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Running Fox

Page 18

by Frances Trego Montgomery


  Two days later the lads reached the Delaware village. Their suddenappearance caused a great commotion. "Running Fox has come! Running Foxhas come!" cried the Delawares. The news brought a great crowd to theedge of the water. The enthusiasm was intense. Many of the youngerwarriors waded out, and dragged the canoe to the shore. Then Running Foxheld up the sacred medicine-trophy, and the people went into ecstasiesof joy. "See, Running Fox has brought the scalp of Gokhos, themysterious white Medicine Owl," they cried, excitedly.

  As soon as the exhausted young warriors stepped from the canoe they weresurrounded by a great throng of friends who instantly began to ply themwith questions. Running Fox left Spotted Deer to struggle with them,while he hurried away to find his father.

  Black Panther showed little surprise as his son entered the lodge, andoffered him the famous trophy for which he had risked his life. However,the lad's mother flung herself upon him, and wept for joy. When he hadtenderly freed himself from her arms, Running Fox turned toward thestern Delaware war-chief. The latter showed his pride and his joy in hiseyes, and the young warrior was satisfied.

  "My son, you have come back," said Black Panther. "It is good. I seethat you have brought the scalp of Gokhos, the Medicine Owl. Where didyou find it!"

  "I found it in the sacred Medicine Bundle, which hangs in the MedicineLodge of our enemies, the Mohawks. I believe it is the thing that gaveStanding Wolf his power over us. Yes, I saw him talking to the MedicineSpirits with this thing in his hands."

  "Well, my son, you have done a great thing," declared Black Panther,striving hard to conceal his emotion. "You are only a boy, but you havedone more than the bravest warrior. But you must not think about that.No, you must find out how to get those mysterious powers, so that youcan help your people, and become a great chief. Take this thing to SkyDog, and ask him what to do."

  "Yes, I will go, but first I must warn you that a great war-party ofMohawks are coming to fight us," said Running Fox.

  "How do you know that?" Black Panther asked, sharply.

  "The scouts followed us a long ways down the river, and the Mohawks arevery mad. I believe Standing Wolf will bring a great war-party here totry to get back this mysterious Medicine Thing."

  The warning seemed to make a strong impression upon Black Panther. Heimmediately summoned a picked company of scouts, and sent them away towatch for the Mohawks. Then he called a council of the principalwar-leaders to form plans for defending the village. It was evident thatthe possibility of Standing Wolf leading his great war-party against thecamp filled even Black Panther with considerable uneasiness.

  In the meantime Running Fox had hastened to the lodge of old Sky Dog. Asusual the aged medicine-man showed little interest as the visitorentered the lodge. A moment afterward, however, when he learned who itwas he began to grow excited.

  "Hi, I see that you have lived to come back," he said. "That is becauseI helped you. I have done some wonderful things, but this is thegreatest. Well, tell me what has happened to you."

  When Running Fox showed him the medicine-trophy, and related hisexperiences since he left the camp, Sky Dog looked at him inastonishment. It was apparent that he found difficulty in believing thestory. He gazed searchingly into the eyes of the lad, and examined themedicine-trophy many times before he committed himself. Then he seemedsatisfied that the exploit was genuine.

  "My son, I have listened to your words," he said, soberly. "At first Idid not believe them. But now I know that you have told the truth. Yes,I see that you have done the greatest thing I ever knew about, But youmust not feel too big about it. You must prepare yourself to become agreat leader. Take this sacred Medicine Thing, and keep it about youwhenever you are about to do anything big. It will give you great power.But you must not give it to any one else. If you do that, something badwill surely happen to you. Now I will tell you something. Standing Wolfand his people will come here to get that great Medicine Thing. Yes,they will come here before two suns pass. There will be a great battle.Many people will be killed. Perhaps the Medicine Thing will help you.Perhaps it will still help Standing Wolf. If it helps him, then you mustget rid of it. Sometimes these things turn out that way. There is onlyone way to find out about it. You must carry it into the thick of thefight. If it gives you power you will do great things. If it turnsagainst you, you will surely be killed. Now you must go and rest. I havespoken."

  "Sky Dog, I will do as you tell me," replied Running Fox.

  Several days passed and still there was no word of the Mohawks. TheDelawares began to hope that they had been needlessly alarmed. Some ofthem even began to doubt that the skin of the white Medicine Owl hadreally come from the Mohawk medicine-bundle. However, they were carefulto keep their suspicions from reaching the ears of Running Fox or hisfather. Others declared that Standing Wolf was afraid to fight withoutthe protection of his medicine charm. Still Black Panther and hiswar-leaders continued to make preparations for the battle. They knewStanding Wolf too well to deceive themselves by believing that he wouldsurrender his most valued possession without making a desperate attemptto regain it from his foes. The delay only strengthened their fears, forthey believed he had sent runners to induce some of the neighboringtribes of Iroquois to join in the attack on the Delaware camp.

  Then the suspense was suddenly ended by the return of one of the scouts.He said that a great company of Iroquois were coming down the river incanoes, and the Delaware scouts had little doubt that many more weretraveling through the forest on foot. He declared that the Delawareswould be greatly outnumbered, as it appeared that the Mohawks had beenstrongly reinforced by some of their neighbors from farther to thewestward.

  The Delawares became greatly disturbed at the news. They had fought morethan one losing fight with the fierce Mohawk chief and his savagewarriors, and they fully realized the nature of the task that confrontedthem. Besides, the village sheltered many women and children, and thewarriors dreaded to think what might happen if the Mohawks forced theirway into the camp. They knew from experience that once roused, theMohawks would kill every man, woman and child that fell into theirhands. For a time, therefore, the Delawares thought of abandoning thecamp and fleeing southward to the village of their tribesmen, the Minsi,another tribe of the Lenape nation who lived a full day's journeyfarther down the river. However, when Black Panther heard of their fearshe immediately called them to assemble in council.

  "Men of the Lenape nation, what has happened to your hearts?" demandedthe Delaware war-chief. "Have the Delawares turned into rabbits? Do youtremble when you hear the name of Standing Wolf? Come, you must answerme."

  The stern rebuke was received in silence. More than one stalwart warriorlowered his eyes in shame as Black Panther challenged him. Then as noone spoke, the chief continued.

  "You have heard that the Mohawks are coming to fight us. Well, what willyou do about it? Do you feel like running away? I do not believe it. Yousay that Standing Wolf has mysterious power over us. Well, I will tellyou that he has lost it. Running Fox has taken it away from him. Thegreat Mohawk war-chief is like a bear without claws. He can do no harm.Running Fox will carry the mysterious Medicine Thing into the fight. Ifyou follow him he will lead you to victory. It is true that we havenever beaten Standing Wolf, but this time it will be different. Yes, SkyDog will tell you that. Come, I will tell you what to do. First we willsend scouts down the river to ask our brothers, the Minsi, to come andhelp us. Then we will send the women and children down the river incanoes. A warrior will sit in each canoe. Whoever is afraid of StandingWolf must leave his weapons, and go with the women and children. Therest of us will stay here, and meet the boastful Mohawks. Now, mybrother, let me see who is afraid to stay."

  Not even the youngest boy responded. The Delawares answered thechallenge with a great shout of defiance that seemed to shake the hills.Then they began to sing their war-songs, and parade about the camp. In afew moments they called for Running Fox to addr
ess them.

  "My brothers, I am a young man, and I have not much to say," Running Foxtold them, modestly. "I have brought you the thing which gave StandingWolf his mysterious power over us. Now I am going to carry it into thethick of the fight. I believe we will win a great victory. Now we mustget ready to fight."

  Then old Sky Dog rose and delivered a fiery harangue that instantlyroused the fighting mood of the warriors. He told them that Running Foxhad done the most wonderful thing in the history of the tribe. Hedeclared that the possession of the Mohawk medicine-trophy not onlyinsured them against defeat, but made victory certain. Then he calledupon them to go forth, and fight as they had never fought before.

  In the meantime Spotted Deer and a young warrior named Little Snake hadalready departed down the river to summon aid of the Minsi. The canoeshad been launched, and the women and children were getting into them.Now that the Delawares had become eager to fight, it was difficult toget warriors to accompany them. However, Black Panther selected theescort, and chose the young untried warriors and a few of the older menwho had been disabled in previous fights.

  The refugees had barely left the village when scouts brought word thatthe Mohawks had disembarked about a half day's journey from the camp.The scouts said that it was evident they intended to advance through thewoods on the north side of the camp.

  "The river was covered with canoes," declared an excited Delaware scout.

  Black Panther immediately called for a company of volunteers to go outand lie in wait for the Mohawks. Most of the warriors responded, and hechose a third of his entire force. Then he appointed Running Fox theleader. It was an unusual honor for a lad of his years, but he hadproved his ability, and the Delawares were ready to follow him. They hadlittle doubt that the Mohawk medicine-trophy would bring him the samepowers which they believed it had bestowed upon Standing Wolf, and theyexpected to see him accomplish equally wonderful feats.

  "My son, I have made you the leader of this war-party," said BlackPanther, as the lad came to him for final instructions. "You are veryyoung, and you have not been in many fights. You must listen to what Iam about to say. There are some great war-leaders in your party. Thereis Broken Hand, and Two Elks, and Painted Dog. All those men are greatleaders. You must ask them to help you. But I have made you the leader.You must know what to do. Now I will tell you. The Mohawks have left thecanoes. They will probably come down along this side of the river. Youmust send good scouts ahead of you to find which way the Mohawks arecoming. It will be necessary to send some scouts across the river, forthe Mohawks may come down that side. Well, when you have found out whichway the Mohawks are coming you must put your warriors in their way. Youmust hold them back until I get a chance to prepare the camp. You mustfind a good place to hide in. Do not show yourselves until the Mohawksare right between you. Then you must rush in and fool them. You must tryto kill as many as you can, and drive back the others. That may holdthem off until we can get ready to fight. However, if they are toostrong for you, you must fight your way back to the village. I havefinished."

  "My father, I will do as you have told me," replied Running Fox. "I willtalk with Broken Hand, and Two Elks and Painted Dog. We will try to makea good fight."

  Running Fox and his companions left the village in silence, for BlackPanther had cautioned the Delawares against making a demonstration. Thesun was low in the west, and the valiant company of fighters hurriedthrough the woods in the hope of finding the Mohawks before it grewdark. Several of the scouts who had already located the enemy were senton ahead, and three other scouts were sent across the river in a canoeto watch along the opposite shore.

  By the time darkness finally closed down the Delawares had traveled aconsiderable distance along the river. Then they stopped, and waited tohear from the scouts. It was not long before one of them brought wordthat the main Mohawk war-party was close at hand. He said that they werefollowing the Delaware hunting trail, and had sent a number of scoutsahead of them. The Delawares lost little time in concealing themselvesalong the sides of a narrow ravine. Then they waited anxiously for theMohawks to blunder into the ambush.

  A short time afterward the Mohawk scouts entered the ravine. TheDelawares allowed them to pass through in safety. However, when thewar-party attempted to follow, the Delawares rose from concealment andattacked them with great fury. The Mohawks were completely surprised,and for a time they were thrown into great confusion. The Delawares hadlittle trouble in driving them from the ravine, and elated at theirsuccess they attempted to turn the surprise into a rout. It was only afew moments, however, before they discovered that they had made aserious blunder. What they had mistaken for the war-party was only anadvance guard following the scouts. When the main war-party rushed up afew moments later, the Delawares found themselves outnumbered by four toone. Still Running Fox had no idea of retreating. He had been sent todelay the Mohawks as long as possible, and he determined to make themfight every stride of the way to the Delaware camp. Calling upon hiswar-leaders to follow him, the young warrior fought with a reckless furythat amazed his foes. Stimulated by his example, the Delawares not onlyheld their ground, but actually forced the Mohawks to give way. Theadvantage was only temporary, however, for the Mohawks soon rallied, andattacked so fiercely that the Delawares in turn were compelled to yield.They retreated slowly, however, fighting so stubbornly that the Mohawksbegan to grow cautious.

  Running Fox had many narrow escapes, for he threw himself into thethickest of the fighting. Twice he was compelled to fight desperate handto hand encounters with his foes, and each time he came off victorious.At another time he was attacked by three Mohawks at once, but hesucceeded in dodging behind a tree and killed two of his assailants, andwounded the third. The Delawares began to believe that the sacred whiteMedicine Owl had made him invincible. Running Fox himself believed it,and the thought gave him confidence.

  The Delawares held back the Mohawks until daylight, and then the lattersuddenly retired. Running Fox knew better than to attempt to followthem. He feared that the withdrawal was part of some clever stratagem,and he immediately called a council of his war-leaders.

  "I believe the Mohawks will wait until it gets dark again, and then theywill try to circle around us," said Broken Hand. "I believe the bestthing we can do is to go back to the village. We have held back theMohawks until our women and children are safe. We can do no good bystaying here and throwing away our lives. I believe we can make a bettershowing with our people at the village."

  "I feel strange about this thing," declared Two Elks. "You have donesome wonderful things, but if you stay here I believe you will bekilled. I cannot help telling you this, because that is how I feel aboutit."

  "I feel like Broken Hand," said Painted Dog. "I have not seen StandingWolf in this fight. I believe he is somewhere about with another bigwar-party. I saw many Oneidas in this war-party. Yes, I believe I killedan Onondaga. Those people may be coming to help the Mohawks. RunningFox, you are a good leader. You have done some wonderful things. Butthere are only a few of us. Some of our friends have already beenkilled. The Mohawks are too strong for us. If we stay here they willcome back and destroy us. I believe we must try to get away."

  "Well, my brothers, I have listened to your words, and I see that youall feel the same way about it. I would like to stay and fight somemore, but I believe it would be foolish. We have done what we came hereto do. We have held back the Mohawks so that our people can get ready tofight It is enough. Come, we will go."


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