would be counterproductive.

  “Keep going.”

  “Well, the Thursday before I came to the workshop, I went out running, and I heard this person calling out for help.”

  He groaned.

  “Daddy, stop interrupting.”

  “I’m really not going to like this, am I?”

  She chewed her lower lip. “Maybe you better sit on your spanky hand, just to make sure it doesn’t get itchy.”

  “Little girl, Daddy doesn’t spank because his hand gets itchy. Now, spill.”

  “Okay, well, I was going to keep running but then I thought about how often I wished someone would have help me.”

  “So, you ran towards the person yelling for help,” he said.


  It was what he
’d expected her to say.

  “Then what happened?”

  “I saw this man trying to force someone into a car. So, I ran over there, yelling, and he let go. I sprayed pepper spray in his face then took off to hide. The person he’d been trying to kidnap turned out to be a woman. She asked me if there was somewhere safe we could go.”

  “Please don’t tell me you took her home to your apartment.”

  “Of course not, Daddy. I’m not silly. I took her to the local diner.”

  “All right.” Not as bad as he’d expected. At least it was in a public place. “Then what?”

  “We ate a delicious breakfast. I should take you there. The eggs were cooked perfect and the hash browns were—mmphm.” He put his hand over her mouth, cutting her off.

  “Focus, baby girl.”

  She didn’t generally have focusing problems and he knew it was a mix of Little headspace and not wanting to tell this story.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” she told him as he dropped his hand away. “She used my phone to call someone. She spoke in Spanish, I think. And then someone came to pick her up.”


  “Her dad. But I didn’t see him. She wiped everything off my phone except for her phone number. She said to call if I needed anything. Then she told me to leave before he got here because he might want to take me with him.”

  “What?” he barked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know why, but I left. That’s when I decided that things needed to change. Because if I’d died helping her, do you know how many people would have gone to my funeral?”

  “You will not die,” he whispered harshly.

  She patted his cheek lightly. “Of course not. But the answer is three! Maybe four. Jared, his guards, and perhaps his assistant, North. That’s it. Isn’t that so sad?”

  “You will not die.”

  “Daddy, you’re not understanding my point. I decided that I wanted to do more with my life than stay secluded in my bubble of one. I helped Cat. Me, the person who couldn’t even help myself. I saved her. I felt powerful and useful. If it wasn’t for that encounter, I might never have turned up at the garage that day. So, we should really be thankful it happened.”


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