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The Baby Contract

Page 25

by Amy Brent

  I finished my workout and went home to shower before work, dressing in a clingy gray dress with heels. It didn’t really matter what I wore since I didn’t see customers during the night, but sometimes a woman just needed to feel pretty.

  I entered with a soft, warm greeting and went into my office to warm up the Mac for the day. I wondered what today would hold and sat down as I sipped the vitamin water zero today, feeling encouraged by the workout. There was a message from Declan immediately, asking how he could contact Rachel personally. I considered the answer.

  Her name wasn’t Rachel, and she’s not interested in another night. It’s not personal.

  He shot back asking what her name was. Declan said that he couldn’t stop thinking about the woman that he spent the night with, that he wanted to see her again. I told him again that I wasn’t interested, or that the woman wasn’t. I suggested another woman again as my heart ached.

  He seemed to stop for the night as I kept the appointments moving, trying to push Declan from my mind. It couldn’t work. I was married, which was wrong. I never should have slept with Declan, to begin with given that fact alone, but James worried me as well. I had a feeling that he wouldn’t let me go so quickly, possibly going after anyone I got involved with. Even if James were cheating on me, he wouldn’t feel as though I had the right to do the same.

  I didn’t want to risk anything happening to someone involved with me.

  I worked steadily, feeling productive as I glanced at the clock. I didn’t want to leave the office for lunch, so I ordered some Thai food in. I wasn’t sure if I was worried about running into Declan again or not since we apparently lived in the same part of the city. He knew that Rachel was a fake name now so what would he think if we came across each other?

  I made that a habit in the following nights, not leaving the office and going to a gym that was further away. James wasn’t home a lot, but when he was, he made his presence known. His cruel comments echoed through the house as I only tried to avoid him, ending with him pushing me against the wall one night with anger in his dark eyes. He looked so much like his father, and I couldn’t help but wonder of this is what Anthony did to my mother-in-law. “What do you want?” I asked softly as I gazed into his eyes. His hands were digging into my upper arms tightly, making me realize I’d be wearing long sleeves in the pleasant Spring weather that I cherished since it seemed to be so brief.

  “Your hair… losing weight…tell me, are you fucking someone else, Rayna? Are you unfaithful to our marriage?” His voice was low in my ear, and I heard him chuckle.

  “Are you?” I demanded as he pulled back, staring at me darkly. “You’re the one that’s never home.”

  “I work, Rayna. I do that to have this house and this life. Are you feeling ungrateful for that?” He asked as tears stung my eyes. “I allow you to work. Maybe I should see what it is you really do, even though it keeps you out of my hair,” he mused aloud as I sighed and felt his grip tighten.

  I showered after he left, feeling dirty and exposed. I’d distracted James from the idea of looking into my job the only way that I knew how. He was rough with me, and I clung to the memories of Declan as I gave myself to my husband the way that I was supposed to do.

  I told everyone that I did freelance photography and since they had no interest in my favorite hobby, they never asked to see anything. If they did, I had photos to show them because it was an interest of mine. They just talked about the law firm or something worthy of conversation instead of anything about me.

  I felt like James left the house forgetting about me today, hoping that he’d gotten what he needed. I couldn’t bear the idea of being intimate with him, despite my title as his wife.



  I hit my desk as I leaned back, annoyed with my thoughts of Rachel that was getting in the way of the new hotel being built in Dubai. I tried to contact the agency to get back in touch with her, confused when I was told that she didn’t want to work anymore. I thought that our night together was fantastic and only left because I had to go early in the morning to get out of town for work. I left her a lot of money and a note indicating that I wanted to see her again, even if it was vague. I even felt bad leaving her the money, but it was part of the deal, as she was an escort for the night. She spent hours with me that night and deserved it.

  I thought about the last message that said her name wasn’t Rachel at all. That did not surprise me, knowing that she might want to protect her identity. It also stated that she was done. I didn’t know what to make of that, and I ran a hand through my hair.

  I knew that the agency used a digital means of communication for bookings, but there had to be a number. There had to be a location that I could find. I needed to speak to the woman that I’d spent the night with that night, see who she really was. That woman never seemed like an escort to me. She never felt like one and I swore that there was more between us.

  I clicked off the page and did some digging on the agency. They did a good job of keeping themselves an online company, but I was smart and well-versed with the internet. I got an address, jotting it down as I glanced at the clock. I should stay here today and tackle this tomorrow, deciding to plan to see her again.

  I went to the gym that night, working out hard as I tried to push the image of her out of my mind. I felt eyes on me and scanned the room, people on nearly every machine. They all seemed to be into their own workouts, using headphones to listen to the televisions around the room or something else. I frowned and checked out in the other rooms, but nobody was paying any attention to me at all.

  I must have been imagining things.

  I finished the workout and left, going back to my small house to shower for the night. I thought that I might stop by the agency after lunch and see what I could find out. I went into my office for a while to finish the work on my project that I’d gotten so distracted from the day before, feeling some hope for today. I got a lot done and made my way to a favorite deli to have a sandwich before making my way down the street to the agency. From what I could gather, I could see that it might be in one of the modern buildings down the street. I thought about the way that she looked on the bed underneath me, coming apart as her nails dug into my back. It was the best of sexual sin, and I wanted it again.

  I finished my lunch and made my way down the street, watching carefully as I approached the block that the agency was located on. I looked at the buildings and then back over the sidewalk before I paused. A woman with blonde and red hair was coming out of a parking lot, seemingly distracted as she walked towards a brick building. “Rachel?” I called out as she froze and took her time to look up. She widened her beautiful eyes as I stalked towards her, my eyes brightening as I smiled.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked shyly as she looked around carefully.

  “I couldn’t get a hold of you the business way, so I wanted to take steps to find you myself,” I told her as she frowned at me. “What is your real name?”

  “Ray!” A voice called out as the woman turned with a scowl to look at the bright-haired woman coming our way. “How are you?” She glanced at me, curiosity on her pretty face as she sized me up. “Hello there.” This was an escort. I could tell that just from the way that she greeted me though it wasn’t overly sexual.

  “Let’s go inside,” The woman identified as Ray said abruptly, walking towards the entrance as I looked at her long sleeved pink shirt. It was warm out today, and everyone else wore short sleeved shirts, if not shorts. Why was she dressed so warmly? She led the way with the other woman falling into step behind her, followed by me. I was surprised when Ray stopped and glanced at the other woman, assuring her that she’d see her upstairs in a few moments.

  I stared at her face as she finally gave me her attention, realizing that she was just as beautiful with a natural face. There was a hint of liner on her eyes to make the blue stand out and a dark pink stain on her lips but that was it. “Why are you here, Decla

  “I’ve been trying to contact you. Did you know that?” I asked as she sighed and dropped her gaze to the floor.

  “I’ve been the one sending back messages. Just me and nobody else,” she replied as my eyes widened. “I am a booking agent, not an escort. That was a one-off. It wasn’t a permanent lifestyle for me,” she murmured as I frowned at her.

  “Why me?” I asked, thinking back to our night. It was wonderful, and she let me take her without any protection. Why did she trust me so much just as I’d trusted her so much?

  “You were the next booking for the girl that was out for the week,” she told me with a bland expression on her face. “It just worked out, and you were pleasant Declan. It’s just done.”

  There was no possible way that she didn’t feel anything that night. I could see it in her eyes and feel it on my lips. I saw something pass through her eyes that played off as negative for a moment before she looked calm again. “Pleasant?” I asked as she stared back at me. “I thought that it was an incredible night and I’d like to see you again.”

  “I can’t. I need to go to work,” she told me before glancing behind me.

  “I can pick you up after your shift, just to talk. I want to get to know you more. One night wasn’t enough,” I told her, speaking softly, and looking around. I didn’t want to humiliate her, and her cheeks flushed as she glanced at me. “You’re a fascinating woman. Tell me your name at least.”

  “It’s Rayna,” she whispered as she nibbled on her lip. “I have to go, Declan. Goodbye.”

  I watched as she walked away, seeing her disappear into an elevator and up onto another floor. I stepped back out into the sun, wondering again why Rayna was dressed so heavily when it was warm out today.

  I gave it a day and then thought back to Rayna as I sat at my desk at home, involved in a project. I went back to the message and sent one, knowing that it went right to her. I asked to see her again and waited for a message in response.

  Why are you doing this, Declan?

  I want to see you. I know you felt what was between us that night, Rayna.

  No, it was business.

  Were you really new or was that a lie?

  I felt the anger in my tone and winced as I waited.

  I didn’t lie. I’d never done that before, but it wasn’t my first time having sex. Did you think that it was?

  No, but I do believe that it was different for you that night. I could see it in your every movement. What time are you off?

  Declan, I can’t do this. I don’t want to be an escort.

  You won’t be. You’ll be a woman that I am genuinely interested in.

  The conversation ended, and I stared at the screen waiting for an answer. I wasn’t the kind of man to stalk a woman by any means, especially with the pending divorce. I should want to be finished with this and not pursue Rayna, but she was under my skin. I clicked off my computer to go to bed, imagining our night together instead of drifting off to sleep. I reached down to take myself into my hand, hard and ready for Rayna as I began to stroke it.

  I gripped hard, needing the release. I wanted Rayna again so badly. I wanted to repeat the positions I had her in all over again, this time calling out her real name. I came into a Kleenex and threw it into the trash with a sigh.

  I knew that I could have dozens of one-night-stands with women from bars and walk away from them, but I was only craving one.

  I would give her a little time and try again. I knew how to woo a woman, and I was going to make every effort to impress.



  I kind of dreaded going to work now. Declan was persistent in trying to contact me, and though a part of me wanted to just delete the threat altogether, I couldn’t do it. I did want to repeat the night with him as well, but I knew that it just couldn’t happen. For one, I was married. I knew that if I did anything with Declan, that he could end up in trouble.

  I should delete it and in the process, eliminate him from my life entirely. I longed to forget about the night that we shared, but it played through my mind like a movie. I couldn’t escape the memory of our passion, and I knew that he was right about there being more than just sex between us.

  James was home less and less. When he was home, he was an asshole and spoke down to me on most occasions while on other ones, he would hurt me. I was thankful that he didn’t want sex anymore, but his words and actions hurt me.

  In a couple of weeks, when Declan messaged me I was at my weakest. My arms were bruised yet again, and I wore a long-sleeved green shirt to cover the marks, and some makeup to make me look less pale. I worked quietly, sucking down coffee as I booked appointments for escorts, just like any other day.

  It was like any other day until I realized that there was a new message from Declan. I read it, seeing that it was the common words. He wanted to see me and get to know me better, but not as an escort. He wanted to see me as a woman, and I felt tears in my eyes. I saw him ask to see me after work and I felt my willpower fade for a moment.

  I am off tonight at ten o clock.

  There was a long pause, and then a message came through.


  Yes. I get off at ten, and I’d be happy to see you.

  My plan was to tell him that I couldn’t see him. I was going to say that I was married, taken and unavailable.

  I will meet you at the curb. I’ll be in a blue Porsche. Thank you, Rayna.

  See you soon.

  I knew that I didn’t have plans for a good night with a future together. I had plans to end all of this for him and let him down as gently as I could. I knew that the sex was good, but I wasn’t sure what else there was between us. I learned from other escorts that there were sometimes emotions in a situation with a client and they apparently saw them again. Was there a reason that they saw the same woman repeatedly? Was it more than attraction?

  I was nervous the rest of the day. I nibbled on a salad for lunch down the street, sipping soda to stay awake. I was casually dressed today in a cotton shirt and black slacks with some sandals. I didn’t dress up, and I knew that I had circles under my eyes today. I knew that I didn’t look good.

  I’d accepted because I needed to end this, but also just to see the way that he looked at me. Declan valued me as a woman and a person, and I desperately needed that right now.

  When the clock turned to ten on the computer screen, I saw that the night shift had taken over before I powered down the computer for the evening. I looked at the glass of the window, knowing that I was hopeless tonight and merely secured my ponytail. I locked my door and then the office before going down in the elevator, telling the security guard that I was meeting someone outside. I said good night and walked outside, noticing the sleek car waiting at the curb. Inside, I could see Declan smiling towards me, and I managed one of my own.

  Declan leaned over to open the door, and I looked around slowly, just seeing the usual crowd at the bars down the street. I slipped inside quickly and let out a breath as he pulled away, asking if I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten a lot today and every day at the gym without eating well to go along with it was taking its toll. “I am. I had a light lunch,” I replied as I glanced over at him. He was so gorgeous, and I couldn’t believe that he wanted to be with me. “Can we be somewhere private, though?”

  We stopped at a light, and he looked closely at me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. It was a long night, and I just want to be in a quiet place.” He nodded and stopped at a little place on the corner, smiling as he asked me if I liked pizza. I loved it and told him so, and I watched as he locked the doors to the car and walked inside the glass doors. I sat back against the leather seat as he spoke to the girl at the counter that was clearly flirting with him before he glanced back at me. I couldn’t help but smile as he pulled out his wallet and the idea that another man was buying food for me settled into my brain. It felt so wrong but when was the last time that James willingly took me out to dinner without f
amily being involved? I couldn’t even remember.

  I watched as Declan took the two boxes from the girl and turned to leave, pushing the door opened as I leaned over and tried to find the lock. Declan chuckled as he pushed a button and unlocked it, opening the trunk to slide the boxes inside. This car didn’t offer much of a back seat at all as I looked back, enjoying the sports car. Declan got inside of the driver’s side and started the engine again before pulling away from the curb.

  He drove us to a small house at the edge of town, parking in the driveway. I looked at it, noting that it was nice but not the mansion I was expecting with the car we were driving in. I gave him a look as he stared curiously at me. “What?”

  “I thought it would be bigger. Is this your house?” I asked as I played my words back in his mind. “Oh, God.”


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