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To Tame a Tycoon

Page 3

by Judy Angelo

“Thanks,” Asia said then grabbed Shelley’s arm and marched her out the back door. Only when they were outside and out of earshot did she release her.

  “Okay, Miss Nosey Parker,” she said, “here’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” She took a deep breath. “I admit it. I know I’ve been picky but I’ve finally found a man who actually…makes my heart race."

  Shelley rolled her eyes as she always did but now she was shaking her head in what looked like exasperation. “You can’t say it, can you?” She put her hands on her hips in classic Shelley pose. “You finally found a man who turns you on. Say it, girl. Come on.” Then she gave her laugh, the one that sounded like a dog yelping. “I found a man that makes my heart race,” she said in a singsong, mocking voice. “Say what you mean. The man turns you on.”

  “Alright, alright,” Asia said, looking around. “Will you keep it down? Are you planning to announce it to the world?”

  “So what’s his name? What does he look like?” Shelley said, ignoring her plea. “Is he hot? He’d better be. After your everlasting wait I don’t want you bringing me any old-”

  “Will you stop?” Asia felt like gagging the woman. Nice though she was, Shelley had no clue about speaking softly. She pulled her away from the door. “I will not under any circumstances tell you his name. He’s a client.”

  “Client, schmient- ”

  “Stop.” Asia put up her hand. “All I’m going to tell you is yes, he’s hot and yes, he turns me on. Big time. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Not as long as I’m working for him.”

  “So quit,” Shelley said with a shrug. “Then ask him out.”

  “I can’t do that-”

  “Yes, you can. Asia, you are twenty-five years old, going on twenty-six. When are you going to find a man and settle down? Those eggs of yours won’t be doing much in a few years.”

  “Oh, Shelley, you’re so funny,” Asia said dryly. “This, from a woman who had her first child at thirty-four.”

  “Yeah, but you might not have my kind of luck.”

  Asia gave a sigh. “I’ll be fine.” Then she smiled. “All I have to do is keep my mind on the job and out of the bedroom.”

  To Asia’s surprise Shelley reached out and pulled her into her arms. “You’re like a daughter to me, Asia. Please don’t keep dallying until it’s too late. I want you to find a good man and be happy.”

  Asia wrapped her arms around the little lady and hugged her back. “I will one day, Shelley. I will.”

  But even as she spoke she knew that her heart yearned for only one man. Or maybe it was just her body that was doing the yearning, but still…

  That man, excruciatingly handsome and lust-inducing, was - sadly - totally off limits for her.


  “Rico, which one of these American women plans on making a good man out of you?” Julio slapped him on the shoulder, almost pitching him into the pool.

  Rico shrugged away from his older brother’s heavy hand and put some distance between then. If he knew anything about his brother it was that he should never trust him when he was at his most amicable. As a kid he’d suffered at the hand of a brother who was nine years his senior and brawny, to boot. How do you defend yourself from a brother like that? You use your wits and you move damn fast, never letting him get the upper hand.

  So Rico chose to do that now. Never mind the fact that he was in his twenties and his brother was in his thirties, Julio would think nothing of launching a surprise attack and knocking him over into the pool.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” he said coolly and walked away from the poolside and toward the patio where his parents sat, Julio’s daughter on the lap of the matriarch of the Megalos family.

  Carmelita Megalos was a tiny woman but her body was the only thing about her that was small. In her family she wielded a power that rivaled that of her husband. Between the sparrow with her snapping dark eyes and the bearded lion who had fathered the small tribe of three, there was a constant battle for control. To this day, though in their fifties and sixties, they refused to give up the fight for domination.

  But it was a loving rivalry that they enjoyed. They’d been like that for as long as Rico could remember and they’d be just as feisty for many years to come.

  “Come here, Athena. Come to Uncle Rico,” he said and held out his arms to the two year old.

  She blinked up at him then pulled the pacifier out of her mouth. “No,” she said, her voice strong, firm and resolute. Then she closed her eyes, leaned back against her grandma’s belly and popped the pacifier back into her mouth.

  Rico straightened with a sigh. “No-one can deny that she’s a Megalos.”

  Alexander Megalos chuckled. “The only sweet one in the family. Except for your sister, of course.”

  “Demetria? She’s just as bad as the rest of us. She got Mama's Latin spirit and your directness.” Rico laughed. “You never have to wonder what she thinks of you.”

  Alexander laughed, too, but then he smiled and shook his head. “Pity she couldn’t have made it on this trip.”

  “I know,” Rico said with a nod. “But with the baby on the way it wouldn’t have been a good idea. And remember, she has two other kids under three years old. That’s quite a handful.”

  “Maybe next time,” Alexander said and his voice trailed off as he looked out over the pool, obviously deep in thought. Most likely his mind was still on Demetria, his middle child, and as Rico and Julio always teased, his favorite. There was a closeness between Alexander and Demetria that her brothers did not question or even think of resenting. Who could come between a man and his daughter?

  The Megalos family - Alexander and Carmelita along with Julio, his wife and their daughter - had crossed the Atlantic on their mega yacht as they’d done each year since Rico moved to Florida. They would spend a month in the United States, part of the time at Rico’s home on Fisher Island, and the rest visiting relatives in various cities. The matriarch and patriarch were retired and free to roam and although Julio was running his own shipping business in Greece he’d decided that time with family came first. He had no hesitation about spending a month away from the office. While he was traveling whatever needed to be done could be done remotely.

  Rico loved it when the family visited. It was an opportunity to connect with his culture and heritage. Carmelita would fix Greek and Spanish dishes like nobody else could. She loved to cook and he loved to eat. It was not unheard of for him to gain five or maybe even seven pounds during one of their visits. And - his favorite part - whenever she visited, his mother spoiled him.

  Rico flopped down in the chair beside Carmelita and stretched his legs out in front of him. He’d enjoyed the outdoor barbecue and now he was full, relaxed and ready to enjoy the cool evening breeze that wafted over the island. His eyes were closed and he was almost drifting off when he felt a warm hand on his arm. He opened his eyes to see his mother smiling at him.

  “Are you happy here, Enrico?” she asked gently. She was the only one who still called him Enrico. There was a slight crease between her brows, a sign that she was worried.

  “In Miami? Of course,” he said, deliberately making his tone light. His mother was a very perceptive woman and you had to be careful or she’d read you like a book.

  “Are you really, mi hijo? You are not lonely all by yourself in this great big country?”

  “I am fine, Mamita. You don’t need to worry.” He covered her hands with his.

  “And what about the girls?” she persisted. “You did not find any American girl you like? You never tell us about a girl over here.”

  Rico frowned. He should have guessed where his mother was heading with her line of questioning. On every visit she would find at least one opportunity to ask questions about his love life. She was convinced that he was lonely without a woman and had even suggested that he return to Europe to find one. She refused to believe what he told her each time - that he was too busy for a relationship right n
ow. She was convinced that at twenty-five her younger son needed to have a woman in his life.

  The truth was, he hadn’t met anyone who piqued his interest - until now.

  As it had done so often over the past couple of weeks, his mind zoned in on Asia Miller. There was just something about her, petite and soft-spoken yet so direct and fearless, that made her irresistible.

  She was different from the women he knew. She actually stood up to him in her own quiet way. He was not used to that and it had thrown him off balance for a while. But after he’d gotten over his initial shock he’d found that he liked her style. She was fresh and she was bold. A perfect fit for the Megalos family.

  He caught himself. Why in the blazes had that thought crossed his mind? He glanced over at his mother but she sat serenely rocking Athena on her lap. It was her fault for planting such thoughts in his head.

  No, he couldn’t blame his mother. Truth be told, Asia had been on his mind ever since they’d parted almost two weeks before. She’d been so spirited, so confident in her tactics to rescue him from himself that he’d actually agreed to her deal. And, as she boldly stated, her recommended change to his incentive plan had begun working already. That same day he’d advised the departments of a new program where they’d only be rewarded if the overall company benefitted from their efforts. Teams would no longer be rewarded for individual successes.

  After only a week there was a definite change in the tone of the departmental meeting. For the first time in months Ben reported a reversal in the trend. It had been a phenomenal week with sales exceeding target by almost eleven percent. And all because a daring young woman - and admittedly one who knew her business - had challenged their status quo and provided new perspective on their business culture.

  For the first time since Rico had come to the Miami office he actually observed sales managers and marketing officers sitting in each other’s offices, deep in discussion about how they could combine their skills to achieve the greater goal. The uptight atmosphere in the office had given way to a camaraderie that he had never seen before.

  Asia Miller was good at what she did and, he’d be the first to admit, he had a lot to learn. On top of all that, though, he had another situation to deal with. The fact was, he was intensely attracted to her and, advisor or not, there was no denying that he wanted her.

  So far he’d kept himself in check but he was a man who went for what he wanted no matter the cost. Next time he saw Asia it would be time to make his move.

  “She’s asleep.”

  Carmelita’s whisper broke into Rico’s thoughts and his eyes snapped back to his mother.

  “Could you lay her in the crib, please?” Gently, she shifted Athena’s little body away from hers and rested her in Rico’s arms. “Try not to wake her.”

  Rico nodded and gathered the precious little bundle close. For some reason he pictured an infant Asia looking just like this, with dark hair curling around her cherub face. If they had a daughter was this what she would look like?

  Carajo. Was he going sentimental? He’d better get his wandering mind under control or else his mother would have her wish sooner rather than later. And he wasn’t about to take any chances with his heart - not even for the irresistible Miss Asia Miller.


  “Auto what?” Rico stared at Asia as she sat looking cool and crisp in the chair across from him.

  “Autogenic training,” she repeated, giving him a little smile. “I want to relieve you of all that pent-up anger, teach you how to release it. Then I’ll take you to the next level where you de-stress.”

  “But I’m not under any stress.” Rico folded his arms across his chest. What did this woman think he was? Some kind of kook who needed therapy? “And I don’t need anger management training either.”

  Asia shrugged. “Maybe you don’t but why not humor me for a little bit? After all, it can’t hurt.”

  “I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense.” Asia was annoying him now. This was not how he had foreseen their second meeting. He’d planned to compliment her on the success of her strategy and then when she was mellow with praise he would ask her out. But with this stink of an idea she had taken the meeting in a totally different direction.

  Asia did not look the least bit perturbed. In fact, she was smiling. “Rico,” she said in that quiet way he had come to know, “may I remind you of something?”

  “What?” He snapped, his tone aggressive and totally unapologetic.

  “You already agreed to the training,” she said with the lift of an eyebrow. “Therefore your comment just now has absolutely no bearing on where we go from here.”

  “I never agreed to any autogeneric training.”

  “Autogenic,” she said, correcting him. “And yes, you did. At our last meeting you promised that if plan A was successful you would undertake the next task I assigned to you, no questions asked. I’m sorry but refusal is not an option."

  For a moment he just sat there scowling, pissed that she had him by that very sensitive part of his anatomy. Then he shook his head, defeated. For now. “Alright, you got me. I’ll do your autogenic thing…but under one condition.”

  “Which is?” she asked, looking pleased as a prized puss.

  “You agree to have dinner with me.”

  That got her attention. The pleased puss look disappeared and in its place was a frown. "Did you just ask me out?”

  “I did.”

  “But…you’re my client.”


  “So it would be…unprofessional.”

  “I’ll pick you up Friday evening, seven o’clock. Make sure you leave me your address.”

  “Did you hear what I said?” She stared at him, a look of disbelief on her face.

  “Sure. I just chose to ignore it.”

  “Ignore…uhm. Mr. Megalos-”


  “Rico, we have a business relationship. I can’t go out with you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because,” she said then faltered. “Because you’re my client.”

  “I think I heard that already,” Rico said leaning forward, "and that means nothing to me. Now what’s your address?”

  “Sixteen Beaver Street.” The words fell from her mouth then she turned startled eyes to his and bit her bottom lip.

  Rico didn’t bother to hide his smile. He had that effect on woman. Show them who was boss and they gave in sooner or later. For him it was more often sooner rather than later and, he was pleased to know, he’d found the key to Asia Miller. Dominate her before she could even try to dominate you.

  “Good. Be ready by seven. And wear slacks.”

  Now she looked really confused. To her credit, though, she made no objections. Instead, she nodded and looked away and just for that moment she looked like a little lost lamb. A lamb he was looking forward to having for dinner.

  Right then he couldn’t wait till the work week had passed and Friday evening came around.


  “How is it going with the love of your life?”

  “Shelley, you never stop, do you?” Asia chuckled into the phone.

  “Well, I have to check up on you, don’t I? So, did you ask him out?”



  “But he did.”

  “He did what?” Shelley asked.

  “He asked me out.”

  “He did?” She squealed.

  “That’s wonderful. So when's the big date?”

  “On Friday,” Asia said with a sigh.

  “For someone who’s got a date lined up for Friday night you don’t sound too happy.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Now listen to this girl.” Shelley’s tone was heavy with exasperation. “What’s not to be happy about?”

  “I didn’t want to go out with him. I can’t even explain how I ended up accepting.” She inhaled then released her breath slowly. “Let’s just say the man is a pro at getting
what he wants.”

  “And he wants you,” Shelley chortled. “Sweet.”

  “Anyway, I know that wasn’t what you called about.” Asia deliberately changed the subject. The conversation was moving into dangerous territory, too dangerous for her liking. “What’s up?”

  “You know what I always call you about. The center.”

  “Something wrong?”

  “Yes and no,” Shelley said mysteriously. “No, because it’s not a threat to the survival of the center but yes because it’s affecting the kids, especially the boys.”

  “So what’s going on?”

  “With schools reopening in September we’re going to lose three of our best volunteers. Grad students heading back to university.”

  “Don’t worry, Shelley,” Asia said, trying to reassure her, "we’ll find new ones.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll bet they’ll be women.”

  “So? What’s wrong with women?"

  “Nothing, except that with Frank, Carlos and Trevor leaving we’ve only got one male volunteer left. And even more than the girls it’s the boys who need role models.”

  Asia drew in a breath. “You're right.”

  “So I’m roping you in.” Shelley’s voice was suddenly bright and cheerful. “I’m on a mission to find two good men before these guys leave and I’m giving you the same assignment. Two good men, that’s all I ask.”

  “They say a good man is hard to find,” Asia said with a sniff.

  Shelley only laughed. “I’m not worried. You’ll find me one. I just know it.”

  After Shelley hung up Asia left the living room and went into her bedroom. She’d be going on her date in two days. She might as well glance through her wardrobe and see what she was going to wear.

  Slacks, he’d said. Strange request for a dinner date. She was more of a ‘little black dress’ kind of girl. But slacks it would be. That was what the master demanded. She smiled and shook her head. Talk about bossy.

  She already knew which one she’d wear. Basic black as always. Okay, so she was boring. But it made life easier. Now all she had to do was find a nice top.


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