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Three of Spades

Page 21

by W. Ferraro

  “Robyn, Sweetie, what’s the matter?” Mae asked, suddenly filled with concern.

  Trying to dry her face and not ruin her makeup, Robyn first looked to Bryan, who nodded his head, then said, “I’m sorry. It is just these stupid pregnancy hormones. I cry at the drop of a hat now.”

  “You mean?” Mae asked, as she too began to cry.

  “Yup, cooking, myself, what I hope to be a good nine pounder.” Robyn said, as the two pregnant women embraced and did an awkward jumpy hug dance thing. Their emotional conversation of how far along they were was interrupted by another round of congratulations and more questions. CeCe grabbed everyone’s attention by saying, “Wait a minute. The champagne upstairs, you both drank it.”

  Now it was Natalie’s turn to speak up. “Now that you mention it, no they didn’t. Robyn made the toast and placed the flute to her lips, but never actually took a sip. Mae put her full flute down immediately after we clinked glasses. Clever ladies! I’m so happy for you both; for you all.”

  Insisting that this occasion called for a special toast, Wes offered to head to the bar to get everyone a drink; sparkling water for Mae and Robyn.

  The smaller bar inside the ballroom was at least five people deep, so, Wes decided to venture out to the larger bar located directly outside the ballroom’s door. After speaking and shaking hands with a few people, he looked toward the two manned bar and felt his lungs seize. Lola. She was here. Wes watched as she moved fluidly around the bar as if she were dancing. Wearing the designated uniform of the hotel, he admitted she made the utilitarian attire look incredible. Her gorgeous curvaceous physique showed definition and womanly beauty. He continued to watch as Lola’s face came alive as she spoke from one person to the next. Her heavily made up eyes gave her already exquisite face a mysterious cat like effect, making Wes wonder if he could make her purr. He thought suddenly of Lola in his bed, permitting him to do to her what his personal sexual appetite required, calling for him to take her beyond her comfort level and toward the borders of ecstasy and beyond. If he wasn’t careful his body would show her obvious effect on him, if his imagination of deep desires didn’t stop.

  When he finally reached the front of the line the other bartender, a man, asked for his order. Without saying a word, Wes pointed to Lola’s back as he watched her restock the withdrawn bottles of brand name booze. The man nodded his head and took the order of the next person. Wes watched as she went up on tiptoes to reach one of the higher shelves, how the motion and flex of muscle tightened her round derriere perfectly, making Wes’ palm itch to give it a good spank.

  When she turned around, planning to take the next order, Lola thought her eyes were deceiving her. Of course he would be here at this swank hotel, this man just dripped money and class. However, nothing would prepare her for her body’s reaction to him. The way her heart began to beat erratically and she tingled in areas deep within; in ways she should not, especially when working.

  “Hello again, Lola,” Wes said wanting to know why he, once again, was having the effect he had on her. She was purposefully closing off from him; trying to put up a shield to him that she kept down when dealing with anyone else. The need to know, and wanting to know, was going to drive him to madness.

  Oh God, he knew her name, did he know who she was? She hated that part of her life, but you have to do what you have to do to survive. From the moment, she saw him, a mere few feet away at Cal’s, she knew instantaneously who he was. Perhaps not his name, well his real name anyway. However, those eyes were so striking. She saw them in her dreams, especially those erotic ones she had from time to time. Needing him to let her go about her life and not be sucked into a delusional case of momentary insanity. She had to think of Boyd. He needed her. Becoming another conquest of this man would certainly send her into oblivion. However, being honest to herself, how many times did she dream she was the object of his attention? “What can I get for you, sir?” Addressing him as such, which was hotel policy, was also something from her dreams; dreams where she spoke to him only when given permission. The reality version made her even more uncomfortable. She did not want to feel attracted to him. She should not. She could not for more reasons than she could count, but oh, how she wanted to call out to him the way she had done so many times in her sensual slumber.

  Why must she sound so annoyed? Wes gave her the order of requested cocktails and he watched her go about skillfully pouring and mixing. As she went from one bottle to the next, from one end of the bar to the other, Lola was effectively avoiding any sort of eye contact with Wes. It pissed him off! He watched as the other bartender maneuvered around her in the tight space permitted behind the bar and every time his hand would skim her hip or the small of her back. With each touch, the more infuriated Wes was becoming. This jealous reaction was something new for Wes, but nevertheless real and vivid.

  Knowing it was against the rules to let one individual take so many beverages at once, Lola didn’t care. The further he got away from her the sooner she would be able to forget about him and purge her body’s betraying carnal self-desired response from his nearness. However, she should have guessed luck would not be in her favor. After paying his large tab with a sizeable gratuity added, he stood there as if he had all the time in the world and there was no line behind him.

  “Anything else, sir?” Come on already! She thought, but knew instantly from his widen eyes, that rather than sound curt, it sounded more like it dropped from her lip sensually and erotically. Oh My God! Get a grip already Lola! Now he may fit the pieces together of how you know him.

  “I’m sorry, do we know each other?” he asked, as he stared at her plush painted full bottom lip. Wanting so badly to have a reason for this crazy pull to her, but coming up with zilch on his own.

  So, he didn’t recognize her. She was happy about that. Wasn’t she?

  She needed to put an end to this now. “Look, you apparently have me confused with someone else. If you think your money impresses me, what can I say, I’m not a diamond or top shelf kind of girl. I am more the mood ring or house brand. Now, if there isn’t anything else I can get you from the bar, I have a job to do which does not include mingling with the guests. Please let me take the next guest in line and leave me to it, unless you need a refill on your high end scotch.” She knew if management heard her speak to a guest in such a way it would be an express trip to the front of the pink slip line, but she needed to put an end to this madness, now!

  Wes watched as her retreating back left her post and went into the kitchen. Knowing he should heed her words, but his desire and interest had been peaked. He would do what she asked and leave her alone. For now. Wes walked away with the tray of drinks and he kindly smiled and spoke to the faces that stopped him. He could not help but wonder if Lola had any idea what kind of challenge she just issued him.

  As the women sat and spoke of the excitement that was soon to take place, Seth, Wes and Dylan stood far enough away that their conversation was private.

  “Isn’t that . . . ?” Wes asked.

  “It is. Christ on a crutch, why did I ever even go down that road?” Dylan said, mentally berating himself.

  “What are you all staring at?” Mae asked, as she joined her husband. She followed their line of vision; the answer was evident.

  A woman stood in the center of a group of men, all biding for her attention. She was striking in her red all over, ruching, taffeta mini dress. The material looked so tight that the designed effect of the ruching was lost on the woman. Mae thought that if she sat down, her skirt would hike up all the way to her navel given its severe shortness. Her chest looked like it was about to burst out of the top. Her hair was swept to the side in a modern style and her lips painted perfectly matching her dress and nails.

  “Ok, so, who is she? Besides fake boobs and great shoes.”

  Seth laughed loudly as he wrapped his arm possessively around hi
s wife. Hoping their growing child could feel the love he had for its mother. He kissed her passionately on the mouth. “God, Honey, how I love you and that feisty tongue of yours.”

  Mae winked at her husband, sharing their private passion for a certain sexual talent of hers.

  “She’s nothing but a bad thing about to happen,” Dylan answered quietly, as he looked over his shoulder to where Natalie sat with Robyn and CeCe, talking animatedly. However, sensing his attention, she looked up and smiled her warm Natalie smile.

  Babs picked that exact moment to walk toward Dylan. “Well, what a fantastic group of sexy virile looking men. Any room for a sweet girl such as myself?”

  Mae cleared her throat loudly and placed her hand on Seth’s midsection as she raised her eyebrow at Babette’s audacity.

  “Oh, and of course, a beautiful woman too,” Babs said, deliberately not acknowledging Mae’s presence at first.

  “What do you want, Babs?” Dylan barked out, trying not to draw Natalie’s attention again.

  “Oh please, Dylan, why the animosity? We are old friends. Aren’t you happy to see me? Even a little bit?” Babs purred, invading his personal space.

  Dylan left the questions unanswered and repeated himself. “Again, what do you want, Babs?”

  “Fine, if you want me to jump right to the point, I wanted to discuss a little financial situation of mine that you rudely disturbed. So I thought we could converse about how you planned on subsidizing my monetary loss.”

  So, Babette was the one blackmailing Reggie. He felt like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner. He knew Reggie and Babette shared the same social and professional circle; so naturally, Babette would find an opening and reap it for all it was worth.

  As she waited for him to acknowledge what she said, she thought she would hurry him along, so she looked toward Natalie daring him to ignore her.

  Not wanting Natalie to hear any part of this conversation, Dylan gave a sarcastic smile and extended his arm telling her to walk into the hall and he would follow.

  When they were alone, Dylan crossed his arms and waited for her to cut the bullshit and get right to the point.

  “So, have you missed me? I hate to admit but even though I said I would only take you if you came crawling to me, I would be willing to take you back, quite easily. All you have to do is say the word Dylan and we can go and fuck our brains out right now. Speaking of which, like the shoes? I have to say, they are quickly becoming my favorite. I wear them everywhere. Makes me think of when you bought them; so when we fucked over your Harley, we would be the perfect height for each other.”

  “Not going to happen,” Dylan said, as he recalled the encounter. At the time, he thought it was one of the greatest screws of his life. Now all those worth mentioning contained Natalie.

  Seeing that he did not necessarily agree with her comment sent Babs into a slow burning rage. So, he thought he could not only deny her twice but make her come in runner up to a mousy school teacher? Now was the time to hit Dylan Cross where it counted and permanently.

  “Well, I’ll be. I guess Hell did freeze over. Dylan Cross is in love, with none other than a plain looking, uninteresting, small town girl. Wish I had a tissue, I feel a tear coming on.”

  The fact that Babette threw the word love around so easily set Dylan off. He had been dealing with his feelings for Natalie inwardly. What he felt for Natalie was private. Did he love her? Damned if he knew. All he did know was that she quickly became everything to him, whether he was awake or asleep. She was his sun, his moon and every star in his own universe. Was that love? He wanted it to be but just could not bring himself to say it to her. But, before he could do any of that, he needed to permanently separate Bab’s claws from Natalie, and fast. He would not have this pyscho bitch tainting Natalie’s character or value in any way.

  “Come on Babs, you know I’m incapable of love. No, I don’t love her. How could I? As you pointed out, she is very different from what I find interesting. Nevertheless, I’ll enjoy her and finish with her when I’ve taken all that I want. What she and I have is a mutually satisfying arrangement that has a clear-cut deadline; like always. And here I thought you knew me.” Dylan finished with his cock sure smile, but deep down he wanted to throttle Babette. However, it was Babette that gained an advantage over Dylan. She faced him with her perfect smile and nodded her head indicating the door to the ballroom that was open. FUCK!

  “Dylan?” With a look on her face that at first read shock and misery but quickly changed to her spine straight teacher explanation mode.

  Forgetting Babette and their power play instantly, he took two steps toward her but stopped when Natalie held up her hand to halt him.

  “Please don’t. You are right, everything you told her is correct.” Knowing the tears would be falling any moment and not wanting to cry in front of this woman, whoever she was. “I’d like to end our arrangement, now, tonight. Unless you disagree, I think we both have mutually obtained what we needed and all that there ever was.” Natalie quickly headed toward the hotel lobby and prayed he would not follow her.

  “Wait, Natalie.”

  “Please, you have been wonderful and accommodating but it was going to end anyway, might as well be now. Thank you for the invitation to this lovely event, but it is time I get back to my life and you to move onward with yours.” She brought this on herself she thought. How she could think he would change his way of life for her. She was, in fact, nothing to him. He was just being kind as he fulfilled an indecent request made by a foolish woman, who didn’t know how to play the game.

  Dylan watched her walk away from him. He wanted to go after her but her words spoke volumes to him. What he felt for her, she obviously didn’t feel for him in return. It was, in fact, all the asked requirements of her proposal, obtained and concluded. So, shouldn’t he be happy? Shouldn’t this be a relief to him? Then why, on all of God’s green earth, did he feel like his legs could no longer hold his weight?

  “Pity, and she looked pretty in the dress. Well, since I did not expect you to want to reimburse me for the funds I’ve lost; I’ll take this pleasure as payment in full. Oh, but that’s right, you didn’t love her anyway.” And with that, Babette sashayed back through the ballroom door leaving Dylan to his now lonely not loved in return reality.

  “Anyone seen Natalie and Dylan?” Mae asked the table at large.

  “No, I saw Natalie get up about twenty minutes ago, but I was so involved in the conversation we were having, I didn’t notice she did not return,” Robyn said, looking to her husband, who also agreed he hadn’t see either of their friends come back.

  “They probably went up to the suite and thought we would not notice. I’m sure they’ll be back shortly,” CeCe answered, but she too thought it odd that neither of them returned.

  Hoping that was the case, each couple twirled around the dance floor, gliding to the instrumental ballad coming from the string ensemble. When each returned after the handful of numbers ended, Wes sat at the table and answered their unasked question.

  With a growing amount of time passing, Wes decided to put a call into Dylan’s cell. When it went directly to voicemail, he met eyes with Seth; communicating that something was off.

  “This is ridiculous. I’m going up to the suite. If there is a sock on the door or one of those pretentious ‘do not disturb’ signs, I’m going to pound on the door until one of them answers.”

  CeCe walked with purpose across the crowded ballroom. She had just about reached the doorways leading out when a woman grabbed her attention by calling out in an overly sickly sweet voice, “Looking for Dylan or perhaps, that little blonde?”

  CeCe stopped and turned to face the woman. Getting a not so good feeling in her stomach, CeCe folded her arms over her sequin chest and said, “I am, but what business is it of yours?” Knowing she sounded rude, but not cari
ng considering this unidentified woman seemed to be enjoying a private joke.

  Babette, pulled the tooth pick that held the olive out of her martini and with deliberate slowness brought it to her painted mouth and pulled it off with her teeth, savoring the alcohol infused treat. She stared at the brunette that thought she could be intimidated by such a curt answer and such an obvious challenging pose. Babette smiled as she behaved like she had all the time in the world.

  “Something you care to share?” CeCe asked with menacing intent.

  “Please, Darling, I’ve massacred bigger thugs than you, in my mornings, before my yoga class. So kill the attitude and intimidation. Because, trust me, it does not flatter your persona.”

  “Listen, lady, I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but if you have information about my friends, I want to know, now!” CeCe’s voice rose to a level that had her quickly joined by Robyn and Mae, followed by the men.

  Now that their entire group was there, Babs felt she could share the crushing news of the reason for such a rapid departure. The fact that she found personal satisfaction from the culmination as well as the feeling that she just crushed another courtroom opponent, only sweetened the already glorious outcome.

  “Just tell us, Babette,” Wes said, wanting to put an end to the obvious pleasurable charade she was putting on.

  “Fine. Dylan and I were having a private conversation when he confessed apparent conflicting feelings. Well, I don’t know, it was just so coincidental that she would pick that moment to come out, but apparently, she overheard his true feelings and thought to end their evening right then. However, I have to tell you, I don’t think she was just talking about the evening. It sounded as if she didn’t plan on seeing him again. But, what do I know, last I saw Dylan, he was whistling and singing that tune, you know, the one from the movie with all those little people and the colored road. Something like, ding dong the bitch is dead. I don’t know, it was just so upsetting for me to see that I fled right away,” Babette explained, as if it were not a delectable addition to her evening.


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