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Ice Kissed

Page 17

by Amanda Hocking

When I reached the altar, I took my place next to Ember and turned to watch Tilda. She came out a few seconds later and met Kasper. As soon as she saw him, her eyes filled with tears and she smiled. He took her hand, then he leaned over and whispered something in her ear, causing her to smile wider. Then hand in hand, the two of them walked down the aisle together.

  It was only when they made it to the front, and the officiant had begun the ceremony, that I allowed myself to steal a glance around the room.

  Kasper’s family sat in the front row, and by the rigid way his father sat, it was obvious that he’d once been a member of the Högdragen. His mother seemed more relaxed, hanging on to her husband’s arm, her eyes brimming with tears.

  Naima, Kasper’s little sister, was the spitting image of him. She couldn’t have been more than ten, with black corkscrew curls and a wide toothy smile, watching Kasper and Tilda with intense fascination.

  But soon my eyes wandered beyond them, and it only took me a moment to spot Ridley, sitting in the third row. He was alone, no Juni by his side, and he was looking right at me. His dark eyes met mine, and for a moment I forgot to breathe.

  Then Tilda turned to hand me her bouquet so she and Kasper could exchange rings, and I looked away from Ridley, forcing myself not to gaze in his direction again.

  Tilda’s hands were trembling as Kasper slid on the ring, and she laughed nervously. From where I was standing I could see Kasper, and how his love for Tilda warmed his dark eyes when he looked at her.

  To seal their matrimony, they kissed. Tilda put her hands on his face, and Kasper put his arm around her, and the kiss was chaste but passionate. As they embraced, I wondered if I’d ever seen two people who loved each other more.



  Ember never missed an opportunity to dance, and she was out on the floor, twirling around underneath strings of fairy lights. Devin had been chosen as her reluctant dance partner, and she pulled him along with her, forcing him to keep up with her moves whether he wanted to or not.

  After the ceremony, we’d moved to the reception in the adjacent party room, which was really just a small ballroom built for occasions like these. A three-piece orchestra had been set up at one end of the room, with Tilda’s sister Ilsa singing with them. Ilsa had an astonishing range and an amazing voice somehow suited perfectly for the covers of Etta James, Rosemary Clooney, and Roberta Flack that she was performing.

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  I sat at the side of the room, trying to hide in the shadows as I sipped my sparkling wine and watched the dance floor. Since Tilda and Kasper had invited so few people, it left the floor rather sparse, even when most couples were dancing together.

  Unfortunately, that made it all too easy for me to see through them to Ridley at the other side of the room. He was standing near the buffet, absently picking at the vegetable skewers on his plate, and when he looked up at me I quickly looked away.

  Tilda had been slow dancing with Kasper, their arms around each other as they talked and laughed, but she stepped aside so Kasper could dance with his little sister. As she walked across the dance floor toward me, Kasper spun Naima around, making her giggle uncontrollably.

  “Is your plan to hide in the corner all night?” Tilda asked with a crooked smile, as she sat down in the chair next to me.

  “I’m not hiding,” I lied and took another sip of my wine.

  “Mmm-hmm,” she intoned knowingly.

  “It was a beautiful ceremony,” I said, changing the subject.

  Her smile turned wistful as she watched her new husband. Naima had taken to standing on Kasper’s feet, and he held her hands as they waltzed around the room, both of them smiling and laughing.

  “It really was,” she agreed.

  “I’ve never seen Kasper happier. ”

  Watching him now, so relaxed and beaming, reminded me of what he’d said the day before. Work was important to him, but it wasn’t his life. It wasn’t what defined him, and it wasn’t who he really was. This—the guy dancing with his kid sister, smiling at his wife—was Kasper.

  His words had stuck with me, and as I watched him I couldn’t help but wonder—if the balance of working a job that mattered and having a life outside of it was possible for him, could it be possible for me too? Had I been wrong in assuming I had to choose one over the other?

  “You’ll have to talk to him eventually,” Tilda said, pulling me from my thoughts, and I looked over to see her gazing at me seriously.

  I thought about playing dumb and asking who, but I knew Tilda would see through that, the way she always saw through my acts.

  So instead I simply said, “I know. ”

  “I don’t know why you’re avoiding him, but I know you are,” Tilda said, and she raised her hand to silence me before I could stutter out some kind of excuse. “It doesn’t matter right now. I just think you should go talk to him before it gets even harder to. ”

  Ridley was still standing on the other side of the room. Kasper’s dad had been talking to him, but the conversation appeared to be finishing up, leaving Ridley alone again.

  “The bride is always right on her wedding day,” Tilda added. “So you know I’m right when I say that you need to do this. ”

  I took a fortifying breath then finished my glass of wine in one large gulp. “Okay. ” I stood up, smoothing out my bridesmaid dress, and looked down at Tilda. “Will you be okay here by yourself, or do you want me to wait?”

  “No, go!” She shooed me away with a smile. “I just wanna sit here another minute, and then I’m sure Kasper will have me out dancing again. ”

  My heart was pounding so hard as I walked across the dance floor, I could hardly hear the music over it. I kept reminding myself that it was only Ridley, that I’d talked to him a thousand times before and this wasn’t a big deal.

  Of course, I’d never talked to him after having a one-night stand with him.

  He smiled thinly at me as I approached, and I wished I’d had another glass of wine before making my way over.

  “Hey,” I said when I reached him.

  “Hey,” he replied, and then I realized in terror that I couldn’t think of anything more to say. I’d thought as far as saying hey, and now I was trapped in an awful moment where I could only stare at him.

  “The wedding was great,” I blurted out suddenly, because it was something to say.

  “It was. ” He nodded, then motioned to me. “You looked beautiful. ”

  I lowered my eyes. “You don’t have to say that. ”

  “I know. ” He paused. “I wanted to. ”

  “Well, thanks. ” I offered him a small smile.

  I wasn’t sure if I should tell him he looked good too, because he definitely did. His dark hair was just slightly disheveled, as if he couldn’t completely tame it. He was clean shaven, which he rarely was, and his tan skin looked so smooth. The vest he wore over his dress shirt was fitted perfectly across his broad shoulders, and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone, showing off just enough flesh to make me crazy.

  “So, listen,” Ridley said, filling the awkward silence that had fallen between us. “I’ve been looking for the right time to talk to you since you got back, and now seems as good as any. ”

  “Yeah?” I asked, lifting my eyes to meet his.

  “I ended things with Juni. ”

  My heart skipped a beat, and I hoped I didn’t look as excited as I felt.

  “It wasn’t fair to her,” he elaborated. “The way I was treating her. Juni is fantastic, and I did like her. But the truth is, I didn’t like her enough. ”

  “Yeah, that makes sense,” I said, just to say something.

  He took a deep breath. “And there’s no point in dancing around things anymore. I have feelings for you, Bryn, very strong feelings, and I think you feel the same way. ”

  “I … you know … I…” I was too stunned to properly form
a sentence, and I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say.

  Of course I had feelings for Ridley, and while part of me was thrilled to hear he felt the same way, nothing had changed. He was still my boss, the Överste, actually, which meant that we would both be in serious trouble if we were to get involved.

  So what could I say to him? That I loved him, but it didn’t matter because we couldn’t be together? What would even be the point of admitting how I felt?

  Through my shock and confusion, I realized something in the room had changed. Everyone had stopped dancing, and as I looked around the room the musicians stopped playing. Ilsa had been singing “Why Don’t You Do Right?” but just stopped mid-word.

  Most of the light in the room came from fairy lights and candles, but someone flipped on the overhead light, blinding everyone. I lifted up my arm to shield my face, and I finally saw the reason for the change.

  Reid Kasten, King Evert’s personal guard, stood at the entrance.

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  “Sorry to interrupt the festivities,” Reid announced, speaking loudly and clearly. “The King sent me here to retrieve Bryn Aven. ”

  I glanced over at Ridley, as if he would have some insight as to what this was about, but he shook his head.

  “I’m right here. ” I stepped onto the dance floor so Reid could more easily see me.

  “The King wants to see you immediately. ”

  “What’s this about?” Ridley asked, stepping up behind me, and Reid regarded him with derision. “I’m the Överste. If something’s going on, I should go. ”

  “The King didn’t say what it was concerning,” Reid said, showing Ridley a bit more respect. “He tasked me with returning with Bryn Aven. ”

  Ridley looked as if he wanted to say more, so I held up my hand to stop him. “It’s okay. ”

  I cast Tilda an apologetic smile, since any summons had intruded on her celebration, and she pursed her lips in worry as Reid escorted me away from the dance floor and toward the palace.



  The walk to the palace had been cold. I’d put on boots out of necessity, but I hadn’t changed out of my light bridesmaid dress, and I’d only grabbed a violet cloak to keep out the chill. Since I didn’t know what was going on, I didn’t want to waste any more time than I had to.

  When we arrived at the palace, I slipped off my boots and cloak by the door. I expected Reid to lead me to the meeting room, but he took a different turn. Instead of going left toward the east wing of the palace where public affairs took place, he went right, taking me toward the private quarters.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him.

  “The King’s parlor,” Reid replied in a clipped tone, so I decided against pressing him further.

  I’d only been in the private wing twice before, both for training purposes when I was still in tracker school, so it had been a while. Here the floors changed from cold, gray stone to pearlescent tile, purportedly brought in from Italy. Sheetrock covered the stone walls, painted ivory with faint silver flourishes to give it an added elegance. Instead of kerosene lamps, the halls were lit with bright dome lights.

  Before we reached the room, I could hear Queen Mina. Her laughter carried through the closed door, and it sounded as if she’d affected the British accent again.

  Reid knocked on the door and waited for us to be granted entrance, and I tried to figure out what exactly was happening. None of this made sense or was even remotely close to how things were usually done.

  “Come in!” King Evert shouted, without checking to see who we were or what we wanted.

  For his part, Reid continued to act as if it were business as usual. He opened the door for me then stood next to it inside the room and announced my arrival. But I barely registered it because I was too busy trying to make sense of the scene before me.

  The King’s parlor was smaller than I’d expected. It only had room for a love seat, a sofa, and two sitting chairs—all of them high-backed tufted seats in a cream color. Above them hung a small but bright chandelier.

  The walls were covered in wallpaper with alternating vertical bands of white and silver. On the wall opposite the door was a carved marble fireplace with a painting of Evert and Mina on their wedding day hanging it above it. To the left and pressed against the wall was an elegant bar made of mirrors with white baroque details.

  The King lounged in the chair closest to the fireplace, one leg draped over the arm. The sleeves of his gray shirt were rolled up, and several buttons were undone. His black bangs hung over his forehead, and he had a highball glass in his hand, half full of a dark liquid.

  Next to the fireplace, the Queen stood, still laughing as I entered the room. Her hair hung down in loose curls, and she wore a simple gown of pristine white. Even though she looked more relaxed than I usually saw her, she still wore gaudy diamond earrings, and the heavy necklace that lay on her collarbone was encrusted with sapphires. I presumed the wineglass on the mantel directly beside her to be hers.

  But the big surprise was the man standing next to the bar, pouring himself another drink. His back was to me, but his broad shoulders and blond hair were unmistakable. His sharkskin jacket was discarded on the sofa, and the sleeves of his white dress shirt had been pushed up.

  Prince Kennet seemed to be having some kind of weird party with Mina and Evert.

  “Oh, Bryn!” Mina exclaimed when she saw me. “You look so lovely!”

  Kennet turned around to look at me and smiled appreciatively, but I didn’t have time for that.

  “Thank you, my Queen,” I replied politely. “I was called away from a wedding to—”

  “Doesn’t she look lovely?” Mina asked Evert, interrupting me.

  Evert narrowed his eyes, as if needing to get a better look at me, and I stood up straighter and repressed an irritated groan. “Yeah, yeah, she does,” he slurred.

  “The Skojare good looks help with that,” Kennet said with a wink, making Mina erupt in laughter again.

  “If you won’t be needing me for anything more, shall I wait in the hall, sire?” Reid asked, and I didn’t blame him.

  The King and Queen were drunk, or at the very least buzzed, both of them bordering on obnoxious.

  “Yes, of course. ” Evert waved Reid off, and the guard bowed before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

  “Your Highness, you summoned me?” I asked, trying to find out what exactly I was doing there in the first place.

  “That was all my idea, I’m afraid,” Kennet admitted. With drink in hand, he effortlessly climbed over the back of the love seat and sat down, extending his legs out on it.

  “Oh yes, Prince Kennet came all the way here from Storvatten to thank us personally for our help in sorting out their troubles,” Mina explained, and as she spoke, her hand went absently to her lavish necklace. “He wanted to extend his gratitude and strengthen the friendship between our tribes. ”

  “As I understand it, the troubles are still being sorted out,” I said carefully. “Storvatten is in great turmoil without a leader. ”

  “That’s all been sorted out. ” Evert waved his hand again, nearly spilling his drink as he did. “The Prince is the King. ”

  I shot a look at Kennet, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. When I’d left Storvatten, Lisbet had all but guaranteed that she would be appointed the ruler in Mikko’s absence. She had assured me that she would do everything in her power to get the position in order to ensure her and Linnea’s safety.

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  So how exactly had Kennet gotten the title? There was a chance the Skojare in charge of making the decision had thought it would be best if they stuck with the Biâelse bloodline and overruled Marksinna Lisbet.

  But as Kennet barely stifled his smirk, I couldn’t help but suspect he’d fought Lisbet for the title.

  “Acting monarch,” Kennet corrected him, wh
ich meant he had all the power but not the official title of King. “And only until my brother is exonerated. ”

  I stared at Kennet evenly. “What if your brother isn’t exonerated?”

  “That would only be if he is actually guilty of everything he’s accused of, and if he is, he shouldn’t be the King. ” Kennet sat up straighter. “It is still a terrible mess in Storvatten, you’re right, but we’re on the right path to figuring everything out and making it a safer place.

  “And that,” he said, lifting up his glass, “is all thanks to you and the Kanin. So here’s to you. ”

  Mina hurried to grab her glass off the mantel and raised it in a toast. “Skål!”

  “Skål!” Evert shouted, then proceeded to drunkenly spill his drink all over himself.

  Mina looked at her husband with pity as he tried to wipe the alcohol off his shirt. “Oh, Evert, my love. Let me help you. ” She rushed over, using the length of her dress to help dry him off.

  “I don’t even know how that happened. ” He shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t … I think I’m drunk. ”

  “I think you are, too, my King,” Mina said with a bit of a laugh and smiled up at him. “Why don’t we get you up to bed and into something dry?”

  He reached out, stroking her face in a moment of tenderness that I hadn’t even known the King was capable of. “You’re so patient and beautiful. What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “All the right things,” she assured him, and then she stood up. “I’m sorry, but I hope you can excuse us both. ”

  “Yes, of course. ” I bowed slightly.

  “I’m sure Bryn and I can entertain ourselves in your absence,” Kennet said, wagging his eyebrows at me.



  The very moment the King and Queen left us alone, Kennet leapt up from the sofa and bolted toward me. I had hardly a second to react before his arm was around me and his lips were on mine, but I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded, looking up into his startled blue eyes.

  “Kissing you. Isn’t it obvious?” he asked like a guy who was used to taking what he wanted without any protests.

  I pulled myself from his arm and stepped back from him. “I already told you. We’re only friends. ”

  “You’re saying you don’t want to kiss me, then?” Kennet asked with raised eyebrows. I turned away, walking toward the love seat. “Why not? You should at least offer me a reason. ”

  For one thing, I didn’t trust him. Not that I ever really had, but now with his new appointment as ruler of the Skojare and his bizarre drunken celebration with the King and Queen, I trusted him even less.

  There was also the business of Ridley confessing his feelings for me, and the fact that I felt the same way, with the chance that something might be possible in the future—even the distant future. I didn’t want to muck it up by fooling around with a Prince, especially a Prince who was now acting as a King.

  But the biggest reason was that I simply didn’t feel that way about Kennet. I liked him well enough, and he had been a good friend to me in Storvatten. But that didn’t mean I wanted to make out with him.


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