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Rise of the Bloodied Phoenix

Page 10

by Andrew McGregor

  The carrier followed the track round to the left, the wheels sliding on the snow as ‘Hase’ continued to fight the controls, Tatu narrowing his eyes to stare ahead through the trees, the slope rising steeply on their right. Then his body stiffened, seeing distant silhouettes running across the track through the flurrying snow, his voice rising as he squeezed the trigger, ‘Russkies ahead!’

  Tracers swept forward, ‘Hase’ jumping in the driver’s compartment as the flashes from the upper machine gun poured through the viewing slits. The bullets bounced and cracked against the trees ahead, pouring through the undergrowth as the soldiers in the rear tensed, the Russians running for cover in surprise.

  Bullets swept back, ‘Hase’ ducking instinctively as sparks flew across the viewing slit, a Russian PPSH firing blindly at the Hanomag. Petru screamed next to him, ‘Keep the speed up, they will have difficulty hitting us then!’

  Leutnant Hausser struggled back into the rear compartment, the carrier shaking and weaving as ‘Hase’ followed the track beneath, the wheels skidding and sliding on the iced snow. Pulling his MP40 from his shoulder, the commander stumbled to the rear of the carrier at a half-crouch, glancing upwards onto the dark snow slope that rose up steeply on one side, his teeth gritted…one grenade from above and their journey would end in these trees…

  Wedging himself next to the rear doors, he screamed over the engine at the others, ‘Get on the left side of the carrier…cover the slope with your rifles…shoot at any movement!’ Powdered snow billowed into the open rear compartment once more, the three soldiers lunging for one side of the armoured vehicle and thrusting their rifles upwards.

  The machine gun chattered once more, the Hanomag bouncing past the surprised Russian soldiers as they ducked back into the ditch, their rifles rising as the snow swirled behind the carrier. Bullets cracked against the rear armoured plate, Tatu pushing his body down as his eyes strained along the machine gun, the barrel flashing once more as he saw shadows through the trees.

  The Hanomag swerved as a grenade exploded before it, a clank as another explosive bounced off the side armoured plate, exploding behind. Leutnant Hausser bit his lower lip, realising any Russians were now fully aware of their journey through the trees, understanding most of the enemy would now be running towards the track. He scolded himself for deciding to cut through the forest, bullets clanking and pinging against the front and rear of the armoured carrier.

  Another muffled explosion to the left, the commander shaking himself from his inaction as the adrenalin surged through him, his voice hoarse, ‘Toss grenades out!’

  A machine gun rattled from the front, Tatu ducking down as bullets peppered the front of the carrier, ‘Hase’ swearing as the vehicle lurched from side to side, the loud clanks of metal hitting the hull almost deafening in the enclosed driver’s compartment.

  Udet lunged across the bouncing and weaving carrier, the engine screaming as the tracked vehicle accelerated up a slope, snow billowing behind in clouds as the tracks threw debris into the air. Fumbling with one of the ammunition boxes, the young German withdrew two stick grenades, the Italian’s rifles cracking as they fired up the slope to the right, reacting to shadows at the summit of the steep incline.

  His gloves slid on the cold metal grenades, unscrewing the two bases and pulling the fuses simultaneously. He gasped, counting to three, then tossing one over the rear armoured plate above the doors, the other over to the left. A scream of surprise as one exploded behind, the other muffled explosion below to the side as the grenade fell into the deep ditch.

  The machine gun fire ceased, the Hanomag sweeping past the Russian crew as they leapt and lunged away through the snow, desperate to escape any grenades. Petru was shouting in the driver’s compartment, his eyes straining as he stared through the forward slits, ‘Hard right at the top of the slope…reduce speed, or we may not make it!’

  ‘Hase’ ground his teeth, the engine burbling as he reduced acceleration, the carrier jolting forward as the momentum fell away. The soldiers in the rear compartment grabbed at the bench beneath for support as the vehicle slid, ‘Hase’ breaking hard at the last moment as the carrier swung hard to the right, the engine roaring once more as the Russian accelerated through the sharp bend.

  Tatu’s body swung to the left, a deep grunt coming from his lips in irritation as he forced his body back to the centre, his eyes glimpsing figures ahead on the track as it fell away, the decline leading to a crossing over the stream. The machine gun belched again, a burst of bullets pouring from the muzzle as the older Romanian screamed, ‘Need ammunition! Throw grenades…there are more ahead!’

  Donatello lunged for the next ammunition container as Udet pulled another two stick grenades from his box, fumbling with the bases to unscrew them. The Italian yanked the container lid open, pulling two bullet canisters for the MG34 from within and thrusting them up towards the Romanian quartermaster. Hausser’s MP40 flashed as he fired a burst into the trees above, Sergeant Moretti’s rifle bucking back into his shoulder as he fired at a shadow seen fleetingly next to a tree.

  Tatu felt the nudge to his side, his body stiffening in alarm as the machine gun clicked empty. He grasped one of the metal canisters, shouting harshly, ‘Reloading!’ The spent cartridge clattered into the rear compartment as he slammed the fresh one on top of the MG34, bullets clanking against the protective plate as he swore under his breath, ‘No damn respite…now you have made me angry!’

  A burst of bullets poured forward as ‘Hase’ dropped the speed again, the carrier lurching to the left to rumble over a small low wooden bridge, the tracks grinding against the frozen wood before jolting forward once more once they cleared the crossing.

  The MG34 barked again, flashes preceding the flying bullets as three figures fell back into the ditch in the distance, the Hanomag gathering momentum, the track widening and becoming straighter. The armoured halftrack bounced and weaved, several bullets clattering against the rear of the vehicle as the engine whined, the carrier surging to almost maximum speed as the firing gradually died down, an eerie silence descending into the forest.

  The soldiers in the rear slumped back gasping, staring upwards at the bright stars above as the cold began to descend, the trees and undergrowth becoming thinner and less dense. ‘Hase’ slowed the vehicle, the tracks clattering beneath as he glanced across at Petru, a determined grin forming on his face, ‘This is quite a beast! I want to drive one of these!’

  Petru laughed out loud, the relief evident in his eyes, ‘’Hase’…you can have this one…it seems to like you!’

  Chapter Nine: Unloading at a Siding

  The Hanomag Sdkfz 251 sped through the thinning forest, emerging into the snow covered fields beyond as the track wound down towards the south. Tatu peered into the darkness, seeing several buildings to the north and east, the dim lights from candles flickering through their windows as the residents and German soldiers garrisoned with them bedded down for the night. In the distance to the northeast, flashes spread across the sky, the muffled rumble of gunfire sweeping towards them across the snow.

  The carrier lumbered on for some time, ‘Hase’ slowing the engine and following the weaving track through weak headlamp beams. In the rear compartment, heads began to nod, the exhaustion becoming almost overwhelming as inactivity replaced the adrenalin rush. The air was becoming much colder as night fell, the stars above seeming brighter than before in the diminishing temperature.

  Hausser checked the radio, raising the earphones and attempting to make contact with the forward units or GrossDeutschland Division to the north. Eventually, the static burbled in his ears, a radio operator somewhere to the north answering his message.

  Leutnant Hausser spoke softly into the microphone, Udet listening next to him, ‘Message for Major Wolff, GrossDeutschland Division. Leutnant Hausser and men approaching first contact point…behind schedule…heavy fighting before Krasnoarmeisk, we can see the flashes in the distance. Sporadic fighting behind our lines, prison
ers being taken. We believe the Russian attack towards Zaporozhye stalled through lack of fuel as German units advance northwards.’

  The radio operator in the north advised he would convey the message when practicable and that Major Wolff was unavailable at present. He continued that the commander was out with the advance and he would radio back as soon as convenient and that they should continue as ordered at present.

  Hausser acknowledged the communication and lowered the earphones, the Hanomag engine whining as it climbed a slope on the track. Udet started the small stove once more and attempted to make some drinks for all, the floor of the carrier covered in leaves and debris from the journey through the forest.

  As the rumble of gunfire became louder, the carrier slowed once more, Tatu indicating across the field wearily, his voice almost slurred with tiredness, ‘Herr Leutnant…lights in the distance!’

  The commander rose to his feet, staring out over the darkened terrain. As he took in the smaller glows of the farms and hamlets, he saw the brighter lights shining beyond, the spotlight beams concentrating an area as figures moved before the illumination. Ducking down, he called to ‘Hase’ and Petru, ‘Head towards the main lights…it looks like some sort of supply depot. We will rest there for the night and get some food.’

  Petru glanced round nodding, his eyes dropping back to the weary driver next to him as the carrier lurched forward. The tracks clattered once more as they passed over a wooden sectioned part of the track, the logs placed in an area prone to flooding, the front wheels spinning slightly before gaining traction on the other side.

  Approaching the bright lights, Hausser began to recognise the makeshift railway siding, engineers having constructed a long platform for unloading locomotive flat cars and supplies. The surrounding area was occupied by numerous tents and small dwellings, supplies stacked and guarded by a number of inquisitive sentries, the area surrounded by barbed wire with a water tower and coal stack for the trains. Positioned next at either end of the platform, the sandbagged emplacements of heavy machine guns with further defensive positions for four 20mm quad anti-aircraft guns, their crews sitting smoking around their weapons.

  Drawing nearer, Tatu pointed at the two 88mm anti-aircraft guns, situated at the northern edge of the encampment, three more heavy machine guns protecting the powerful artillery pieces. The steam rose from the shadow of a large locomotive sitting on the railway siding, engineers and crews carefully positioning steel bases for the tanks sitting on flatbed cars to unload. Tatu wincing and exclaiming, ‘Panzer IVs…they have long barrelled guns…we have not seen many of those before, let us hope they are going the same way as we do.’

  As the Hanomag slowed towards the gate to the depot, Hausser indicated to Donatello and the others to rise, the sleep deprived soldiers watching intently as a tank lumbered slowly from the flatbed car onto the metal based structure the engineers had prepared, the cautious tank commander stood upright in his turret, supervising as the tracks nudged the vehicle down the ramp towards land.

  Tatu pointed further, his excitement seeming to rise as he gestured, ‘They have spare tracks round the turrets too…which model are they?’

  Hausser shrugged, ‘We can ask as we get nearer…let’s hope they have some food and drink for us…’ He grinned at the Romanian, ‘We can take you to look at the tanks later!’

  Tatu smirked deviously, his hand touching his helmet in taunting salute, ‘It’s different for me to see German tanks moving…most we have seen over the last few months were destroyed or out of fuel!’

  Hausser pushed him in irritation, his eyes sparkling in the light as the others smiled briefly, ‘That’s enough of that you old rogue…’ The Hanomag slowed further, a wooden gate set into the high barbed wire enclosure fencing, wire mounted on the top of the gate and across the surface.

  Slowly the obstruction creaked open, two sentries peering out as the lights of the armoured carrier were cut. Hausser waved a greeting, his voice hoarse, ‘Soldiers attached to the GrossDeutschland Division…we wish further fuel and supplies…I have the necessary paperwork.’

  One of the padded uniformed sentries stepped forward carrying an oil lantern, advancing to the side of the carrier, his eyes straining as he stared up into the faces of the figures above, his hand rising to his helmet in salute, ‘May I see your papers…’

  Leutnant Hausser nodded, disappearing briefly behind the armoured plate to retrieve his written orders, the rest nodding towards the sentry below, his voice a hissed whisper, ‘The night will get colder…we have no billets for you men, but we may be able to get a cover for the top of your Hanomag…’

  Udet smiled in thanks, his voice catching in the cold air, ‘Is there warm food? We are very hungry and tired…’

  The sentry grinned, ‘Yes, there is warm food…and plenty of it…we should see you soldiers alright.’ He took the papers from the young commander, raising the lantern to scrutinise them closely. Satisfied, he offered them back, indicating through the gate, ‘Pull up on the far side of the compound…do not block anything as the tanks will be moving forward soon. Go to the largest tent, next to a barn…that is the quartermasters, he should be able to provide some stew and bread.’ He nodded as Hausser saluted back, ‘The fuel cans will be issued as you leave in the morning…’

  ‘Hase’ gunned the engine, the gates opening further as Tatu stared across at the steam locomotive, another Panzer IV carefully negotiating the ramp onto the snow as the commander supervised from the turret, his black uniform emblazoned in light, the sparkle of an Iron Cross around his neck.

  The Hanomag slowed as a Panzer IV moved across their route, the tracks squealing as the turret closed behind its commander, exhaust plumes rising from the rear of the vehicle into the cold air. The angled turret and long gun were mottled with white paint, scratches across the camouflage beneath where the vehicle had seen previous action in the southern front, numerous rings painted around the barrel.

  Hausser smiled as he watched Tatu stare at the tank, his hand patting the Romanian’s shoulder in reassurance, ‘A fine example of German engineering…the first tank to be able to stop the T34 in its tracks apparently!’

  Tatu smiled, his eyes moving to the next tank further down the gradual slope, the Panzer beginning to lumber forward to join the others at the northern edge of the encampment, ‘I wish we had more of them…a lot more…they are a fine sight, Herr Leutnant!’

  The tank slowed, allowing the Hanomag to pass, the commander stood upright in the turret shouting back into the vehicle for it to stop. Tatu raised his arm formally, saluting the black uniformed commander in gratitude, the man returning the gesture as Hausser rolled his eyes, ‘If they go to the quartermaster, I will ask him if you can have a closer look at the Panzer, Tatu!’

  The Romanian grinned widely in retort, ‘No doubt that is to compensate for the food we are about to receive!’

  Wearily, they clambered from the rear of the Hanomag, Tatu closing the rear doors and sniffing deeply, ‘I will go and have a look at the locomotive once we have eaten…does anyone want to come?’ He checked they were all carrying their mess tins, ‘Let us see what this quartermaster has come up with…’ The Romanian glanced at the grinning Petru, ‘I will have a chat with him…’

  Donatello smiled, his hand rising slightly, ‘My father worked on the railways in Italy…I would like to go with you…’

  Sergeant Moretti grinned ironically, pushing the front of Donatello’s helmet down playfully, ‘The trains that ran on time…Mussolini sent us here on those trains!’

  Donatello grinned back defiantly, ‘My father was a driver and engineer…I used to eat my lunch on the footplate as we went through the mountains…’ He smiled reflectively, ‘My brother used to come too…he much preferred to look at the female passengers than the engine!’

  Udet smiled as they trudged from the carrier, ‘I would go to the local train station in Berlin as a boy…watch the many Reichsbahn trains pull in from the bridge over the station
…’ He grinned widely in recollection, ‘My mother used to scold me for the dirt I would get on my clothes…I would sit there for hours watching the trains come and go, getting covered in the warm smoke was one of the fun parts!’

  Donatello laughed in unison with the young German, ‘That’s why I sat on the footplate, then have a nap in the coal car…the smoke and steam was the exciting part…’ His laughter increased, ‘My father would pull the whistle if I fell asleep for too long…I would jump out of my skin!’

  The group approached the large tent, steam pouring from within into the cold air, the large barn doubling as a butchers for the quartermaster. Hausser stopped before the opening as a helmetless cook peered out, his uniform covered in a dirt smeared apron. The young soldier glanced at their eagerly held mess tins and smiled widely, nodding a greeting, ‘Ah, some more customers…did you not know the restaurant is now closed?’ He winked as their expressions became strained, his blonde hair matted from the steam, ‘I will have a quiet word with the quartermaster…there is plenty of stew and bread left for you all…’ The young man glanced past them curiously, ‘Are the Panzer crews not coming?’

  Leutnant Hausser shrugged, ‘We are not attached to their unit…’ He hesitated, grinning cunningly and glancing at the others, ‘Will there be bigger helpings if we get the panzer crews?’

  The cook smiled in response, his eyes widening at the retort as he nodded, ‘Very well…I will ensure you receive bigger helpings if you get the crews here soon…I want to get some sleep tonight!’ He disappeared back into the tent, muffled voices coming from within.

  Hausser spun round, ‘Udet…take Tatu and persuade our gallant panzer crews that they are to receive a feast with our compliments if they come quickly…but it must be quickly!’


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