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The Reagan Diaries

Page 37

by Ronald Reagan

  Friday, August 31

  An N.S.P.G. meeting on 2 subjects—Pakistan & the Middle East. The Soviets have been getting bolder in their & the Afghan border raids aimed at the refugee camps in Pakistan. At the same time India is building up militarily on the Pak. border. Their concern is whether Pakistan is developing nuclear weapons. Pres. Zia looks us in the eye & says he isn’t but he’ll expect help from us if either threat materializes. I favor sending some high level emissaries to both give Zia some additional defense weapons but lean on him to prove once & for all he isn’t making a bomb. As for Russia & the whole middle East, I believe we should make it plain by our presence in the Persian gulf & all that the Soviets might be risking war with us if they get grabby & tried moving in.

  Met with Katherine McDonald—widow of the Congressman who died on this day 1 year ago in the KAL-007 shoot down of that passenger plane.

  George S., Bud & I met on Israels ec. problems—they are horrendous due to their extended mil. deployment. We want to help but they’ll have to demonstrate some willingness to help themselves. Peres will be P.M. for 2½ yrs. now & Shamir will be Foreign Minister.

  [Addressed Catholic Golden Age Society Chapter presidents.]

  Saturday, September 1

  Nancy left at 10 A.M. for Phoenix. This has to be the loneliest place in the world when she’s gone. Did my radio show & then a phone call to the Astronauts in space. They’ve been tremendously successful—launching 3 satellites. Those are ensured for $90 mil. each & the private enterprise ones like the one for A.T.T. pay us $10 mil. for the launch.

  Spent the day shuffling papers.

  Sunday, September 2

  Get away day—off at 2:45 for Anaheim & Nancy. Uneventful trip. Phoned Jerry Lewis—Muscular Dystrophy telethon. Then when I called the number about my pledge—couldn’t convince the operators I was who I said I was. Not sure they ever did believe me.

  [Monday, September 3: met with party leaders; recalled large rally of Marine Corps families at airport on landing the previous day; political rally; flew to Santa Clara County for another rally; flew to Salt Lake City; Mrs. Reagan to L.A. Tuesday, September 4: meetings with “Reagan-Bush” leaders; then Mormon Church leadership; addressed American Legion Convention, commented, “Was well received, particularly when I gave my own version of religion’s place in public life. That has been very distorted since the Prayer Breakfast in Dallas”; flew to Chicago.]

  Wednesday, September 5

  Started the day with “Reagan-Bush” leaders. Did Q&A. Then into the “Choosing a Future” conference sponsored by Ec. Club of Chi. (I’m 1st Pres. to ever address them) & Ameritrust Bank of Cleveland. Speech was followed by a Q&A session. Almost 2,000 people. The Lord was watching over me. Q’s. on deficit etc. & I had the answers.

  Departed immediately for Wash. & here I am in the W.H. Nancy is in Oregon.

  George S. & Bud came by. It’s just between us for now but I am going to meet with Gromyko. Sept. 28 is the day.

  Thursday, September 6

  A full day—it always is when I’ve been away for a few days. The big event in the A.M. was an address to the Nat. B’nai B’rith Convention. I know I was following Mondale who it had been rumored was going to do a job on me. I was not going to make a pol. speech but talk about matters of interest to them—Israel etc. I was right & he was wrong. Reports are that he was coolly but politely rcvd. I have to say my own reception was overwhelming—interrupted 18 times by applause. Come to the evening news—TV-ABC-CBS-NBC & you would never have known it. All 3 did a slick hatchet job.

  Lunch with V.P. then met with 4 of our Senators from farm states to hear their reports on farm problems which are considerable. A Cabinet Council on Copper & Steel. One decision made—we cannot help the Am. Copper Mining industry with protectionist measures. We can offer help to unemployed miners—relocation, job training etc.

  [Met bowling officials; Statler Brothers; editor of London Times; audio- and videotapings. Friday, September 7: meeting with Secretary-General Emile van Lennep, retiring from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; appearance at briefing of journalists who cover space; remarks to gathering of female executives; meeting with Shultz and McFarlane (“on possible Gromyko visit”); went to Camp David. Saturday, September 8: radiocast; ride.]

  Sunday, September 9

  Phoned Alf Landon on his 97th B.D. Nancy came off the mountain by car & I helicoptered to Doylestown, Pa. to attend the Festival of Our Lady of Czestochowa (The Black Madonna). Gov. Thornburgh & Cardinal Krol met me. I saw the Shrine, put a wreath on the monument to Paderewski & then addressed 40,000 Polish Americans. Wonderfully received & magnificently introduced by the Cardinal. Then it was home & Mother. Maureen is here. A couple of hours helicoptering really leaves one tired—the vibration.

  Monday, September 10

  A good meeting with Black Clergy—Rev. T. J. Jemison, Pres. of the Nat. Baptist Convention U.S.A. I really had a chance to explain the record (Civil Rts. et al) & the hatchet job that has been done on me with regard to Blacks. We are going to have further meetings. This may be a breakthrough.

  [Issues lunch; signing of Hispanic Heritage Week proclamation; received rose from little daughter of a congressman; briefing on airport matters; launched federal charity campaigns; desk work; noted that “Mondale revealed his budget balancing program—it’s smoke & mirrors & a fat tax increase.”]

  Tuesday, September 11

  Met with Congressional leadership about defense budget etc. I’ve never seen them so Gung Ho & high in their optimism about my winning in Nov. They’ve just returned from being home campaigning. Then a Rose Garden ceremony to award Gold Medal posthumously to Hubert Humphrey. His widow received it & Hubert Jr. spoke—he’s a Repub. I don’t know what was with Pres. Carter—this medal was voted by Congress in ’79. Did a 10 minute press availability in Press room—most questions were on meeting with Gromyko—which I announced—only 2 on Mondale’s plan to reduce the deficit. I thought that would be the big issue & I was loaded for them.

  Met very pleasantly with Lord Carrington who is new Sec. Gen. of NATO. I think he’s going to do well.

  (An N.S.P.G. meeting) […] (Another issue has to do with possible shipment of fighter jets from Bulgaria to Nicaragua […]. Third item also unresolved as yet—how to help El Salvador intercept arms to rebels from Nicaragua.)

  Had a good meeting with farm state Senators & Reps. Was able to announce we’re upping the Soviet grain agreement by 10 mil. metric tons. A later meeting with Sens. & Reps. from Steel states wasn’t so happy—they are really lobbying for protection Quotas on imported steel. It’s a decision I have to make in the next 2 weeks. Home for the evening.

  [Wednesday, September 12: flew to Buffalo and Endicott, New York, for campaign appearances, commented, “I’m amazed at the enthusiasm & the high percentage of young people at all these gatherings”; returned to W.H. Thursday, September 13: flew to Tennessee to campaign; at Grand Ole Opry, singer Roy Acuff called for president’s reelection; returned to W.H.]

  Friday, September 14

  Staff meetings & desk work in the morn. A ceremony in the Rose Garden to award 8 individuals (Hispanic Americans) for their great contributions to excellence in ed.

  Then a taping session—one pol. for Cong. Jim Martin—running for Gov. of N.C., a tribute to Charles Wick, a plug for Texas C. of C., one for Eagles Forum & one for Future of Small Town Am. Then upstairs & more desk work. An easy day. Some of the staff work had to do with campaign. It’s hard to keep from slugging at Mondale. His charges are beginning to be outright lies yet he keeps dropping in the polls so I guess the high road is best.

  Saturday, September 15

  Radio broadcast & some audio tapings in the A.M. for campaign commercials. Big event of the day was the dinner for the Nat. Italian-Am. Foundation at the Wash. Hilton. Speakers were Ferraro, Bush, Mondale & me.

  A little Hanky Panky! Arriving at the hotel we were told Ferraro & Mondale were late because her dress was
late in getting to the hotel. We & the Bush’s sat in a holding room because we were told that no one by protocol could be announced or introduced after our entrance. A room full of a few thousand people were in there sitting on their hands & waiting for dinner. I finally told our advance people to tell them what was holding things up & that I was waiving protocol & we were coming in. I don’t know whether I have the right to waive protocol or not. Anyway, we went in to a happy & tumultuous welcome. Then M. & F. came on about 4 minutes after we’d entered. Someone told us they’d been standing in the wings. I think they were playing games. If so—we won for while they were applauded there was also a chorus of Boo’s. Then a 2nd hitch. Protocol demanded that both of them speak first, then George & I. We suddenly heard the Toastmaster Jack Valenti putting George on before Mondale. Again as I say none of it paid off—we carried the evening.

  Sunday, September 16

  A really easy day at home. We miss Camp David. Bud M. called. It seems that a self propelled barge up off Alaska blundered into Russian waters. The Soviet Coast Guard captured them, put their crew (5) in a Soviet hotel. This was last Wed. They didn’t notify us until Fri. night. But the St. Dept. didn’t get around to telling us until last night. We have a little shaking up to do over in Foggy Bottom.

  Monday, September 17

  Met with Japan-U.S. Advisory Comm. (our half) they’ve done a great job & our relations with Japan are getting better & better. Steering Comm. of Dems. for Reagan-Bush came in—they are a great bunch & demonstrate that a shift is taking place in what the 2 parties stand for.

  A meeting with speech writers—it’s time to shift gears a little in our campaign speeches.

  [Meeting with Dillon Ripley, retiring secretary of the Smithsonian; visit with Ukrainian Americans; met Olympic medalists in target shooting.]

  End day with an off the record cocktail round with Dave Broder, Pat Buchanan, Fred Barnes, Emmett Tyrell, Warren Brookes, John Fogarty & Eliz. Drew. Nancy is out on another 3 state swing visiting drug care centers.

  Tuesday, September 18

  This was quite a day. By 9:45 I was out in the Rose Garden thanking & greeting our U.S. Committee for Pacific E. Cooperation. This is really another example of private initiative. Then back in the Oval Office for an NSC briefing preparatory to a N.S.P.G. meeting in the Situation Room. It was a free wheeling discussion of how we might get the Soviets back into arms reduction negotiations. I’m hopeful my upcoming session with Gromyko might get something going. I intend to open up the whole matter of why we don’t trust them. Maybe if we can ease the mutual suspicion—arms talks can move better.

  After lunch I met in the Cab. Room with the Exec. Comm. of the Farm Bureau Fed. plus a lot of Cong. men & Senators. I announced a credit plan to help on a case by case basis those farmers who are going broke under high loans & higher int. rates.

  Then Jesse Helms brought 4 N. Carolina farm leaders into the Oval (tobacco & cotton). I think they are pleased with what we’re doing. Finally a Cabinet Council meeting on the Steel problem. The gang was really divided between doing nothing & maybe doing too much. I came down with a decision that doesn’t violate our “free trade” position but still offers some help. Photos with Field & Stream magazine & the Nat. Boy’s Club winner. Then an hour in the dentist chair—cleaning.

  [Wednesday, September 19: briefing (topic not identified in diary); television interviews regarding steel decision, commented, “The press with the exception of the N.Y. Times has played it as if we aren’t going to do anything to help the industry”; photo session; flew to Connecticut and New Jersey for rallies; back to W.H.; Maureen and Dennis visiting.]

  Thursday, September 20

  Awakened at 5:40 A.M. by Bud. A suicide bombing of our embassy annex in East Beirut. A van crossed street barricades but did not enter embassy compound. It exploded in the street but the explosion wrecked the bldg. So far we know 2 of our servicemen, 1 Navy, 1 Army were killed as were a number of civilian employees both Am. & Lebanese. Our Amb. was injured but walked on his own to the hospital. I called him from Marine 1 on my way to A.F.1. He’s quite a guy. This was my day to go to Iowa & Mich. so we made the trip. First was an airport rally at Cedar Rapids. Then we went to a farm (a wonderful family). I did Q&A with about 75 farmers. Jack Block was with me. From there we went to Fairfax for a picnic lunch. Every place we met with the warmest reception. The Des Moines Register poll has me 58 to 35 over Mondale.

  [Flew to Grand Rapids, Michigan; appearances with President Ford; rally; returned to W.H. Friday, September 21: meeting with the Japanese minister of finance, hinted strongly that Japan could do more to raise the value of the yen; ambassadorial formalities; signed proclamation for National Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Week; meeting with Ambassador to USSR Arthur Hartman; latest poll shows campaign lead holding; noted that “George S., Bud & I had our usual Friday meeting,” subject was Israel; met with Airmen and-women of the Year; videotapings; meeting with Bill Smith on the fact that the State Department was handling its own litigation, commented that was “a job that should belong to Justice. Al Haig started that”; telephoned parents of servicemen killed in Beirut; visited seven-year-old African American boy who wrote a letter to the W.H.]

  Saturday, September 22

  Radio program & then to the Situation Room for some discussion of the Beirut Bombing of our embassy. It is virtually impossible to retaliate without risking killing many innocent people. I’ve told George S. to let Syria know that we are convinced this couldn’t happen without their tacit approval & we d--n well will keep this in mind if it continues to happen.

  Spent most of day on the Mon. U.N. speech. It’s a ticklish one. I don’t want to sound as if I’m going soft on Russia but I don’t want to kill off the Gromyko meeting before it takes place.

  Sunday, September 23

  Off to N.Y. & a busy 2 days at the U.N. Went right to work with a lunch for Sec. Gen. of U.N. & top echelon. Then a series of bi-laterals with Pres. Alfonsin of Argentina, Mobutu of Zaire (a darn good leader & friend of the U.S.) & P.M. Willoch of Norway. A brief meeting with Cardinal Sin of the Philippines. He’s determined Marcos should step down. Finally the 6:30 reception—we shook about 400 hands. I met Gromyko—we kept it cordial. He reminded me we met in California while I was Gov.

  Monday, September 24

  Usual courtesy calls at U.N. then addressed the Gen. Assembly. I’m the only Pres. to ever do this 3 times. As usual they sat on their hands although they did interrupt once with applause. Gromyko & the Soviet reps. were front row center right below the mike. I tried to catch their eyes several times on particular points affecting them. They were looking through me & their expressions never changed. One last meeting with prince Schanouk & P.M. Son Sann of Cambodia—teamed up to try & oust the Vietnamese & return Cambodia to freedom.

  Lunch with Dick Nixon & Ed Muskie—arranged by Howard Baker. They have an idea—a good one—of putting a bi-partisan group of citizens together to support our disarmament proposals after the election. Back to W.H. & the Oval office. A bill signing in Rose Garden then a proclamation in East Room declaring an Historical Black College & University week. Presidents of these inst’s. were on hand. It was a good session.

  Tuesday, September 25

  This was really a full day but a good one. Early on I addressed the World Bank & International Monetary Fund Joint annual meeting. Had a rough time with the teleprompter. One reflector was all screwed up & I had a hard time trying not to get glued to the single screen.

  Back to the Oval & the meeting with new P.M. Mulroney of Canada. He has just won a tremendous victory. He’s a super fellow. We got along fine & will continue to do so. He’s all for continued meetings. As part of our meeting we met with several of our astronauts plus a Canadian scientist who will be making his 2nd shuttle flight, & Kathy Sullivan who will be the 1st woman to walk in space. Henry K. came by with more insight re Gromyko. I found we are tracking very close on the approach to take. The meat of the day was an NSC meeting in whi
ch I got a briefing on Soviet espionage within our embassy in Moscow. I was overwhelmed by the evidence of high tech alterations in our typewriters which have delivered our top most papers & messages to the Soviets.

  Later a meeting with Bonnie Consola—the lady born without arms. She is a charming, tiny woman totally at peace with herself. She is going to work in Army Procurement. Finished the day with the Supreme Ct. It is traditional for them to report in when they return from summer recess. Tomorrow off to Ohio & Wis.

  Wednesday, September 26

  Depart for Bowling Green U. in Ohio. Q&A with 4500 students. Arrived on campus & there were about 4,000 or 5,000 students at the helicopter landing who couldn’t get in to the auditorium. There certainly is a new generation on hand. The crowd both in & out were wildly enthusiastic & supportive. I thought I was at a Repub. convention. Then on to Canton & the Timken Co. Faircust steel facility. It is still being built & is a high tech mill. I addressed a couple of thousand workers who were also supportive. Mondale was speaking to their union leaders in Cleveland who were endorsing him in the name of the Union. I’ll take the rank & file.

  [Marveled at computerization in new steel plant.]

  Flew on to Milwaukee to the annual “Oktoberfest.” A crowd of about 10,000 at this annual recognition of Milwaukee & Wisconsin’s ethnic heritages. Again a good reception and (then back to W.H. where at 9 P.M. had a meeting with C.I.A., Defense, State, et al. We have intelligence regarding a barracks in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon which could be the origin of the terrorists who blew up our embassy. I still was not satisfied that we had enough to go on to risk an air strike. We’re getting closer to being able to tie these attacks to the govt. of Iran. I’d like (when sure) to tell them any more attacks & we’ll retaliate at the source.)


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