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Our Little Cuban Cousin

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by Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade


  =The Farrier's Dog and His Fellow.=

  This story, written by the gifted young Southern woman, will appeal toall that is best in the natures of the many admirers of her gracefuland piquant style.

  =The Fortunes of the Fellow.=

  Those who read and enjoyed the pathos and charm of "The Farrier's Dogand His Fellow" will welcome the further account of the "Adventures ofBaydaw and the Fellow" at the home of the kindly smith among the GreenHills of Tennessee.


  =Helena's Wonderworld.=

  A delightful tale of the adventures of a little girl in the mysteriousregions beneath the sea.

  =Aunt Nabby's Children.=

  This pretty little story, touched with the simple humor of countrylife, tells of two children, who, adopted by Aunt Nabby, have also wontheir way into the affections of the village squire.


  =The Prince of the Pin Elves.=

  A fascinating story of the underground adventures of a sturdy, reliantAmerican boy among the elves and gnomes.

  =The Water People.=

  A companion volume and in a way a sequel to "The Prince of the PinElves," relating the adventures of "Harry" among the "water people."While it has the same characters as the previous book, the story iscomplete in itself.


  =The Story of Rosy Dawn.= By PAULINE BRADFORD MACKIE.

  The Christmas of little Wong Jan, or "Rosy Dawn," a young Celestial ofSan Francisco, is the theme of this pleasant little story.

  =Susanne.= By FRANCES J. DELANO.

  This little story will recall in sweetness and appealing charm the workof Kate Douglas Wiggin and Laura E. Richards.

  =Millicent in Dreamland.= By EDNA S. BRAINERD.

  The quaintness and fantastic character of Millicent's adventures inDreamland have much of the fascination of "Alice in Wonderland," andall small readers of "Alice" will enjoy making Millicent's acquaintance.

  =Jerry's Adventures.= By EVELYN SNEAD BARNETT.

  This is an interesting and wholesome little story of the change thatcame over the thoughtless imps on Jefferson Square when they learned toknow the stout-hearted Jerry and his faithful Peggy.

  =A Bad Penny.= By JOHN T. WHEELWRIGHT.

  No boy should omit reading this vivid story of the New England of 1812.

  =Gatty and I.= By FRANCES E. CROMPTON.

  The small hero and heroine of this little story are twins, "strictlybrought up." It is a sweet and wholesome little story.

  =The Fairy of the Rhone.= By A. COMYNS CARR.

  Here is a fairy story indeed, one of old-fashioned pure delight. It ismost gracefully told, and accompanied by charming illustrations.

  =A Small Small Child.= By E. LIVINGSTON PRESCOTT.

  "A Small Small Child" is a moving little tale of sweet influence, morepowerful than threats or punishments, upon a rowdy of the barracks.

  =Peggy's Trial.= By MARY KNIGHT POTTER.

  Peggy is an impulsive little woman of ten, whose rebellion from amistaken notion of loyalty, and her subsequent reconciliation to thedreaded "new mother," are most interestingly told.

  =For His Country.= By MARSHALL SAUNDERS, author of "Beautiful Joe," etc.

  A sweet and graceful story of a little boy who loved his country;written with that charm which has endeared Miss Saunders to hosts ofreaders.


  All who have read it will be glad to welcome an old favorite, and newreaders will be happy to have it brought to their friendly attention.

  =Wee Dorothy.= By LAURA UPDEGRAFF.

  A story of two orphan children, the tender devotion of the eldest,a boy, for his sister being its theme and setting. With a bit ofsadness at the beginning, the story is otherwise bright and sunny, andaltogether wholesome in every way.

  =Rab and His Friends.= By Dr. JOHN BROWN.

  Doctor Brown's little masterpiece is too well known to needdescription. The dog Rab is loved by all.

  =The Adventures of Beatrice and Jessie.= By RICHARD MANSFIELD.

  The story of two little girls who were suddenly transplanted into the"realms of unreality," where they met with many curious and amusingadventures.

  =A Child's Garden of Verses.= By R. L. STEVENSON.

  Mr. Stevenson's little volume is too well known to need description. Itwill be heartily welcomed in this new and attractive edition.

  =Little King Davie.= By NELLIE HELLIS.

  The story of a little crossing-sweeper, that will make many boysthankful they are not in the same position. Davie's accident, hospitalexperiences, conversion, and subsequent life, are of thrilling interest.

  =The Sleeping Beauty.= A MODERN VERSION. By MARTHA B. DUNN.

  This charming story of a little fishermaid of Maine, intellectually"asleep" until she meets the "Fairy Prince," reminds us of "Ouida" ather best.

  =The Young Archer.= By CHARLES E. BRIMBLECOM.

  A strong and wholesome story of a boy who accompanied Columbus on hisvoyage to the New World. His loyalty and services through vicissitudesand dangers endeared him to the great discoverer, and the account ofhis exploits will be interesting to all boys.

  =The Making of Zimri Bunker:= A TALE OF NANTUCKET. By W. J. LONG, Ph. D.

  This is a charming story of Nantucket folk by a young clergyman whois already well known through his contributions to the _Youth'sCompanion_, _St. Nicholas_, and other well-known magazines. The storydeals with a sturdy American fisher lad, during the war of 1812.

  =The King of the Golden River:= A LEGEND OF STIRIA. By JOHN RUSKIN.

  Written fifty years or more ago, and not originally intended forpublication, this little fairy tale soon became known and made a placefor itself.

  =Little Peterkin Vandike.= By CHARLES STUART PRATT.

  The author's dedication furnishes a key to this charming story:

  "I dedicate this book, made for the amusement (and perchanceinstruction) of the boys who may read it, to the memory of one boy, whowould have enjoyed as much as Peterkin the plays of the Poetry Party,but who has now marched, as they will march one day, out of the ranksof boyhood into the ranks of young manhood."

  =Will o' the Mill.= By ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON.

  An allegorical story by this inimitable and versatile writer. Its rarepoetic quality, its graceful and delicate fancy, its strange power andfascination, justify its separate publication.


  =The Little Colonel's House Party.= By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON.Illustrated by Louis Meynell.

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  =The Little Colonel's Holidays.= By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON. Illustratedby L. J. Bridgman.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.50

  =The Little Colonel's Hero.= By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, fully illustrated $1.20 _net_ (postage extra)

  In these three stories Mrs. Johnston once more introduces us to the"Little Colonel," the dainty maiden who has already figured as theheroine of two previous stories, "The Little Colonel" and "Two LittleKnights of Kentucky," and who has won her way into the hearts of oldand young alike. She is more winsome and lovable than ever.

  Since the time of "Little Women," no juvenile heroine has been betterbeloved of her child readers than Mrs. Johnston's "Little Colonel."

  =A Puritan Knight Errant.= By EDITH ROBINSON, author of "A LittlePuritan Pioneer," "A Little Puritan's First Christmas," "A LittlePuritan Rebel," etc.

  Library 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.20 _net_ (postage extra).

  The charm of style and historical value of Miss Robinson's previousstories of child life in Puritan days have brought them widepopularity. Her latest and most important book appeals to a largejuvenile public. The "knight errant" o
f this story is a little DonQuixote, whose trials and their ultimate outcome will prove deeplyinteresting to their reader.


  _New illustrated edition._

  One volume, large 12mo, cloth, gilt top $1.50

  A tale of the days of the reign of superstition in New England, andof a brave "lyttle maide," of Salem Town, whose faith and hope andunyielding adherence to her word of honor form the basis of a mostattractive story. A very convincing picture is drawn of Puritan lifeduring the latter part of the seventeenth century.

  =In Kings' Houses:= A TALE OF THE DAYS OF QUEEN ANNE. By JULIA C. R.DORR, author of "A Cathedral Pilgrimage," etc.

  _New illustrated edition._

  One volume, large 12mo, cloth, gilt top $1.50

  The story deals with one of the most romantic episodes in Englishhistory. Queen Anne, the last of the reigning Stuarts, is describedwith a strong yet sympathetic touch, and the young Duke of Gloster, the"little lady," and the hero of the tale, Robin Sandys, are delightfulcharacterizations.


  With upwards of 100 illustrations in color, large quarto, cloth $1.50

  This is a most amusing and original book, illustrated with startlinglyodd and clever drawings. If we may accept the account given in thepreface, that renowned explorer, Lemuel Gulliver, left behind himcertain memoirs which have remained unknown to the public up to thepresent day. Having now been brought to light and given to the world,these records establish beyond a doubt their author's claim to beregarded as the discoverer of the Bouncing Ballazoon and a host ofother creatures unknown to Darwin and Huxley.

  ='Tilda Jane=. By MARSHALL SAUNDERS, author of "Beautiful Joe," etc.

  One vol., 12mo, fully illustrated, cloth, decorative cover $1.50

  "No more amusing and attractive child's story has appeared for a long time than this quaint and curious recital of the adventures of that pitiful and charming little runaway.

  "It is one of those exquisitely simple and truthful books that win and charm the reader, and I did not put it down until I had finished it--honest! And I am sure that every one, young or old, who reads will be proud and happy to make the acquaintance of the delicious waif.

  "I cannot think of any better book for children than this. I commend it unreservedly."--_Cyrus Townsend Brady._

  =Miss Gray's Girls;= OR, SUMMER DAYS IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS. ByJEANNETTE A. GRANT. With about sixty illustrations in half-tone and penand ink sketches of Scottish scenery.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  A delightfully told story of a summer trip through Scotland, somewhatout of the beaten track. A teacher, starting at Glasgow, takes a livelyparty of girls, her pupils, through the Trossachs to Oban, throughthe Caledonian Canal to Inverness, and as far north as Brora, missingno part of the matchless scenery and no place of historic interest.Returning through Perth, Stirling, Edinburgh, Melrose, and Abbotsford,the enjoyment of the party and the interest of the reader never lag.

  =Chums.= By MARIA LOUISE POOL. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  "Chums" is a girls' book, about girls and for girls. It relates theadventures, in school and during vacation, of two friends. It is fullof mingled fun and pathos, and carries the reader along swiftly to theclimax, which is reached all too soon.

  =Little Bermuda.= By MARIA LOUISE POOL. Illustrated by Louis Meynell.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  Young people will follow eagerly the adventures of "Little Bermuda"from her home in the tropics to a fashionable American boarding-school.The resulting conflict between the two elements in her nature, the oneinherited from her New England ancestry, and the other developed byher West Indian surroundings, gave Miss Pool unusual opportunity forcreating an original and fascinating heroine.

  =Black Beauty:= THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A HORSE. By ANNA SEWELL. _NewIllustrated Edition._ With twenty-five full-page drawings by WinifredAustin.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, gilt top $1.25

  There have been many editions of this classic, but we confidentlyoffer this one as the most appropriate and handsome yet produced. Theillustrations are of special value and beauty. Mr. Austin is a lover ofhorses, and has delighted in tracing with his pen the beauty and graceof the noble animal.

  =Feats on the Fiord:= A TALE OF NORWEGIAN LIFE. By HARRIET MARTINEAU.With about sixty original illustrations and a colored frontispiece.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.00

  This admirable book deserves to be brought to the attention ofparents in search of wholesome reading for their children to-day. Itis something more than a juvenile book, being really one of the mostinstructive books about Norway and Norwegian life and manners everwritten.

  =Timothy Dole.= By JUNIATA SALSBURY. With twenty-five illustrations.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.00

  The youthful hero starts from home, loses his way, meets with startlingadventures, finds friends, kind and many, grows to be a manly man, andis able to devote himself to bettering the condition of the poor in themining region of Pennsylvania.

  =Three Children of Galilee:= A LIFE OF CHRIST FOR THE YOUNG. By JOHNGORDON.

  Beautifully illustrated with more than one hundred illustrations.

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  There has long been a need for a life of Christ for the young, forparents have recognized that their boys and girls want something morethan a Bible story, a dry statement of facts, and that, in order tohold the attention of the youthful readers, a book on this subjectshould have life and movement as well as scrupulous accuracy andreligious sentiment.

  =Three Little Crackers.= FROM DOWN IN DIXIE.

  By WILL ALLEN DROMGOOLE, author of "The Farrier's Dog," etc., withfifty text and full-page illustrations, by E. B. Barry.

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  A fascinating story for boys and girls, of a family of Alabama childrenwho move to Florida and grow up in the South.

  =Prince Harold, a Fairy Story.= By L. F. BROWN. With 60 full-pageillustrations by Vitry.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.50

  A delightful fairy tale for children, dealing with the life of ayoung Prince, who, aided by the Moon Spirit, discovers, after manyadventures, a beautiful girl whom he makes his Princess.

  =The Fairy Folk of Blue Hill:= A STORY OF FOLK-LORE. By LILY F.WESSELHOEFT, author of "Sparrow the Tramp," etc., with fifty-fiveillustrations from original drawings by Alfred C. Eastman.

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.00

  A new volume by Mrs. Wesselhoeft, well known as one of our best writersfor the young, and who has made a host of friends among the youngpeople.

  =Larry Hudson's Ambition.= By JAMES OTIS, author of "Toby Tyler," etc.Illustrated by Eliot Keen.

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.25

  James Otis, who has delighted the juvenile public with so many popularstories, has written the story of the rise of the bootblack Larry.Larry is not only capable of holding his own and coming out with flyingcolors in the amusing adventures wherein he befriends the family ofgood Deacon Doak; he also has the signal ability to know what he wantsand to understand that hard work is necessary to win.

  =The Adventures of a Boy Reporter= IN THE PHILIPPINES. By HARRY STEELEMORRISON, author of "A Yankee Boy's Success."

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth, illustrated $1.25

  A true story of the courage and enterprise of an American lad. It isfilled with healthy interest, and will tend to stimulate and encouragethe proper ambition of the young reader.

  =The Young Pearl Divers:= A STORY OF AUSTRALIAN ADVENTURE BY LAND ANDBY SEA. By LIEUT. H. PHELPS WHITMARSH, author of "The Mysterious Voyageof the _Daphne_," etc. Illustrated with twelve full-page half-tones byH. Burgess.

  One vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.00

  This is a splendid story for boys, by an author who writes in vigorousand interesting language of scenes and adventures with which he ispersonally acquainted.

  =The Voyage of the Avenger:= IN THE DAYS OF THE DASHING DRAKE. By HENRYST. JOHN. With twenty-five full-page illustrations by Paul Hardy.

  One vol., tall 12mo, cloth decorative, gilt top $1.50

  A book of adventure, the scene of which is laid in that stirring periodof colonial extension when England's famous naval heroes encounteredthe ships of Spain, both at home and in the West Indies.


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