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Sons of Justice 2 The School Teacher

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We know what Canton did to her,” Breaker said to Channing. “She didn’t tell you everything.”

  “She told me about the robbery they forced her to do, and about him being abusive.”

  “What robbery?” Scout asked.

  “She didn’t tell you about that?” Channing asked as Spartan and the others arrived, as well as military police and other friends.

  Channing explained to everyone about how his father and Canton forced Mercy to drive the escape car and steal the money from the ticket booth. Then he went on to explain how she gave it back afterward and then disappeared.

  “I don’t know why he would want her back after all this time and after she basically botched their plans by doing the right thing,” Channing said.

  “Because he thinks he owns her. He won’t give her up and if he knows about us then it makes it worse,” Breaker said.

  “What do you mean? He was abusive and assaulted her, but she got away,” Channing said, with Philippe, Bubba, and Thor right next to him.

  Breaker stepped closer so only Channing, his team, and Spartan and his team could hear.

  “She was so scared of Canton not only because of the robbery, and then abuse, but because he raped and beat her that night.”

  Channing’s eyes widened and then his fists went to his sides and he roared. “No! No, damn it. Fuck.” He carried on and his buddies tried to calm him.

  “We have to find her. Where could they have gone?”

  “They’re doing a circuit race. A small tour. Nothing near here though. Fuck, I should have known there was more. How could she not tell me? I never would have let her live outside of the campground. Never would have left her alone.”

  “We fucked up. We didn’t know they were in the vicinity and everything seemed fine. We didn’t know about the robbery either. Could they be after money? Did she maybe keep some?” Scout asked.

  Fort rubbed his mouth. “You know your sister better than we do. Would she have kept money to maybe barter with?” Fort asked.

  “Knowing Mercy, I wouldn’t put it past her.”

  “Let’s get this figured out fast. If they’re working a racing tour then they have to have vehicles that they’re using to drive and travel. We can get men on that pronto, Channing,” Spartan suggested.

  “Let’s do it. The more time Canton has her alone, the worse he can do to her,” Channing said and followed Spartan.

  Fort looked at Lux. “We failed her. As her guardians, as her men, we failed her.”

  “No, we didn’t. This was out of our control and hers, but she left clues of assault, and Channing has been monitoring the family. We have leads. We’ll find her, and when we do that Canton asshole is dead,” Lux said, and they followed everyone else.

  * * * *

  Canton stared at Mercy. He couldn’t believe how good she looked, even with the split lip and bruised cheek. Her throat was all bruised and red, too. He supposed he gripped her a bit tight, but she pissed him off. They didn’t have a lot of time right now, but maybe taking her with them, tying her up in one of the trailers would work and they could do the race and then he could celebrate with her. She needed to suffer for cheating on him and for taking off. He snarled at her.

  She gave him a dirty look and then one to her father.

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes. You be ready with that code and this will all be over,” her father said.

  “Maybe not completely over,” Canton said and leaned forward to stroke her bare thigh. He slid his palm right under her skirt against her skin and she slapped his hand. He backhanded her out of reflex, and she struck out at him. He grabbed her, pulled her onto his lap, and then dropped her down, gripping her wrists above her head and laughed.

  “You can’t fight me, baby. I’m way too big and strong. Why resist, when I know you love how it feels to be my woman?”

  “I hate you,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Tsk, tsk. Now those are pretty sharp words to say to your husband.”

  “You aren’t my husband.”

  “Well those four men you’re fucking aren’t either.”

  Her eyes widened and then she struggled to get free.

  “Hot damn, she’s a wild one,” Jennings said.

  She cried out as Canton shifted, bringing her underneath him and pressing his forearm to her throat. He straddled her hips and her blouse came open. He licked his lips and then lowered down toward her face. She spat at him and he chuckled, then licked her chin and lips. “You’ll always be my woman, Mercy. Didn’t you listen to everything I told you while my cock was deep in your cunt? While you cried out my name and begged for more?” he asked.

  “I was crying in pain as your raped me, Canton. I’ll never belong to you. Never,” she said. He pressed his mouth hard over her mouth and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She tried getting free, but he groped her breast and ran his hand under her skirt as she tried to kick and get free. The SUV stopped.

  “We’re here,” her father said, and Canton released her lips. Saw her red face, her swollen, bloody mouth and she cried out. “I hate you!”

  He chuckled, scratching her hip and thigh as he slid his hands from under her skirt.

  She was panting for breath, her shirt ripped, and he pointed at her.

  “We get in and out, and then we head to the hotel,” he said to her.

  “You said you wanted the money and nothing more.”

  He yanked her up and gripped her hair.

  “That was before I got another taste and feel. You fuck this up, and your mom gets it. End of story.”

  * * * *

  “We can get there in thirty minutes,” Spartan said to Cesar.

  “They could be in and out of there by then. I put a call into the department in town and have eyes on the place. They can move in to arrest them, but from what we know of this guy Canton, and Channing’s dad, they will be armed and prepared to shoot and kill.”

  “Can we wait then? Not handle this with local police but with military?” Spartan asked.

  “Keeping Mercy safe and alive is top priority. If what Channing said is true and they robbed multiple places, then they could be desperate and willing to kill her or die themselves,” Tobias, the assistant chief of police, added.

  “She was forced into this situation, we explained everything we know to you. How can we protect her and make sure that she won’t get charged for assisting and for taking that money?” Channing asked.

  “She did what was necessary to survive and she returned the money after being forced to drive the getaway car. That other money she had and put in the security facility was insurance for when Canton and her dad came looking for her. I say, we let them get the money, keep eyes on the situation, and then nab them when they think they got away with it. We can record the transfer of money, and her being forced to hand it over, leaving her looking like she wasn’t part of this but instead was trying to assist us in the investigation. We can work it all out,” Spartan suggested.

  “I will promise you that Mercy will not be charged. Let me, Spartan, and Tobias use our connections. We’ll get to Mercy in time,” Cesar said, and they all agreed and then headed to the SUV’s and would remain in radio contact.

  Breaker looked at Channing and the others as they headed out of town.

  “I don’t understand how your father and your mother could be part of this still. That they would come here and force her from her home, and make her go get that money,” Lux said to Channing.

  “They’re not good people. They’re fucked up. I got the hell out of there as soon as I could. I got tired of the abuse, the scene and things. Mercy was just a kid and she didn’t see any of it. I enlisted and headed out. Kept in touch with her, and when she started racing, she was a damn natural.”

  “But when did they start making her do these illegal things?” Fort asked

  “I think those came within the last two years, and she was never part of the others only two or three small ones. The bigg
est thing was her meeting Canton and falling in love with him.”

  “Did she tell you when the abuse started?” Breaker asked.

  “No, and I didn’t even know about him until she came here, desperate to be free from our parents and their dangerous lifestyle. There were always people around the house and the shop. Men took notice of Mercy, and I hoped she was smart enough not to get hurt or used by any. Like I said, I didn’t know about Canton, but when she did tell me about him, she said she believed she loved him but he changed. That he was the only man she was ever with, and he betrayed her. I had no fucking idea that he…that he raped her. None,” he said and ran his fingers through his hair and then leaned back in the seat.

  Breaker exhaled.

  “She is petrified of him, and told us straight out that her fear was him coming back into her life and her reaction,” Breaker said.

  “There was blood on the counter and the floor. I’d say my sister’s reaction was resistance. After she did that race, she started to act more like the woman I remember her being. Strong willed, determined, and self-confident, not submissive and shy. You four gave her back her life and her will to fight. I just hope she doesn’t resist so much that Canton does worse to her,” Channing said.

  “You think that way. She’s learned a lot of things around the campground and in the different training facilities. She’s smart, too, and she has to know that we’re coming,” Philippe said to him.

  “We’ll get to her in time.”

  * * * *

  “Let me go. You have the money. You got what you wanted. Now release me,” Mercy said as her father took the money and he and Jennings went one way toward the hotel rooms on the other side of the grounds and Canton dragged her along the dark pathway to another area where multiple trailers with the cars in them were.

  “That isn’t going to happen. I’ve missed you,” he said to her and then slammed her up against the metal trailer and gripped her hair and head. His mouth descended onto hers, and she tried pushing him away but couldn’t. She couldn’t see where they were and what was beyond the trailers. The lights from the hotel were in the distance, and she knew he planned on raping her again. The sick bastard would throw her into the back of one of these trailers like some whore or animal.

  Her anger got the better of her and she resisted his efforts. She slammed her knee upward, but he was too big, too strong. It got him to stop kissing her, but then he gripped her blouse and shoved it down, ripping the material.

  She cried out and slammed her hands against his temples, shocking him, and shocking herself that the self-defense move Thor taught her worked. She tried to remember more, but getting away was key. She kicked him again and went to run, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

  “You fucking bitch, you’ll suffer now. I won’t go easy. You need to learn your place,” he said to her.

  “Go to hell!” she screamed and struck him in the face. He countered back and she ducked and then struck again at his nose, hitting him hard and breaking it or at least making it bleed.

  “What the fuck?” he roared and came at her, but she moved and he wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her up. As she kicked and screamed, something caught her peripheral vision as he opened the trailer door. Flashing lights. Oh my God, someone was coming but they were going to the hotel.

  “No!” she screamed out and shoved her feet against the doorframe so he wouldn’t get her inside.

  He shoved her back and her body slammed against the metal, bruising her thighs and stomach, but she wasn’t going to let him win.

  He was so much stronger and bigger and he raged in anger at her strikes and resistance. She looked back for a weapon or something as he slammed her down onto the floor of the trailer, right next to equipment and tools. He climbed up between her legs, ripped her skirt, and then cupped her breasts. She slapped at him numerous times and then shook her head side to side, screaming, and caught sight of the metal bar. She reached for it as he lowered down over her and suckled her neck, bit into her skin and shoulder. No one was coming. It was do or die. She had to save herself, and she had to be free from this man, from this fear and pain once and for all.

  She cried out as she lifted the metal and slammed it against Canton’s shoulder. He eased off, yelling out in pain, and she struck him again, hitting him in the face. He fell over, but then grabbed for her and roared. She never saw the knife, and as it hit her leg she screamed out and struck him again.

  “Police! Don’t move.”

  She heard the voice, saw the light and the police officers as Canton rolled to his back, the knife in his hand and bleeding from his shoulder and head.

  She heard the police yell that they found them, and that they needed an ambulance. The light illuminated the trailer and the other door opened wide, and there were her men, Channing, and even Cesar and Tobias, Thor, Philippe, and Bubba.

  “Mercy! Holy God, baby. Oh shit, she’s been stabbed,” Breaker yelled out and then was next to her instantly.

  “Is he dead? Is he dead?” she asked, falling to her side and lying there, feeling weak and exhausted.

  “He’s got a weak pulse. The ambulance is on its way,” Cesar said. Channing came into view.

  “It’s over, baby. You did it. You finally ended this shit. Your men are going to take good care of you,” Channing said to her.

  “The money. My dad took the money.”

  “They’re under arrest. Mom, too,” Channing said.

  “They had plans to rob the next track they were heading to. They left a bunch of plans and pictures, enough evidence to put them away for a long time,” Cesar told her.

  “Keep pressure on this,” Lux said, wrapping her leg until the paramedics arrived. Just then they did, and Scout took one of the jackets and covered her body before they strapped her onto the gurney and brought her out.

  “We’re not leaving your side, baby. Not ever again,” Fort told her as they got her out of the trailer and headed toward the ambulance.

  “We failed you. My God, he could have succeeded,” Breaker said to her, kissing her hand before they lifted her up into the ambulance.

  “No Breaker, I should have told you everything, and I planned to, but things happened so quickly. I fought him off because I wanted to get back to you, Scout, Fort, and Lux. The old me would have caved in and probably been so scared that I would have given up. Not the new me. Not the girlfriend of soldiers of Sons of Justice. Not your woman. You give me strength and determination. I fought to get back to you and to love each of you.”

  “We love you, too, sweetie, and things are going to change big time,” Scout said.

  “We need to get her to the hospital,” the paramedic interrupted, and she closed her eyes and exhaled. It was finally over. She was free, and Canton could never hurt her ever again.


  Mercy felt the warm lips kissing along her hip bone. A hand slid back and forth from calf to thigh, avoiding the bandaged leg, and she moaned softly, rolling to her back. She heard the low chuckle, then felt breath collide against her belly. A tongue tickled her belly button ring, and she opened her eyes. There was Fort right by her side stroking her skin, and Breaker was kissing her belly, making his way up under her t-shirt and to her breasts.

  “Morning, school teacher,” he said, and she reached out and ran her fingers through Breaker’s short, crew-cut hair. The floor creaked and Lux stood in the doorway, shirtless and sipping a cup of coffee. She could smell the enticing aroma and she closed her eyes.

  “For me?” she asked, opening her eyes and locking gazes with Lux, but then Breaker gently bit her nipple and she hissed. “Breaker,” she scolded.

  “It’s Thanksgiving, baby, and we’re so very thankfully, and I’m very hungry.”

  “It’s a day to have turkey,” she said to him as he carefully slid between her legs. Her pussy clenched, and she tilted her pelvis up.

  “A day to be thankful for this sexy body,” he kissed her breasts and twirled his t
ongue over the nipple.

  “For this soft, gorgeous skin,” Fort said and kissed her bare shoulder.

  “For those stunning green eyes that I love waking up to every morning and seeing before I go to sleep every night,” Lux said.

  She moaned as Breaker slid down lower, kissing a path along the way.

  “Don’t forget about that tight, wet pussy we’re about to feast on,” Scout stated, entering the room, pulling off his shirt and undoing his pants.

  Breaker licked her pussy and she moaned, gripping his head and tilting her pelvis upward. He fingered her cunt, thrusting fingers into her as Fort suckled her breast on one side, and Lux suckled her breast on the other.

  As Breaker lifted up, the men changed positions and she was lifted gently in the air and placed over Fort on the bed. He caressed her ass and hip.

  “Your leg okay?” he asked.

  “I don’t feel a thing but this ache deep in my core. I need all of you. That’s all that can ease it, Fort.”

  Fort smiled and pulled her down for a kiss as he thrust his cock up into her pussy. She rocked her hips and rode him.

  “We’re going to work up one hell of an appetite for dinner and tonight, after all the festivities, we’re going to come back here and feast on you all over again,” Fort told her and thrust upward.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she said, and exhaled to catch her breath, and eased her palms up and down his bare, muscular chest. “Except one thing.”

  “What’s that?” Breaker asked as he eased some lube into her ass. She closed her eyes and exhaled, relaxing her muscles and anticipating the feeling of fullness she would have once he was inside of her, too. She pushed her ass back and the bed dipped. Lux joined them, holding his cock in his hand.

  “You four won’t be the only one feasting,” she said, and Scout whistled as she lowered her mouth to Lux’s cock, taking him into her mouth while Breaker pulled his fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. As Breaker slid in, he gripped her hip and smacked her ass.


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