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Softly, As I Leave You

Page 3

by Caine, Candy

  floor. A wistful smile appeared on Daniel’s face.

  “What?” Alisha asked.

  “Can’t dance with this cast and crutches.”

  She bit down on her full bottom lip. “Another thing to feel guilty about.”



  Daniel placed his hand on hers. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It upset you. We’ll go

  dancing when my cast comes off.”

  “But we’re both leaving on Sunday.”

  “Have you forgotten we’re neighbors?” Daniel reminded her.

  “Duh.” She slapped her forehead.

  He squeezed her hand gently. “I intend to see a great deal more of you. Unless...”

  Alisha smiled broadly. “I’d certainly hope so.”

  They chattered until the bar was closing. His friends came to retrieve him, but wanting to

  spend more time with Alisha, he decided to go back to the Lodge with her. Emma and Josie had

  hooked up with two guys so it was just the two of them.

  Alisha helped Daniel into her car. He quipped, “I usually help the woman.”

  “I’ve leveled the playing field, bro.”

  “Indeed you have,” he said and leaned over to gently kiss her. He went back for seconds and

  when Alisha parted her lips, he slipped his tongue inside. She put her arms around him and the

  next kiss lasted longer, enough for both their hearts to accelerate. The kisses had been telling and

  they both felt something. Realizing that they never going to get back to the Lodge if they

  continued, they reluctantly pulled apart, breathless.

  “Which is your cabin, Daniel?” Alisha asked as they approached the Lodge.

  “Number eight.”

  Alisha parked the car and got out. Then she helped Daniel out. When he was balanced on the

  crutches, she walked him to his door and opened it. It appeared empty.

  “Are you going to be all right on your own?”

  “Alisha, please stop worrying. Kiss me good night instead.”

  “See you tomorrow,” she said and tilted her head so their lips could meet.

  The kiss was pure dynamite and Alisha could feel the imprint of his mouth long after he

  hobbled inside his cabin. Then she drove to hers which was close by.

  As she undressed, two thoughts occurred to her. Her strange dream had been about Daniel

  and might be coming true, but she had a wonderful feeling that this was going to be the most

  wonderful Christmas she’d had in a very long time.



  Chapter 3

  Bainbridge is a small, sleepy town in the Green Mountain region of Vermont. It is populated by approximately 1500 people according to the welcome sign at the bus depot. Alisha and Daniel got there by midmorning and spent the next several hours touring the town. Acting like tourists they stopped into many of the craft and clothing shops they found along Main Street. During ski season, which starts around Thanksgiving and ends sometime in April, the locals are inundated by skiers from the surrounding resorts. During this time, the town comes alive and bustles with activity. Alisha kept a keen eye on Daniel, making certain that he wasn’t overdoing it. To ensure that he rested, every so often they’d take a seat on one of the benches on the street.

  When they entered one of the shops selling costume jewelry, Daniel led Alisha over to a counter with rings. He balanced himself on his crutches, somewhat precariously, and selected a gold-tone, sterling silver ring with a blue enamel flower rising from the middle. Alisha looked at him with surprise as he slipped it onto her finger. It was a good fit. She was about to say something when he placed his finger gently across her lips. “I know we had quite a rocky start, to say the least, and hardly know one another, but I feel very close to you and sense this is but the start of something. Where it may go or how long it might last, I have no clue, but this ring will always remind you of me.”

  By the time Daniel finished his little speech, Alisha’s eyes had filled with tears and one had slipped out from the corner of her eye. Though she found she possessed similar feelings, she was definitely not prepared for this.

  Daniel kissed the tear away and smiled. Alisha smiled back. “Thank you, Daniel. It’s nice to know that I wasn’t the only one thinking about us having a relationship.”

  He squeezed her hand and grinned. “Feel free to get something for me, if you like.”

  She laughed and picked out a masculine pinky ring. Holding it up and asked, “How’s about this?”



  Daniel nodded and Alisha placed it on his finger. She was tempted to suggest that she also signed his cast to remember her by but then thought better of it. After they had purchased the rings, Daniel suggested they get something to eat. Any suggestion that took him off his feet was a good one and she agreed.

  They decided to try the restaurant that one of Daniel’s buddies had suggested called Good Eats. It was a plain looking restaurant with booths and tables. The walls were covered with ski and mountain scenes. They ordered lobster rolls, clam chowder, and Shellfish Pasta, which had gulf shrimp, scallops, and crabmeat, tossed with spinach, pine nuts and sun-dried tomatoes, in a light garlic cream sauce over penne pasta.

  The food was good, but they were unaware, for they were more interested in one another. Alisha told him about her job and he gave her some insight into his. She found it comfortable to talk to him and hoped that he felt the same way. From his demeanor, it would seem so.

  “So what are your plans for Christmas, Alisha? Will you be going to spend it with family?”

  “The only family I have left is my father. Unfortunately, he has never forgiven me for moving away from New Jersey and no longer speaks to me. Actually, I have no plans other than to spend a quiet night at home watching all the old Christmas movies.”

  “Your father sounds like a jerk, but I sense you already know that so I won’t belabor the issue. As for me, ever since I moved out of my parents’ house, they have spent every Christmas in Paris. They usually wire me a Christmas gift and that’s that.”

  “So we’re both going to be alone,” Alisha said wistfully.

  “Not this year. We’ve got each other, remember?” Daniel reminded her.

  Those words were music to Alisha’s ears. This would be the first Christmas she wouldn’t be alone.

  * * *

  The rest of their vacation was spent together doing everything but skiing. Alisha and Daniel

  would meet for breakfast, sit by the fire, have lunch, go to a movie, have dinner, and spend the

  evening lost in each other’s company.

  When it came time to say goodbye, they made plans to get together in New York.

  Though she knew she’d see Daniel back in New York, tears still trembled on her eyelids. She



  truly hated to say goodbye.

  “Hey, it’s not that we’re not going to ever see each other again,” Daniel said as tears slowly found their way down her cheeks. “I’m going to miss you, too.”

  “How much?”

  Daniel held his arms out wide and said, “This much and more.” He pulled her closer to him and covered her mouth hungrily. Parting her lips, she gave herself freely to the passion of his kiss. His kiss awakened every part of her body and though she wanted more, he had to go. His friends were waiting for him.

  “I will miss you, you captivating woman. Now don’t go meeting anyone else on the way home, you hear?”

  Alisha laughed through her tears and watched him hobble to the waiting car. Once inside, he waved and then was gone. She went back to see if her friends had finished packing. They, too, had a long ride ahead of them.



  Chapter 4

  On their first date in New York, two days before Christmas,
Alisha drove to Daniel’s condo in North Merrick. It was only a ten minute drive from her apartment in East Meadow. From the outside, it looked lovely. She parked her car and walked to the front door. She rang the bell and heard him call out, “It’s open! Come on in!”

  Alisha heard him hobble to meet her. The rubber-tipped crutches made a funny sound on the hall tile. He gave her a big hello kiss that rocked her in her shoes. She noticed he was wearing sweat pants with one leg removed to allow for the cast.

  “Glad you found the place, all right,” he said. “I was just finishing up a project for a client.” “I’d like to see it if that’s all right?”

  “Please excuse the place. I had to change things around because of my leg and am working and sleeping down here now because of the steps. I can go upstairs, but it’s really tough. So I tend to stay down here most of the time.”

  Alisha followed him into the living room. His laptop was set up on the coffee table and still open. On the screen was a website for a furniture store. It looked clean and impressive. Daniel appeared to be a good graphic artist.

  “This is what I do. Do you like it?”

  “Absolutely! Its eye-appealing and looks user-friendly. As a potential customer I would be drawn to this website,” Alisha said.

  “I value your opinion. Thanks. Would you mind if we stayed in and ate here tonight?”

  “No, not at all. Is your leg bothering you?” She asked, her eyebrows knitted with concern. “Actually it’s itchy. My underarms hurt from the crutches and hobbling around on them knocks me out. I guess I’m more tired than anything else.”

  “Though I would’ve been disappointed, you could have postponed the date.”

  “And not see you? No way,” he said. “There’s a stack of take-out menus on the counter in the



  kitchen. Most of the places deliver. Pick something you like and I’ll order it.”

  “You have any preference? I’m flexible,” Alisha said as she walked back to the roomy kitchen with stainless steel appliances and marble top counters.

  “No, not really,” came his reply.

  Alisha wasn’t that hungry. “How’s about pizza?” She said returning to the living room.

  “Sounds good. What toppings do you like?”

  “Anything but anchovies. They creep me out,” she said making a face.

  He smiled. "I'm not too fond of them, either. How's about half pepperoni and half mushroom?"

  "Sounds good." Alisha sat down next to him while he called the pizzeria and ordered an extra-large pie.

  Daniel made his way to the kitchen and directed Alisha to where he kept the plates and glasses. His refrigerator was well-stocked. There was beer, wine, soda and water. She took out a bottle of sangria and set the table. Then she sat down opposite Daniel, waiting for the pizza to arrive.

  He reached across the table and took her hand in his. She was wearing the ring he'd bought her in Vermont. Her hand felt warm and he squeezed it gently. "It's been only a few days, but I sorely missed you. I feel like I want to make up for all lost time before I met you. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way about someone. Somehow I feel I can say these things to you."

  "Honestly, all I've thought about since I've met you is you. Truthfully, I didn't go to Vermont to meet someone. I went to unwind and relax. Skiing does that for me. Feeling the wind in my face rushing down the slopes gives me a feeling that’s indescribable. I haven't been with a man for a long time. With my job, as intense as it is, it didn't bother me. Nor did I miss it. However, meeting you changed all that. I used to think that feeling an instant connection with someone wasn't possible and yet here we are," Alisha said.

  They looked into one another's eyes for the longest time. Alisha noticed that his blue eyes had softened and were filled with promise. At that moment, she realized that she was thinking of the future, something she rarely ever did. Before she met Daniel, she seemed to be living from



  day to day. Yes, things would be different now.

  The doorbell rang interrupting their thoughts. Daniel handed her money to pay the delivery guy. Alisha returned with the pizza which smelled heavenly and placed it on the table.

  “Don't burn the roof of your mouth,” Alisha warned.

  "You're such a mother hen," Daniel said as he reached for a slice of pepperoni.

  "My bad. It's the nurse in me," she replied.

  They chatted as they ate and finished most of the pizza. Alisha wrapped the remaining pieces in aluminum foil and placed them in the refrigerator for Daniel to have for lunch the next day. He helped her clean up and together they went into the living room to watch some TV.

  Their sitting so close together on the couch was like throwing a match onto kindling. Daniel took her hand and kissed it as he gazed into her eyes. His mouth curved with tenderness and what her eyes read made her heart sing. She reached out, lacing his fingers with her own as his lips descended to hers. It was a gentle kiss, warm and velvety. The next kiss set her mouth aflame and sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl.

  Placing both hands on either side of her face, he smothered her lips with one powerful kiss after another until when they finally broke apart her mouth still pulsated. Alisha felt herself melting from inside out. He had awakened a hunger in her she hadn’t known existed.

  Daniel gently pushed Alisha down on the couch and planted a series of slow, shivery kisses down the side of her neck causing her to squirm. Her restless hands caressed the length of his back as she writhed beneath him, eager to be touched. He did not disappoint her as he began to open the buttons on her blouse. He eased the cup of her bra aside and suckled a dusky nipple that hardened at his touch.

  Alisha moaned in pleasure as she reached out to touch his crotch. His tongue made a path down her ribs to her stomach before he stopped to release his erection from his jeans. She began to rub him from the tip of his turgid staff to his sacs, eliciting a guttural sound from deep in his throat. After several moments, he pulled away and reached for his wallet that was sitting on the table. He ripped open the seal of a condom with his teeth and rolled it on.

  Alisha removed her blouse and bra, which had begun to strangle her, while he pulled down his sweat pants.



  "Now where were we?" Daniel murmured as his lips sought hers.

  Easing her back down onto the couch, he began to rouse her passion once more. As he slowly kissed his way down her long delicate neck, he fanned and kneaded her nipples. Suckling and licking them caused Alisha’s senses to reel as if short-circuited. Her emotions whirled and skidded as the blood pounded in her brain. She needed to feel him inside her.

  Daniel slid his hands across her silken, flat belly and began to pull her slacks down her hips. Pleasure continued to radiate outward and Alisha squirmed. Her need to feel him increased trifold and she arched her hips so he could remove her panties.

  He slipped his finger inside her and murmured, "You're so wet."

  Alisha could no longer wait and grabbed his cock. Daniel did not disappoint. He hung his injured leg over the side of the couch and lowered himself into her wet pussy. She gasped with pleasure as he slowly filled her. They moved haltingly at first. She was certain that he'd never made love to a woman with a cast on his leg before and they were breaking new ground. But when they found their rhythm, their movement quickened and when their passion took over, they

  soared higher and higher until waves of ecstasy throbbed through Alisha and then finally Daniel.

  Sated, he collapsed on her. They did not separate, but remained together as contentment and peace flowed between them. Daniel nuzzled the side of her neck and she felt a tug in her pussy. She wanted more, not that she could believe it. Though she had a shattering climax, she wanted to have Daniel inside her again and again. She felt insatiable.

  As she snuggled against him, she felt new inv
oluntary tremors of arousal. Could Daniel read her mind, she wondered. For there he was sucking one breast as he fanned the nipple on the other. She let out a moan as she felt herself tightening like the mainspring on a watch.

  Daniel slid down her body. With a hand on each of her breast, he buried his face between her thighs. With the flat of his tongue, he began to lick her pussy from one end to the other before giving special attention to her swollen clit. Alisha gyrated her hips as he licked and sucked. She abandoned herself to the pleasurable sensations wanting it to last forever, but it wasn't long before her body began to vibrate as she ascended to an awesome ecstasy.

  Now completely sated, she reached for Daniel so he could snuggle with her on the couch.



  Before long they succumbed to the mind-numbing sleep of the satisfied lover.



  Chapter 5

  While Alisha was at the hospital working, Daniel decorated a table-sized Christmas tree and placed a small gift under it for her. During lunch, Alisha bought him a velour bathrobe after discovering he didn’t own one. She was working the early shift this month and would bring Christmas Eve dinner to Daniel.

  Since she’d been back from Vermont, she’d been on a natural high. She’d fallen in love with Daniel despite the fact they’d only just met. They shared a deep connection, which neither could deny. Alisha was convinced that she’d found her soulmate. He had to be the one person that had been designated for her.

  She went straight home from work, showered and put on a skirt and sweater before stopping at the supermarket to pick up the cooked turkey dinner with all the trimmings she’d ordered the day before. Driving with it on the passenger seat and smelling the delicious aroma permeating the entire car made her hungry, but not as hungry as she was for Daniel.


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