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Three of Spades

Page 19

by W. Ferraro

  “Dylan! That’s enough!” Natalie yelled, as she stood to leave the room, reaching her limit of this conversation. But, she was halted by Gloria’s delicate hand grabbing hers. Natalie watched as her mother’s eyes rolled back in her head and she went limp in the chair. Natalie placed her hands on each of her mother’s frail shoulders and spoke loudly, “Mom! Mom!?! Oh God, someone call an ambulance. Come on Mom, stay with me. Look at me. Look at me!” Through her own tears, Natalie was fearful she would never see her mother alive again.

  Four hours later, they had finally moved Gloria from the Emergency Room to a private room. Natalie had just finished filling out all the admission paperwork when Dylan handed her a cup of coffee.

  “Here, drink this.”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Babe, you’ve been through a whirlwind, you need something,” Dylan said. He felt he won a small victory as she took the cup and blew on the hot liquid before taking a sip.

  Dylan placed his arm around her and began massaging her neck. She was so tense that Dylan wanted to do something, anything, to make her feel better.

  “Miss Parker?”

  Natalie stood up and walked toward the nurse who called out to her from behind the desk. After listening to what she had to say, Natalie walked back to where Dylan sat and told him which floor and the room number she was in.

  Without even asking, Dylan walked with her down that sterile white hallway toward the elevator. They stepped inside and as they watched in silence as the digital numbers increased, he lightly ran his hand up and down her back to have some sort of physical contact with her. They reached the room and Natalie went inside while Dylan remained in the corridor. She emerged a few minutes later.

  “Dylan, I feel terrible about you spending the day here. Why don’t you go on and I’ll call you for a ride later?” Natalie said, even though she wanted him to stay just for the support. She, honestly, did not know how much more she could take today. From the scene at Sam’s, to her mother’s attack, Natalie was utterly exhausted.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Babe, without you. Take all the time you need,” he whispered quietly.

  She looked at him, at the warmness in his eyes and the kindness of his words, wanting to just hold on to him and never let go. Settling for kissing him on the lips, she peered upward placing her lips softly on his. Fully intending for it to be a quick kiss of thanks, she was not upset when it turned into a longer, deeper, kiss of passion and of comfort.

  “Thank you,” she whispered against his chest as she buried her head to find the strength to endure.

  “Natalie?” It was a weak call, and heart wrenching to hear how difficult it was for Gloria to say that one word.

  Looking at her brown eyes, which were usually filled with warmth and courage, they were now confused and scared. Dylan felt helpless and he hated it.

  Natalie walked in, took her mother’s frail extended hand and sat down on the side of the bed.

  “My Natalie, I’ve been such a fool,” she said in a barely heard voice, finishing with a horrible coughing and choking episode.

  “Shhh. Mom, it’s ok, you don’t need to say anything.”

  Wanting to say so much, needing to be truthful and apologetic for how she had behaved, Gloria tried again to get out what she needed. However, the same effects kept occurring, finally draining her of the limited energy she had.

  “Just rest Mom, just rest,” Natalie said, as she watched her mother close her heavy eyes. She listened as her mother found sleep between violently short crippling intakes of breath and debilitating coughing periods.

  Natalie paced the small floor area between where Gloria lay in bed and the window overlooking the mountains. She chewed on her thumb for something to do. She was oblivious to Dylan’s entrance until he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. He swayed her back and forth, just letting her feel his strength surround her.

  “Oh, Dylan. I hate seeing her in this much pain. My heart breaks. I want her healthy and happy not this sick and in pain.”

  “I know, Babe. I know. The only thing you can do is just be here for her. Make the pain less even if it is just by letting her rest her tired eyes on your young and breathtaking face. You’ve given her so much happiness and joy. She could not ask for anything more than the beautiful woman you’ve become. Natalie, please see what she sees when she looks at you, what the world sees. See what I see, Natalie.” Dylan kissed her then, wanting to give her something tangible to hold onto in this moment of darkness.

  After Natalie sat at her mother’s bedside and watched as she struggled to find peace in sleep, Dylan along with the nurses, finally talked her into leaving and getting some rest. Without even asking, Dylan took her back to his home. When they entered the house, Dylan silently walked Natalie upstairs to his room. He removed her clothing and tucked the blankets tightly around her once she was settled into his bed. Dylan turned down all the lights and went to exit the room to let her rest and sleep, but she called back to him.

  “Dylan, please, don’t leave. I don’t want to be alone right now.”

  Looking at her beautiful face and wanting so much to lay with her and give her comfort in the only way he knew how. Dylan walked over, removing his clothes as he went and slid in next to her. Natalie was the aggressor and took physical comfort in the form and speed she desired. She claimed her pleasure, to bury her anguish, while Dylan facilitated all that she needed and seized. When her body was completely sated, she found sleep. Dylan watched as she slept, hoping she found peace enough to recharge.

  He carefully and quietly slid out of bed, dressed and headed downstairs. He sat with his laptop on his lap, the TV on a replay of an earlier college football game and a beer open within his reach. This was how Natalie found him hours later.

  She walked toward him, wearing one of his jerseys where the hem hung just above her knees. He met her eyes and something within him clenched tight. It was almost as if the wind had been knocked out of him. When she stopped in front of him, he quickly moved the laptop and pulled her down onto his lap.

  “How’d you sleep?”

  “Good, thank you,” she answered, feeling at home in his arms. “But, I need to call the hospital and check on Mom.”

  “I called them ten minutes ago, she is resting. The doctor came in about an hour ago and ordered some more sleep and pain medication, allowing her to rest easier,” he answered, tucking her hair behind her ear. Dylan was glad she had taken her contacts out and put on her glasses. This was Natalie, natural and beautiful. He appreciated her curiosity in finding her beauty level comfort, but for him, she did not need to change anything with her striking doe eyes, her perfect lips, and mouthwatering dick-teasing body.

  “You checked on her? For me?” she asked, shocked at first but she realized it was just one of the million ways Dylan’s kindness showed.

  “Do you want to go back and check on her with your own eyes?” he asked, wanting her to know she could do whatever would make her happy.

  “I’d love to, but if she is finally resting peacefully, I would hate to disturb her. I’ll call and check on her later. If I’m needed then I’ll go immediately.” Taking his hand into both of her own, she rubbed her thumbs over his rough skin and then brought it up and placed a kiss on each of his fingers. All that he had done for her in these last few weeks had meant more to her than almost anything in her whole life. “Thank you, for all that you’ve done.”

  Seeing signs of her desire grow within her gorgeous brown eyes, he placed his hand around her neck and pulled her face to his. Before he kissed her, he simply said, “I told you, there isn’t anything I would not do concerning you.” With that statement said, he took possession of her mouth. His tongue swooped in and took all that he wanted. Soon, his hands were everywhere and her jersey was on the floor. Dylan adjusted her so she straddled his lap. After
fixing his pants so his largeness sprang free, Natalie halted him before he could enter her.

  “Wait, what about protection?” Natalie asked; she might as well have thrown a bucket of cold water on him.

  Dylan shut his eyes tightly and let out a loud breath. He opened them and saw her concern to his sudden change of demeanor.

  “Natalie we need to talk.” Damn he felt so stupid. Not only was he irresponsible in doing it the first time, he was senseless when he screwed her on the Cuda. Now, he was absolutely and idiotically thoughtless to be so selfish as to take her again, risking her for a third time. He gently guided her to his side and stood, fastening his pants as he walked to the bar and poured himself a shot of whatever bottle was closest. After he felt the burning liquid coat the back of his throat he turned back to face Natalie, her anxiety was evident on every surface of her face.

  “Look, I don’t know how else to say this, so I’m just going to say it.” Squeezing his eyes shut one last time, he swallowed hard. Opening his eyes, he confessed one of the worst mistakes of his life.

  “Natalie, if I had just taken you without a condom I would have been a bastard. Not because I made a selfish choice, but rather, because it would have been the third time I’ve taken you like that.” Watching as the words settled over her, Dylan felt like the biggest scumbag in the world. “I am so sorry for the potential outcome I’ve cursed us both with.”

  Well, wasn’t that just the best news she has heard in a long time! The fact that she might be carrying Dylan’s child, right now, made her feel like it was Christmas morning. Granted the timing wasn’t right, but to be given such a gift would make the agony that was her reality almost bearable. However, she seemed to be the only one in this equation that was thinking of the potential as a good thing. Not wanting to show her excitement over the possibility, she said the best thing she could think of.

  “Well, if it happens, I’ll deal with it. No sense in fretting over it until we know definitively.”

  God you are such a stupid ass, Cross! If she didn’t have enough to worry about, she now has to worry that she is carrying your seed.

  “Natalie, I want you to know, if you are pregnant, we will deal with it together. I take care of what’s mine. We will figure it out together, but I guess you’re right, worrying about it right now is only going to cause both of us to go crazy. But, you have to promise me, when you know, you’ll tell me. Either way, good or bad.”

  Either way, good or bad. Goodness, how Natalie wished they were on the same side of the good or bad opinion.


  The next several days flew by. After two days, Gloria was discharged and able to return to her apartment at the assisted living facility. Natalie juggled her time between school, being at her mother’s side and spending the nights in Dylan’s arms. When she was with her mother, she felt as if Gloria was trying to tell her something, but each time she would either grow mute or ask for something insignificant. However, their relationship was almost back to how she remembered. There was no animosity and her mother inquired about her time with Dylan. This subject was easier to swallow, because even though it started out as a relationship of convenience, it was now truth, well at least what Natalie shared.

  Each morning that she woke in Dylan’s bed, the more she clung to the passing days of her cycle. The subject of her possibly being pregnant had remained unspoken, but with each cross off of days on the calendar, Natalie prayed that life was growing inside her. Natalie was staring off into space, thinking such a thought as the water ran from the faucet.

  “Natalie? I’ve been calling for you, are you alright?” Gloria asked, from where she sat on her couch waiting for Natalie to return to their ongoing game of gin.

  Blushing from being caught daydreaming, Natalie finished filling the teakettle and placed it on the burner to boil. She took her seat and played, losing to her mother six hands to four. When it was time to leave, Gloria surprised her by asking if she and Dylan would come for dinner in a few days. Natalie agreed and headed toward Dylan’s house with the news.

  When she pulled up the driveway, she was surprised that CeCe’s mustang was in the drive. Parking in the designated spot Dylan reserved for her, she entered through the interior door to the living area. There, Dylan and CeCe sat on opposite ends of the sofa, yelling at the television when the Bruins were unable to score off their power play.

  “Hey Babe, how’s your mom doing today?” Dylan asked, letting his attention change directions looking to Natalie as she entered.

  “Better. Still tough, but she had a little bit of an appetite today.” Throwing her keys into her bag, she let it drop to the floor and took a seat intending to join them watching the game.

  “So, Natalie, the dress is upstairs in the garment bag. Mr. Nosey over here has been trying to take a peek at it, but I have managed to swat him away. The shoes and clutch from Mae are in there as well. Plus, she wanted me to remind you that us girls will be checking into one of the suites to get beautified before the event. While the men do, whatever men do when left to their own devices.”

  The Gala! Oh dear, she had plum forgot with everything going on with her mother.

  At the blush and the deer in the headlights look, CeCe chuckled and said, “You forgot, huh?”

  Feeling terrible that she had done so, she gently nodded her head indicating her guilt. She was relieved when Dylan said, “So glad an evening out with me is so worthy of remembering, Babe.”

  “I’m so sorry, I want to go, it just slipped my mind.”

  Dylan walked over to her and pulled her upright, so she stood in his arms. “Then I’ll forgive you, this one time, but next time I’ll have to swat your ass.” And the look in his suddenly smoldering eyes sent a shiver of arousal down her spine.

  “Oh please, keep the kinky talk for when I’m out of ear shot.” CeCe exaggerated her aversion as she walked toward the kitchen, effectively leaving them alone.

  “You sure you are up to going, Natalie? It is not a big deal if you’d rather not,” he said against her lips, as his hands rubbed a blood warming rhythm up and down her back.

  “I am, truly,” she answered with a touch of her lips against his, and then one placed lightly on his scar for good measure.

  CeCe reentered the room and took Natalie upstairs to where the dress was; with strict instructions, Dylan was to stay put. Once upstairs and with the door closed, CeCe helped Natalie into the dress, and, if possible, it looked even better than it did in the store. The fabric hugged Natalie’s lines highlighting her beautiful physique. The blush color complimented her natural coloring while remaining understated. Once Mae’s shoes were on, which did go perfectly, Natalie looked as if she was about to walk out on a runway. Perhaps her dream of designing fulltime, would come to fruition someday, CeCe thought.

  “So, how does it feel?” CeCe asked, as she paced a small circle around Natalie examining every angle.

  “It feels like royalty should be wearing it, not me. CeCe, are you sure?”

  Taking her friends hand in her own, she gave it an encouraging squeeze and said with all sincerity, “Am I sure that it would mean the world to me if my friend wore my design to the Gala? Absolutely! Am I sure that my dress was intended to be worn by your beautiful compact little body? Absolutely! Am I sure you look breathtaking? Absolutely! Am I sure that Dylan’s tongue is going to roll out of his mouth when he sees you? Abso-fucking-lutely!”

  Wanting CeCe’s words to be so very true, Natalie could feel her eyes filling up; all the feelings that had been swirling through her lately, she knew her limit had been reached. Every thought heightened to the point of sensory overload. Feelings concerning both Dylan and her mother, not to mention her newfound education and understanding of her bodily desires, and the pleasure she craved. Lastly, the possibility that her most private of all dreams could be true and she could be carrying Dylan’s
child right now. The tears fell and Natalie was so overcome with emotion that she took a seat in one of the room’s chairs and let the waterworks run their course.

  CeCe kneeled in front of her, concerned for her friend. Like Dylan, CeCe did not do well with emotions, especially sadness, so as she tried to soothe Natalie her own sense of anxiety rose.

  “Natalie, what’s wrong? If you don’t like it, it’s ok, you don’t have to wear it.” Grasping at straws, hoping she was reading the signs correctly. Unfortunately, that just made Natalie cry all the harder. Feeling completely at a loss, CeCe said, “If you don’t stop or at least tell me what you are crying about you’re not going to be the only one guilty of flooding Dylan’s room. Now talk!”

  Looking up at her friend, someone else that had grown to mean so much to her in the short time, Natalie looked at CeCe through wet eyes and began to laugh uncontrollably.

  Concerned that her friend had cannonballed off the deep end, CeCe watched as Natalie held her middle trying to contain the hysterics caused aches that were now radiating throughout her body.

  When Natalie finally felt calm enough to talk, she grabbed a hold of CeCe’s face and kissed her on the cheek followed by saying, “Thank you for being a wonderful friend to me and showing me what I’ve been missing out on. Your dress is exquisite and I’m truly honored to wear it. Thank you CeCe, and promise me no matter what occurs, you and I will continue to be friends.”

  Feeling her own limit about to be breached, CeCe looked at her friend through squinted eyes. She wondered why Natalie would say such a thing, again, concerning a timeline. She watched as Natalie stood and removed the dress from her body and went about hanging it back up. After adding the shoes and the clutch to the garment bag, Natalie closed the zipper concealing the dress from vision. Not being able to hold in her curiosity any longer, CeCe asked Natalie, as she watched her redress into her jeans and sweater, “Natalie, why do you keep mentioning a deadline concerning you and Dylan? Things seem to be going well from what I can see. I mean it’s not like you propositioned him to have sex with you. So what gives?”


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