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Three of Spades

Page 8

by W. Ferraro

  He watched as her eyes dilated with arousal and her breath quickened. Deciding to make her as comfortable as possible, he crooked his finger for her to come to him. He was willing to be uncomfortable as all hell, to give her this experience. Also, he thought, if she chose to stop she would just have to pull away if she was leaning over him. As Natalie maneuvered herself so she was sitting more in the middle of the bench, she became unsure of where to place her hands. As if reading her mind, he pulled her hands so they rested on his chest and she was leaning over his lap. With her this close, he could smell her wonderful clean scent and Dylan thought it was the most comforting smell of all time. Not being able to hold off another minute, he wrapped both his hands around her neck and let his fingers thread through her hair. With gentle strength, he pulled her toward him and, at last, pressed his mouth against hers. He tried to start out slow with just teasing licks and nibbles, but it soon grew to a tangle of tongues and a rhythmic tempo of changing head angles. Her lips and tongue quickly mastered the superior craft, which many take years to learn. She became braver and braver as the kiss went on. She was leading rather than following and that increased Dylan’s effects. Her scent surrounded him, as did her taste, and he needed to be reintroduced to how she felt within his hands. He slowly moved his right hand from her face and moved it down to the rise of her chest. His hand molded to her left breast and he felt that familiar electric charge that occurred whenever Natalie was near. His strong fingers flexed and pressed, as her whole breast fit in his hand. He could feel her tightening nipple against his palm. He brought his fingers down and gently pinched. Natalie’s eyes shot open at his action, however, she did not withdraw from his mouth. And as Dylan watched her acceptance, he felt a smile spread across his mouth.

  Oh my, all these sensations and feelings. Natalie was sure she had to be dreaming. This could not possibly be happening to her. No matter how many romance scenes she read or saw at the movies, she never thought she would feel what she was currently feeling. When his fingers pulled at her nipple, she could feel a jolt go right through her entire body. As Dylan’s hands started to roam from one breast to the other, he moved his mouth down her chin and rested on her neck. He nibbled and kissed, making Natalie want to curl her toes. As if this new sense of torture wasn’t bad enough, his mouth began to roam lower and he focused on the spot between her neck and shoulder. Her temperature rose and she was afraid she might combust. Between his mouth and his experienced hands, Natalie was sure her request would be fulfilled right here in the backseat. And right now, she was completely okay with that.

  Natalie began taking more cues from Dylan. She started to let her hands roam over his muscular chest and up toward his finely carved shoulders. She hung on to him, as if he was a lifeline and she was in jeopardy of drowning.

  If he thought she smelled good, it was nothing compared to her taste. The more Dylan wanted to slow down, the harder it was for him to stop. He sat there telling himself, one more minute; then one minute turned into ten.

  Finally bringing himself to a halt before it went too far, Dylan pulled away, but not before he placed one last kiss on the tip of her nose.

  “Well, I think that was very successful for our first session,” Dylan said, trying to bring his breathing back into check.

  “Are we done?” Natalie asked, really hoping the answer was no.

  Dylan chuckled at her apparent eagerness to continue. Part of him wanted to just pick up where they left off, but he refused to let their first time be in the backseat. However, if she were willing later on, he would not be against a good old rumble back here.

  “Yes Natalie, I think we should end it here, before either of us has any regrets.”

  “Oh . . .” Natalie said for lack of anything else.

  “Come on let’s get you home, it’s getting late,” Dylan said, as he made his body follow through with what his brain was telling him, opposed to the message his cock was sending.

  As they both climbed out of the back seat and resituated themselves in the front, Dylan started the car and pulled back onto the road. As they retraced their route back toward the restaurant, Natalie began to think how much she dreaded going back home to an empty house. She wished she had the courage to ask Dylan to stay with her, but she could not, especially after how quickly he ended their necking session.

  Dylan drove paying close attention to the road. He hated that he wanted so badly to turn the car around and go right back up to that secluded little spot. That spot where only he and Natalie existed. Where he could let his hands roam, feel her soft skin, and let her sweet tight little body tell him all her sensitive areas. Where could he touch her that she would become unhinged? Would she bite down on the small soft lip of hers, or would she scream out his name? Would she want his fingers to torture her most special of places, or would she prefer his tongue? Dylan’s pants were beginning to become really uncomfortable, really fast.

  Too soon, they were pulling back into her driveway and Dylan killed the engine. Neither of them made a move to exit the car. Finally realizing she would never be brash enough to ask him to stay, she put her hand on the door handle. Before she could open the door, Dylan’s arm shot out with lightning speed and grabbed her knee.

  “Wait, Natalie, do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Dylan asked quietly, suddenly feeling like a teenager, with all the nerves slicing through his body as he waited for her answer.

  Thinking of how her previous plans had been cancelled, she faced him and answered, “No.”

  “Good. I’d like to spend the whole day with you. Can you be ready by 8:00am?”

  Suddenly anxious for tomorrow morning, Natalie agreed. Dylan assured her he would pick her up on the dot.

  Natalie climbed out of the car and was surprised that Dylan did as well. He grabbed her hand and walked with her to her door. He stood back as he watched her unlock the less than security sound door.

  “Thank you Dylan. It really was a nice date, especially being my first.”

  “Natalie, the date hasn’t ended until a good night kiss is given.” And with that Dylan leaned in and took possession of her mouth. It felt as if years had passed since they last touched lip to lip. Natalie clung to his forearms, as he held her face like it was the ultimate of treasures. Jeez, had she missed so much by this not being a part of her life? Or was it not always like this, was the magical effects purely Dylan? Natalie wanted to stay locked like this together but before she knew it, Dylan had once again pulled away.

  “And that, Natalie, is a proper end to our date,” Dylan whispered against her lips, as she fixed her glasses that had once again, gone askew.

  Slowly backing away and down the steps, Dylan waited until she had shut the door and turned off the ugly yellow bug light. He could see Natalie peeking out at him from behind the old lace curtains in the front picture window. Only when she finally backed away and turned out the interior light, did Dylan pull out and head to his own home. But when he pulled into his garage, he looked at the Cuda and for once had no yearning to work on it. He didn’t want to get his hands dirty with oil, or to assemble specialized pieces to make this rare driving machine closer to completion. All he wanted to do was head inside and get directly into bed. The sooner he went to sleep, the sooner Dylan would be able to see Natalie again. With that final fleeting thought, Dylan walked over to the shell of the great piece of American automotive craftsmanship and delved in where he left off last night. After all, he was Dylan Cross, the man who didn’t do permanent, and wanting to change his usual routine for another had permanence written all over it.


  After tossing and turning most of the night, Natalie decided it was time to get up. The rare snippets of sleep she got involved vivid dreams, showing a pure sinless damsel being deflowered, both erotically and sensually, by a ferocious beast. Looking at the bedside clock and realizing she had hours before Dylan would be arrivin
g, she decided to attack her closet. Before she knew it, she had everything from her closet and dresser piled onto her bed. After feeling beautiful in her new clothing last night, Natalie was determined to rid herself of her previous unflattering, unappealing, dowdy, and ultimately dull wardrobe.

  She bagged everything that she was purging herself of and was giving to Goodwill. Natalie looked at her few pairs of jeans, the couple of sweaters and one work dress, which remained. She realized that on her agenda for this weekend would be more shopping. But, it would need to be someplace more economical than the boutique from yesterday. She pulled on a pair of the jeans. As she slid them over her utilitarian white cotton underwear, she pledged to herself some new under garments would be purchased as well.

  Natalie pulled on one of the sweaters and liked how the simple lavender color looked, casual, yet still girly. She applied a small amount of makeup and, once again, promised herself this would become part of her normal morning routine. Once she had carried the multiple bags out and placed them in her trunk, she went back in and decided a cup of tea and bowl of cereal were called for. As she turned the kettle on, she went over to grab a bowl out of the cupboard when she saw the roses. As beautiful as they were last night, they were absolutely stunning this morning. They smelled of sweetness and thoughtfulness. Still stunned that he bought them for her, she ran her fingers lightly over the delicate petals and imagined how wonderful it would be to receive such a thing often. She finished making her tea and ate her cereal standing while she leaned against the countertop. She had just placed the two empty dishes in the sink when the doorbell rang. Natalie walked over to the door and was completely surprised when it was not Dylan, but rather her brother Reginald.

  “Reggie. What are you doing here? Is Mom ok?” Natalie asked, with dreadful thoughts running through her head.

  “Yes, Mom is fine. I thought I would come by and pick up some of her things she may need,” he explained, as he took in his sister’s not usual choice of clothing. “What are you doing dressed like that?”

  Natalie looked down at her attire and said with quite a bit of bite, “Dressed like what? I’m wearing perfectly acceptable clothes for a Saturday. And what do you mean things she needs? She took some things with her when she left with Sam and she said she would be giving me a list of things to bring over after she got settled.”

  “Look Natalie, I don’t need to justify or explain shit to you. So, just get out of my way,” Reggie said, angered that she would speak to him like that or question his intentions.

  Before Natalie could think of a retort, she heard, “Now is that anyway to talk to your sister Reggie?” Dylan spoke as he muscled his way into the tight doorway and stood next to Natalie.

  “Dylan Cross, what the hell do you want?” Reggie snarled.

  Dylan didn’t know why he didn’t put two and two together last night, he should have figured out that Natalie was the younger sister of the Parker boys. Reggie played football with Dylan and Seth back in their high school days. Dylan was the star quarterback and the talk of Vermont. He was assured spots on any college team of his choice along with receiving multiple NFL invitations. Until a freak tackle in senior year resulted in a torn right rotator cuff, quickly extinguishing his future football plans. The offers were withdrawn and the invitations stopped arriving. But not before he watched as bastards, like Reggie, got to ride the Cross coattails all through their high school football careers. When Dylan got injured Reggie, a mundane player, was more than happy to pick up the torch and become big man on campus. Dylan knew Reggie got a full football scholarship to Florida State, but was surprised when he came back to the area and chose to put down permanent roots. Especially since learning from Natalie, how uncivilized the Parker household was.

  “Reggie, Dylan is a . . .” Natalie started to explain before she was cut off by Dylan.

  “Natalie and I are seeing each other.”

  Reggie Parker was pissed that Dylan Cross was not only in his house, but still acting as if Reggie was scared of him. He could not help but find it hysterical that Dylan “Fuck Anything” Cross admitted to being in a relationship with plain, uninteresting Natalie. Reggie bellowed out a laugh causing his head to tip back in glee. When he finally stopped the remaining rumbles of hysteria and could catch his breath, he said, “That’s a good one. No seriously, what do you want Cross?”

  “You got a problem with me and Natalie dating, Reggie? Because, let’s face it, I’d be more than happy to knock some respect and manners into your still useless skull,” Dylan said, as he pushed Natalie’s slight frame behind him and crowded the shorter smaller man into the still open door.

  “Back off Cross and get out of my house. She’s all yours, but honestly, I thought you had better taste in women. But we are not sixteen and I’m not afraid of you. So unless you want me to call the cops, I suggest you get off my property now!” Reggie spoke, praying his voice would not quiver from the fear he was so intent on denying.

  Before Dylan could show Natalie’s brother what he thought of someone that speaks so maliciously toward family, Natalie interrupted with a stern voice.

  “Reggie, that’s enough. This is my home, not yours. You are the one that isn’t welcome, so please just leave,” Natalie said, as she tried to position herself between the two men, but Dylan just kept manually insisting she stand behind him.

  With a final huff and multiple slanderous comments in Natalie’s direction, Reggie stomped out the door and into his BMW.

  Embarrassed from the altercation, Natalie was sure Dylan would be in no mood to put up with her or her delusional imagery of companionship. Just as she was about to say her thoughts out loud, Dylan once again surprised her.

  “Well good morning, Natalie. All ready to go?” he asked, as he leaned in and without asking permission claimed her lips in a quick, yet promising, kiss.

  “You still want to spend the day with me?” Natalie asked, wondering if there may be something mentally unsound with Dylan.

  Dylan chuckled and said, “Why wouldn’t I?” After confirming she had everything she needed, Dylan took her house keys out of her hand, closed, and locked the door himself. Telling himself he would replace this door as soon as possible, for Natalie’s safety.

  Once Natalie was situated in the passenger seat of the Challenger, Dylan pulled out and off toward the start of their day. Dylan was still unhappy with Reggie’s attitude toward Natalie, but he would not let Natalie know it. This day was going to be all about her and from what Dylan gathered, those days were far between and few.

  Natalie looked at Dylan out of the corner of her eye. He seemed perfectly at ease in his light gray pullover and dark denim. Even in his position behind the wheel, his veins corded and his muscles flexed throughout his arms. He was a strong man but still could be gentle. Natalie wanted so badly to turn around and look in the back seat, almost expecting to see their bodies embraced in the intimacy of last night. Even her own thoughts made her blush. Natalie rubbed her now clammy palms on her denim-clad thighs and tried to calm down her raging erotic thoughts.

  “What would you like to do today?” Dylan asked, as he turned onto Main Street. The power of the Challenger rumbled as he accelerated down the main drag. Dylan loved feeling control of such a mighty beast, yet his mind kept moving toward Natalie. Those jeans fit her form like shrink wrap and Dylan’s hands still twitched from feeling her softness within his grasp.

  “Uh, I don’t know. Anything you would like to do would be fine. I have some errands to do, but I would not want to bore you with them,” Natalie said, as the sun broke out from behind the clouds and gave light to all the vivid colors of fall in Vermont.

  “Nothing with you could be boring,” Dylan answered, knowing he meant it.

  Blushing from his exaggerated comment, Natalie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed her glasses up on her nose. “Well, I’d like to go shopping
for some new clothes. But I was thinking of going to Appleton.”

  “Appleton it is . . .” Dylan said, as he drove off toward their newfound destination.

  “Really, Dylan, I can do it later when I’m by myself.”

  Pulling on his dark tinted sunglasses he turned toward his passenger and huskily answered, “That’s just it; you will not be by yourself later. I’ve decided that you’ll be with me all weekend.”

  Natalie’s eyes opened wide and she gasped at his voiced intentions. Dylan smiled and inwardly cheered. As he turned back toward the road and headed off to the first of many stops today, he mentally rubbed his hands together in anticipation of fulfilling all that Natalie asked of him. TODAY!

  They drove in silence as Natalie mulled over Dylan’s last statement. This was it. Ready or not, but she was more than ready. She was ready to move on from being dull Natalie to . . . to . . . what? Even in her own head, the thought of spending the weekend alone with Dylan seemed so alien. Just as she was getting used to the feeling of the constant butterflies in her stomach, Dylan pulled into a parking spot near a number of shops and once again, Natalie felt out of place. Through the windshield, she could see confident in their own skin, women in nicer clothes. Natalie was feeling incompetent at how to go about picking out more feminine and sexy clothes. Not to mention that Dylan would be there making her hormones go crazy, as well as her nerves.

  Dylan opened her car door and with that sexy as sin grin, he asked, “Ready?”

  Was she ready to make more of a fool out of herself? Sure why not.

  As if the action occurred every day of their lives, Dylan held out his hand. Once her smaller one was nestled in his palm, he wrapped his long fingers around and squeezed twice in a wordless way of saying, no worries.

  Natalie looked at all the different shops and boutiques and didn’t know where to start. Dylan noticed her lack of definitive direction and asked what she was looking for.


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