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On the Banks of the Amazon

Page 13

by William Henry Giles Kingston



  Next morning Maono and his people began erecting a more substantialhabitation for us, signifying that his white friend, meaning therecluse, had desired him to do so. It was built on the spot we hadpreviously selected near the igarape, and overlooking the main river. Anumber of stout poles were first driven into the ground, and to theirtops others were joined and united in the centre, forming a conicalroof, the eaves projecting below to a considerable distance.Palm-leaves were then fastened, much in the fashion I have beforedescribed, over the roof, layer above layer, till a considerablethickness was attained. The walls were formed by interweaving siposbetween the uprights, a space being left for ventilation. We had thus asubstantial hut erected, which it would have taken us, unaided, manydays to build. While the Indians were working outside, John and I, withDomingos, formed a partition in the interior, to serve as a room forEllen and Maria. "We must manufacture a table and some stools, and thenour abode will be complete," said John. Some small palms which grewnear were split with wedges into planks. Out of these we formed, withthe assistance of Domingos, a table, and as many rough stools as werequired.

  When all was complete, Maono begged by signs to know whether we weresatisfied. We assured him that we were better accommodated than weexpected to be. He seemed highly pleased, and still more so when wepresented him and his men each with a piece of cloth, he having threetimes as much as the others. We gave him also an axe, a knife, andseveral other articles, besides a number of beads, which we let himunderstand were for his wife and daughter. He, however, seemed ratherto scorn the idea of their being thus adorned in a way superior tohimself, it being, as we observed, the custom of most Amazonian tribesfor the men to wear more ornaments than the women. We understood thathis tribe had settled a short way off, in a secluded part of the forest,where they might be less likely to be attacked by their enemies theMajeronas.

  We now tried to make Maono understand that we were anxious to have alarge canoe built, in which we might proceed down the river. He repliedthat he would gladly help us, but that he must return to his own people,as they had first to be settled in their new location. To this, ofcourse, we could not object, but we begged him to return as soon aspossible to assist us in our work. As soon as he was gone we agreed tohold a consultation as to what we should next do. We took our seatsunder the verandah in front of our new abode, John acting as president,Ellen, Arthur, Domingos, and I ranging ourselves round him. True,Nimble, and Toby stood by the side of Maria, as spectators, the latteralmost as much interested apparently as she was in the discussion, whilePoll and Niger stood perched on the eaves above us. The question waswhether we should devote all our energies to constructing a large canoe,or make excursions in the small one we already possessed, as we beforeproposed? We requested Ellen, not only as the lady, but the youngest ofthe party, to speak first. She was decidedly of opinion that it wouldbe better to build the large canoe, as she was sure that our parents hadalready proceeded further down the river.

  "But what reasons have you for so thinking?" asked John.

  Ellen was silent. "Pray do not insist upon my giving my reasons," shesaid at last. "I can only say that I feel sure they have gone furtherdown. If they had not, I think we should have found them before this;indeed, my heart tells me that we shall find them before long if wecontinue our course down the river."

  John smiled. "Those are indeed very lady-like reasons," he observed."However, we will record your opinion; and now wish we to know whatArthur has to say."

  "I should like to agree with Miss Ellen, but at the same time cannotfeel sure of a matter of which we have no evidence," said Arthur. "Wehave not examined the banks up the stream or on the opposite side.Although we have good reasons for supposing that, after quitting theirfirst location, your family proceeded downwards, as the labour ofpaddling against the current is very great, yet, as they may havestopped at some intermediate spot, I advise that we examine the banks onboth sides of the river between this place and that where we expected tofind them."

  "Now, Harry, what do you say?" asked John.

  "I agree with Arthur," I replied. "As we came down a considerabledistance at night, I say we should examine the shores we then passed.As the greater part of our voyage was performed by daylight, I do notthink it at all likely we could have missed them had they been sailingup to meet us. I also advise that we make the excursion we proposed inthe small canoe in the first place, while our Indian friends areconstructing the larger one."

  Domingos had been standing with his arms folded, as was his custom,watching our countenances. He had perfectly understood what was said.Taking off his hat, he made a bow to Ellen, saying, "I agree with thesenora. I feel sure that my honoured master would desire to place hisfamily in safety at a distance from the savage tribe who attacked him,and that, therefore, he has moved further down the river, probably toone of the nearest Portuguese settlements on the banks. But knowing hisaffection for you, his children, I believe he would have sent backmessengers to meet us should he have been unable to return himself. Itis they, in my opinion, we should look out for; probably, indeed, theyhave already passed us. I am sorry that we did not leave some signalsat our stopping-places, which might show them where we have been, andlead them to us. Then, again, as Senor Fiel might not have been able toprocure messengers at once, and as the voyage up the stream islaborious, they may not have got as far as this. Thus we are right inremaining at this spot, whence we can see them should they approach. Itherefore hold to the opinion that the large canoe should be constructedwithout delay, in which we might continue our voyage, but that we shouldkeep a look-out both by day and night, lest our friends might pass bywithout observing us."

  "It becomes, then, my duty as president to give the casting vote in thisimportant matter," observed John, "as the members of the council aredivided in opinion. Although the opinion expressed by Ellen andDomingos has probability on its side, yet it must be consideredtheoretical; while that given by Arthur and Harry is undoubtedly of amore practical character. Should we on exploring the shores higher upfind no traces of our relatives, we shall then proceed with moreconfidence on our voyage, buoyed up with the hope of overtaking them.In the other ease we might be sailing on with the depressingconsciousness that, not having searched for them thoroughly, we might beleaving them behind. I therefore decide that, while our Indian friendsare engaged in building a canoe, in which work, from our inexperience,we cannot render them any effectual aid, we employ the interval inmaking the exploring expeditions we proposed. The point to be settledis, how are we to carry out that plan?"

  "The small canoe will not convey more than three people at the utmost,"I observed. "I should like to go with Arthur and Duppo, as I at firstsuggested; while you, John, stay to take care of Ellen, and superintendthe building of the canoe. You will be better able than any of us tokeep the Indians to their work, and guard Ellen, should any danger occurfrom hostile Indians, or of any other description."

  "I should certainly have liked to have gone myself," said John. "Butyour argument is a strong one. I am sure I can trust you and Arthur,and Duppo, from his acuteness, will be of great assistance to you; andyet I do not like you to run the risk of the dangers to which you may beexposed."

  "It would not be worse for us than for you," remarked Arthur. "I wouldwillingly stay to defend Miss Ellen; but I am afraid I should not managethe Indians, or act as you would do in an emergency."

  I saw that John put considerable restraint on himself when he finallyagreed to let us go. Yet as we were as well able to manage the canoe ashe was, and much lighter, we were better suited to form its crew. Atthe same time, it seemed evident that Ellen would be safer under theprotection of two grown-up men, than of lads like Arthur and I. It wasnecessary, however, to wait to arrange provisions for our expedition,and obtain also the advice of Maono on the subject. We much regrettedthat we could not co
mmunicate with the recluse, as he would haveinterpreted for us, and would also have given us his advice.

  While taking a paddle in our canoe, we agreed that she requiredconsiderable alterations to fit her for our intended expedition. Ourfirst task was to haul her up, and strengthen her bulwarks; for it willbe remembered that they were before put up in a hurried manner, and werealready almost torn off.

  We were thus engaged in front of the hut when we heard Ellen exclaim,"There is some one coming." And looking through an opening in theforest, I saw Duppo and his sister approaching, carrying baskets ontheir backs. Arthur and I ran forward to meet them. They made signsthat they had brought a present of farinha to the young white lady, asthey designated Ellen; not by words, however, but by putting a piece ofwhite bark on their own brown cheeks. We then conducted them to Ellen.

  "I am so glad to see you," she said, taking Oria's hand; and though theIndian girl could not understand the words, she clearly comprehended theexpression of my young sister's countenance, which beamed with pleasure.Maria grinned from ear to ear, not at all jealous of the attention heryoung mistress paid the pretty native; and all three were soon seated infront of the hut, talking together in the universal language of signs.It was extraordinary how well they seemed to understand each other.Oria's garments were certainly somewhat scanty; but in a short timeMaria ran into the hut, and quickly returned with a petticoat and scarf,part of Ellen's wardrobe. Nothing could exceed the delight of the youngsavage (for so I may properly call her) when her white and black sistersrobed her in these garments. Pretty as was her countenance, it usuallywanted animation; but on this occasion it brightened up with pleasure.The clothes seemed at once to put her more on an equality with hercompanions. When they had talked for a time, Ellen called out her petsto introduce them to Oria, who signified that if it would gratify hernew friend she would undertake to obtain many more.

  "Oh, yes, yes!" exclaimed Ellen. "I should so like to have some ofthose beautiful little humming-birds which have been flying about herelately, feeding on the gay-coloured flowers growing on the open groundaround, or hanging by their long tendrils from the trees."

  Neither Duppo nor Oria could understand these remarks, but they did thesigns which accompanied them; and they both answered that they hopedsoon to obtain for her what she wished.

  We then took Duppo down to the canoe, and I tried to explain to him ourintention of making a voyage in her. This he understood very clearly;indeed, the recluse had, we suspected, already intimated to the Indiansour anxiety about our missing friends. Duppo was of great assistance tous in repairing the canoe and putting on fresh bulwarks. We determined,in addition to the paddles, to have a mast and sail. We had some lightcotton among our goods, which would answer the purpose of the sail, andcould be more easily handled, and would therefore be less dangerous,than a mat sail.

  We found that Oria had taken the invitation as it was intended, and hadcome to remain with Ellen.

  "I am so glad," said our sister, when she discovered this. "I shall nowbe able to teach her English; and, I am sure, we shall be greatfriends."

  "But would you not also be able to teach her about the God of theEnglish?" said Arthur, in a low voice. "That is of more consequence.She now knows nothing of the God of mercy, love, and truth. From what Ican learn, these poor savages are fearfully ignorant."

  "Oh yes," said Ellen, looking up. "I shall indeed be glad to do that.I am so thankful to you, Arthur, for reminding me."

  "We should remember that that Saviour who died for us died for themalso," said Arthur; "and it is our duty to make known that glorioustruth to them."

  "It will be a hard task though, I fear," remarked Ellen, "as Oria doesnot yet know a word of English; and though we may make signs to show herwhat we want her to do, I do not see how we can speak of religion untilshe understands our language."

  "The more necessity then for teaching her without delay," observedArthur. "She seems very intelligent; and if we lose no opportunity ofinstructing her, I hope she may soon acquire sufficient knowledge toreceive the more simple truths, which, after all, are the mostimportant."

  "Then I will begin at once," said Ellen. "She has already been tryingto repeat words after me; and I hope before the end of the day to havetaught her some more."

  Ellen was in earnest. Our dear little sister, though very quiet andgentle, had a determined, energetic spirit. It was very interesting tosee her labouring patiently to teach the young Indian girl. Duppo hadalready learned a good many words, and seemed to understand many thingswe said to him. We scarcely ever had to repeat the name of a thing morethan two or three times for him to remember it; and he would run withalacrity to fetch whatever we asked for.

  We had much more trouble in teaching manners to our dumb companions; forin spite of Master Nimble's general docility, he was constantly playingsome trick, or getting into scrapes of all sorts. One day he was seenby Duppo trying to pull the feathers out of Niger's head; and on anotheroccasion he was discovered in an attempt to pluck poor Poll, in spite ofher determined efforts to escape from his paws. He often sorely triedTrue's good-temper; while if a pot or pan was left uncovered, he wassure to have his fingers in it, to examine whether its contents were tohis liking.

  We were working at the canoe one morning when I heard Maria's voicecalling to us.

  "See what it is she wants, Harry," said John, who was busily employed.

  I ran up to the hut.

  "O Senor Harry!" exclaimed Maria, "Nimble has scampered off into thewoods, and enticed Toby to go with him; and Senora Ellen has run afterthem, and I do not know what may happen if there is no one near toprotect her."

  I took up my gun on hearing this, and followed Ellen, whose dress Icaught a glimpse of among the trees. Presently I saw her, as I gotnearer, throw up her hands, as if she had seen some object which hadalarmed her. I hurried on.

  "What is it, Ellen?" I shouted out.

  "Oh, look there, Harry!" she exclaimed. "They will catch Nimble andToby."

  I sprang to her side, and then saw, just beyond a thicket of ferns, twohuge pumas, which were on the point of springing up a tree, among whosebranches were clinging our two pets, Nimble and Toby, their teethchattering with terror, while their alarm seemed almost to haveparalysed them. In another instant they would have been in the clutchesof the pumas. I was more concerned about my dear little sister's safetythan for that of her monkeys. At first I thought of telling her to runback to the hut; but then it flashed across me that the pumas might seeher and follow. So I exclaimed, "Get behind me, Ellen; and we willshout together, and try and frighten the beasts. That will, at allevents, bring John to our help."

  We shouted at the top of our voices. I certainly never shouted louder.Meantime I raised my gun, to be ready to fire should the pumas threatento attack us or persist in following our pets. Scarcely had our voicesceased, when I heard True's bark, as he came dashing through the wood.The pumas had not till then discovered us, so eagerly had they beenwatching the monkeys. They turned their heads for a moment. Nimbletook the opportunity of swinging himself out of their reach. Ellenshrieked, for she thought they were going to spring at us. I fired atthe nearest, while True dashed boldly up towards the other. My bullettook effect, and the powerful brute rolled over, dead. The sound of theshot startled its companion; and, fortunately for gallant little True,it turned tail, and bounded away through the forest,--John, who had beenhurrying up, getting a distant shot as it disappeared among the trees.Arthur and the two Indians followed John, greatly alarmed at our shoutsand the sound of the firearms.

  Nimble and Toby, still chattering with fear, came down from their loftyretreat when we called them, and, looking very humble and penitent,followed Ellen to the hut; while we, calling Domingos to our assistance,set to work to skin the puma. The meat we cooked and found very likeveal, and Domingos managed to dress the skin sufficiently to preserveit.

  Duppo had clearly understood Ellen's wish to have some humming-birdscaugh
t alive. We were always up at daybreak, to enjoy the cool air ofthe morning. He had gone out when the first streaks of dawn appeared inthe eastern sky, over the cold grey line of the river. When we could doso with safety, we never failed to take a bath. We had just come out ofthe water, and were dressing, when Duppo ran up, and signed to us tofollow him. We called Ellen as we passed the hut, and all together wenttowards the igarape, where, in a more open space than usual, a number ofgraceful fuschia-looking flowers, as well as others of different forms,hung suspended from long tendrils, intertwined with the branches of thetrees. Into this spot the rising sun poured its glorious beams withfull brilliancy. We cautiously advanced, when the space before usseemed suddenly filled with the most beautiful sparking gems of variedcolours, floating here and there in the bright sunlight. I couldscarcely believe that the creatures before us belonged to the featheredtribes, so brilliant were their hues, so rapid their movements.Sometimes they vanished from sight, as they darted with inconceivablerapidity from branch to branch. Now one might be seen for an instanthovering over a flower, its wings looking like two grey filmy fansexpanded at its sides. Then we could see another dip its long slenderbill into the cup of an upright flower. Now one would come beneath asuspended blossom. Sometimes one of the little creatures would dart offinto the air, to catch some insect invisible to the eye; and we couldonly judge of what it was about by its peculiar movements. As wewatched, a tiny bird would perch on a slender twig, and rest there for afew seconds, thus giving us an opportunity of examining its beauties.Ellen could scarcely restrain her delight and admiration at thespectacle; for though we had often seen humming-birds before, we hadnever beheld them to such advantage. The little creature we saw had acrest on the top of its head of a peculiarly rich chestnut, or ruddytint. The upper surface of the body was of a bronzed green hue, and abroad band of white crossed the lower part, but the wings werepurple-black. The chief part of the tail was chestnut. The foreheadand throat were also of the same rich hue. On either side of the neckprojected a snow-white plume, tipped with the most resplendent metallicgreen. The effect of these beautiful colours may be imagined as thebirds flew rapidly to and fro, or perched on a spray, like the one Ihave described. Another little creature, very similar to it, was to beseen flying about above the heads of the others. It also had a crest,which was of the same colour as the others, but of a somewhat lightertint; while at the base of each feather, as we afterwards observed, wasa round spot of bronzed green, looking like a gem in a dark setting.The crest, which was constantly spread out, appeared very like that of apeacock's tail, though, as Ellen observed, it would be a very littlepeacock to have such a tail. On searching in our book, we found thatthe first of these humming-birds we had remarked was a tufted coquette(_Lophornis ornatus_), while the other, which we seldom saw afterwards,was the spangled coquette. These birds, with several others of similarhabits and formation, are classed separately from the _Trochilidae_, andbelong to the genus _Phaethornis_. They are remarkable for the longpointed feathers of their tails, the two central ones being far longerthan the rest. We met with a greater number of them than of any othergenus on the banks of the Amazon.

  After we had enjoyed the spectacle for some time, Duppo begged us tocome a little further, when he showed us a beautiful little nest,secured to the innermost point of a palm-leaf. On the top of the leaf alittle spangled coquette was watching her eggs within. Unlike the nestsof the _Trochilidae_, which are saucer-shaped, it was of a long,funnel-like form, broad at the top and tapering towards the lower part.The outside, which was composed of small leaves and moss, had a somewhatrugged appearance; but the inside, as we had reason to know, was softand delicate in the extreme, being thickly lined with silk-cotton fromthe fruit of the sumauma-tree. Below the first was perched a tuftedcoquette, looking as boldly at us as any town sparrow. The littlecreatures, indeed, kept hovering about; and one came within a few feetof our faces, as much as to ask how we dared to intrude on its domains.More pugnacious or brave little beings do not exist among the featheredtribes.

  I cannot hope to describe with any degree of accuracy the numbers ofbeautiful humming-birds we met with in different places; for though someare migratory, the larger proportion strictly inhabit certainlocalities, and are seldom met with, we were told, in any other. Thehumming-birds of the Andes, of which there are a great variety, neverdescend into the plains; nor do those of the plains attempt to intrudeon the domains of their mountain relatives. Although they may live onthe nectar of flowers, they have no objection to the tiny insects theyfind among their petals, or which fly through the air, while many devouras titbits the minute spiders which weave their gossamer webs among thetall grass or shrubs.

  "I should not think that any human being could catch one of those littlecreatures," said Ellen, as we returned homewards. "The sharpest-eyedsportsman would find it difficult to hit one with his fowling-piece."

  "He would certainly blow it to pieces," observed John, "if he made theattempt. They are shot, however, with sand; and perhaps our youngIndian friend himself will find the means of shooting one, if he cannotcapture it in some other way."

  "Oh, I would not have one shot for the world!" exclaimed Ellen. "Praylet him understand that he must do nothing of the sort for my sake."

  While we were at breakfast, Duppo, who had disappeared, came running upwith one of the beautiful little creatures which we had seen in hishand. It seemed much less alarmed than birds usually are in the graspof a boy. Perhaps that was owing to the careful way in which Duppo heldit.

  "Oh, you lovely little gem!" exclaimed Ellen; "but I am sure I shallnever be able to take proper care of it."

  Duppo, who seemed to understand her, signified that Oria would do so forher. Oria, who had been watching us taking sugar with our tea, and hadby this time discovered its qualities, mixed a little in a spoon, whichshe at once put before the bill of the little humming-bird. At first itwas far too much alarmed to taste the sweet mess. At length, growingaccustomed to the gentle handling of the Indian girl, it poked out itsbeak and took a sip. "Ho, ho!" it seemed to say, "that is nice stuff!"and then it took another sip, and very soon seemed perfectly satisfiedthat it was not going to be so badly off, in spite of its imprisonment.Oria intimated that she would in time make the little stranger quitetame.

  "But we must keep it out of the way of Master Nimble's paws, forotherwise he would be very likely to treat it with small ceremony,"observed John. "Why, Ellen, you will have a perfect menagerie beforelong."

  "Yes, I hope so," she answered; "I am not nearly contented yet. Ishould like to have one of those beautiful little ducks you were tellingme of, and as many humming-birds as I can obtain."

  "Perhaps you would like to have a jaguar or puma," said John. "Ifcaught young, I dare say they can be tamed as well as any other animal."

  "I am afraid they would quarrel with my more harmless pets," answeredEllen. "And yet a fine large puma would be a good defence against allenemies."

  "Not against an Indian with a poisoned arrow. He would be inconvenient,too, to transport in our canoe. I hope therefore you will confineyourself to small animals, which will not occupy much space. You mayhave as many humming-birds as you like, and half-a-dozen monkeys,provided they and Nimble do not quarrel."

  "Except some pretty little monkeys, I do not wish for any others besidesthose I already have," said Ellen.

  Duppo and Oria understood Ellen's wish to obtain living creatures, andthey were constantly seeking about, and coming back sometimes with abeautiful butterfly or moth, sometimes with parrots and other birds.

  While we were getting the canoe ready, Ellen and Maria, with theassistance of Oria, had been preparing food for us--baking cakes, anddrying the meat of several birds and animals which John had killed. Wehad hoped to see the large canoe begun before we took our departure, butas the Indians had not arrived, we agreed that it would be better tolose no more time, and to start at once.

  We took an experimental trip in the c
anoe before finally starting. Wecould have wished her considerably lighter than she was; at the sametime, what she wanted in speed, she possessed in stability.

  Early in the morning we bade Ellen and John, with our faithfulattendants, good-bye. Oria, we thought, exhibited a good deal ofanxiety when we were about to shove off, and she came down to the waterand had a long talk with her brother, evidently charging him to keep hiswits about him, and to take good care of us. Dear Ellen could scarcelyrestrain her tears. "Oh, do be careful where you venture, Harry!" shesaid. "I dread your falling into the power of those dreadful savages."John also gave us sundry exhortations, to which we promised to attend.

  We were just in the mouth of the igarape, when we saw in the distance asmall canoe coming down it. We therefore waited for her arrival. Shedrew nearer. We saw that only two people were in her, and we thenrecognised our friend Maono and his wife Illora. They were bringing aquantity of plantains and other fruits, with which the centre of thecanoe was filled. Among others were several crowns of young palm-trees,which, when boiled, are more delicate than cabbages, and are frequentlyused by the natives. Maono was dressed in his usual ornaments offeathers on his arms and head, his hair being separated neatly in thecentre, and hanging down on either side. Round his neck was a necklace,and his legs were also adorned like his arms.

  "I have been thinking a good deal lately about the account of the earlyvoyagers, who declared that they met a nation of warrior-women on thebanks of this river," observed Arthur; "and looking at Maono, it strikesme that we have an explanation of the extraordinary circumstance. If aparty of strangers were to see a band of such men, with shields on theirarms, guarding the shores, they would very likely suppose them, fromtheir appearance, to be females, and consequently, not having had anycloser view of them, they would sail away, declaring that they had met aparty of Amazons, who had prevented their landing. It was thus thismighty river obtained the name of the Amazon. The idea would have beenconfirmed, had they seen in the distance a band of people, withoutornaments of any description, carrying burdens on their backs. Thesethe strangers would naturally have supposed to be slaves, taken in war,and employed to carry the baggage of the fighting ladies." I agreedwith him that it was very likely to have been the case.

  As our friends drew near, Duppo spoke to them, and told them where wewere going. He then explained to us that if we would wait a littlelonger, they would accompany us and assist us in our search. Onreaching the shore, they carried up their present to Ellen, Illora, Imust confess, bearing the larger portion. Some of the plantains andfruits they put into our canoe as they passed. They had another longtalk, by the usual means of signs, with John and Domingos, who managedtolerably well to comprehend their meaning. We asked Duppo how it wasthey came to have a canoe. He replied that they had found one which hadbeen left behind by the Majeronas, and, as we understood, they hadbrought it down through the igarape, which communicated with anotherriver to the north of us, running into the main stream. When I heardthis, the idea struck me that we were not yet altogether free from thedanger of being attacked by the Majeronas, who, having possessedthemselves of our canoe and those of our friends, might some night comedown and take us by surprise.

  I jumped on shore and took John aside, so that Ellen could not hear me,that I might tell him my fears. "You are right to mention them to me,"he answered; "at the same time, I do not think we need be alarmed. Iwill, however, try and explain your idea to the Indians, and get them toplace scouts on the watch for such an occurrence. I certainly wish wewere further off; but yet, as we are now at a considerable distance fromtheir territory, we shall be able to hear of their approach, should theycome, in time to escape. We must make our way through the woods to thehut of the recluse, and I am very sure that he will be able to afford usprotection. From what he said, he is well-known among all thesurrounding tribes, who appear to treat him with great respect. Thoughwe may lose such of our property as we cannot carry off, that will be ofminor importance if we save our lives. For my part, however, I am underno apprehension of the sort; and I am very glad you did not mention yourfears in the presence of Ellen."

  Though I hoped I might be wrong in supposing an attack possible, I wassatisfied at having warned John before going away. Arthur and I triedto make Duppo understand our plans, that he might describe them to hisfather and mother. They, in return, signified that they would proceedpart of the way with us, and make inquiries as they went along, havingbeen requested to do so by their white friend--meaning the recluse.

  John, Ellen, Domingos, and Maria came down to the edge of the water oncemore to see us off, accompanied by Nimble and Toby--Toby placed on theshoulders of Domingos, while Nimble perched himself on John's arm,holding him affectionately round the neck with his tail. Poll and Nigeralways accompanied Ellen. "We shall soon be back!" I exclaimed, as Ishoved off; "and who knows but that we may be accompanied by papa,mamma, Fanny, and Aunt Martha! Ellen, you must get out your books, forshe will be shocked at finding that you have been so long idle." Withthese and other cheerful remarks we backed away from the shore, then,turning the canoe's head round, proceeded after our Indian friends. Bykeeping close to the banks we were out of the current, and thus madegood way. Sometimes I steered, sometimes Duppo. Arthur always beggedthat he might keep at his paddle, saying he did not like to take theplace of those who had more experience than himself. A light wind atlength coming from the eastward, we hoisted our sail, and got ahead ofMaono and his wife. The wind increasing, we ran the other canoe out ofsight; but Duppo assured us that his father and mother would soon catchus up, and that we need not therefore wait for them. We looked intoevery opening in the forest which lined the bank, in the faint hope ofseeing the habitation of our friends; but not a hut of any descriptionwas visible; indeed, the shores were mostly lined with so dense avegetation, that in but few places could we even have landed, whileoften for leagues together there was not a spot on which a hut couldhave been built. The wind again falling, we were obliged once more tolower our sail and to take to our paddles, when we were quickly rejoinedby our Indian friends. As it was important to examine every part of theshore carefully, we had agreed, if we could find an island, to landearly in the evening on it.


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